I feel bad for the people who can't see past the shallow soap opera nonsense and continually give high praise to something that objectively does not deserve it in any way.
this season hurt many people.
Hurt? You must mean disappointed, right? I feel bad for anyone who was emotionally devastated because a video game didn't meet their expectations.
I was really, really excited for this season but as a huge fan it ended up really hurting me. The b.s. two episode premiere, Clem not being playable but for a total of 15 minutes, and killing off Kenny (the only other s1 character) in 5 minutes was irresponsible. Not to mention the dismissive ama comments towards the fans who had criticism. All of these issues changed how I fundamentally perceive Telltale. I used to buy every new series of yours by habit, but I am no longer going to do that. It will take a lot to get me back to that point of faith and loyalty.
However, it was obvious by episodes 3 and especially 4 that you accepted the criticism and wanted to work towards salvaging as much of the series as possible. The ama responses changed very quickly from condescending and dismissive to appreciative and honest. Choices and dialogue started actually affecting small things again. Hell, you even managed to bring Kenny back. Despite his death scene treatment, I'll always appreciate you for giving us a last farewell with the best character from any video game ever.
With all of this being said, I really hope this series can return quickly and considerably stronger and more confident than ANF was. Please remember what not to do about determinant characters, and please let our endings matter.
Oh, and PLEASE let Kate return for those who had her disappear in Richmond. Love you guys
Thank YOU, for giving us the epic finale, best few minutes of my life were the last scenes of thee ep. I've been playing for years... Cant wait for the all-clem season 4
Thank you Alyssa...sometimes we can be overly harsh...and sometimes we will rage because something did not go a direction we thought best...I for one love This franchise...and I critique out of a love for TWD. You guys have got to get back to character building and consistency. As I wrote before...there were genuine scenes of heart and character...but they were so few and far between. You do not need to move a story along at 120 Mph...slow it down and let us enjoy the characters and get to know them.
Also...we need to be able to explore locations more...at certain points it seemed all we were doing was QTE to QTE.
Not every season is going to be amazing...and ANF is not the complete disaster some make out....but it is not in the same league as S1 and 2...nor even Michonne(which is my second favorite after S1)
So live and learn...and take heart...we bitch, and some of us are just down right nit-picky...but that is fandom. If we didn't care, there would not be all this passion.
p.s. Never market Clem and then have her be barely in the game again....that hurts...and turned ugly as the season went on.
Obviously I'm disappointed that I'll have to wait for 2 years to get what I have actually been craving for since season 2 and season 3 didnt have it, CLEMENTINE
Thank YOU, for giving us the epic finale, best few minutes of my life were the last scenes of thee ep. I've been playing for years... Cant wait for the all-clem season 4
I was really, really excited for this season but as a huge fan it ended up really hurting me. The b.s. two episode premiere, Clem not being … moreplayable but for a total of 15 minutes, and killing off Kenny (the only other s1 character) in 5 minutes was irresponsible. Not to mention the dismissive ama comments towards the fans who had criticism. All of these issues changed how I fundamentally perceive Telltale. I used to buy every new series of yours by habit, but I am no longer going to do that. It will take a lot to get me back to that point of faith and loyalty.
However, it was obvious by episodes 3 and especially 4 that you accepted the criticism and wanted to work towards salvaging as much of the series as possible. The ama responses changed very quickly from condescending and dismissive to appreciative and honest. Choices and dialogue started actually affecting small things again. Hell, you even managed to bring Kenny back. Despite his de… [view original content]
If there's one thing I'll commend Telltale for, is that you are all incredibly humble, but also very open to criticism. I honestly think tha… moret as each episode of ANF released, it increased in quality. Thank you, for making this an experience worth taking. I wasn't always a fan of every decision made, but I can admire you're effort and I can admire everything you all have done right. I'm pleased that you can face this community, as brash and hard-line as it may be, with a smile and open arms. Personally, ANF proved that, whilst it has it's problems and it has a while to go to reach it's full potential, that your team is constantly adapting and fitting in changes for the better. I promise that if you keep this attitude up and keep striving for better, the community will be on your side in no time and Telltale's "good" games will once again become excellent.
