Not in my story, all I got was a try-hard scene of Gabe blabbering about something stupid and how Javier is just now like a father to Gabe e… moreven though the little shithead kept crying about David being a great dad the entire episode.
All the while had Clem crying like she did throughout the other 95% of the game about teaching some baby who I have actively removed from my head cause the baby literally has less than 0% to do with anything, how to play cards... the single lamest thing in history to learn.
And to top it off didn't even get the satisfaction of watching the bullet penetrate Gabe's virgin face.
Either that, or... I forgot about it cause I was too busy rubbing my weary eyes to try and allow myself to finish the immensely boring and devitalizing episode and the game certainly wasn't granting me that courtesy with any of the sophomoric dialogue.
Pretty much all Telltale protagonists have personalities and sexualities of their own. Clem's at least interested in guys and Javi is bi. TftB also clearly tries to set up Rhys and Sasha along with Wolf Among us doing so for Bigby and Snow.
I'm actually a little troubled that they seem to want to firmly dictate what Clementines sexuality is after letting us roleplay her, that doesn't make sense to me.
this is the Big problem I started to see with players. Most people think they can customize the characters so they can immerse in the game -_-. These games are NOT like other games from other companies. You roleplay as certain character. If you want to know their background, you need to invest time to get to know them.
You can help pick how they are going to react to characters's opinion, thoughts, but we are not them.
I would say, it is like giving an advice to friends, and they follow that advice.
I'm actually a little troubled that they seem to want to firmly dictate what Clementines sexuality is after letting us roleplay her, that doesn't make sense to me.
this is the Big problem I started to see with players. Most people think they can customize the characters so they can immerse in the game -… more_-. These games are NOT like other games from other companies. You roleplay as certain character. If you want to know their background, you need to invest time to get to know them.
You can help pick how they are going to react to characters's opinion, thoughts, but we are not them.
I would say, it is like giving an advice to friends, and they follow that advice.
@BlindSniper this is for you and all the bs you've been receiving.
I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think about the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why this kind of relationship with Clementine would be good for him AND her.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this dialogue may seem, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (g AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny appreciating you in the beginning of season 2 and then you having the choice of either saving or killing him in the end. But other than that, there were only two.
With the people protecting her such as Lee and Luke, Clementine was on a friendly basis with, but that does not necessarily equate to concrete friendship since they were all adults. And as much as you try to disagree, a child cannot fully relate to an adult in terms of friendship until it becomes one (if you think from a psychological perspective). And Clem could never have a full-on friendly relationship with those she was protecting because, in order to protect someone you care about, you must constantly worry for their safety and guard it at all times. This is also why her adoption of AJ has forced her to mature into motherhood far before her time.
But then Gabe comes along and changes all of that.
Unlike those she has met before in the Apocalypse (with the rare exception being Duck in the early episodes of season 1), Gabe fits into neither of those categories. He has proven he can protect himself without Clementine's intervention and does not need to protect Clementine. He is a breather for her. He is someone exactly her age, someone independent and in ways uncertain, like her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Going back to my original point, I know these two are not the same. They are in all essence of the word, opposites; the character foils of one another. And again, that is why this dynamic is so interesting and just plain good. Since Gabe is mostly unmatured, he still has a kiddish demeanor about him, and because this is so unlike Clem, that immature personality rubs off on her. Just look at Clementine when Gabe plays cards with her, frickin cards.
She smiles and laughs so naturally, it's as if there had never been an apocalypse at all, that she was just a regular girl. That's what's so amazing-Gabe literally gives her back pieces of what could have been her childhood; he makes her the careless teenager she's supposed to healthily be because he is one too.
Not to mention that Gabe is learning from her as well. Geez, that kid has not manned up really at all since the apocalypse, but when Clementine gives him these little pushes, he suddenly retains his cool.
Episode 4
Gabe: I'm going to get the truck.
Clementine: I need you to watch my back on this one.
Gabe: Yeah, okay.
With these little pushes, Clementine gives him, he suddenly takes a step closer to maturity. Another example is in episode 2, right after Gabe threatens to shoot Conrad.
With a small talk, he retains his cool. And why? Because of this simple and always predominant rule: Opposites attract. And opposites attract for a reason, guys, to compliment each other, and that's exactly what had happened.
Clementine and Gabe do not need people just like them to find happiness, they need people like each other.
And for those who say that there has been too little time for them to realistically fall in love with each other, we have to remember that there is also nothing realistic about the zombie apocalypse. In situations and settings such as that, people do learn to bond and trust each other in much less time than if there were no constant life or death situations. And if Episode 4 did not push the fact that Clementine is growing up enough, we also have to take into account that she's thirteen, not thirty-three. We all know how easy it is to develop crushes at that age.
