I, for one, am enjoying The Walking Dead: A New Frontier.



  • edited May 2017

    You came into this thread and left a condescending and accusatory responses, because you're surrounded by other people from all the echo-chambers you regularly visit that will support your line of thinking, which creates a feedback loop that further empowers you to be even more of an asshole in the future, because you feel like you have the intellectual high ground on this subject, or whatever other crap you tell yourself to rationalize your actions

    My comments are not even serious, because I know it trigger someone like you sooner or later. They aren't fueled by these "echo-chambers" you speak off since I do them on my own without someone telling me to.

    First off, stop assuming shit. Like I said, I have no echo chambers. You're making my stomach hurt with how much effort you're making so that you'll look smart with these buzzwords you're throwing so those brainless followers will like your big wall of text.

    BTW; You're a low-tempered drumpf-supporting manchild and get a job m8.
    Deltino posted: »

    There is not a single defense you could dredge up that will convince me you're not guilty of the exact same thing you're trying to criticize

  • edited May 2017

    I'm not saying the majority view the game positively. Hell, even I see ANF negatively.

    What I'm trying to say is, that the MAJORITY don't necessarily view ANF as bad or as good. It's kind of like "whatever" because most people aren't as invested in Telltale's TWD series as much as your average "hater" or "lover".

    ladypocky posted: »

    I love The New Frontier more than anything, but it's just outright false to claim the silent majority view the game positively. The major

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    BTW; You're a low-tempered drumpf-supporting manchild and get a job m8.

    You fucking madman you actually did it

    Just for that comment, I am personally not going to take any kind of action against you or your post

    You came into this thread and left a condescending and accusatory responses, because you're surrounded by other people from all the echo-cha

  • k

    Findagon posted: »

    This should help

  • ANF has sold about 170 000 copies (if not more) on Steam.

    There are currently about 940 negative reviews and 2900 positive reviews.

    That leaves about 166 000 people without an written Steam Review. How can we assume that they all hate ANF?

    That's right, we can't. But we also can't assume that they all love ANF.

    I'm not saying that the majority likes/loves ANF, that would be just stupid. But what I'm saying is, that most people are on neutral ground about ANF being bad or being good.

    The silent neutral majority is still here. But hating on ANF is definitely more louder than actually liking ANF. And we have the forums to thank for it.

    What about the steam users downvoting the game to the extent its passed even the "terrible" season 2s negative reviews? Not mentioning the c

  • A New Frontier isn't bad, but it isn't great either. The first two episodes were crap, Episode 3 was okay, and episode 4 was good. It definitely isn't on par with Season One because nothing can beat that season but I'd say it's around Season Two level. Hopefully when Episode 5 releases it might change my mind on the season.

  • But it does feel like a lot of people are making threads in attempt to counter the (deserved imo) negativity of season 3 with positivity threads. A few months ago, someone actually made a "Season 3 positivity thread" or something like that. I've been here for a while and I can't remember ever seeing a season 2 positivity thread or season 1 positivity thread.

    Are you making this thread just so your opinion on ANF feels validated? Because that's what it looks like to me. That's honestly a two way street.

  • Hence why the whole thing is a two way street.

    wdfan posted: »

    But it does feel like a lot of people are making threads in attempt to counter the (deserved imo) negativity of season 3 with positivity thr

  • This season is solid? Haha ok.

  • But why weren't there ever any season 1 positivity threads or season 1 negativity threads and what not? The fact that these type of threads need to even be made tells us that season 3 was largely a disappointment.

    Hence why the whole thing is a two way street.

  • You are not only one, because I am enjoying this season as much as I enjoyed season one and two :) Javi rulez, I hope he will made it to season 4!

  • thank you

    Deltino posted: »

    BTW; You're a low-tempered drumpf-supporting manchild and get a job m8. You fucking madman you actually did it Just for that comment, I am personally not going to take any kind of action against you or your post

  • No clue, man.

    wdfan posted: »

    But why weren't there ever any season 1 positivity threads or season 1 negativity threads and what not? The fact that these type of threads need to even be made tells us that season 3 was largely a disappointment.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    BTW; You're a low-tempered drumpf-supporting manchild and get a job m8.

    Please don't resort to petty insults like that, take this as a warning.

