I'd hope to get to see the community Alliance in the games and that would be insanely awesome, but I think this might just be more to link the Comics and Game and to be a nice little nod. I really hope you are right though!
"She was just standing there...minding her own business...then someone put a bullet in her head..." and in a flash Danny appears. Plot twist… more! Even if you stabbed Danny St. John he was just faking being dead and he used his super dairy farmer strength to break out of the trap!
Danny is in fact the real leader of TNF with David as his puppet.
ftw yesterday I said jokingly "watch the trailer reuse music from previous seasons" but then the beginning of the trailer reused the music from Jolene's scene in season 1.
I shouldn't be hyped
fuck it I'm hyped
The dialogue is bland, the acting is bland, the story looks repetitive and boring, and the obligatory Clem badass scene at the end was just icing on the shit cake.
I don't like being a sour puss, but this just looks tired and just bad, there's no way I'm getting excited.
I shouldn't be hyped
fuck it I'm hyped
i made these during lecture today instead of listening to my prof talk about our essay prompts
when the ep comes out (officially) please feel free to send me requests like 2 days after (or whenever it comes out for iOS) and I'll try and do them because i love making gifs
(this baseball bat scene is literally impossible for me to color well. gdi telltale)
Turned on internet -> watch trailer -> write here my opinion -> back to Shani in the sewers
Opinion: Nah, not the best trailer. Not so hyped yet. Feels strange. ep 2 feels like it's the same thing as ep 1 part 1 & 2. Right now I don't feel any hope. And now I'm just writing out words to make it a bit longer.
What I did there is what I absolutely don't want telltale to do with their games. But I fear for the worst
Turned on internet -> watch trailer -> write here my opinion -> back to Shani in the sewers
Opinion: Nah, not the best trailer. … moreNot so hyped yet. Feels strange. ep 2 feels like it's the same thing as ep 1 part 1 & 2. Right now I don't feel any hope. And now I'm just writing out words to make it a bit longer.
What I did there is what I absolutely don't want telltale to do with their games. But I fear for the worst
I love how people are hating on the TRAILER for a episode that's not even out yet, keep in mind when criticizing ANF you're criticizing the first two episodes, not the one that hasn't even freakin come out yet, to say the trailer was bad is just incorrect
I love how people are hating on the TRAILER for a episode that's not even out yet, keep in mind when criticizing ANF you're criticizing the … morefirst two episodes, not the one that hasn't even freakin come out yet, to say the trailer was bad is just incorrect
I love how people are hating on the TRAILER for a episode that's not even out yet, keep in mind when criticizing ANF you're criticizing the … morefirst two episodes, not the one that hasn't even freakin come out yet, to say the trailer was bad is just incorrect
Oh boy, you're in for a hellova shitty ride my friend.
so I worry that we will get way less Clementine in this episode than is actually shown here.
This is exactly why i'm going to replay it and literally PUSH myself to betray Clem , just so i could see her more in EP3!
Wow, that trailer was even worse than I thought...this really does look like complete garbage.
I'd hope to get to see the community Alliance in the games and that would be insanely awesome, but I think this might just be more to link the Comics and Game and to be a nice little nod. I really hope you are right though!
Someone needs to put Javi saying that over a video of Danny shooting Jolene
Clementine, I hope you gave the glasses back first.
Yeah it did feel a bit out of place lmao I cringed
Out of all the things that could make you hate ANF, it's the pretty well produced trailer?
That was such an awesome trailer! I loved it! So excited to see more of David.
Oh boy, you're in for a hellova shitty ride my friend.
The trailer gave too much away
The dialogue is bland, the acting is bland, the story looks repetitive and boring, and the obligatory Clem badass scene at the end was just icing on the shit cake.
I don't like being a sour puss, but this just looks tired and just bad, there's no way I'm getting excited.
Shiva isn't gonna appear sadly
hey yall have some gifs of clemmy
i made these during lecture today instead of listening to my prof talk about our essay prompts
when the ep comes out (officially) please feel free to send me requests like 2 days after (or whenever it comes out for iOS) and I'll try and do them because i love making gifs
(this baseball bat scene is literally impossible for me to color well. gdi telltale)
great trailer the episode will come out SOOOON

Credits: ME
That trailer was pretty hype. I'm really lookin' forward to ep 3 now..
And the part where it was revealed that AJ can control the zombies with his mind was just completely out of nowhere!
Ooooh, the new trailer looks good!
Can't wait!
Turned on internet -> watch trailer -> write here my opinion -> back to Shani in the sewers
Opinion: Nah, not the best trailer. Not so hyped yet. Feels strange. ep 2 feels like it's the same thing as ep 1 part 1 & 2. Right now I don't feel any hope. And now I'm just writing out words to make it a bit longer.
What I did there is what I absolutely don't want telltale to do with their games. But I fear for the worst
There was a small update on the Steam database and it shows episode 3 will be 3.27GB on Steam if anyone is interested.
3.27 Gb?
This means one thing and one thing only THE EPISODE WILL BE 90-95 MIN you heard it here agian first folks
Heart of Stone?
Thank You Very Much!
I love how people are hating on the TRAILER for a episode that's not even out yet, keep in mind when criticizing ANF you're criticizing the first two episodes, not the one that hasn't even freakin come out yet, to say the trailer was bad is just incorrect
Ep3 got leaked
*first episode
So the first episode had 2 and a half hours? Huh, that's pretty good.
I think Jesus said "Kingdom" here, but I'm not sure.
"T-There's stuff here from the Kingdom?"
idk i'm probably wrong.
Huh, AJ's cry (or whatever kind of sound that was) gave me chills.
Great trailer.
Not if you get only 4 episodes instead of promised 5
I've seen the leaked episode and somehow you predicted the plot perfectly. I'm impressed.
Yeah and these scene also have something TFTB-ish in it, which is great
so I worry that we will get way less Clementine in this episode than is actually shown here.
, just so i could see her more in EP3!

This is exactly why i'm going to replay it and literally PUSH myself to betray Clem
Clem's death

Well, i actually really like this whole "stupidness" of this situation, it literally feels like this is the scene from TFTB

I'm going to send this to the people who doesn't like Clemy
(if they even exist?)
They do exist for sure. Unfortunately from what I've seen the trailer is misleading in how much clementine is in the game.
Well i accidentally saw on one YouTube playthough that it's 80 mins long so you were almost right