Okay, just saw the trailer, so time to officially pop my waiting thread cherry with muh thoughts:
* First off, what's going on with the… more sound and why is it so shit at the beginning? Seriously, I had to rewind four times to even hear most of it.
* Trailer is way too short for my tastes. Hell, at least play old clips with relevant voiceovers like you did at the beginning to pad it out a bit.
* Spent over half of it on the worst characterplot device ever--Mmm, isn't that lovely? Hopefully, they can pull something out of their ass to make him interesting cause he's worse than Tripp or Mariana in that regard.
* Also, I see they're channeling In Harm Way's advertising with that shotgun freeze frame there, so I hope that's a bait-n-switch and not the spoiler it appears to be. At least it's with a waste of space instead of a main plot point this time.
* Ah, finally something interesting and it's only 0:51 seconds in! Hopefully, whatever beef… [view original content]
Also Ava took away an ill AJ! She's the NEW JANE! Kill the bitch!
Yeah, a few of us kinda saw that coming. Of course, if my finger cross works out, she might be a fullout foil/"evil"-counterpart to Jane, with everything that implies.
March 28th sounds alright but I'm going away on 29th and I really hope I'll be able to play it in time. Anyway, I need an advice. In the end of episode 2 I sticked to Conrad's plan because I just wanted to calm him down without any unnecessary violence. However, I regretted it at the gates of New Frontier and even though I assured Clementine that she's my friend, I'm afraid that she'll be hurt. What should I do - continue playing as it is or change my decision?
The most interesting part of the Trailer is the Shot of Clementine, when she aims at David. I'm pretty sure there was a Screenshot of the exact shot prior to Episodes 1+2. It could confirm, that they cut out content, which means, that Things might still happen.
March 28th sounds alright but I'm going away on 29th and I really hope I'll be able to play it in time. Anyway, I need an advice. In the end… more of episode 2 I sticked to Conrad's plan because I just wanted to calm him down without any unnecessary violence. However, I regretted it at the gates of New Frontier and even though I assured Clementine that she's my friend, I'm afraid that she'll be hurt. What should I do - continue playing as it is or change my decision?
March 28th sounds alright but I'm going away on 29th and I really hope I'll be able to play it in time. Anyway, I need an advice. In the end… more of episode 2 I sticked to Conrad's plan because I just wanted to calm him down without any unnecessary violence. However, I regretted it at the gates of New Frontier and even though I assured Clementine that she's my friend, I'm afraid that she'll be hurt. What should I do - continue playing as it is or change my decision?
I'm hoping that there's more to Ava than it meets the eye too.
Simply making her a baby-snatcher and then having Clementine kill her for taking AJ feels cheap and uninteresting.
March 28th sounds alright but I'm going away on 29th and I really hope I'll be able to play it in time. Anyway, I need an advice. In the end… more of episode 2 I sticked to Conrad's plan because I just wanted to calm him down without any unnecessary violence. However, I regretted it at the gates of New Frontier and even though I assured Clementine that she's my friend, I'm afraid that she'll be hurt. What should I do - continue playing as it is or change my decision?
It's shite being a TTG:TWD fan, were the lowest of the low, the most wretched servile fanbase ever shat out into creation. Some people hate GOTG, I don't, that's just a game for wankers. We on the other hand were passed over for a game for wankers. Can't even find a decent IP to be passed over for. Its a shite state of afairs to be living with, and bashing Badgers head in ain't gonna make any fucking diifrence.
No Kate, Gabe, or Conrad in the trailer, I notice.
Elenor is missing too, considering that she had vanished along with Kate.
And … moreI find it odd that Gabe is not there either. I am curious about how he'll react to his father and how his people got his sister killed.
I want to see a showdown between David and Javier on top of the slaughter house that ends in David falling to his death or being locked up (determinant) fans would be all over that
It's funny that ever since this whole rating board release came out, everyone is so excited to see more misery and suffering of either long-running characters or a wishful plea of bodily harm to new ones.
Did no one learn anything from Season 2? Violence is not a substitute for quality narrative substance. I'll put money down now that it'll just be tastelessly crass torture porn.
(And no, I didn't see the trailer nor have any intent to cause apparently it did the one thing a trailer should never do... spoil massive narrative plot-points.)
It's shite being a TTG:TWD fan, were the lowest of the low, the most wretched servile fanbase ever shat out into creation. Some people hate … moreGOTG, I don't, that's just a game for wankers. We on the other hand were passed over for a game for wankers. Can't even find a decent IP to be passed over for. Its a shite state of afairs to be living with, and bashing Badgers head in ain't gonna make any fucking diifrence.
Similar to the Episode 2 flashback decision of Join/Refuse, what if in the Episode 3 flashback we get an option to give up AJ willingly or not?
Obviously if we don't, we get what happens in the teaser. And obviously regardless of whether we do give him up or not, he's taken anyway so it would be a TellTaleish thing to do.
I'm just trying to think what kind of decision, if any, might be made in Episode 3 to slightly change the course of what happens.
