Pewdiepies reaction/thoughts on the finale and whole season
Main points: (some of the quotes were shortened from what he actually said due to stuttering and redundant words that he said but the message is the same)
When Kate kissed javier in front of david: "ohhh... ohh thats cringe dude"
After the david and javier fight: "i feel like that could have been emotional but it was too cheesy"
(Talking about Telltale) "They definitely lost their charm. Maybe the company grew too big for their own good. I hope they bounce back (due to the next season) clementines story is so much more interesting. It builds on the other seasons."
"It felt like a dlc, like the michonne dlc"
"I remember when Ben died I was sad and I fucking hated him but in season 3 a character dies and I don't even care the outcome is the same... it's a shame"
"Felt short compared to season 1 and season 2... I definitely expected a lot more"
"The happenings and characters were pretty insignificant."
When he saw "clementines story will continue": "ugh. well, thats what it should have been from the beginning.... it felt like a prequel to the real season 3.... doesnt make any sense why they focused on this story"
A cynical man would say that this season exists in order to bring all Clementines to the same starting point for season 4.
After all A New Frontier wiped out any meaning of the season 2 endings expect for some simple model changes to Clementine.
I fully agree with what he said.
As much as I dislike him, I just have to agree with pretty much everything he said about ANF. ANF is the most disappointing TWD game yet.
So let's hope this is the final wake-up call for Telltale. The biggest channel on YouTube is criticizing their game heavily.
Unbelievable! Killing off developed characters to replace them with cheesy drama didn't work? Who would've thought?
Like @Findagon said, I'm not a fan of Pewdiepie but he pointed out great points. Ben's death affected me much more than any characters in A New Frontier and I'm not even a huge fan of Ben.
People have been saying this daily yet it's glorified when celebrities voice the same concern. Interesting how people are affected by entertainers.
i agree. it wasn't terrible, it was lackluster and very mediocre, which is disappointing considering that the previous installments were so interesting and great. hopefully something ideal can come out of this because pewdiepie isn't the only youtuber criticizing the game. even jacksepticeye, who i didn't expect to say much, gave so much constructive criticism.
also, what was with all the cringey moments? kate kissing you, javi saying "we're in love," clem and gabe kiss scene, fern's animations, ava's death, clem's haircut reveal, kate saying she wants to start a family, etc.
The biggest Youtuber on the planet, who has generally been very supportive of this company and has given them huge amounts of free advertisement because of his playthroughs, is vocalizing his disappointment with this season and expressing thoughts that many of us on the forums have been saying for months (so much for us being the minority opinion, huh Telltale). Are you finally getting the message Telltale, or are you still living in your fantasy la la land that everything you do is genius and that the fans will love it?
Of course they got the message. Haven't you seen that they just announced Minecraft season 2?
Guess celebrities make people's complaints feel more valid and official. Like when a few known celebrities came out to help rally against the Trump presidency.
Edgy. I like it.
It's definitely more likely Telltale listens to him than to this forum.
LOL "Ohh...oh that's cringe dude". Yup pretty much sums up ANF
I so agree with what he said about characters dying and you don't care. In season 1 when someone died i felt sad but in this season i didnt really care that much.
Fern was indeed cringe. Her eyes didnt show any emotion at all xD. Idk what went wrong there
Because they could use his channel for their game commercials. One of his sponsors.. I never watch the guy at all but I can agree (for the first time with him) that he's spoken much truth in that particular video above.
So was the Secret project Minecraft? Cause if its not hopefully its a season 2 for something else that s in need of a sequel

laziness and rushing. the vast majority of the episode felt clearly bullshitted and rushed
but the lead writer of from the gallows is in on it
I don't care about minecraft, I want them to focus on S4. make it better and try to finish it fast, aint no one want to wait other 3 or 4 years to continue the story
Bro fist your the man pewdiepie.
They listen to money not opinion regardless of who it comes from. Uberhaxornova,Zachscottgames and Pewdie have voiced their disliking of the series to which telltale has done absolutely nothing with. So long as they keep a profit and a healthy revenue stream anyone who voices negative criticism is a dismissive minority to them.
their sales aren't doing well right now though. for example, look at guardians of the galaxy. this could hurt their reputation at least.
Can someone give me a rundown of Pewdiepie's opinion of the major characters? Don't really watch lets plays but im curious for his opinion.
I would assume he found most characters bland?
ANF sucks because MAH CLEM!!!
Perhaps if it begins to damage their reputation they'll start to wake up, but I'm not that hopeful they will.
It's actually really sad that we used to put Telltale's TWD above nearly everything else, and now some of us don't give a damn about it anymore. It's all negativity this season and I completely agree with what Felix said here. Quality dropped in this season like the saltlick dropped on Larry. I used to care about Clementine everytime I stepped on TTG TWD game, now not so much anymore. Throughout the seasons, I tried my best for Clementine not to kill anyone, since it's #MyClementine and I finally managed that, until ANF came out and turned Clementine into a ruthless moody trigger happy badass(!) teenager. Not just the choice wise, storywise this season was absolutely pointless and ruined people's S2 effort by giving us 10 minutes of flashbacks to tie everything up in a cringiest way possible. "Hey, remember that you went with Kenny/Jane? That you people argued in the forums so much? Well, they're dead now. See? Choices matter. And remember that you went to Wellington? Well, it's destroyed so..." I know this opinion of mine sucks but I'd rather prefer Clementine's story to end in S1 with that open ended after credits scene rather than seeing her story and character development to get shit on. I bought every season of TWD, supported Telltale as much as I can, but if this is the content and care they're putting into their games, then no more TWD or any other telltale games. It's been a good ride Telltale, keep ignoring your fans in this forum that supported you for so many years and listen to IGN or other game sites that gave your shit 9/10
Hopefully Telltale can finally step their game up and listen to the fans. If they won't listen to the forums, then they NEED to listen to major Youtubers who have a major fanbase. So far, the only Youtubers I know who voiced their disappointment with the season and have a large fanbase is:
Telltale also follows them on twitter, so hopefully they'll see their review on the game and improve on what was so bad about New Frontier in S4.
Honestly, the lack of importance the Season 2 endings and practically Season 2 overall had on ANF is what I'm most disappointed by. We shaped our Clementine as a person, but in the end, she's the same and no matter where she lived, for how long, she always ends up in the same place somehow.
Will Telltale really wake up though? He's actually been criticizing them since the Michonne spin-off and fans have been since TWDGS2 but so far there seems to be minimal change
In all honesty, this season kinda makes me wish that Clementine's story ended or at least stopped momentarily in Season Two and that ANF was a spin-off about a new family, I think overall fans would be more satisfied and ANF would've been a bit better without Clementine overshadowing everyone.
Absolutely. They were better off doing this than just shoving Clem in the story for fan service. To be honest, it seemed like Clem was only in there to have a "romantic" thing with Gabe and that's it. She contributed nothing to the plot, she had very little character development, and her plot armor was thick af.
he didn't feel for any of the characters, he disliked gabe. he didn't seem engaged at all, i was even surprised that he played it.
Actually, he HATED Gabe with a passion.
I think Clem was only in the story because Telltale knew she is the face of their part of that universe.
The story would have honestly been better without Clem in it. The forced relationship between her and Javier really dragged the story quality down for me.
Even tough he cried on both endings of both of last seasons, also caring about characters fate. He didn't show emotional reacts on this season, maybe once he felt a bit sad when Mariana died (i mean who didn't right?),but most of the season was cheesy and cringe for him.
sorry shitty connection