Guardians of the Galaxy EP 1 - Tangled Up In Blue - Early Impressions Discussion
Just the traditional early impressions thread one day before release like usual. The episode seems to be over 90 minutes, which is pretty reassuring. No idea if these are rushed playthroughs are not, but its pretty likely. If you've played or seen the episode yet, what are your SPOILER FREE thoughts?
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Bad News: It's Shit
Good News: The meme potential
The amount of times my brain stopped functioning is pretty close to infinity.
Bummer you didn't enjoy it.
Is this game supposed to be funny?
Simply put; this game highkey sucks lmao.
Ill post when Im done watching this playthough my final thoughts, but if anyone remembers back when Tales from the Borderlands came out, the fake ep 5 credits with ELO's Living Thing, that song is in the game. Just a neat thing I noticed, kinda interesting.
However, its not really elo. Its a cover by someone else, and it plays for 10 seconds and is talked over so you cant tell they didnt get the rights to the original...
Ok that was really really bad, by any standard, this game was awful. The characters looked like they were covered in ky lube, the animations were awful, although I am really looking forward to the gif's of some of them. The story was just down right boring, it wasn't funny, one particular scene dragged on and on and on and on, I almost had to stop watching it. But by far the worst aspect was the fact that they didn't even pay for the right's to the song, it was a cover, ugh.
When this game was first announced back in December I was pretty hyped, I haven't read any Guardians comics, but I really enjoyed the movie.
My excitement for it dropped when I saw the first screenshots though, I did not like the artstyle, but I was hoping it would look better with the characters in motion. However, when the trailer released I lost even more of my excitement for this game, it still didn't look good at all, and I didn't find anything in the trailer interesting or funny. Luckily, I had stuck to the promise I made to myself after the big disappointment of ANF, that I would never again buy a Telltale game before looking up a let's play of it. If I had liked the first half of the episode I would've bought it and played the rest, but I didn't. The jokes were still not funny, I didn't find the characters engaging and Adam Harrington feel so wasted as Groot. Gonna watch the future episodes though, I still want to see what direction this goes in.
I laughed the whole way through... at just how appalling it actually was. Damn, that was simply awful. SIMPLY AWFUL.
After watching the whole episode, I found it really lack luster.
For one the animation is all over the place. I mean this is a dancing animation apparently.
Almost no jokes, and I dont mean jokes dont land. There is almost no real jokes, not even ones that just fail at being funny. After the first 25 mins the game slogs down really slow and gets boring fast.
Next the music. Not that great, if you want surprise dont read this part. The first song is a very unknown song called Why Cant I Touch It, followed by You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall And Oats, and with the last song being Livin' Thing by ELO. Or should I say ELO because its not the original...
Overall I found it very uninspired, boring, and just questioning why it even exist. I mean the best parts of the game is when the animations and facial animations looked wonky.
Judging by the comments so far... I regret I pre-ordered it...
I would recommend playing yourself and forming your own opinion, there are some people who will give any Telltale game a negative review no matter what because they are upset about the way ANF has turned out.
Well you should at least try it out and get your own opinion
I absolutely will, but every single comment on this thread has been about how shit it is, but I will still play it all and decide later on.
Brb I feel the community was gonna hate it either way because if it was good they'd complain about telltale putting more effort in this
Most of those users are fans from the Walking Dead forums who are venting towards Telltale due to their dissatisfaction over how A New Frontier turned out.
Actually I'm just making a judgement call on what I found to be an all around disaster of a game. Had I liked it, I probably would have just kept my mouth shut.
Im not gonna judge this based on ANF at all, but I found this really lack luster and had problems. For one the game gets boring after 25 mins.
Honestly what I found so annoying was that Livin' Thing wasnt even the original version.
Ludicrous statement Blind. ANF has nothing to do with this, however, the same sort of problems are prevalent in all their games now, not just TWD.
TFTB really just gave Telltale a lifeline, but they have nothing to fall back on now. This was worse than ANF in almost every department (which is quite an achievement really).
Don't base it on our opinions. You have to play it for yourself really... though I wouldn't recommend it.
Eh I'm enjoying ANF so far I doubt this will be any different for me tbh
I actually thought this would be half decent going into it. The trailers put a bit of doubt in my mind, which turned out to be justified doubt. I'm not angry with it, just really disappointed.
I know my comment seemed like I was taking the piss and I kinda was, but this is the first Telltale game so far that I genuinely think is really bad (at least for the first ep)
For those who are sad to see such negative comments, I'm sorry.