I dont know how some people are surprised by Ava being bad. I had a horrible feeling about her just from her behavior and how AJ was pointing at her and crying.
As of now, I believe that the majority of the members of the New Frontier are civil and relatively sensible. But if somebody among the decent group suggests trying to brand Alvie and they go along with it, that will tip me over.
I dont know how some people are surprised by Ava being bad. I had a horrible feeling about her just from her behavior and how AJ was pointing at her and crying.
Yeah her voice was somewhat mocking and menacing in it's own right. She was also very intrusive and pushy despite me being standoffish at every opportunity.
If i had it my way i would have made her walk back outside at gunpoint if she refused to stay away and quit talking to Clem and AJ.
Remember folks: hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.
I think episode 3 will be better than the first 2. The plot should start developing and "shit should get real".
Also since TT said they've been working on it more after taking the criticisms of the fan base into consideration. We'll have to wait and see what they meant by that statement, and whether or not it's true.
I think this episode will be better; not perfect or amazing, but better.
I am especially interested in seeing the whole situation with AJ. Ava interests me too, and just in general I want to see where the plot is going and how mankind is surviving after the apocalypse.
I have always loved the world building in TWD, and would love to get a better glimpse into how A New Frontier operates and survives, considering they're the largest and most well endowed civilization we've seen so far from Telltale's TWD.
And damn, I did NOT like hearing Clementine scream in the trailer. Looks like we'll be seeing the branding of an infant in Ep3... That's gonna be hard to watch, but I'll have a lot of respect for TTG if they actually do it.
guys wwyd if Conrad actually stayed till ep.5 and actually mattered and hada masive role? it'd be interesting as not many ppl have him alive (including me)
A character with short screen time, for sure, but I don’t disregard the motivation it gave for the confrontation. Her death had more of a surprise effect than an emotional one, but depending on how TT uses it for the story it can be an interesting part.
And I consider the rest of the Garcias an interesting group with a lot of potential for a good story and that’s part of the reason I’m worried with these rewritings. Given some of the “forums feedback” there is a great risk of TT simple washing them off and abandoning what could be a story arc to focus into “what the fans want”.
I think they should have focused on their story, the one they wanted to tell. Now it has a great chance of being a mess that won’t please anyone.
Well, brief as it was, the ending of the trailer was at least interesting after the fight to avenge a character with 5 lines. We still haven… more't seem much of David so he's got the potential to be more interesting that the rest of the Garcias, and its about time the focus shifted to people involved with the group this iteration is named after. Probably still be stuck with Pete Rose for most of the game, though.
Yeah her voice was somewhat mocking and menacing in it's own right. She was also very intrusive and pushy despite me being standoffish at ev… moreery opportunity.
If i had it my way i would have made her walk back outside at gunpoint if she refused to stay away and quit talking to Clem and AJ.
I dont know how some people are surprised by Ava being bad. I had a horrible feeling about her just from her behavior and how AJ was pointing at her and crying.
Are they? Cause you could've that just by looking at her.(I didn't, but that's because I saw her in an out of context early screenshot). Not to mention the fact that she clearly says she's part of the New Frontier--whatever she's doing in that scene is likely under David's orders.
I dont know how some people are surprised by Ava being bad. I had a horrible feeling about her just from her behavior and how AJ was pointing at her and crying.
I dont know how some people are surprised by Ava being bad. I had a horrible feeling about her just from her behavior and how AJ was pointin… moreg at her and crying.
Are they? Cause you could've that just by looking at her.(I didn't, but that's because I saw her in an out of context early screenshot). Not to mention the fact that she clearly says she's part of the New Frontier--whatever she's doing in that scene is likely under David's orders.
Elenor is missing too, considering that she had vanished along with Kate.
And I find it odd that Gabe is not there either. I am curious about how he'll react to his father and how his people got his sister killed.
I'm hoping that there's more to Ava than it meets the eye too.
Simply making her a baby-snatcher and then having Clementine kill her for taking AJ feels cheap and uninteresting.
Hope this music will play when(if) Clementine will be confronting David!

March 28th sounds alright but I'm going away on 29th and I really hope I'll be able to play it in time. Anyway, I need an advice. In the end of episode 2 I sticked to Conrad's plan because I just wanted to calm him down without any unnecessary violence. However, I regretted it at the gates of New Frontier and even though I assured Clementine that she's my friend, I'm afraid that she'll be hurt. What should I do - continue playing as it is or change my decision?
The most interesting part of the Trailer is the Shot of Clementine, when she aims at David. I'm pretty sure there was a Screenshot of the exact shot prior to Episodes 1+2. It could confirm, that they cut out content, which means, that Things might still happen.
I'm looking at you, slaughterhouse scene.
I Suggest you to change your decision, though i think Clem will ends up captured by TNF whenever you choose!
Honestly, gotta say you should stick with it. You made your decision, might as well own up to it.
Pretty much, especially if she did it purely because David is the one who wants him. (Which would be partly lame, for the record.)