    You came into this thread and left a condescending and accusatory responses, because you're surrounded by other people from all the echo-cha

  • I'm liking anf more than season 2

  • Did you really need to start a new thread just to say that? We understand by now, ANF is hated by a lot of people and liked by others.

  • don't resort to petty insults like that

    Oh please. Goes to show you mods are a bunch of hypocrites.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    BTW; You're a low-tempered drumpf-supporting manchild and get a job m8. Please don't resort to petty insults like that, take this as a warning.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    No reason not to, I mean there are a ton of threads geared towards not liking Gabe.

    TrashJesus posted: »

    Did you really need to start a new thread just to say that? We understand by now, ANF is hated by a lot of people and liked by others.

  • this season is solid


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    (Yes, I take any excuse to post Ace Attorney gifs)

    don't resort to petty insults like that Oh please. Goes to show you mods are a bunch of hypocrites.

  • User stoned to death: "What are you gonna do, stone me?"

    Telltale Community: "Yes?"

  • Back to 50.B.C.!

    User stoned to death: "What are you gonna do, stone me?" Telltale Community: "Yes?"

  • edited May 2017

    Why? Cause you don't like it?

    It's certainly paced far better and more competently structured than Season's 2 schizophrenic plot. And the characters certainly aren't quite as boring and predictable as Season 2's characters are.

    As bad as I think ANF is, it's far better than S2. At least it's gotten me to smile and find some discernible interest in it's plot. Ironic that many people only find Clem to be the only enjoyable part of the season, when in reality she's by far the worst part of the game.

    FORTLEE posted: »

    this season is solid Bullshit

  • edited May 2017

    i agree with you and i do think that choices are being really well done in this season we have a current number of 7 Determinant characters that can be alive at the same time:
    Dr Lingard
    which in total means 9 determinant charactres althought you will have to replay to see the outcomes for the one who s dead between Tripp/Ava and Clint/Joan.

  • And Max

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    i agree with you and i do think that choices are being really well done in this season we have a current number of 7 Determinant characters

  • I agree bro, I really enjoy season 3 as well

  • I fixed it now.

    And Max

  • Ironic that many people only find Clem to be the only enjoyable part of the season, when in reality she's by far the worst part of the game.

    Yeah, admittedly the stuff where she ties in does feel a bit weird at times.

    Why? Cause you don't like it? It's certainly paced far better and more competently structured than Season's 2 schizophrenic plot. And the

  • Different strokes for different folks!

    enter image description here

    Fans like you will probably give TT a chance to do a better job in a new season.

  • edited May 2017

    I mean hell I don't like it, I personally think this was a wasted season of TWD. But I accept the fact that people like it, we're obviously all different people with different tastes and preferences. I just personally find it annoying when people just start insulting each other either for liking it or not, it's mainly why I don't post too much in threads like these.

    Aaaand I somehow made this a spoiler post. Me with my professional foruming.

  • Cause she's blatantly being forced in to appease to the crowd of Clem-zealots and nothing else.

    Brooding around and doing nothing to progress the narrative is the opposite of interesting.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ironic that many people only find Clem to be the only enjoyable part of the season, when in reality she's by far the worst part of the game. Yeah, admittedly the stuff where she ties in does feel a bit weird at times.

  • solid "for me". Those were the key words you couldn't seem to read :)

    Dan10 posted: »

    This season is solid? Haha ok.

  • It seems you can't read well. Or you need new glasses :D the key is the two little words that followed "4 mii"

    FORTLEE posted: »

    this season is solid Bullshit

  • [removed]

    OzzyUK posted: »

    BTW; You're a low-tempered drumpf-supporting manchild and get a job m8. Please don't resort to petty insults like that, take this as a warning.

  • I've been enjoying this season for the most part. I had the alone ending so I didn't have as much attachment to Kenny and Jane, but that whole situation is a mess. I can see why people would be mad at Telltale for what they did.
    Other than that and the length, though, the season has been good so far. Definitely better direction and story than Season 2.

  • I like ANF more than I did season 2. Mostly because I like playing as Javi as him making important decisions for the group makes a lot more sense than everyone turning to a little girl for advice on what to do. Decisions seem to have more of a noticeable impact as well.

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