**Wow I wasn't expecting that! Glad to finally have an LGBT character as the protagonist in a Telltale game! ** (Although i'm fully aware that there are lots of other LGBT main characters in their work)
I.... don't really care, I'm not unhappy or anything, But this is about the zombie apocalypse? I don't think anybody has time to be homophobic when their trying not to die, I just don't think it merits a discussion
it depends on how you play it. Javi doesn't show love for anyone at all if you play him as not concern about flirting. My Javi was never concerned about Kate and was annoyed by her constants awkward approaches.
I think people are just too hype about the idea of Javi being bisexual because other MMos, video games and visual novel games don't have bisexual characters and/or homosexual characters. The reaction is more about players' desire than of an apocalyptic world.
When Jesus was hitting on him I positively melted (Only a small part of which was due to the fact that he also voiced my video game true love, Garrus Vakarian)
I.... don't really care, I'm not unhappy or anything, But this is about the zombie apocalypse? I don't think anybody has time to be homophobic when their trying not to die, I just don't think it merits a discussion
it depends on how you play it. Javi doesn't show love for anyone at all if you play him as not concern about flirting. My Javi was never con… morecerned about Kate and was annoyed by her constants awkward approaches.
I think people are just too hype about the idea of Javi being bisexual because other MMos, video games and visual novel games don't have bisexual characters and/or homosexual characters. The reaction is more about players' desire than of an apocalyptic world.
Doesn't it make the tragic-love-drama aspect of ANF quite pointless?
This sudden discovery sounds very similar to the "Edd was no father of Clementine" thing.
When Jesus was hitting on him I positively melted (Only a small part of which was due to the fact that he also voiced my video game true love, Garrus Vakarian)
If Javier had multiple writers and the writer here only focused on that part.. Then I don't know that you can definitively say that he is. At best, you could say Javier has multiple personality disorder ;P And to somewhat agree, if you're going to have him be Bisexual - and that apparently is important to you to include the game - then do something with it. Create a possible Love Triangle.. or hell, let's just have him be interested in a Male Protagonist and get rid of the female one. Throwing it in as a possible one liner (which I never would have guessed, and never happened for my Javier because I didn't choose it) lessons what was trying to be accomplished..
Yeah, and he realized just a day before his long lost brother shows up and steals the girl. How inconvenient. I would rather have Javi jump on Jesus' horse and watch them ride off into the sunset.
it can still be. Some people are just getting irritated with people's comments. The game is all about you (the character) and how you will survive.
I picked two options in my play through. One was the flirting and the other I asked him to stay. When you asked him to stay, Jesus cut the crap and just continued talking about him keeping his promise, and how he has people to take care of. Like someone else said, I think the flirting part was to give us ( the players ) a bit more info, add another detail in Javi's background as a person.
If I want I can make my Javi be asexual? My Javi stayed behind to bury his niece/daughter. He only cared for her and well Gabe because Mariana cared for her brother. I wish I could have kept Mariana around and let Gabe die really.
I don't understand what you are talking about to be honest. Javi being bi has literally no bearing on his relationship with Kate, at all, and therefore no influence in the conflict.
Yeah, and he realized just a day before his long lost brother shows up and steals the girl. How inconvenient. I would rather have Javi jump on Jesus' horse and watch them ride off into the sunset.
Yeah I said the only part where he apparently was bi was the Jesus scene, its not hinted at anywhere else. Since the romance between Kate and Javi was just a lame way to get conflict between David and Javi throughout all the episodes, its the reason why Id rather in the next season or DLC they stay away from romance to keep away from the same mistakes of S3 but you make Javi whatever you want make him in love with a tree but that wont be incorporated unless its canon like the apparent bi thing. I dont really know what else to say your reply didnt really have anything to do with my reply
it can still be. Some people are just getting irritated with people's comments. The game is all about you (the character) and how you will … moresurvive.
I picked two options in my play through. One was the flirting and the other I asked him to stay. When you asked him to stay, Jesus cut the crap and just continued talking about him keeping his promise, and how he has people to take care of. Like someone else said, I think the flirting part was to give us ( the players ) a bit more info, add another detail in Javi's background as a person.
If I want I can make my Javi be asexual? My Javi stayed behind to bury his niece/daughter. He only cared for her and well Gabe because Mariana cared for her brother. I wish I could have kept Mariana around and let Gabe die really.
The first, and the best <3 His voice is just so recognizable! He voiced a few NPCs in Fallout 4, specifically a messenger guy in the Railroad and i just followed him around for waaaayyyyy too long listening to him talk :P
That's why I loved Jesus so much in this game! He is my first space husband too!
(I mean I already loved him from the comics and tv show but still)
I'll admit, I died when he started flirting with Jesus in my secondary playthrough, it was amazing. But, I feel it takes a bit of the player agency away to blatantly say he's bi. I thought it was cool for the player to determine whether he's bi or straight.