Go after David and Gabe or go with Kate. Took me a solid 15 minutes, and it felt like the left and right side of my brain were having a wrestling match. I went after David and Gabe, and I'm still not sure what to think about my decision.
I feel bad for the people who can't see past the shallow soap opera nonsense and continually give high praise to something that objectively does not deserve it in any way.
Dude... that choice man. I wanted so badly to go after David because I had a strong feeling that he wouldn't survive if I didn't but I felt like my Javi would want to save the people in Richmond. Damned morality! Seriously it feels like doing the right thing always gets my favorite characters killed.
this season hurt many people.
Hurt? You must mean disappointed, right? I feel bad for anyone who was emotionally devastated because a video game didn't meet their expectations.
I feel bad for the people who can't see past the shallow soap opera nonsense and continually give high praise to something that objectively does not deserve it in any way.
me and a zillion others think you guys are getting better and better.
im sorry where are these other zillion people you talk of? I genuinely feel bad for someone accepting this season for what it is instead of fighting for what you are actually owed and what you payed for.
Me and a zillion others think you guys are getting better and better. You probably know that since I imagine you do your own in-house metric… mores. But still, squeaky wheel and all that. People are much more likely to complain when upset and say little or nothing when content. Just please keep that in mind because there are few things more frustrating than a tyranny of the toxic whiners. I hate for you guys to not experiment with different protagonists (as long as we come back to Clem sometimes which seems to be the plan for the next season) and gameplay formulas because overly negative people seem to have a lot of time on their hands to fixate and obsess and inundate you with negativity, making it seem like they're a bigger demographic than they really are. Sometimes I'm reminded of Kathy Bates in Misery. So many complainers are like mini-dictators.
Also, Clem's new look is awesome. Don't get intimated and back down! And thank you for having t… [view original content]
This. I really love how the writer's THE WRITERS come to there own forms and interact and talk to there fans! It really does show that they … moreare listening and taking all the feedback in weather it be negative or positive. Just goes to show how awesome Telltale games really are!
This game is not perfect, but its not completely bad.
I understand other people rant. I dont share it, but I understand it. This was not the best Telltale game, but I really liked. Episode 4, 5 and 3 were amazing, and I loved replayed them even more than the Season One episodes.
But I know that all of you can make things much more better. Thank you for this game.
And if someone from Telltale see this, I want to see Javi and Gabe again. Please. They really growed up on me through this game.
When somebody says "don't get upset" it makes me think my ranting has become a common occurrence on the forums.
I couldn't give you a specific reason. I just care a lot more about ANF's character's than I have with past seasons and I'm really invested in Javi's story. Javi's a really likeable guy and I felt like I was part of the story with him. He wasn't just tagging along like Clementine, this was his struggle. It was his family in danger and he felt like he was apart of the Presscott group. The story felt even more personal when David showed up.
That's all I've got for you. No real specific reason as I said and you don't have to agree.
Being honest just let walking dead die, its already disrespectful that we had to pay the price of a full season when it was really only a 4 episode long season, and now have to pay for DLC just to see the story we thought we were going to get in ANF.
I will say, I was never fully on board with A New Frontier, never really felt connected, but you guys did a really great job on the final episode, I actually felt very connected to the characters this time around.