All the above is what makes their relationship intricate and compelling, other than forced and flat couples seen in media today. Whether Telltale decides to continue their dynamic or not, I do not really know. But if there is more future content of their romantic relationship (depending on if you kept him alive or not), please try not to be babies about it.
I didn't read over half of this shit before I posted this, but I will say that their dynamic and correlation as characters is one of the main things of interest for me going through this installment and it's something of an example of how wasted a lot of things are.
@BlindSniper this is for you and all the bs you've been receiving.
I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think abou… moret the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why this kind of relationship with Clementine would be good for him AND her.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this dialogue may seem, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (g AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny appreciating you in the beginning of season 2… [view original content]
Since Gabe is mostly unmatured, he still has a kiddish demeanor about him, and because this is so unlike Clem, that immature personality rubs off on her.
She smiles and laughs so naturally, it's as if there had never been an apocalypse at all, that she was just a regular girl.
Gabe literally gives her back pieces of what could have been her childhood
Opposites attract
Clementine and Gabe do not need people just like them to find happiness, they need people like each other.
All the above is what makes their relationship intricate and compelling
@BlindSniper this is for you and all the bs you've been receiving.
I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think abou… moret the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why this kind of relationship with Clementine would be good for him AND her.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this dialogue may seem, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (g AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny appreciating you in the beginning of season 2… [view original content]
I'm not too sure that is one hundred percent true, but that seems like a problem because Telltale is suffering from a lack of meaningful choice and good roleplaying decisions.
I don't see her interest as canon anyway, I just find it strange they are dictating her personality for us, and reacting to opinions and thoughts doesn't exactly seem like a minor thing.
Forcing a lot of character moments that the player was no control over doesn't seem like a very interactive engaging experience either. Telltale games are becoming films with horrible cinematography and a poor auditory experience.
It might also be that I dislike Gabe and his inconsistent writing and would find a relationship with another girl her age rather sweet and pleasant, or no relationship because she is really young why is this a thing.
this is the Big problem I started to see with players. Most people think they can customize the characters so they can immerse in the game -… more_-. These games are NOT like other games from other companies. You roleplay as certain character. If you want to know their background, you need to invest time to get to know them.
You can help pick how they are going to react to characters's opinion, thoughts, but we are not them.
I would say, it is like giving an advice to friends, and they follow that advice.
Can we expect some crazy game on Steam greenlight titled Clementine Dreams Collection - My Roommate Gabe, which will feature an FPS adventure through the eyes of Clementine sitting on a couch next to Gabe, while Javi keeps texting her to just stare into his eyes and that you have his blessing?
So does Clem also have a crush on Gabe? This is a scene from the ending I got where Gabe lives.
Clem: I'm really gonna miss Gabe.
Javi:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem: I mean, hes annoying sometimes but ive gotten used to having him around.
Javi: Dude's got a mondo crush on you!
Clem: aghhh he does not !
Javi : oh my gosh u have a crush on him too !
Clem: I do not !
Javi : You two have my blessing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem : I'm gonna stab you with those scissors !!
So does Clem also have a crush on Gabe? This is a scene from the ending I got where Gabe lives.
Clem: I'm really gonna miss Gabe.
Javi:(… more ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem: I mean, hes annoying sometimes but ive gotten used to having him around.
Javi: Dude's got a mondo crush on you!
Clem: aghhh he does not !
Javi : oh my gosh u have a crush on him too !
Clem: I do not !
Javi : You two have my blessing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem : I'm gonna stab you with those scissors !!
So does Clem also have a crush on Gabe? This is a scene from the ending I got where Gabe lives.
Clem: I'm really gonna miss Gabe.
Javi:(… more ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem: I mean, hes annoying sometimes but ive gotten used to having him around.
Javi: Dude's got a mondo crush on you!
Clem: aghhh he does not !
Javi : oh my gosh u have a crush on him too !
Clem: I do not !
Javi : You two have my blessing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem : I'm gonna stab you with those scissors !!
So does Clem also have a crush on Gabe? This is a scene from the ending I got where Gabe lives.
Clem: I'm really gonna miss Gabe.
Javi:(… more ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem: I mean, hes annoying sometimes but ive gotten used to having him around.
Javi: Dude's got a mondo crush on you!
Clem: aghhh he does not !
Javi : oh my gosh u have a crush on him too !
Clem: I do not !
Javi : You two have my blessing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem : I'm gonna stab you with those scissors !!
@BlindSniper this is for you and all the bs you've been receiving.
