22 hours to be exact. I was up for two days straight and I remeber just chrashing around midnight and waking up at 10 PM later that day.
Celeberity crush?
Resident Evil 7. That's because people keep saying it copied Outlast and P.T. and some think it's the worst RE game. Personally, this game is better than Resident Evil 4, which is overrated.
Resident Evil 7. That's because people keep saying it copied Outlast and P.T. and some think it's the worst RE game. Personally, this game is better than Resident Evil 4, which is overrated.
Underrated video game dialogue/quotes?
people keep saying it copied Outlast and P.T. and some think it's the worst RE game
Whoa, where is that? I haven't seen comments like that anywhere. Just lots of praise for it.
Crash Bandicoot. If that's what you mean? Like, childhood hero? Then definitely Crash Bandicoot. Can't wait for the remake.
Favorite Puzzler video game? (I think everyone knows mine)
Did episode 4 of TWD A New Frontier change your opinion on the series?
It did improve the game a little, but not much.
What would you prefer to be granted right now, a 5 dollar bill or a handwritten message wishing you a good day?
I haven't played many new games this year, so I'll just say Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy. I know that's not fair because it's not finished, but I can't think of anything else.
I haven't played many new games this year, so I'll just say Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy. I know that's not fair because it's not finished, but I can't think of anything else.
Favorite movie of the year so far?
I stole my classes entire collection of Goosebumps books when I was in second grade and they never found out it was me.
If you had to meet one character from The Walking Dead Game, who would it be?
Clementine, duuhh.
Your favourite game of this year so far?
I'd go with Resident Evil 7.
What country would you like to visit?
LOOOOL, same. That game is awesome.
Favorite Star Wars character?
Female crush- Alycia Debnam-Carey and Male crush- don't really know if he would be considered as a celebrity, but Roddy Grant
Bobba Fett. Better Television Villain
Jerome Velaska from Gotham
Negan from The Walking Dead
Negan. But that's only because I've never seen a single episode of Gotham.
Most underrated game?
Resident Evil 7. That's because people keep saying it copied Outlast and P.T. and some think it's the worst RE game. Personally, this game is better than Resident Evil 4, which is overrated.
Underrated video game dialogue/quotes?
Whoa, where is that? I haven't seen comments like that anywhere. Just lots of praise for it.
What is the coolest, most creative thing you have done in a video game?
Probably shoot a portal on the moon. That's all I can think of.
Which do you like better, Tomb Raider (2013) or Rise of the Tomb Raider?
Youtube comment section. You can't expect anything all nice.
Who's you favorite singer?
Omg my comment got posted back here I'm so confused okay well new answer - idk tomb raider too well so which ever and
What season twdg season 1 2 or 3?
I think season one is my favorite. But I absolutely love ANF after episode 4. I think I like it better than season 2.
Favorite Guardian of the Galaxy?
I dunno. I guess Star-Lord?
Childhood icon?
Crash Bandicoot. If that's what you mean? Like, childhood hero? Then definitely Crash Bandicoot. Can't wait for the remake.
Favorite Puzzler video game? (I think everyone knows mine)
Does "The Last Guardian" count? It had some puzzles. And I don't play puzzle games usually.
What's your favorite animal?
I used to have a budgie. He was sweet, adorable and nice. He died cause of an infection. Rest in peace, little guy.
What is your favourite sci-fi movie ?
Revenge of the Sith
What is the cringiest moment you have ever witnessed in video games?
All of Ethan Mars' lines in Heavy Rain. XD
Did episode 4 of TWD A New Frontier change your opinion on the series?
But I thought "SHAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUN" was the best line he has done.
Nah man you're confusing that one with JAAAYYYY--SOONNNNN
It did improve the game a little, but not much.
What would you prefer to be granted right now, a 5 dollar bill or a handwritten message wishing you a good day?
Who wrote the message?
I can't answer without knowing this. I mean, it could be the devil for all I know.
$5, money is tight.
Do you even lift?
Captain Kirk or Luke Skywalker?
Depends on the situation, but Luke Skywalker is better in every possible way.
Tea or coffee?
Tea, all the way. With lemon, raspberry syrup and one sugar.
What do you value most in life?
My life.
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Ummm, I don't eat fast food....but I guess noodles&company since they have pasta?
How many pet lives do you consider the value of a human life? (ex. 1pet life = equally valuable, 2 pet lives = 1/2 as)
1 pet life
Most disappointing game of this year so far?
I haven't played many new games this year, so I'll just say Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy. I know that's not fair because it's not finished, but I can't think of anything else.
Favorite movie of the year so far?
Clementine or Ellie?
Ooohhh, that's a tough one. I haven't actually finished TLOU yet, and so I feel more attached to Clementine.
So yeah, I'll go with Clementine.
Favorite member of Javier's family?
Do you think Chloe Price from Life is Strange is being possesive and abusive towards Max or she's just a bossy friend?
Hmm, the one that was in it for 70 minutes...
I would say somewhere in the middle, she definitely has possessive qualities (getting angry if you answer the phone to Kate in the diner)
What is the best telltale Walking Dead character? (except from clementine because obviously