Excited for the future of TWD now, hoping that you do a whole season with Clementine in the future, would be nice with some DLC explaining her time in The New Frontier or whatever, but I feel like, especially with the shorter episodes, we need a whole season to actually get some substance, if that makes sense? I would love a DLC with Clementine in The New Frontier, since I would like to see some more of David, and then maybe make season 4 about Clementine finding and subsequently taking care of AJ? as in, continue right where A New Frontier left off with Clementine as the protagonist
Special extra thanks for little interaction with Jesus hinting that Javi is at least bi. From the bottom of my old lil gay heart, I once again, thank you. :')
Look I won't sugar coat this, but cmon, this season hurt many people. It wasn't good, it was extremely disappointing and most of all a let d… moreown on telltales part, you've made great games before so we know you were once capable of doing it, so why try to fix what isn't broken? The walking dead S1 and S2 were great games and to my knowledge so was tales from the borderlands (I haven't had chance to play any other telltale games atm) however I've heard things from many other people, and they all seem to have the same agreement, that ANF was telltales worse game. Short play time and Clem not being protagonist was two of main issues people had with the season, there are many more, however I don't want to be here too long. Please for future games you create, go back to your old ways of making enjoyable and fun games, have ANF as an example of not what to do anymore, and hopefully you guys take this as constructive criticism and I don't get banned, … [view original content]
Thank you for the kind message to the community, it's really appreciated, I'm not a hugely active member of the forum, but I have been extremely invested in Telltales games for long while now, with a falloff of enthusiasm starting with GOT/Mine and ending with Batman. I hope Telltale keeps clear and open communication with their community, because it's incredibly important to understand your customers and fans and what they are trying to say, that's one of the reasons CD Projekt Red is doing so well!
I do find it incredibly odd as a consumer that the company seems focused on putting out lots of licensed products in rapid succession, rather than following a design pattern and longer development schedule closer to other game studios, even ones that do episodic content. It seems to really diminish quality and leaves me concerned due to the end result of quite a few recent games.
Wolf, Tales, and Season 1 are definitely the best experiences I've had with your games, and I do hope it isn't too hard to figure out why. They aren't perfect nowadays, but they wore their flaws on their sleeve and did some really amazing things within the medium.
I really hope it's clear that the engine is a huge problem, I can't tell what its like to design with, but the end user experience really suffers do to the incredibly dated technology, awkward animations and transitions, visual drawbacks and lacking cinematography and auditory experience. I can't imagine the lack of a physics engine being helpful in the design process either.
I find it incredibly odd that Telltale creates a game for next generation consoles and phones and tablets simultaneously, not only are Telltale games not really suited to the mobile format, but it creates huge drawbacks for your fans on PC, and makes it really hard for people to enjoy your games.
With the hugely minimalistic gameplay and short amount of content, I am confused as to why the company can't put effort into a new generation visual and technological narrative experience.
I also don't understand why just because its a narrative game, there should be no gameplay or challenge. Narrative based dynamic combat or puzzle solving would be fantastic. Choreographing your own fight scene like in the first Wolf Among Us episode would be fantastic, narrative being integrated into gameplay decisions and tough situations would be fantastic. And if the replay system is improved, would create huge replayability (as long as you remove the huge tedium of chapter rewinds and random checkpoints). Gameplay is fantastic!
Shooting mechanics during certain moments in Tales From The Borderlands would have been a lot of fun! And could provide awesome cinematic moments with engaging difficulty.
More loot choices and character customization would have been brilliant! There was so much untapped potential in the cash and New U system. So much untapped potential gameplay as a con artist tactically navigating conversations!
I really hope the company reflects on their development schedule and really focuses on taking their time making a game the best it can be, other gaming studios have much larger development cycles, and it baffles me that New Frontier was made in such a short period of time, despite a two year break.
I'm not going to go too far into the writing, but I simply can't consider this game canon, it's surreal how disconnected I am with it after being so invested in the franchise 2 years ago. Kenny is still alive for me, because it's just so hard to take this seriously, none of this story even happened in my mind.
You don't get to see Wellington whatsoever, sympathy for Jane was destroyed, all the character models (especially Kenny) looked like melted plastic, and combined with the huge technological drawbacks, the writing was so surreal that I can't believe it.
I genuinely wouldn't mind Telltale retconning the flashbacks, because trying to convince me the Season 2 characters are even dead after what was shown is just absurd. The endings and all our choices from Season 1 and 2 still should be carried over, that responsibility doesn't magically go away after none of our choices change Clementines personality whatsoever.
It makes no sense that Clementine is now a strictly defined NPC, after you had us roleplay the character in lots of nuanced ways. Our interpretations of her emotions and actions, our choices, our small dialogue interactions, all created a different version of the character.