I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think abou… moret the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why this kind of relationship with Clementine would be good for him AND her.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this dialogue may seem, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (g AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny appreciating you in the beginning of season 2… [view original content]
Is it a thing that happens in every playthrough? No, it isn't. So by definition of canon in games, if it doesn't happen every time you play the game and can't be optional or avoidable, then it isn't canon, like Kenny dying in S2 isn't canon or Jane, etc... Lee's death that is canon, because it happens in every playthrough of the game and it can't be avoided. For this to happen you have to save Gabe and then chose the right answer so...besides in this particular scene she didn't say i love Gabe, javi teases her and she fall for it like the child she is, nothing more.
Oh my god man they're thriteen! Most of my friends had been kissing since they're eight! It's already surprising her first kiss wasn't before the apocalipse. Plus it's not like they're making out or something, it's just a peck on the lips. And you're not forced to watch them, you can leave if you want to. I woukld be "pedo vibes" if one of them was an aldult-- but they're not. So don't freak out.
Oh my god man they're thriteen! Most of my friends had been kissing since they're eight! It's already surprising her first kiss wasn't before the apocalipse. Plus it's not like they're making out or something, it's just a peck on the lips. And you're not forced to watch them, you can leave if you want to. I woukld be "pedo vibes" if one of them was an aldult-- but they're not. So don't freak out.
Oh my god man they're thriteen! Most of my friends had been kissing since they're eight! It's already surprising her first kiss wasn't befor… moree the apocalipse. Plus it's not like they're making out or something, it's just a peck on the lips. And you're not forced to watch them, you can leave if you want to. I woukld be "pedo vibes" if one of them was an aldult-- but they're not. So don't freak out.
Can we expect some crazy game on Steam greenlight titled Clementine Dreams Collection - My Roommate Gabe, which will feature an FPS adventur… moree through the eyes of Clementine sitting on a couch next to Gabe, while Javi keeps texting her to just stare into his eyes and that you have his blessing?
Can we expect some crazy game on Steam greenlight titled Clementine Dreams Collection - My Roommate Gabe, which will feature an FPS adventur… moree through the eyes of Clementine sitting on a couch next to Gabe, while Javi keeps texting her to just stare into his eyes and that you have his blessing?
Jeez you really hate this game huh ?
Hate is a strong word...
Pretty much all Telltale protagonists have personalities and sexualities of their own. Clem's at least interested in guys and Javi is bi. TftB also clearly tries to set up Rhys and Sasha along with Wolf Among us doing so for Bigby and Snow.
Man, I need to make a screenshot of her raepface.
Blind Sniper and StaySafeNick sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Clementine and Gabe sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Doesn't happen to me, i played with the others 3 endings but doesn't work.
Didn't get that..thought I might....not sure why my Clem stayed by Gabes side always....IDK
this is the Big problem I started to see with players. Most people think they can customize the characters so they can immerse in the game -_-. These games are NOT like other games from other companies. You roleplay as certain character. If you want to know their background, you need to invest time to get to know them.
You can help pick how they are going to react to characters's opinion, thoughts, but we are not them.
I would say, it is like giving an advice to friends, and they follow that advice.
Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing more of their dynamic if that's an option.
@BlindSniper this is for you and all the bs you've been receiving.
I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think about the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why this kind of relationship with Clementine would be good for him AND her.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this dialogue may seem, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (g AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny appreciating you in the beginning of season 2 and then you having the choice of either saving or killing him in the end. But other than that, there were only two.
With the people protecting her such as Lee and Luke, Clementine was on a friendly basis with, but that does not necessarily equate to concrete friendship since they were all adults. And as much as you try to disagree, a child cannot fully relate to an adult in terms of friendship until it becomes one (if you think from a psychological perspective). And Clem could never have a full-on friendly relationship with those she was protecting because, in order to protect someone you care about, you must constantly worry for their safety and guard it at all times. This is also why her adoption of AJ has forced her to mature into motherhood far before her time.
But then Gabe comes along and changes all of that.
Unlike those she has met before in the Apocalypse (with the rare exception being Duck in the early episodes of season 1), Gabe fits into neither of those categories. He has proven he can protect himself without Clementine's intervention and does not need to protect Clementine. He is a breather for her. He is someone exactly her age, someone independent and in ways uncertain, like her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Going back to my original point, I know these two are not the same. They are in all essence of the word, opposites; the character foils of one another. And again, that is why this dynamic is so interesting and just plain good. Since Gabe is mostly unmatured, he still has a kiddish demeanor about him, and because this is so unlike Clem, that immature personality rubs off on her. Just look at Clementine when Gabe plays cards with her, frickin cards.

She smiles and laughs so naturally, it's as if there had never been an apocalypse at all, that she was just a regular girl. That's what's so amazing-Gabe literally gives her back pieces of what could have been her childhood; he makes her the careless teenager she's supposed to healthily be because he is one too.
Not to mention that Gabe is learning from her as well. Geez, that kid has not manned up really at all since the apocalypse, but when Clementine gives him these little pushes, he suddenly retains his cool.
