Who is your fav TWD villain
Who is your fav twd villain and why
If i had ti pick one i will say Randall that man is a monester yeah TWDM was shit but he was good. so fucking good he allways know how to piss me off and he allways hit the right bottens in me i wish he was alive to be TNF main villain but to bad he is dead.
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For the game series, I'd say Carver, despite (in my opinion) not having been used to his full potential. That dude was intimidating as hell when he first came to the cabin, and all the foreboding hype that the cabin crew was providing for his arrival prior to that was making him seem like a force to be reckoned with. I especially liked how he managed to run a semi-prospering community with Howe's, and assigning everyone a position within the place (whether you were living in the pen or working your way into the fold) made it seem pretty organized for the most part. I just wish they hadn't killed him off so soon.
For the show (since I haven't really read the comics very much at all), I'd have to give it to Negan at the moment. Shane was going to be my pick initially since I thought they did an awesome job with him, but Negan's just that much more ruthless
He can command people purely through fear alone, but I love it when he shows off his charismatic side, too. You know that somebody who can basically bring Rick into submission is somebody you really don't wanna mess around with.
Negan is beyond ruthless
Randall was really fun to have around because, like you pointed out, he always seemed to be able to get my blood boiling. It was a love-hate relationship for sure. I really enjoyed butting heads with him as Michonne and as much as he deserved it, I sort of missed him once I killed him.
I also liked Andy St. John because he was smart, likeable, and an evil fucking bastard. He and Lee seemed to have this unspoken respect for each other, and when you kill his family and beat his ass you can witness him starting to crumble and show the real human underneath. Despite being a monster, he was still distraught over his family and just wanted you to end it. I left him for the walkers... him yelling at Lee as everyone walks away is one of the most haunting scenes in the game.
Nate from 400 Days dlc. This guy has serious potential.
'Member when Kenny destroyed everything?
...More than once?
Yeah, admittedly that was an aspect of him that could've used a lot more development.
Not gonna lie: that guy looks pathetic without a beard.
Honestly, I feel like he could make a good long-running(ha) villain while the protagonists are on the road.
But being serious here, villains used to be a part of why this game series was so noteworthy to be, but you can say that about everything, can'tcha?
Worth noting are: Brenda St. John, Michelle, Arvo, and the Stranger.
The Stranger. I've always loved tragic villains and this guy was no exception.
Yeah, sure.
Carver with all his potential was a total flop. Norma was well written but in a game where the player was forced to side against her noatter what she went out really shitty
Villain doesn't necessarily means an antagonist. Also, make no mistake, Kenny is one of my favourite fictional characters, but similiar to the likes of Edward Kenway, Bojack Horseman or Joel I consider him to be the villain of his story, which isn't a bad thing.
I love you dabig, but I'm gonna slap you. He's got an eye patch and fire.
I know, right? It was about time they had a big-name character who'd actually pose a legitimate threat again.
I would've loved it if we could've gone more in-depth with that, exploring the inner workings of Howe's, holding down a job/position and getting a glimpse of what it took to keep that many people going. Heck, maybe with Javier we'll be able to see this in action with the NF, but who knows?
I see no reason why not, especially when they're there to get help for Kate, perspective for Gabe, and maybe a little payback for Francine and Mariana.
I don't know, maybe it's because I'm so used to Kenny and his medical eyepathy thingie, but that guy's face is noticeably naked. Guess he shaves with fire.
Comic book Negan. He's a bad guy who enjoys what he does. Rare to find that with the other TWD villians.
Ditto. I like gray and grey morality stories in general as well. TTG needs to write antagonists like The Stranger in TWD again. I'm so bored of characters like Carver and Randall.
Thirded. Though I must say I'm a smote sick of the evil and/or...sick white men.
Norma is a wise leader i never look at her as a villan
The Stranger from Season 1 was a memorable villain in my book, especially when considering that he represents just how a decent person can eventually be driven to villainy under the right (or in this case, wrong) circumstances. And while his actions were both cruel and immoral, they were far more understandable than any other villains in the series who have done worse for more selfish reasons.
For pure evil and villainous characters, I would have to say the St. Johns. While they were cliche and predictable in their presentation, the build-up towards their true intentions was well written, and the horrific reveal of their cannibalism as well as the scars they have permanently left on Lee's group and how their actions indirectly lead the group to eventually fall apart, was nothing short of twisted and horrifying.
Comic Negan.
What I admire most about him was not only his dialogue and charisma, but the fact that his process to rebuilding is so damn close to being right.
Seriously, the smug bastard almost had it figured out. Started a whole economic system and everything. It was just a system with flaws. Killing to rebuild is shortsighted as fuck in The Walking Dead universe. Self defense is one thing, but killing a single person from a group, then taking half of said group's shit is like trying to climb a tree all the way but removing a branch with every step. It slows that entire process down. However, if Negan is telling the truth that he's on Rick's side then he's finally realized that what he was doing wasn't for the greater good. The Saviors are totally sheep that don't ever think shit through (Sherry and The Fucktard brigade have eloquently demonstrated this) that need a competent leader, but the man just had it all wrong.
"NO MOTHERFUCKING WAY AND GO FUCKING FUCK YOURSELF" will never fail to make me laugh, though.
Bro, he's big boss levels of badassery in that scene. That weed Kate handed you was laced, man.
Duck is the best villain in my opinion. He's basically the governor of the game. He seems so innocent and stuff, but he just pisses everyone off. He also gave the supplies to the motel bandits, not ben. Ben only admitted to it because duck was not really bitten and would have killed him otherwise. If Duck is shot, the steel plate he has covering his head sets off a dye pack on the back of his head that looks like blood. Now he is on a quest for vengeance to murder clementine.
Perhaps. One of these days, I'm gonna get the means, patience, and stomach to watch the show myself and then I can have the full context of things you guys be talking bout.
That's actually what I thought when I first watched a play through back in 2013.
Ehhhh. there aren't any villains. Villains are evil people out to get one specific person, or has evil intent throughout the whole of what they're in. They're more-or-less just bad-guys.
And as far as bad-guys? I'd have to say The Stranger. He is the only person with a mix of a good and ill intent, and he was the most complex character so far.
Lol I forgot where I was going with the joke half way through
Yeah because a villain like Kenny cares about the main protagonist and little baby being cared for but yeah he's a villain because he says mean things here and there and acts violent in Season 2...yeah that sums up a Negan or a Governor yep sure sure
I LOVED the St. Johns! Andy in particular. For one, Adam Harrington, and two, he's a genuine likeable guy and I had no idea what they were up to in my original playthrough of the game! They are just SO AWESOME, as villains I mean. Randall was very well written as well, and he is awesome as a villain too.
People sleep on (so to speak) Norma and Randall too much.
They were, in my opinion, the stars of the Michonne miniseries. Genuinely threatening while also being understandable in their motivations.