The Clementine in this game is not my Clementine, the game simply isn't canon. It's also incredibly strange that you now dictated what her sexuality is, despite how many people strongly hate that. People would rather roleplay her in that regard, the type of person she would be connected to if at all shouldn't be defined after you let us play her.
The fact that Telltale is already making a marvel game (and how it is just a technological and visual mess) is not comforting, Telltale really needs to change things to gain back trust.
Put gameplay into your games, honestly! It would go a long way!
Seriously, don't be scared of long development time, nobody cares what franchise you license, we care about engaging expansive interactive storytelling, and what you actually promise when you say choices matter.
Sorry for the verbose tough love, I don't know if anyone from Telltale will even read this, which sucks! That sort of disparity is hard for the much more dedicated fans than me.
I honestly wish you all the best, and hope you guys have a great year.
Yeah trust me I really do not agree, like you said Clementine just tagged along, telltales most likeable and only remaining chatacter from S1, just thrown to the side, made to tag along with this random guy nobody knew anything about, surely you understand why people are pissed off with the creators and writers of ANF for pushing their best and most well known AND liked character, to one side.
When somebody says "don't get upset" it makes me think my ranting has become a common occurrence on the forums.
I couldn't give you a sp… moreecific reason. I just care a lot more about ANF's character's than I have with past seasons and I'm really invested in Javi's story. Javi's a really likeable guy and I felt like I was part of the story with him. He wasn't just tagging along like Clementine, this was his struggle. It was his family in danger and he felt like he was apart of the Presscott group. The story felt even more personal when David showed up.
That's all I've got for you. No real specific reason as I said and you don't have to agree.
Thank YOU, Alyssa, as well as the rest of the ANF team! I love how interactive Telltale is with its fanbase (especially compared to other video game companies) and I loved this season, especially the finale! It really felt like so many of my choices came together to either screw me over or to help me get an ending I could be satisfied with. Can't wait to see what Telltale does next with TWDG!
Yeah trust me I really do not agree, like you said Clementine just tagged along, telltales most likeable and only remaining chatacter from S… more1, just thrown to the side, made to tag along with this random guy nobody knew anything about, surely you understand why people are pissed off with the creators and writers of ANF for pushing their best and most well known AND liked character, to one side.
I thought you guys did most things right this season:
Javi became a character that people didn't even know to omg I want to see him again.
You created individual character for Clem. Something that season 2 couldn't do.
Triple determinant character.
Not having everyone die.
Javi's development
What you did wrong:
1.Clem not being playable
2. Too many love triangles.
3. Clem is too strong. Nerf her ,please.
4. Javi's van. That van is magical.
5. You never explained the bracelet? What does it mean to her?
I would love if that in season 4 Gabe, leaves Richmond to try to find Clem but becomes unknown in his journey ; or leaves Richmond because he wants his independents and meaning so goes to Oceanside to become a seafood handler and dies at sea one day.
I thought you guys did most things right this season:
* Javi became a character that people didn't even know to omg I want to see him a… moregain.
* You created individual character for Clem. Something that season 2 couldn't do.
* Triple determinant character.
* Not having everyone die.
* Javi's development
What you did wrong:
1.Clem not being playable
2. Too many love triangles.
3. Clem is too strong. Nerf her ,please.
4. Javi's van. That van is magical.
5. You never explained the bracelet? What does it mean to her?
I would love if that in season 4 Gabe, leaves Richmond to try to find Clem but becomes unknown in his journey ; or leaves Richmond because he wants his independents and meaning so goes to Oceanside to become a seafood handler and dies at sea one day.
I want Telltale to continue the " I want to be a man" plot. And sending him to Oceanside would be the easiest way to do so. They would only have to provide a 20 sec clip of Gabe leaving with Pete. Once and a while, Javi receives letters from Gabe. We can even have mentions of Sam in the letters depending on your choices in Michone.
Or just have him go on a journey to find Clem, but dies trying.
