I think you misunderstand, he's evolving from whining about the car and just being a little nuisance. He can stand up to his own family in order to stay with his father. That's evolution of a character, I don't know what else you could call that.
I don't see how habitually whining about sleeping in a car or stabbing a docile walker or abandoning a severely injured woman after promising to help is in any way seen as "evolving."
I just don't see it.
I would call it ridiculous seeing how we, as players, started to get to know the whining, bellyaching, obnoxious, and naïve character Gabe is after 4 years into the zombie apocalypse.
So, what has he been doing for 4 years? It's just now he is realizing that trying to be a grown up is the most appropriate response if he wishes to keep his loved ones alive?
It doesn't add up, and is one of the issues with starting a new cast so far into an already pre-existing timeline while trying to make them "relatable"... it backfires.
I think you misunderstand, he's evolving from whining about the car and just being a little nuisance. He can stand up to his own family in order to stay with his father. That's evolution of a character, I don't know what else you could call that.
im pretty sure they only dealt with Walkers before the first episode somehow with maybe an encounter with scavengers from the bullets in the car i think gabe and mariana never actually got to see things as bad as clementine while also knowing how to fight off walkers ((Althought we never do see if mariana is capable of that since she gets killed off in the 1st episode .))
well Sarah had zero ZA knownledge while gabe has some but not enough about groups like the new frontier that raid other groups so i feel like since all they did was go around with the car thought the entire apocalypse only stopping to get more gas, food and ammo i think they never actually saw anything too major in the apocalypse besides walkers and an encounter with scavengers ((Because the car has bullet holes in it.))
Some of ther things I see here are so ridiculous that I wonder if I'm dreaming...
I'm not awake from this nightmare yet, it seems.
(I don't mean you argument if shitty... I think it could make sense considering Telltale is Telltale... and believing it could be a posibility should be ridiculous... but sadly it's not)
No, Gabe lacks screentime and his character arc is nowhere close to the development Clementine's got after two full seasons. Making him a playable protagonist would be like shooting at your own foot and TT's pretty much already pointed at it by making Javier the main hero and Clem just the NPC.
I'm not sure telltale can develop his character to anymore near a clementine replacement level with 2 episodes left. Not to mention clementine was nearly universally liked while Gabe is a polarized mix.
That's how he started. He doesn't do that now. He refused to leave and abandon David when Javier and Kate decided to, so that right there is him standing by his convictions and now crumbling to what they want to do. That is where the evolution is coming from. Running away from his step mom was the last straw for him, he realised he needed to stand up and be a man, and since then he's made the effort to do so...
I don't see how habitually whining about sleeping in a car or stabbing a docile walker or abandoning a severely injured woman after promising to help is in any way seen as "evolving."
I just don't see it.
Okay, may I ask: who the hell was saying that? Like, I definitely get the best friend and apprentice thing, who honestly thought they were kill off one for the other?
Likely not in two episodes, no. But it has parallels to us mainly playing as Lee in Season one and then in Season two we got to play and mold Clementine based of what we wanted Lee to teach her. This Season we instead play as Javier, trying to protect Gabe. Perhaps next season we take over and play as Gabe, molding him off what Javier tried to instill in him. It goes without saying that these are just my thoughts and what I feel and sense Telltale doing in future and people are very much open to disagree with me.
I'm not sure telltale can develop his character to anymore near a clementine replacement level with 2 episodes left. Not to mention clementine was nearly universally liked while Gabe is a polarized mix.
Telltale could have accomplished this if they hadn't utilized time-skips and flashbacks as their instruments of storytelling this season. If we would've played through more than five minutes of their past at a time from the beginning, the attachments might've been relatively the same between the characters. This season has spent more time on the action, and physical threats of TWD than the mental and emotional ones.
As it stands, while I do think that this next episode has great potential for expanding on Gabe, I don't really see the potential for him to carry a game as the main character. When it comes to storytelling, characters tend to be hit or miss. It's far more typical for people to become attached to characters from the first chapter or episode of something, than to become favorites three or four chapters in after having been in the story from the start. It's much easier to form an opinion than it is to change someone's opinion.
Great points in the latter paragraph. I do agree, Unfortunately people have made their minds up on Gabe, he could resurrect Mariana from the dead and take her place and everyone would still hate him. I think he has great potential. For instance his new found determination, he could learn a hard lesson this season that it doesn't matter how hard you fight, everyone you love can still and probably will die. He thinks because he stopped running away that suddenly he can save everyone. To end this season on his closest family dying even after he attempts to save them could have good potential consequences for next season.