Episode 4
Gabe: I'm going to get the truck.
Clementine: I need you to watch my back on this one.
Gabe: Yeah, okay.
With these little pushes, Clementine gives him, he suddenly takes a step closer to maturity. Another example is in episode 2, right after Gabe threatens to shoot Conrad.
With a small talk, he retains his cool. And why? Because of this simple and always predominant rule: Opposites attract. And opposites attract for a reason, guys, to compliment each other, and that's exactly what had happened.
Clementine and Gabe do not need people just like them to find happiness, they need people like each other.
And for those who say that there has been too little time for them to realistically fall in love with each other, we have to remember that there is also nothing realistic about the zombie apocalypse. In situations and settings such as that, people do learn to bond and trust each other in much less time than if there were no constant life or death situations. And if Episode 4 did not push the fact that Clementine is growing up enough, we also have to take into account that she's thirteen, not thirty-three. We all know how easy it is to develop crushes at that age.
All the above is what makes their relationship intricate and compelling, other than forced and flat couples seen in media today. Whether Telltale decides to continue their dynamic or not, I do not really know. But if there is more future content of their romantic relationship (depending on if you kept him alive or not), please try not to be babies about it.
I didn't read over half of this shit before I posted this, but I will say that their dynamic and correlation as characters is one of the main things of interest for me going through this installment and it's something of an example of how wasted a lot of things are.
It's true
I'm not too sure that is one hundred percent true, but that seems like a problem because Telltale is suffering from a lack of meaningful choice and good roleplaying decisions.
I don't see her interest as canon anyway, I just find it strange they are dictating her personality for us, and reacting to opinions and thoughts doesn't exactly seem like a minor thing.
Forcing a lot of character moments that the player was no control over doesn't seem like a very interactive engaging experience either. Telltale games are becoming films with horrible cinematography and a poor auditory experience.
It might also be that I dislike Gabe and his inconsistent writing and would find a relationship with another girl her age rather sweet and pleasant, or no relationship because she is really young why is this a thing.
Wow, another totally believable moment in this season. Definitely not forced. Like, at all.
y'all better get ready
come a few days from now, the shitpost-ening is going to intensify
these last few shitposts of mine? they have been nothing
is that even a word?
it is now
Can we expect some crazy game on Steam greenlight titled Clementine Dreams Collection - My Roommate Gabe, which will feature an FPS adventure through the eyes of Clementine sitting on a couch next to Gabe, while Javi keeps texting her to just stare into his eyes and that you have his blessing?
Clem: I'm really gonna miss Gabe.
Javi:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem: I mean, hes annoying sometimes but ive gotten used to having him around.
Javi: Dude's got a mondo crush on you!
Clem: aghhh he does not !
Javi : oh my gosh u have a crush on him too !
Clem: I do not !
Javi : You two have my blessing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clem : I'm gonna stab you with those scissors !!
Until I hear her outright say it, it's not canon.
I like how before they kissed he had that "Let's smash" face lol
Yeah it does seem that she has a crush on him . But crush doest mean love. Maybe she will find true love in season 4 .
what the actual fuck? why am i being forced to watch two children kiss? im getting pedo vibe from new telltale writers and i dont like it
This offers a very good perspective on their...relationship.
I really like part in this scene.. i love 'gabentine' since i played this season
I love your comments. Funny. Cool.
Is it a thing that happens in every playthrough? No, it isn't. So by definition of canon in games, if it doesn't happen every time you play the game and can't be optional or avoidable, then it isn't canon, like Kenny dying in S2 isn't canon or Jane, etc... Lee's death that is canon, because it happens in every playthrough of the game and it can't be avoided. For this to happen you have to save Gabe and then chose the right answer so...besides in this particular scene she didn't say i love Gabe, javi teases her and she fall for it like the child she is, nothing more.
Oh my god man they're thriteen! Most of my friends had been kissing since they're eight! It's already surprising her first kiss wasn't before the apocalipse. Plus it's not like they're making out or something, it's just a peck on the lips. And you're not forced to watch them, you can leave if you want to. I woukld be "pedo vibes" if one of them was an aldult-- but they're not. So don't freak out.
Oh my god man they're thriteen! Most of my friends had been kissing since they're eight! It's already surprising her first kiss wasn't before the apocalipse. Plus it's not like they're making out or something, it's just a peck on the lips. And you're not forced to watch them, you can leave if you want to. I woukld be "pedo vibes" if one of them was an aldult-- but they're not. So don't freak out.
omg it wasn't on purpose i'm sorry my english suuuuukcs TT_TT TT_TT TT_TT
You know? I'll just leave it there and make it seem like it's intentional.
Holy shit, really?
Right before they kissed, he smiled a bit and it just screamed "Let's smash".
not quite on that level
not gonna lie good idea though