You guys did a fantastic job. The final episode had probably the hardest choice I've ever had to make in a Walking Dead game.
I feel bad for the people who can't see past the shallow soap opera nonsense and continually give high praise to something that objectively does not deserve it in any way.
I was really, really excited for this season but as a huge fan it ended up really hurting me. The b.s. two episode premiere, Clem not being playable but for a total of 15 minutes, and killing off Kenny (the only other s1 character) in 5 minutes was irresponsible. Not to mention the dismissive ama comments towards the fans who had criticism. All of these issues changed how I fundamentally perceive Telltale. I used to buy every new series of yours by habit, but I am no longer going to do that. It will take a lot to get me back to that point of faith and loyalty.
However, it was obvious by episodes 3 and especially 4 that you accepted the criticism and wanted to work towards salvaging as much of the series as possible. The ama responses changed very quickly from condescending and dismissive to appreciative and honest. Choices and dialogue started actually affecting small things again. Hell, you even managed to bring Kenny back. Despite his death scene treatment, I'll always appreciate you for giving us a last farewell with the best character from any video game ever.
With all of this being said, I really hope this series can return quickly and considerably stronger and more confident than ANF was. Please remember what not to do about determinant characters, and please let our endings matter.
Oh, and PLEASE let Kate return for those who had her disappear in Richmond. Love you guys
What choice was that and what did you do?
Thank YOU, for giving us the epic finale, best few minutes of my life were the last scenes of thee ep. I've been playing for years... Cant wait for the all-clem season 4

Thank you Alyssa...sometimes we can be overly harsh...and sometimes we will rage because something did not go a direction we thought best...I for one love This franchise...and I critique out of a love for TWD. You guys have got to get back to character building and consistency. As I wrote before...there were genuine scenes of heart and character...but they were so few and far between. You do not need to move a story along at 120 Mph...slow it down and let us enjoy the characters and get to know them.
Also...we need to be able to explore locations more...at certain points it seemed all we were doing was QTE to QTE.
Not every season is going to be amazing...and ANF is not the complete disaster some make out....but it is not in the same league as S1 and 2...nor even Michonne(which is my second favorite after S1)
So live and learn...and take heart...we bitch, and some of us are just down right nit-picky...but that is fandom. If we didn't care, there would not be all this passion.
p.s. Never market Clem and then have her be barely in the game again....that hurts...and turned ugly as the season went on.
Obviously I'm disappointed that I'll have to wait for 2 years to get what I have actually been craving for since season 2 and season 3 didnt have it, CLEMENTINE
Amen Brother Vengeful Kenny!
Well said sir!
I agree!
You're welcome, Alyssa!
Go after David and Gabe or go with Kate. Took me a solid 15 minutes, and it felt like the left and right side of my brain were having a wrestling match. I went after David and Gabe, and I'm still not sure what to think about my decision.
Alright. You don't have to feel bad for someone because they like something that you don't.
Dude... that choice man. I wanted so badly to go after David because I had a strong feeling that he wouldn't survive if I didn't but I felt like my Javi would want to save the people in Richmond. Damned morality! Seriously it feels like doing the right thing always gets my favorite characters killed.
Yes I mean disappointed.
High praise? You believe I'm giving high praise?
im sorry where are these other zillion people you talk of? I genuinely feel bad for someone accepting this season for what it is instead of fighting for what you are actually owed and what you payed for.
What did you think was so good about this season? Just a question, don't get upset.
Bro, they haven't listened though have they, not entirely.
I want to believe something will be as good as TFtB. Wasn't ANF but the game did improve after the premiere so good on you there
Your welcome . It was an awesome game .
I would have preferred more character mobility though like in season 1 .
This game is not perfect, but its not completely bad.
I understand other people rant. I dont share it, but I understand it. This was not the best Telltale game, but I really liked. Episode 4, 5 and 3 were amazing, and I loved replayed them even more than the Season One episodes.
But I know that all of you can make things much more better. Thank you for this game.
And if someone from Telltale see this, I want to see Javi and Gabe again. Please. They really growed up on me through this game.
