Thread: Where is ep.3 for mobile?
The lack of updates for mobile users on Episode 3's release scares me.
I want to say I'd understan… mored if they have to delay it, but for [CENSORED] sakes... I don't want to wait longer and also have to avoid spoilers until I get my chance to play it. If there is another serious delay, this is going to make two games I regret buying recently. (For Honor being the first, up yours Ubisoft.)
I understand making a game is difficult, but as a consumer you can only take so much disappointment from game companies before you just give up. Anyway maybe this is just me over-reacting but I feel like the gaming industry has been taking advantage of us more and more these days. But again, that may just be the bad taste For Honor has left in my mouth.
Any news on why we can't get this on PS4 season pass disc? It seems that it's available to purchase via the playstation store, so it's pretty frustrating that I can't download it for my disc. Not blaming Telltale, but hoping its fixed up soon.
Any news on why we can't get this on PS4 season pass disc? It seems that it's available to purchase via the playstation store, so it's pretty frustrating that I can't download it for my disc. Not blaming Telltale, but hoping its fixed up soon.
Oh look it still isn't out what a surprise, Telltale lying through their teeth.
I've had enough of developers taking my money before they even make the product and you know what, I honestly think that Telltale have no idea what their doing and have the skill level of a horse in making a video game.
Seriously? It's 2017 and you guys can't even release a Point-n-click game on time.
As gamers we should send Telltale a message and boycott the remaining episodes. Paying full price to play a game and only being able to play 20% is crap. I will never buy a telltale game if it is like this again even though I love them
Thread: Cannot download Episode 3 of The Walking Dead A New Frontier on PS4
I'll make this quick (pretty much XD ). I live in Europe (Slovakia),just so you know... I purchased the Season Pass disc and played through the 1st and 2nd episode with my complete (S1,400 days and S2 all completed) imported save from PC,all worked out fine. But now the 3rd episode seems to already be out but the game keeps telling me "Episode Coming Soon" or something like that but I can see it in the PSN Store.....with the "Add to cart" option -_- I am now way going to pay for something I already payed for... The game AND the system are both updated to the latest versions. I use European PS4 Slim 1TB AND an European (obviously) copy of the Season Pass disc if that matters somehow.
Telltale are aware of the PS4 season pass disc issue and will hopefully be able to fix it once they get into their offices later today as it's only around 6 AM there currently.
Thread: Cannot download Episode 3 of The Walking Dead A New Frontier on PS4
I'll make this quick (pretty much XD ). I live in Eu… morerope (Slovakia),just so you know... I purchased the Season Pass disc and played through the 1st and 2nd episode with my complete (S1,400 days and S2 all completed) imported save from PC,all worked out fine. But now the 3rd episode seems to already be out but the game keeps telling me "Episode Coming Soon" or something like that but I can see it in the PSN Store.....with the "Add to cart" option -_- I am now way going to pay for something I already payed for... The game AND the system are both updated to the latest versions. I use European PS4 Slim 1TB AND an European (obviously) copy of the Season Pass disc if that matters somehow.
Please fix this...
Telltale are aware of the PS4 season pass disc issue and will hopefully be able to fix it once they get into their offices later today as it's only around 6 AM there currently.
Thread: Cannot download Episode 3 of The Walking Dead A New Frontier on PS4
I'll make this quick (pretty much XD ). I live in Eu… morerope (Slovakia),just so you know... I purchased the Season Pass disc and played through the 1st and 2nd episode with my complete (S1,400 days and S2 all completed) imported save from PC,all worked out fine. But now the 3rd episode seems to already be out but the game keeps telling me "Episode Coming Soon" or something like that but I can see it in the PSN Store.....with the "Add to cart" option -_- I am now way going to pay for something I already payed for... The game AND the system are both updated to the latest versions. I use European PS4 Slim 1TB AND an European (obviously) copy of the Season Pass disc if that matters somehow.
Please fix this...
i'm trying to get episodes 3 on my iPad, even after it's release date, it still says "coming soon" >_< i mean i know it's already out for consoles and PCs/Macs. Do i still have to wait a li'll longer or something? cuz i'm really excited to play the 3rd episode!
10:08PM Canadian East Coast, still nothing here either brother!