Telltale could have accomplished this if they hadn't utilized time-skips and flashbacks as their instruments of storytelling this season. If… more we would've played through more than five minutes of their past at a time from the beginning, the attachments might've been relatively the same between the characters. This season has spent more time on the action, and physical threats of TWD than the mental and emotional ones.
As it stands, while I do think that this next episode has great potential for expanding on Gabe, I don't really see the potential for him to carry a game as the main character. When it comes to storytelling, characters tend to be hit or miss. It's far more typical for people to become attached to characters from the first chapter or episode of something, than to become favorites three or four chapters in after having been in the story from the start. It's much easier to form an opinion than it is to change someone's opinion.
And the emphasis on Clementine being a moral compass as well as how well received the relationship and her character was with fans made her an unsurprising and welcome choice among most people. I certainly can't predict the future, but I'm not so sure #ForGabe is going to be trending anytime soon. Other than the overwhelming dislike here and a few supporters, I generally don't see many reviews or comments elsewhere discussing Gabes' role in the game much, if at all.
Likely not in two episodes, no. But it has parallels to us mainly playing as Lee in Season one and then in Season two we got to play and mol… mored Clementine based of what we wanted Lee to teach her. This Season we instead play as Javier, trying to protect Gabe. Perhaps next season we take over and play as Gabe, molding him off what Javier tried to instill in him. It goes without saying that these are just my thoughts and what I feel and sense Telltale doing in future and people are very much open to disagree with me.
The real issue with that is that Javier's relationship with Gabe, like most of the others, isn't particularly focused on and developed. From day one, Kate pointed out that Gabe was always more focused on his dad, to the point that he seemed to be trying to live by his standards. And while what that likely means has changed since Above the Law came out, Javier is not really that important to Gabe's character and vice versa.
Likely not in two episodes, no. But it has parallels to us mainly playing as Lee in Season one and then in Season two we got to play and mol… mored Clementine based of what we wanted Lee to teach her. This Season we instead play as Javier, trying to protect Gabe. Perhaps next season we take over and play as Gabe, molding him off what Javier tried to instill in him. It goes without saying that these are just my thoughts and what I feel and sense Telltale doing in future and people are very much open to disagree with me.
Telltale won't really lose all that much. I don't know how sales are for this Season, but I bet they're no less than they previously were, a… morend I remember so many people griping about playing as Javier and not as Clementine. All good things must come to an end. Everywhere Clementine goes, everyone she hangs with, dies. Someday it's got to be her turn. It will happen, and though i would rather have Mariana replaced Clementine, it seems they're going with Gabe instead.
can we just take a moment to talk about why you all hating on Gabe?
did you not see the way he hugged his father
did you not see the way he hugged Javi and told him how worried he was
did you not see the way he asked about Clementine
did you not see the way he wanted to help Kate when she got shot
did you not see the way he beat himelf up because he ran away and left her
did you not see the look on young Gabe's face when Kate told him his friend were dead
did you not see young Gabe wanting to write a letter to his dad
did you not see how much he cared about his sister
did you not see what an amazing and caring person he actually is??
I did see he was a typical whiny teen when he had no reason to be a typical anything this far into the shit.
I did see the typical "I'm gonna start being a man now!" character arc developing(the word is loosely used) because that's something that would happen 4 years later.
A better question was did I care about The Walking Stereotype.
can we just take a moment to talk about why you all hating on Gabe?
did you not see the way he hugged his father
did you not see the way… more he hugged Javi and told him how worried he was
did you not see the way he asked about Clementine
did you not see the way he wanted to help Kate when she got shot
did you not see the way he beat himelf up because he ran away and left her
did you not see the look on young Gabe's face when Kate told him his friend were dead
did you not see young Gabe wanting to write a letter to his dad
did you not see how much he cared about his sister
did you not see what an amazing and caring person he actually is??
can we just take a moment to talk about why you all hating on Gabe?
did you not see the way he hugged his father
did you not see the way… more he hugged Javi and told him how worried he was
did you not see the way he asked about Clementine
did you not see the way he wanted to help Kate when she got shot
did you not see the way he beat himelf up because he ran away and left her
did you not see the look on young Gabe's face when Kate told him his friend were dead
did you not see young Gabe wanting to write a letter to his dad
did you not see how much he cared about his sister
did you not see what an amazing and caring person he actually is??