When somebody says "don't get upset" it makes me think my ranting has become a common occurrence on the forums.
I couldn't give you a specific reason. I just care a lot more about ANF's character's than I have with past seasons and I'm really invested in Javi's story. Javi's a really likeable guy and I felt like I was part of the story with him. He wasn't just tagging along like Clementine, this was his struggle. It was his family in danger and he felt like he was apart of the Presscott group. The story felt even more personal when David showed up.
That's all I've got for you. No real specific reason as I said and you don't have to agree.
Being honest just let walking dead die, its already disrespectful that we had to pay the price of a full season when it was really only a 4 episode long season, and now have to pay for DLC just to see the story we thought we were going to get in ANF.
I will say, I was never fully on board with A New Frontier, never really felt connected, but you guys did a really great job on the final episode, I actually felt very connected to the characters this time around.
Excited for the future of TWD now, hoping that you do a whole season with Clementine in the future, would be nice with some DLC explaining her time in The New Frontier or whatever, but I feel like, especially with the shorter episodes, we need a whole season to actually get some substance, if that makes sense? I would love a DLC with Clementine in The New Frontier, since I would like to see some more of David, and then maybe make season 4 about Clementine finding and subsequently taking care of AJ? as in, continue right where A New Frontier left off with Clementine as the protagonist
No, thank YOU.
Special extra thanks for little interaction with Jesus hinting that Javi is at least bi. From the bottom of my old lil gay heart, I once again, thank you. :')
S2 wasn't great though, it was pretty medicore compared to S1. Still better than S3 though
Thank you for the kind message to the community, it's really appreciated, I'm not a hugely active member of the forum, but I have been extremely invested in Telltales games for long while now, with a falloff of enthusiasm starting with GOT/Mine and ending with Batman. I hope Telltale keeps clear and open communication with their community, because it's incredibly important to understand your customers and fans and what they are trying to say, that's one of the reasons CD Projekt Red is doing so well!
I do find it incredibly odd as a consumer that the company seems focused on putting out lots of licensed products in rapid succession, rather than following a design pattern and longer development schedule closer to other game studios, even ones that do episodic content. It seems to really diminish quality and leaves me concerned due to the end result of quite a few recent games.
Wolf, Tales, and Season 1 are definitely the best experiences I've had with your games, and I do hope it isn't too hard to figure out why. They aren't perfect nowadays, but they wore their flaws on their sleeve and did some really amazing things within the medium.
I really hope it's clear that the engine is a huge problem, I can't tell what its like to design with, but the end user experience really suffers do to the incredibly dated technology, awkward animations and transitions, visual drawbacks and lacking cinematography and auditory experience. I can't imagine the lack of a physics engine being helpful in the design process either.
I find it incredibly odd that Telltale creates a game for next generation consoles and phones and tablets simultaneously, not only are Telltale games not really suited to the mobile format, but it creates huge drawbacks for your fans on PC, and makes it really hard for people to enjoy your games.
With the hugely minimalistic gameplay and short amount of content, I am confused as to why the company can't put effort into a new generation visual and technological narrative experience.
I also don't understand why just because its a narrative game, there should be no gameplay or challenge. Narrative based dynamic combat or puzzle solving would be fantastic. Choreographing your own fight scene like in the first Wolf Among Us episode would be fantastic, narrative being integrated into gameplay decisions and tough situations would be fantastic. And if the replay system is improved, would create huge replayability (as long as you remove the huge tedium of chapter rewinds and random checkpoints). Gameplay is fantastic!
Shooting mechanics during certain moments in Tales From The Borderlands would have been a lot of fun! And could provide awesome cinematic moments with engaging difficulty.
More loot choices and character customization would have been brilliant! There was so much untapped potential in the cash and New U system. So much untapped potential gameplay as a con artist tactically navigating conversations!
I really hope the company reflects on their development schedule and really focuses on taking their time making a game the best it can be, other gaming studios have much larger development cycles, and it baffles me that New Frontier was made in such a short period of time, despite a two year break.
