THANK YOU (Ep 4 spoilers)



  • Did they use these fixed models in episode 1 too?

  • Yes

    Do you get this only when you left Wellington with Kenny?

  • edited April 2017

    Eternally grateful for a proper goodbye with Kenny.

    Team Kenny forever and ever.

  • Did you kill Kenny in season 2?

    ???? How? Only flashback I got was Davids Lt. How is this real?

  • I would love to know this as well, but I doubt it.

    Piggs posted: »

    Did they use these fixed models in episode 1 too?

  • They didn't.

    Piggs posted: »

    Did they use these fixed models in episode 1 too?

  • Or left him

    ReTaLiN posted: »

    Did you kill Kenny in season 2?

  • edited April 2017

    The flashbacks were a better tribute and send off than we had before, even if they were jarringly out of place in the episode. I'm glad we got them.

    That doesn't make up for the shit they gave us in the first episode though. This was just their way of trying to win over the angry fans by correcting their utter fuck up they made in the first place.

    In my opinion they should have not included this flashback for fan service. I've never liked watching flashbacks when i already know the outcome of a character's future

    Poptarts posted: »

    The flashbacks were a better tribute and send off than we had before, even if they were jarringly out of place in the episode. I'm glad we got them.

  • How could they? The episode had already been released

    Piggs posted: »

    Did they use these fixed models in episode 1 too?

  • Eternally grateful for a proper goodbye with Kenny.

    Not really. They wouldn't have even made this flashback if they hadn't fucked up in the first place. They only made this due to the angry reception to Kenny and Jane's cheap deaths and also for how fucking terrible the models looked

    Eternally grateful for a proper goodbye with Kenny. Team Kenny forever and ever.

  • Exactly.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Eternally grateful for a proper goodbye with Kenny. Not really. They wouldn't have even made this flashback if they hadn't fucked up

  • edited April 2017

    enter image description here

    I gotta say, I really appreciate the correlation between the dialogue and what is shown in this scene. Very heartwarming, but sad because of what we know...

  • edited April 2017

    I agree, this frame was awesome..

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    I gotta say, I really appreciate the correlation between the dialogue and what is shown in this scene. Very heartwarming, but sad because of what we know...

  • edited April 2017

    Sarita always said "family is what you make it..."

    That was before I violently hacked her arm off in the middle of a walker heard because she was bitten... and then she died a painful death.

    (Also, where did they get such pristine clothing for toddlers that fit so well? The apocalypse is so easy in TWD world.)

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    I gotta say, I really appreciate the correlation between the dialogue and what is shown in this scene. Very heartwarming, but sad because of what we know...


    Well in Game of Thrones there was a character named Gryff and you could determinately maim his eye but when he appeared in episode 5 his eye seemed completely fine, but when episode 6 first released he now had an eye patch in episode 5.

    dan290786 posted: »

    How could they? The episode had already been released

  • edited April 2017

    I guess we don't have to see almost every second of their travels to the point where they either find or received AJs clothing, people would be complaining about how pointless showing THAT would be. I don't know, I think I'd rather the writers make a acceptable flashback with a better conversational exchange than the first - than show a filler moment as to where they find AJs beloved threads, no? Also, it was Clementine who has the option to do that, Kenny just held her and tried to run to a safer spot if you don't hack it off.

    Sarita always said "family is what you make it..." That was before I violently hacked her arm off in the middle of a walker heard because

  • I was talking above for both Kenny and Clem, just for clarification.

    And those clothes are far too well-kempt and nice for me to ever believe he or them are in any real threat or struggling. They seem to be camping just outside their houses, that's how unconvincing it is to me.

    I guess we don't have to see almost every second of their travels to the point where they either find or received AJs clothing, people would

  • edited April 2017

    I get what you're saying, and I don't really know how to reply to this other than saying how Clems coat is ripped from the arms, as well as maybe both their hats (Clem and Kenny) with possible bloodstains etc. It is the argument that AJ hasn't been close enough to be getting scratched at or tugged at from walkers etc (due to Clem and Kenny almost always never leaving their eyes off him). That is as far as I can think of for that argument goes.

    I was talking above for both Kenny and Clem, just for clarification. And those clothes are far too well-kempt and nice for me to ever bel

  • When a 5 minute flashback is better than the entire episode.

  • Fair enough, I can respect that some people don't think about such small and seemingly innocuous details, but I find it rips me out of the convincing elements of any story.

    I get what you're saying, and I don't really know how to reply to this other than saying how Clems coat is ripped from the arms, as well as

  • edited April 2017

    Well they could have just left it the way it was and not given us a complimentary Kenny moment....? I know how things went down but you're not going to make me feel bitter about such an obvious fan service.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Eternally grateful for a proper goodbye with Kenny. Not really. They wouldn't have even made this flashback if they hadn't fucked up

  • This is why I let her die.

    Telltale doesn't like Sarah much themselves so there's no way they would make Jane feel bad and apologize for what she did.

  • Wait, were there any flashbacks for Wellington or alone?

  • No, just Jane and Kenny, unfortunately.

    Wait, were there any flashbacks for Wellington or alone?