I'd be happy to discuss the reasons why his character works and why it doesn't.
Positives ( nearly all of these instances are taken from E3 )
His reunion with his father is done very well with as little amount of time as the writers devoted to it. We're able to see Gabe's innocence, his vulnerability, how much he thought of his father, as well as a glimpse into their relationship prior to the outbreak which is a great deal to convey in that amount of time.
When he hugs Javier, we have a good indication as to his fear, and insecurity. I also get a sense that as much as he feels he let Kate and himself down in his failure to help Kate, he doesn't have a strong bond with her. He isn't affectionate toward her in the same ways he has displayed toward his father and Javier.
His reaction to the suggestion of leaving his father, and running from the town is a big asset to his character
Wanting to write a letter and not wanting to leave the house demonstrated his unwillingness to give up on those he cared for
What didn't work for me
When he asked about Clementine - Seemed out of place, and contrived. A lot of this has to due with how short the sequence is, as the big emotional events become tainted by what appears to be hormones. This shades the character with some shallowness that's off putting, and undeserved. I put most of the fault on the writers or editors that should've done a little more focus on paying off the reunion of father and son.
The junkyard scene - E1/2 didn't do justice to a lot of the characters. Here, the attitudes of all involved fail to convey any indications of the passage of time and how they developed in four years of scavenging. In another medium or earlier in the outbreak, his attitude would be more than acceptable. In this instance, it's so out of place that it creates a resentment against him for his behavior. This is a new location for us, and the characters with blind corners, tons of spaces a human being could be concealed living or dead, and the need for resources should have a heightened tension. It would've been much better if they'd gone off in pairs, allowing for development between Javier and one of the other characters, realistically building on the moment.
How he beat himself up - This was just me personally, but the song ' I'll make a man out of you ' from Mulan started playing in my head. Sorry...
can we just take a moment to talk about why you all hating on Gabe?
did you not see the way he hugged his father
did you not see the way… more he hugged Javi and told him how worried he was
did you not see the way he asked about Clementine
did you not see the way he wanted to help Kate when she got shot
did you not see the way he beat himelf up because he ran away and left her
did you not see the look on young Gabe's face when Kate told him his friend were dead
did you not see young Gabe wanting to write a letter to his dad
did you not see how much he cared about his sister
did you not see what an amazing and caring person he actually is??
can we just take a moment to talk about why you all hating on Gabe?
did you not see the way he hugged his father
did you not see the way… more he hugged Javi and told him how worried he was
did you not see the way he asked about Clementine
did you not see the way he wanted to help Kate when she got shot
did you not see the way he beat himelf up because he ran away and left her
did you not see the look on young Gabe's face when Kate told him his friend were dead
did you not see young Gabe wanting to write a letter to his dad
did you not see how much he cared about his sister
did you not see what an amazing and caring person he actually is??
When he asked about Clementine - Seemed out of place, and contrived. A lot of this has to due with how short the sequence is, as the big emotional events become tainted by what appears to be hormones. This shades the character with some shallowness that's off putting, and undeserved. I put most of the fault on the writers or editors that should've done a little more focus on paying off the reunion of father and son.
I'd be happy to discuss the reasons why his character works and why it doesn't.
Positives ( nearly all of these instances are taken from … moreE3 )
* His reunion with his father is done very well with as little amount of time as the writers devoted to it. We're able to see Gabe's innocence, his vulnerability, how much he thought of his father, as well as a glimpse into their relationship prior to the outbreak which is a great deal to convey in that amount of time.
* When he hugs Javier, we have a good indication as to his fear, and insecurity. I also get a sense that as much as he feels he let Kate and himself down in his failure to help Kate, he doesn't have a strong bond with her. He isn't affectionate toward her in the same ways he has displayed toward his father and Javier.
* His reaction to the suggestion of leaving his father, and running from the town is a big asset to his character
* Wanting to write a letter and not wanting to l… [view original content]
When he asked about Clementine - Seemed out of place, and contrived. A lot of this has to due with how short the sequence is, as the big emo… moretional events become tainted by what appears to be hormones. This shades the character with some shallowness that's off putting, and undeserved. I put most of the fault on the writers or editors that should've done a little more focus on paying off the reunion of father and son.
It was even worse originally.