I'm not going to go too far into the writing, but I simply can't consider this game canon, it's surreal how disconnected I am with it after being so invested in the franchise 2 years ago. Kenny is still alive for me, because it's just so hard to take this seriously, none of this story even happened in my mind.
You don't get to see Wellington whatsoever, sympathy for Jane was destroyed, all the character models (especially Kenny) looked like melted plastic, and combined with the huge technological drawbacks, the writing was so surreal that I can't believe it.
I genuinely wouldn't mind Telltale retconning the flashbacks, because trying to convince me the Season 2 characters are even dead after what was shown is just absurd. The endings and all our choices from Season 1 and 2 still should be carried over, that responsibility doesn't magically go away after none of our choices change Clementines personality whatsoever.
It makes no sense that Clementine is now a strictly defined NPC, after you had us roleplay the character in lots of nuanced ways. Our interpretations of her emotions and actions, our choices, our small dialogue interactions, all created a different version of the character.
The Clementine in this game is not my Clementine, the game simply isn't canon. It's also incredibly strange that you now dictated what her sexuality is, despite how many people strongly hate that. People would rather roleplay her in that regard, the type of person she would be connected to if at all shouldn't be defined after you let us play her.
The fact that Telltale is already making a marvel game (and how it is just a technological and visual mess) is not comforting, Telltale really needs to change things to gain back trust.
Put gameplay into your games, honestly! It would go a long way!
Seriously, don't be scared of long development time, nobody cares what franchise you license, we care about engaging expansive interactive storytelling, and what you actually promise when you say choices matter.
Sorry for the verbose tough love, I don't know if anyone from Telltale will even read this, which sucks! That sort of disparity is hard for the much more dedicated fans than me.
I honestly wish you all the best, and hope you guys have a great year.
Yeah trust me I really do not agree, like you said Clementine just tagged along, telltales most likeable and only remaining chatacter from S1, just thrown to the side, made to tag along with this random guy nobody knew anything about, surely you understand why people are pissed off with the creators and writers of ANF for pushing their best and most well known AND liked character, to one side.
On personal level I enjoyed it more then most, however you're not wrong, ANF was dreadful.
Thank YOU, Alyssa, as well as the rest of the ANF team! I love how interactive Telltale is with its fanbase (especially compared to other video game companies) and I loved this season, especially the finale! It really felt like so many of my choices came together to either screw me over or to help me get an ending I could be satisfied with.
Can't wait to see what Telltale does next with TWDG!
By Clem "tagging along" I meant that season 2 didn't feel like her story. It felt like it was the Cabin Group's story and that it wasn't her struggle.
I thought you guys did most things right this season:
What you did wrong:
1.Clem not being playable
2. Too many love triangles.
3. Clem is too strong. Nerf her ,please.
4. Javi's van. That van is magical.
5. You never explained the bracelet? What does it mean to her?
I would love if that in season 4 Gabe, leaves Richmond to try to find Clem but becomes unknown in his journey ; or leaves Richmond because he wants his independents and meaning so goes to Oceanside to become a seafood handler and dies at sea one day.
That is an interesting point, even if it became Kenny and for bit Jane's story by the end.
I will say that Clem did feel more important in episodes 4 & 5.
Dude, what is with the obsession of Gabe and Oceanside?
I want Telltale to continue the " I want to be a man" plot. And sending him to Oceanside would be the easiest way to do so. They would only have to provide a 20 sec clip of Gabe leaving with Pete. Once and a while, Javi receives letters from Gabe. We can even have mentions of Sam in the letters depending on your choices in Michone.
Or just have him go on a journey to find Clem, but dies trying.
Season 2 was all to do with Clem what do you mean. And you've steered away from the point here.
On your head be it.
She was just kinda there with the Cabin Group. Carver was after them, not Clementine. She just got dragged along.
Alyssa, I will buy you a unicorn that craps guns if you can put in a good word for the slaughterhouse.
Now think about this, it's a good offer. I might even throw in a year's supply of chocolate!