Stick with it--you're one of the chosen few!
It's shite being a TTG:TWD fan, were the lowest of the low, the most wretched servile fanbase ever shat out into creation. Some people hate GOTG, I don't, that's just a game for wankers. We on the other hand were passed over for a game for wankers. Can't even find a decent IP to be passed over for. Its a shite state of afairs to be living with, and bashing Badgers head in ain't gonna make any fucking diifrence.
At least she actually had an excuse for that.(Pleasepleaseplease don't fall into that lameass, sexist [and pointless] trap--fingers crossed!)
Like I said, he better have a significant presence because he's one of the few characters with an actual arc.
I sure am! Time to avenge Mariana!
just a few more weeks....just a little longer im glad that we have a release date now
That would be stonecold, wouldn't it?
I want to see a showdown between David and Javier on top of the slaughter house that ends in David falling to his death or being locked up (determinant) fans would be all over that
It's funny that ever since this whole rating board release came out, everyone is so excited to see more misery and suffering of either long-running characters or a wishful plea of bodily harm to new ones.
Did no one learn anything from Season 2? Violence is not a substitute for quality narrative substance. I'll put money down now that it'll just be tastelessly crass torture porn.
(And no, I didn't see the trailer nor have any intent to cause apparently it did the one thing a trailer should never do... spoil massive narrative plot-points.)
Choose life...
After seeing what TNF did to Clementine and AJ, I still don't regret shooting Conrad.
I had a thought.
Similar to the Episode 2 flashback decision of Join/Refuse, what if in the Episode 3 flashback we get an option to give up AJ willingly or not?
Obviously if we don't, we get what happens in the teaser. And obviously regardless of whether we do give him up or not, he's taken anyway so it would be a TellTaleish thing to do.
I'm just trying to think what kind of decision, if any, might be made in Episode 3 to slightly change the course of what happens.
I mean, he looks a lot like a little sister. The eyes, the pale skin qith darker parts, I can imagine him with weird glowing eyes anytime.
A fly in the ointment "Meaning"
And Ointment, you know what it is

And that's part of the problem
I dont know how some people are surprised by Ava being bad. I had a horrible feeling about her just from her behavior and how AJ was pointing at her and crying.
As of now, I believe that the majority of the members of the New Frontier are civil and relatively sensible. But if somebody among the decent group suggests trying to brand Alvie and they go along with it, that will tip me over.
I didn't trust her the moment I saw her. Her voice is that of a child, but it has this tone of... evil? I don't know how to describe it.
Yeah her voice was somewhat mocking and menacing in it's own right. She was also very intrusive and pushy despite me being standoffish at every opportunity.
If i had it my way i would have made her walk back outside at gunpoint if she refused to stay away and quit talking to Clem and AJ.
I'd shoot him again
^^The filename for this one was "Slaughterhouse"
Sorry if these have been posted already.
Remember folks: hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.
I think episode 3 will be better than the first 2. The plot should start developing and "shit should get real".
Also since TT said they've been working on it more after taking the criticisms of the fan base into consideration. We'll have to wait and see what they meant by that statement, and whether or not it's true.
I think this episode will be better; not perfect or amazing, but better.
I am especially interested in seeing the whole situation with AJ. Ava interests me too, and just in general I want to see where the plot is going and how mankind is surviving after the apocalypse.
I have always loved the world building in TWD, and would love to get a better glimpse into how A New Frontier operates and survives, considering they're the largest and most well endowed civilization we've seen so far from Telltale's TWD.
And damn, I did NOT like hearing Clementine scream in the trailer. Looks like we'll be seeing the branding of an infant in Ep3... That's gonna be hard to watch, but I'll have a lot of respect for TTG if they actually do it.
Naaah... He will die. Like Ben. You chose to save him he dies in the next episode. Same Sarah, Nick, Alvin. You save them and they die later.
I predict that episode 3 will be a huge improvement from ep1 and 2 but won't be a very long episode.
Look guys, you can see Kenny's wheel chair in the first screen cuz hes 100% not dead!
Well, maybe if you leave some of the sarcasm aside I could make an effort to justify it.
A character with short screen time, for sure, but I don’t disregard the motivation it gave for the confrontation. Her death had more of a surprise effect than an emotional one, but depending on how TT uses it for the story it can be an interesting part.
And I consider the rest of the Garcias an interesting group with a lot of potential for a good story and that’s part of the reason I’m worried with these rewritings. Given some of the “forums feedback” there is a great risk of TT simple washing them off and abandoning what could be a story arc to focus into “what the fans want”.
I think they should have focused on their story, the one they wanted to tell. Now it has a great chance of being a mess that won’t please anyone.
What about she talking about making a good team with Clem???
Are they? Cause you could've that just by looking at her.(I didn't, but that's because I saw her in an out of context early screenshot). Not to mention the fact that she clearly says she's part of the New Frontier--whatever she's doing in that scene is likely under David's orders.
Yeah, a lot of people cited her when saying that TNF doesn't seem to be only bad people.