I was the one who put freelance up to make this thread so early. I knew it was the 17th, YouTube videos were out already (that I'm not going to watch), I figured that Australia might have the game out by now, and it'd be a good time for early impressions. But I had no idea that people weren't liking it. I had faith in the game, and assumed that everything was ok.
For those worried about the quality of the game right now, just wait and see for yourself. Quality is all subjective. People aren't too impressed with the jokes, and that might just be them. People don't really like the look of the game, and that might just be them. There are people here on these forums that DO like TWD: A New Frontier and are very open about it. They aren't in the majority, of course, but they do like it. And good for them! -- Just because other people don't like GOTG doesn't mean you won't as well. Just try it for yourself, and then see what you think of it.
So, what I'm trying to say here is: I had this thread set up by freelance earlier than it should have. Sorry for propagating these negative opinions so early. And although things don't look so good right now, just have patience and maybe you will like what you see tomorrow.
EDIT: Now, I don't know how bad the episode really is [as I haven't played it or seen anything of it] but I can say that ANF has shown us that Telltale can improve upon a shaky start. Eps1+2 were pretty lackluster. Fans were really mad about it and had many problems with it. Telltale reworked some stuff and EP3 turned out beter than the previous ones. It wasn't perfect or saved the season, but it was a good step up.
If anyone's really reluctant, there's actually a free trial on Xbox One (I can't speak for other platforms) and it's a pretty generous free trial.
Don't feel bad about starting the thread. It's done it's job. If people want to get opinions on a game before they play it, that is their choice. People feeling bad because they're not the positive reviews they wanted is not your fault.
GOTG is fortunate that it doesn't have a 2 part premiere. It has 4 episodes to sort itself out now.
I will say is not that the jokes are bad. I believe the timing is off, and I think it has everything to do with how the engine handles fast cuts back and forth. These jokes would be helped immeasurably if it did not seem that the engine was taking it's time to switch back and forth in a lot of parts. In comedy...timing is everything and there seems to be unusual pauses in character switches and yes...there are jokes that just fall flat.
This engine needs shot. TTGs needs to take time and work up a new set of animations and punch up the writing.
After this and ANF are over...this is my recommendation.
License Unreal 4
Take a Year and Work on new animations and dialogue switch trees.
Lets your artists and designers get a feel for the engine.
Put your whole team on 1 game and use it as a test for your team.
Your Episodes need to be at the 2+ hour mark.
Make your first game using the engine a NEW IP.
Above all remember this...No matter how sweet your tech matter how good a game looks. If I am my fellow players are not invested in your have failed.
Go back to TWAU and TWD1 and TFTB. Tear them apart and think about what made your fans enjoy the characters in the first place.
GotG pissed me off as I was watching was....boring. A big fall from Batman and Batman was the first to use your new engine.
That was very, very boring. People who expect this to be like Tftb are going to be disappointed.
This is the first time I've watched part of an episode before it's available to me and while I only saw the first 30 minutes, I am glad I didn't pre-order. I don't think it's as bad as some have made out, I think it might deliver a decent experience for a lot of people. Yeah, it just feels like another Minecraft: Story Mode situation. I've never been interested in that game but I know there are people that enjoyed it.
I think if you go in knowing it won't hold a candle to Telltale's best efforts, then it might be worth it at a significantly cheaper price, or of course waiting for the first episode to be free is always a viable option.
Pretty much what I'm getting from these comments too. I guess I'll find out if they have a point come tomorrow.
The best thing about this game is the slew of memes coming in. It's a gold-mine.
Maaaan, this thread is even more toxic than A New Frontier´s
I thought it was impossible XD
I it really that bad? I haven played it yet and to be honest after reading your posts...I dont even want to.
Get the trial and make your own opinion
I really like it
Toxic? All I see is people expressing disappointment or just making fun of how bad the game is. Nothing toxic about that.
Like I said with others, just play it for yourself. Only way you can know for sure.
Tomorrow should be interesting
Finished watching it. I'm not even disappointed or disliking it or anything. It just felt bland and soulless. All the jokes were falling flat, everything was predictable. Action sequences seemed smoother than Batman, for what it's worth.
Won't be buying it for now.
Glad I didn't purchase it. It was bad.
First Telltale series I won't buy since TWD s1. No regrets... GotG was trash.
Could just be 1st episode I wasn't to big a fan of twd s1