We will play as *********** in Season Four! (Episode 5 Spoilers)
Original title: We will play as Clem in Season Four! (Episode 5 Spoilers)
Finally, Javier's story is over! The episode ends with cliffhanger. In Season four, we will play as Clementine and search for AJ! I'm so glad!
And also,
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I'm thinking it might be DLC instead
Or DLC for this season. Either way I'm glad as long as we play as Clem.
wasn't there like stuff for DLC in the files and or vaguely mentioned in one of the ratings for the game? Isn't season 4 suppose to be another new protagonist?
fuck that.
I'm actually disappointed by this, the episode should have been longer, we should have found AJ then. Not we have to wait god knows how long to find out? They are literally milking Clementine at this point, I hope more people will wake up and see that.
when you get your main character title back
edgy Clem
Imma just act like ANF is a mini series, even if TT say otherwise (I mean, it's actually just 4 episodes long, and even then it's roughly the length of 3 episodes from TFTB). As far as I'm concerned, S4 will be the true S3.
This being my first comment, I'm going to make a very bold prediction.
Richmond is going to be in a lot of trouble when Clem gets back.
Sucks for me. I don't want to play as a teenage girl anymore.
They can milk it all they like, as long as we actually play as Clementine and no one else.
Sooo... why didn't they just do this in the beginning?
Why is her face so shiney? Like the new look tho.
Because they wanted to try something new but the fandom make them try to compromise.
This is the new improved graphic engine from Telltale for A New Frontier.
The devs worked really hard to develop this new engine to improve the gameplay experience and immersion.
If that is the case, I don't get why they would develop Javi's character for 5 episodes, just for him to never show up again.
Wait. Who said that playing as Javier is over..?
I don't mind playing as a teenage girl, however I didn't mind playing as Javier either - but they didn't do the Garcia family justice. After EP 5... I have very little hype for the future of TWD, which is probably what disappoints me most. They came so far with EP 3 and 4 - it's like they took two steps forward, and then a big step back.
I suppose they'll go with the search for AJ as additional DLC. I guess I should say I hope they do the search for AJ as DLC. I won't do another season looking for AJ.
I don't think it's an impossibility for the Richmond and AJ plotlines to be woven into one story. Whether that happens is a whole other story.
Clementine has had a heck a lot of character development throughout the series.
She has gone from a shy timid little girl to a badass survivor to a social justice warrior
Yeah, that's about where I'm at right now.
next she'll work for buzzfeed and make a manspreading social experiment video. can't wait
I think it was just to attract newcomers. Now that everyone is complaining about not giving Clem enough playtime, the DLC or S4 will be an apology from Telltale by letting us play as her next time.
And to be honest, I don't see Javi's story evolve into anything else further than his family. He still has some family left and he plans on staying in Richmond for a while. Unless Richmond gets ruined or burned down, I don't expect to see Javi anytime soon.
Guess she managed to get some moisturizer from Gabe.
what the fuck?
I've grown to like Javier quite a bit during this season even if it wasn't all that was expected. It'd be a shame to have him simply written off especially with how the season ended. As to Richmond getting ruined, well you can't expect half a dozen outcomes to be represented if he makes his comeback. Shit happens.
shes so ugly lol
This is the best sarcastic comment I've seen on here.
Because his story is done. Clem's story is not. We still have to find AJ. I highly doubt it will even be wrapped up with a dlc. They will probably have to make an entire season with Clem's story to get AJ back. The people at the ranch might be her new crew for the next season.
Reasons why I dont think this is a DLC but season 4:
. TTG has confirmed in many tweets "Episode 5 leaving hard emotions on the season finale"
.TTG has expressed how the Episode is the point of the choices in season finale
.This ANF isn't focused on Clem but Javi story and teased "Clementine's story will continue...." really does confirm many things like "Clem is playable in next Season" and "Next season will focus on Clem story"
. Lastly, they keep working on more projects and be too busy to make DLC for this ANF game but do continue forward.
I would rather it be good instead of playing as clementine
Well, it could have been worse. She might have turned into a men's rights activist.
Holy fuck, cant believe they purposely concluded absolutely NOTHING even though that's what the whole season is about in order to force us to buy the next game. As my tweet said:
Will you be buying it? http://www.strawpoll.me/13070361
....it didn't even have a climax....