Hope Android and iOS version not delay
11 pm, still no episode. Maybe Telltale went to sleep?
Where's my content....I've waited all day and I probably won't be able to play
I know we paid for this and we deserve to know what's going on, but I feel like everytime we complain/rush Telltale it stresses them out.
What if, they say they are working on it and silently curse us all to HELL while flipping us off? I dunno if we're helping or stressing them.
I guess it's a fashion trends, MEA
To all iOS format users... Must. Avoid. Spoilers. Hold on - just a little longer! We can do it!!!
Android users... hang in there, too!
I'd rather hang myself lol
It's now 1:12AM.
No episode for mobile as advertised. I'm going to bed, I've had enough of developers biting off more then they can chew.
"Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Now out on Consoles, coming later this year to Mobile."
I know it , Android and iOS version always delayed
This is the second time telltale, won't happen again. I'm done
Any news on why we can't get this on PS4 season pass disc? It seems that it's available to purchase via the playstation store, so it's pretty frustrating that I can't download it for my disc. Not blaming Telltale, but hoping its fixed up soon.
As per usual mobile version hasn't been released on the day they said it would be.
They should just put this in future:
Mobile: Whenever we feel like it.
What does coming soon even mean, today, tomorrow, next week!, It had better come today
Same here man this can't happen again just saying they are losing customers this way
lol I hope so otherwise why Did I pay for season pass?
I'm constantly checking every like 10-20minutes
Today is March 29 5pm. It still says " coming soon". Idk why the release date for the episode not around the world. Are there any people live in Asia?
I can't even look at this site because i can get spoiled like the last one. Ugh just waiting is making me sick. Poor ios/android users..
I live in Hong Kong , here it's not out yet too , what's wrong with telltale ?!
Same goes to me,Im from Malaysia and somehow it appears to be "Check Availability" and then after that its "Episode 3 coming soon"
You need to have an R2 account to get Episode 2 and 3 onwards for the walking dead game..although i have it but seems not to get it yet.
They always do this
How did you get that video of me crying my eyes out this morning?
Shit on me and call me a pile of poo, Telltale why must you do this too me...Ubisoft did the same stuff with For Honor.
Oh look it still isn't out what a surprise, Telltale lying through their teeth.
I've had enough of developers taking my money before they even make the product and you know what, I honestly think that Telltale have no idea what their doing and have the skill level of a horse in making a video game.
Seriously? It's 2017 and you guys can't even release a Point-n-click game on time.
As gamers we should send Telltale a message and boycott the remaining episodes. Paying full price to play a game and only being able to play 20% is crap. I will never buy a telltale game if it is like this again even though I love them
Has anyone in Australia been able to download episode 3????
Thread: Cannot download Episode 3 of The Walking Dead A New Frontier on PS4
I'll make this quick (pretty much XD ). I live in Europe (Slovakia),just so you know... I purchased the Season Pass disc and played through the 1st and 2nd episode with my complete (S1,400 days and S2 all completed) imported save from PC,all worked out fine. But now the 3rd episode seems to already be out but the game keeps telling me "Episode Coming Soon" or something like that but I can see it in the PSN Store.....with the "Add to cart" option -_- I am now way going to pay for something I already payed for... The game AND the system are both updated to the latest versions. I use European PS4 Slim 1TB AND an European (obviously) copy of the Season Pass disc if that matters somehow.
Please fix this...
Telltale are aware of the PS4 season pass disc issue and will hopefully be able to fix it once they get into their offices later today as it's only around 6 AM there currently.
That's good to know,thanks! Keep me updated if possible please...
Poniektori na Slovensku to mame už davno za sebou Miško
no čo ti poviem... xbox only
mal si sa vysrat na playstation
So how do you like Episode 3 so far? Did it live up to your expectations? I am really curious.
Couldn't tell you. It's coming soon.
Oh come on telltale!When will you release ep3 on ios?I mean,seriously.
Sooo is it time for Episode 4 waiting thread already?
i'm trying to get episodes 3 on my iPad, even after it's release date, it still says "coming soon" >_< i mean i know it's already out for consoles and PCs/Macs. Do i still have to wait a li'll longer or something? cuz i'm really excited to play the 3rd episode!