If Gabe being badass,I'm okay with him to be Clementine friends but if he still like shit bird,he better die.And if he try to do something with Mai Clam, my answer is DEAD
After reading this I have gotten appetite to castrate you for even speaking this sinister idea out load and using word formation Clem and die.
And also...no more Garcias in Season 4
Doubt it since the majority of fans hate Gabe and his character development have been treated poorly so far. Not to mention he's done nothing to impress us fans so far.
I don't get it, let's suppose that she would be happy in a "first relationship" so why would it be so bad? She has already been through so much shit, let her experience new things... she's a teenager after all
I'd be happy to discuss the reasons why his character works and why it doesn't.
Positives ( nearly all of these instances are taken from … moreE3 )
* His reunion with his father is done very well with as little amount of time as the writers devoted to it. We're able to see Gabe's innocence, his vulnerability, how much he thought of his father, as well as a glimpse into their relationship prior to the outbreak which is a great deal to convey in that amount of time.
* When he hugs Javier, we have a good indication as to his fear, and insecurity. I also get a sense that as much as he feels he let Kate and himself down in his failure to help Kate, he doesn't have a strong bond with her. He isn't affectionate toward her in the same ways he has displayed toward his father and Javier.
* His reaction to the suggestion of leaving his father, and running from the town is a big asset to his character
* Wanting to write a letter and not wanting to l… [view original content]
I think you misunderstand, he's evolving from whining about the car and just being a little nuisance. He can stand up to his own family in order to stay with his father. That's evolution of a character, I don't know what else you could call that.
The same was said about Sarah in Season 2 and look how that had turned out...
I would call it ridiculous seeing how we, as players, started to get to know the whining, bellyaching, obnoxious, and naïve character Gabe is after 4 years into the zombie apocalypse.
So, what has he been doing for 4 years? It's just now he is realizing that trying to be a grown up is the most appropriate response if he wishes to keep his loved ones alive?
It doesn't add up, and is one of the issues with starting a new cast so far into an already pre-existing timeline while trying to make them "relatable"... it backfires.
im pretty sure they only dealt with Walkers before the first episode somehow with maybe an encounter with scavengers from the bullets in the car i think gabe and mariana never actually got to see things as bad as clementine while also knowing how to fight off walkers ((Althought we never do see if mariana is capable of that since she gets killed off in the 1st episode .))
well Sarah had zero ZA knownledge while gabe has some but not enough about groups like the new frontier that raid other groups so i feel like since all they did was go around with the car thought the entire apocalypse only stopping to get more gas, food and ammo i think they never actually saw anything too major in the apocalypse besides walkers and an encounter with scavengers ((Because the car has bullet holes in it.))
Some of ther things I see here are so ridiculous that I wonder if I'm dreaming...
I'm not awake from this nightmare yet, it seems.
(I don't mean you argument if shitty... I think it could make sense considering Telltale is Telltale... and believing it could be a posibility should be ridiculous... but sadly it's not)
No, Gabe lacks screentime and his character arc is nowhere close to the development Clementine's got after two full seasons. Making him a playable protagonist would be like shooting at your own foot and TT's pretty much already pointed at it by making Javier the main hero and Clem just the NPC.
I like Gabe but this is stupid lol thats like saying Dwight will take Daryls place I hope it happens but it won't because of the popularity
I'm not sure telltale can develop his character to anymore near a clementine replacement level with 2 episodes left. Not to mention clementine was nearly universally liked while Gabe is a polarized mix.
That's how he started. He doesn't do that now. He refused to leave and abandon David when Javier and Kate decided to, so that right there is him standing by his convictions and now crumbling to what they want to do. That is where the evolution is coming from. Running away from his step mom was the last straw for him, he realised he needed to stand up and be a man, and since then he's made the effort to do so...
Okay, may I ask: who the hell was saying that? Like, I definitely get the best friend and apprentice thing, who honestly thought they were kill off one for the other?
Likely not in two episodes, no. But it has parallels to us mainly playing as Lee in Season one and then in Season two we got to play and mold Clementine based of what we wanted Lee to teach her. This Season we instead play as Javier, trying to protect Gabe. Perhaps next season we take over and play as Gabe, molding him off what Javier tried to instill in him. It goes without saying that these are just my thoughts and what I feel and sense Telltale doing in future and people are very much open to disagree with me.