  • More evidence that they only made a kenny and jane flashback to try and make up the shitty first flashback. Otherwise they could have made a Wellington one

    No, just Jane and Kenny, unfortunately.

  • This makes up for the sins of Episode 1 for sure. Seeing him back, talking with him about the past, no stupid death, and his beard looks like actual hair and not plastic. Thank you TellTale, you've done right by Kenny.

  • I've never liked watching flashbacks when i already know the outcome of a character's future

    Yeah, that was always gonna be a hurdle of doing so, especially in Jane's case. Unless the flashback teaches us something about a character that we didn't know [so well], it was always gonna be pointless.

    dan290786 posted: »

    The flashbacks were a better tribute and send off than we had before, even if they were jarringly out of place in the episode. I'm glad we g

  • Can they just patch the ep 1 model

  • edited April 2017

    Yeah, I admittedly enjoyed Kenny's flashback(despite not wanting to see him again) because for stuff like that.

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    I gotta say, I really appreciate the correlation between the dialogue and what is shown in this scene. Very heartwarming, but sad because of what we know...

  • He reminds me of Eustache Bagg.

  • Personally, I say a Wellington and Alone ending flashback was all they should've done anyway.

    dan290786 posted: »

    More evidence that they only made a kenny and jane flashback to try and make up the shitty first flashback. Otherwise they could have made a Wellington one

  • Not sure why people are liking your comment. On top of what AgentZ46, Telltale retroactively changed something in TFTB's first episode that conflicted with the final one.

    It seems like a smart idea to swap the models in Episode 1 if the whole idea for revamping them in Episode 4 was to ease the backlash, so why not? Not that I know anything about how Telltale's engine operates, but it seems like it'd be worth the effort.

    dan290786 posted: »

    How could they? The episode had already been released

  • What did they change in TFTB's first episode?

    Piggs posted: »

    Not sure why people are liking your comment. On top of what AgentZ46, Telltale retroactively changed something in TFTB's first episode that

  • edited April 2017

    I don't see how people saw this as heartwarming or a good send off for the characters. Kenny's exit in S1 and S2 were good send offs. This is just cheap fanservice that telltale made to somewhat makeup for the abysmal EP1&2 flashbacks.

  • edited April 2017

    Did His Beard Get Longer... Tf. How it take me this long to notice this

  • I think his character model is still pretty awful, that is a consistent issue with the new art direction as well. His body shape looks off as well, he doesn't look very similar to his original appearance, and there is still something wrong with the facial hair (Janes character model is still atrocious).

    I also still don't even consider him dead, I find this season too absurd and disconnected to consider a flashback with horrible cinematography, horrible visual quality, terrible animations, and really stilted writing to be canon.

    It also seems a bit spontaneous and random for him to bring up Carver two years after that whole series of events.

    Are they seriously expecting me to believe that nothing interesting happened in the 2 years Clementine was with Kenny? It's the same sort of disbelief of the stupid time jump with Christa and Omid, they continue to waste so much storytelling potential.

  • edited April 2017

    In the present day, there were certain shots where you could see Helios in the sky. Telltale originally planned for the gang to just escape it, not bring the whole station down. They patched it out with the episode 3 release I think.

    You can still see Helios in the TftB launch trailer for example (0:28)

    What did they change in TFTB's first episode?

  • Not sure why people are liking your comment. On top of what AgentZ46, Telltale retroactively changed something in TFTB's first episode that conflicted with the final one.

    It seems like a smart idea to swap the models in Episode 1 if the whole idea for revamping them in Episode 4 was to ease the backlash, so why not? Not that I know anything about how Telltale's engine operates, but it seems like it'd be worth the effort.

    They shouldn't have even bothered adding the new flashback just to appease the angry fans. If they hadn't fucked up in the first place. They probably didn't even see any need to change the Ep1 models. As for Tales, it sounds like a rewrite during production which would impact the story unlike changing the Kenny/Jane models which wouldn't have any effect.

    Btw so what if people like my status about it? Is that a crime?

    Piggs posted: »

    Not sure why people are liking your comment. On top of what AgentZ46, Telltale retroactively changed something in TFTB's first episode that

  • Well they could have just left it the way it was and not given us a complimentary Kenny moment....? I know how things went down but you're not going to make me feel bitter about such an obvious fan service.

    They could have yes but what they should have done and what i would have probably tolerated is that each flashback builds up to Kenny/Jane's deaths. Instead of killing them in the first episode, show a different flashback of them in each episode and then say in the last episode that is when they show how these characters died BUT not in the complete shit way they made their deaths. It wouldn't be just 5 minutes for a start.

    Anyway if it was up to me writing the story i would have included Kenny/Jane in the S3 story. Telltale could have easily done that and fans would have appreciated that our ending S2 choices felt like they mattered. Imagine Kenny/Jane being held at gunpoint by Joan making Javier choose between say Kenny and Tripp. People would choose Kenny thinking he'd live but gets shot. Imagine how pissed people would be. It would have more of an effect if they had done that with these characters

    Well they could have just left it the way it was and not given us a complimentary Kenny moment....? I know how things went down but you're not going to make me feel bitter about such an obvious fan service.

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