Whatever though, I'm not angry and it was handled well, so it's fine in my opinion.
side note- when it popped up in my notifications that "Abeille replied to your post," I thought I had suddenly become dyslexic. I thought your name was mine and i had somehow mixed up all the letters :P
That's why I loved Jesus so much in this game! He is my first space husband too!
(I mean I already loved him from the comics and tv show but still)
One of the biggest aspects of ANF was Javi-Kate-David romance drama, which seemed to be one of the very few wheels which kept this game going and lead to some sort of culmination (if there was any). If the game stated before that Javier was bisexual, a fair amount of players would probably let Kate-romance go and move on, knowing it was a much bigger and wider range of possibilities for him - Tripp, Conrad, Jesus, hell, even Badger (people are weird). It could've weakened the romance arc and set it off on another track.
I don't understand what you are talking about to be honest. Javi being bi has literally no bearing on his relationship with Kate, at all, and therefore no influence in the conflict.
Although I would rather go with Jesus too.
He can flirt with Eleanor too. Using the same line he uses with Jesus, btw. When the first episodes were released, there were threads discussing going for her instead of for Kate if it was possible.
Him being bisexual changes literally nothing regarding the conflict because Kate is the only option that goes further than flirting. Just like he can't pursue a relationship with Eleanor, he can't pursue a relationship with any other characters in the game other than Kate, male or female.
One of the biggest aspects of ANF was Javi-Kate-David romance drama, which seemed to be one of the very few wheels which kept this game goin… moreg and lead to some sort of culmination (if there was any). If the game stated before that Javier was bisexual, a fair amount of players would probably let Kate-romance go and move on, knowing it was a much bigger and wider range of possibilities for him - Tripp, Conrad, Jesus, hell, even Badger (people are weird). It could've weakened the romance arc and set it off on another track.
The first, and the best <3 His voice is just so recognizable! He voiced a few NPCs in Fallout 4, specifically a messenger guy in the Railroad and i just followed him around for waaaayyyyy too long listening to him talk :P
I didn't notice until you pointed out. They are very similar indeed. "Abeille" is french for "bee" (no I have nothing to do with France, I just like the country and bees).
side note- when it popped up in my notifications that "Abeille replied to your post," I thought I had suddenly become dyslexic. I thought your name was mine and i had somehow mixed up all the letters :P
Not like it matters but I share the idea that the fact it had to confirmed out of game for anyone to know just proves that it wasn't conveyed well and probably shouldn't even be noted.
I couldn't care less about Javier's sexuality, I'm just saying it's probably revealed just now to keep us interested and hyped about the character. They hinted about Clementine's father and people went crazy yet nothing happened.
He can flirt with Eleanor too. Using the same line he uses with Jesus, btw. When the first episodes were released, there were threads discus… moresing going for her instead of for Kate if it was possible.
Him being bisexual changes literally nothing regarding the conflict because Kate is the only option that goes further than flirting. Just like he can't pursue a relationship with Eleanor, he can't pursue a relationship with any other characters in the game other than Kate, male or female.
That's possible. It still has no bearing on the Javi-Kate-David romance drama. If Javi is in love with Kate, he is in love with Kate. The possibility for him to have fallen in love for someone else, male or female, doesn't change it because he *didn't *fall for someone else, he fell for Kate. So it doesn't render the drama pointless.
I couldn't care less about Javier's sexuality, I'm just saying it's probably revealed just now to keep us interested and hyped about the character. They hinted about Clementine's father and people went crazy yet nothing happened.
Although it does feel a bit like pandering
Can we say "okay" and move on now? What difference does it make if it's pandering?
How is it pandering? Is it pandering in the same way as they do with heterosexual characters?
I said I was happy omg
I'd be happy if it wasn't shoehorned at literally the last minute of the last episode.
Part of me feels like if they have to confirm it outside of the game itself, they did a poor job of conveying it.
Nice shoehorn telltale is it atleast optional
I.... don't really care, I'm not unhappy or anything, But this is about the zombie apocalypse? I don't think anybody has time to be homophobic when their trying not to die, I just don't think it merits a discussion
Javier's confirmed to be bi no matter what option is chosen.
Since when? the Jesus scene? Other than that there is nothing but his love for Kate.
Doesn't it make the tragic-love-drama aspect of ANF quite pointless?
This sudden discovery sounds very similar to the "Edd was no father of Clementine" thing.
it depends on how you play it. Javi doesn't show love for anyone at all if you play him as not concern about flirting. My Javi was never concerned about Kate and was annoyed by her constants awkward approaches.
I think people are just too hype about the idea of Javi being bisexual because other MMos, video games and visual novel games don't have bisexual characters and/or homosexual characters. The reaction is more about players' desire than of an apocalyptic world.
When Jesus was hitting on him I positively melted (Only a small part of which was due to the fact that he also voiced my video game true love, Garrus Vakarian)
Oh okay and stuff like "Does clementine know what a pregnancy test is" does?