Telltale could have accomplished this if they hadn't utilized time-skips and flashbacks as their instruments of storytelling this season. If we would've played through more than five minutes of their past at a time from the beginning, the attachments might've been relatively the same between the characters. This season has spent more time on the action, and physical threats of TWD than the mental and emotional ones.
As it stands, while I do think that this next episode has great potential for expanding on Gabe, I don't really see the potential for him to carry a game as the main character. When it comes to storytelling, characters tend to be hit or miss. It's far more typical for people to become attached to characters from the first chapter or episode of something, than to become favorites three or four chapters in after having been in the story from the start. It's much easier to form an opinion than it is to change someone's opinion.
Great points in the latter paragraph. I do agree, Unfortunately people have made their minds up on Gabe, he could resurrect Mariana from the dead and take her place and everyone would still hate him. I think he has great potential. For instance his new found determination, he could learn a hard lesson this season that it doesn't matter how hard you fight, everyone you love can still and probably will die. He thinks because he stopped running away that suddenly he can save everyone. To end this season on his closest family dying even after he attempts to save them could have good potential consequences for next season.
And the emphasis on Clementine being a moral compass as well as how well received the relationship and her character was with fans made her an unsurprising and welcome choice among most people. I certainly can't predict the future, but I'm not so sure #ForGabe is going to be trending anytime soon. Other than the overwhelming dislike here and a few supporters, I generally don't see many reviews or comments elsewhere discussing Gabes' role in the game much, if at all.
The real issue with that is that Javier's relationship with Gabe, like most of the others, isn't particularly focused on and developed. From day one, Kate pointed out that Gabe was always more focused on his dad, to the point that he seemed to be trying to live by his standards. And while what that likely means has changed since Above the Law came out, Javier is not really that important to Gabe's character and vice versa.
I couldn't help but laugh reading this. It's as if its not fair if she doesn't die. This is not a game of UNO where people take turns.
can we just take a moment to talk about why you all hating on Gabe?
did you not see the way he hugged his father
did you not see the way he hugged Javi and told him how worried he was
did you not see the way he asked about Clementine
did you not see the way he wanted to help Kate when she got shot
did you not see the way he beat himelf up because he ran away and left her
did you not see the look on young Gabe's face when Kate told him his friend were dead
did you not see young Gabe wanting to write a letter to his dad
did you not see how much he cared about his sister
did you not see what an amazing and caring person he actually is??
You and %100 of players have decided to brutally murder Javier to save Clementine.
96%. Gotta remember some people will kneejerk against clem because some people have to go against the grain always.
96%. Gotta remember some people will kneejerk against clem because some people have to go against the grain always.
I did see he was a typical whiny teen when he had no reason to be a typical anything this far into the shit.
I did see the typical "I'm gonna start being a man now!" character arc developing(the word is loosely used) because that's something that would happen 4 years later.
A better question was did I care about The Walking Stereotype.
I did not.
LOL that would be Like killing Rick off to replace him with like Eugene or something. I like Gabe but he isn't main character martial.
Did you see how a hormonal boy who is Clem's age is tOO CLOSE TO HER?
I'd be happy to discuss the reasons why his character works and why it doesn't.
Positives ( nearly all of these instances are taken from E3 )
What didn't work for me
Did you not see his stupid face? Did you not see his stupid beanie?
It was even worse originally.
Exactly doesn't make sense at all to compare this season to one's that are completed
I'm curious, what was it originally?
Here's the page with the post in question.
Yeah, no.
They'd have to pay me in pudding to make me play as Gabe over Clem.
If Gabe being badass,I'm okay with him to be Clementine friends but if he still like shit bird,he better die.And if he try to do something with Mai Clam, my answer is DEAD
After reading this I have gotten appetite to castrate you for even speaking this sinister idea out load and using word formation Clem and die.

And also...no more Garcias in Season 4
Even Eugene is more likeable than Gabe(talking about comic Eugene, AMC Eugene-they made dick out of him)
Doubt it since the majority of fans hate Gabe and his character development have been treated poorly so far. Not to mention he's done nothing to impress us fans so far.
LOL....chemtrails from jets are poisoning your mind!
I don't get it, let's suppose that she would be happy in a "first relationship" so why would it be so bad? She has already been through so much shit, let her experience new things... she's a teenager after all
I can agree with that, Gabe's character is FAR AWAY from being perfect, i just think he is not as bad as people say.
ok i'll give you that one it was funny...
But, besides that, why don't you like him?