I watched the whole flashback and it was actually pretty sweet. I was so happy he mentioned Sarita again. Anyone post Jane's other one, just curious to see what happens in hers.
I watched the whole flashback and it was actually pretty sweet. I was so happy he mentioned Sarita again. Anyone post Jane's other one, just curious to see what happens in hers.
I'd take an entire fucking season of just this. My life would be complete.
Edit: does anyone else think they made her look more like Kate this time around? I mean, I appreciate that Jane doesn't look like she wrapped her face in like five layers of plastic wrap anymore, but I can sort of see the resemblance a little bit.
this flashback was sad specially because of the last words Clem say in it to Kenny : ´´We ve got each other as long as we have that we ll be okay.´´ Then it transitions to after she gets kicked out of the New frontier Alone without AJ Or Kenny.
Flashbacks were alright but do they actually have anything to do with the main story? I suspect they don't and were just excuses to bring Kenny and Jane back. I felt that the Kenny one was too similar to his first one (bar the awful death of course). He talks about Duck, happy memories and looking after AJ. Maybe they could have done something a little more, but still much better than his episode 1 flashback though.
Flashbacks were alright but do they actually have anything to do with the main story? I suspect they don't and were just excuses to bring Ke… morenny and Jane back. I felt that the Kenny one was too similar to his first one (bar the awful death of course). He talks about Duck, happy memories and looking after AJ. Maybe they could have done something a little more, but still much better than his episode 1 flashback though.
well its nice to atleast have some more scenes with them and the fact that the transition between Kenny and Clem being happy together to her being all alone without anyone after losing The baby and the people she trusted the most ((Kenny or Jane.))
True, but like they could have just made her talk about her sister again, I mean sure people got tired of that too. I prefer that, then her going on about how "evil" Kenny was.
True, but like they could have just made her talk about her sister again, I mean sure people got tired of that too. I prefer that, then her going on about how "evil" Kenny was.
The best part of this episode for sure.
Where did you get that picture from?
He's got a little salt with that pepper
Please tell me there's one for the Ice Queen, too...
He actually looks like a human being now.
Do you get this only when you left Wellington with Kenny?
That's the godly beard I knew and loved from Season 2. Finally, we can appreciate such a work of art in all it's glory.
All hail the all power stache'!
His eye-patch still sucks tho.
Meh. At least he looks like he's gonna be better blended this time.
Actual footage of how Kenny was created in episode one.
I watched the whole flashback and it was actually pretty sweet. I was so happy he mentioned Sarita again. Anyone post Jane's other one, just curious to see what happens in hers.
waited almost 5 months for this
Carver and Javier has the same hairstyle.
Could anybody please link the kenny flashback?
I'd take an entire fucking season of just this. My life would be complete.
Edit: does anyone else think they made her look more like Kate this time around? I mean, I appreciate that Jane doesn't look like she wrapped her face in like five layers of plastic wrap anymore, but I can sort of see the resemblance a little bit.
Oh boy as a Kenny fan didn't really enjoy Jane's. Kenny didn't talk about her at all, like did they really need to make Jane shit talk him again?
Do we get to see Wellington?!
A face I would be happy to live on a boat with. He's gorgeous :')
this flashback was sad specially because of the last words Clem say in it to Kenny
: ´´We ve got each other as long as we have that we ll be okay.´´ Then it transitions to after she gets kicked out of the New frontier Alone without AJ Or Kenny.
Did the fix swollen Jane too?
Just a warning to everyone, stick to watching it on here because there are some major spoilers in the recommended section!
I liked the flashback. Much better than the first one.
Flashbacks were alright but do they actually have anything to do with the main story? I suspect they don't and were just excuses to bring Kenny and Jane back. I felt that the Kenny one was too similar to his first one (bar the awful death of course). He talks about Duck, happy memories and looking after AJ. Maybe they could have done something a little more, but still much better than his episode 1 flashback though.
That's exactly what they are. Excuses. They have no impact on the story anymore but Telltale are trying to use them as a pacifier on the critics.
I just saw...
There's the Jane I know. It was sad to be a flashback but it was satisfactory, healed the scar on my heart.
It was nice to see her...
Yet still, I wish...
well its nice to atleast have some more scenes with them and the fact that the transition between Kenny and Clem being happy together to her being all alone without anyone after losing The baby and the people she trusted the most ((Kenny or Jane.))
Oh, is that why he looked like shit?
That's 1/3 of what she amounted to in No Going Back, babe.
True, but like they could have just made her talk about her sister again, I mean sure people got tired of that too. I prefer that, then her going on about how "evil" Kenny was.
Hell, have her fuckin own up to what she did to poor Sarah and Arvo.
...I'd be 3 years too late, mind you, but it'd at least be something different.
Telltale doesn't like Sarah much themselves so there's no way they would make Jane feel bad and apologize for what she did.
???? How? Only flashback I got was Davids Lt. How is this real?
Ok I pick the jane ending how come she not in my episode 4? did it happen to anybody else??
The flashbacks were a better tribute and send off than we had before, even if they were jarringly out of place in the episode. I'm glad we got them.
There are different writers and they've had more than enough time to see and stew over the backlash, but I suppose you're right.
That's always gonna be so disappointing.
He looks soooo much better. Thank God Telltale listened to us. I miss Kenny so much.