Id rather it stay about surviving as adding romance into the game is just used as a cheap way to add conflict
Not really? He doesn't love Kate any less just because he is bi.
That is, if you choose to pursue a relationship with Kate.
That's why I loved Jesus so much in this game! He is my first space husband too!
(I mean I already loved him from the comics and tv show but still)
If Javier had multiple writers and the writer here only focused on that part.. Then I don't know that you can definitively say that he is. At best, you could say Javier has multiple personality disorder ;P And to somewhat agree, if you're going to have him be Bisexual - and that apparently is important to you to include the game - then do something with it. Create a possible Love Triangle.. or hell, let's just have him be interested in a Male Protagonist and get rid of the female one. Throwing it in as a possible one liner (which I never would have guessed, and never happened for my Javier because I didn't choose it) lessons what was trying to be accomplished..
My opinion atleast.
Yeah, and he realized just a day before his long lost brother shows up and steals the girl. How inconvenient. I would rather have Javi jump on Jesus' horse and watch them ride off into the sunset.
it can still be. Some people are just getting irritated with people's comments. The game is all about you (the character) and how you will survive.
I picked two options in my play through. One was the flirting and the other I asked him to stay. When you asked him to stay, Jesus cut the crap and just continued talking about him keeping his promise, and how he has people to take care of. Like someone else said, I think the flirting part was to give us ( the players ) a bit more info, add another detail in Javi's background as a person.
If I want I can make my Javi be asexual? My Javi stayed behind to bury his niece/daughter. He only cared for her and well Gabe because Mariana cared for her brother. I wish I could have kept Mariana around and let Gabe die really.
Who gives a flying shit?
Not it does not as that was telltales "attempt" of developing her character.
I don't understand what you are talking about to be honest. Javi being bi has literally no bearing on his relationship with Kate, at all, and therefore no influence in the conflict.
Although I would rather go with Jesus too.
Yeah I said the only part where he apparently was bi was the Jesus scene, its not hinted at anywhere else. Since the romance between Kate and Javi was just a lame way to get conflict between David and Javi throughout all the episodes, its the reason why Id rather in the next season or DLC they stay away from romance to keep away from the same mistakes of S3 but you make Javi whatever you want make him in love with a tree but that wont be incorporated unless its canon like the apparent bi thing. I dont really know what else to say your reply didnt really have anything to do with my reply
Oh yeah telltale linked this comment on twitter! So since (episode 5 spoiler ahead) my Kate died that means there is a chance for Javi x Jesus XD
The first, and the best
<3 His voice is just so recognizable! He voiced a few NPCs in Fallout 4, specifically a messenger guy in the Railroad and i just followed him around for waaaayyyyy too long listening to him talk :P
I'll admit, I died when he started flirting with Jesus in my secondary playthrough, it was amazing. But, I feel it takes a bit of the player agency away to blatantly say he's bi. I thought it was cool for the player to determine whether he's bi or straight.
Whatever though, I'm not angry and it was handled well, so it's fine in my opinion.
side note- when it popped up in my notifications that "Abeille replied to your post," I thought I had suddenly become dyslexic. I thought your name was mine and i had somehow mixed up all the letters :P
One of the biggest aspects of ANF was Javi-Kate-David romance drama, which seemed to be one of the very few wheels which kept this game going and lead to some sort of culmination (if there was any). If the game stated before that Javier was bisexual, a fair amount of players would probably let Kate-romance go and move on, knowing it was a much bigger and wider range of possibilities for him - Tripp, Conrad, Jesus, hell, even Badger (people are weird). It could've weakened the romance arc and set it off on another track.
He's not bisexual, he's gay.
He can flirt with Eleanor too. Using the same line he uses with Jesus, btw. When the first episodes were released, there were threads discussing going for her instead of for Kate if it was possible.
Him being bisexual changes literally nothing regarding the conflict because Kate is the only option that goes further than flirting. Just like he can't pursue a relationship with Eleanor, he can't pursue a relationship with any other characters in the game other than Kate, male or female.
There is no Shepard without Vakarian
I didn't notice until you pointed out. They are very similar indeed. "Abeille" is french for "bee" (no I have nothing to do with France, I just like the country and bees).
I picked the flirting option and goddamnit it was fun LOL
Not like it matters but I share the idea that the fact it had to confirmed out of game for anyone to know just proves that it wasn't conveyed well and probably shouldn't even be noted.
I couldn't care less about Javier's sexuality, I'm just saying it's probably revealed just now to keep us interested and hyped about the character. They hinted about Clementine's father and people went crazy yet nothing happened.
That's possible. It still has no bearing on the Javi-Kate-David romance drama. If Javi is in love with Kate, he is in love with Kate. The possibility for him to have fallen in love for someone else, male or female, doesn't change it because he *didn't *fall for someone else, he fell for Kate. So it doesn't render the drama pointless.