Why is Clem so beautiful season 3?
Clem as you may have noticed is super pretty season 3. Why Telltale why this transition between little girl and beauty so suddenly. That is exactly, why they want to show how much time has passed. Why do you guys think they made Clem so beautiful? Also what do you think of Clem's haircut at the end?
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Lord knows how the designers will make her look in her 20's.
I agree the haircut makes her look like a butch. Poor Clemy Clem what did Javi fo to your hair. Either way though she still will be the cut little girl to me no matter how old or pretty she is
Well hopefully they don't hyper-sexualize her like some games do to their characters.
My girlfriend thought Clem was really overly sexualized
She looks ok for a Clementine.
Because she's a fruit and all fruits are beautiful.
Because, welcome to gaming!
If Clementine was ugly, nobody would bother about her. But yeah, I gotta say. She's beautiful and I hope she stays that way.
I know it's not "realism" but I'm with you, I don't want ugly.
Really? She literally just had a pretty face season 3 they haven't even messed with her body much at all so how is she "overly sexualized"?
lol "for a clementine"
Not all of them.
I knew that was it!
She had little boobs at 13, they won't dare to sexualize sexualize at all.
Sexy walk, shoulders showing, etc. And like I said it was my gf who said it

Pedo? is that a big jump? Are you saying hot or just
"Oh what a handsome young man!" -Granny and her friends
Beginning of time - last week
Alrighty then
Beauty sometimes captures agreement, attention and protection all of which Clem has a knack for proved through player choices. Imagine if Duck and Clem switched places nobody cared much about Duck though they were both similar ages. Her beauty doesn't put her about her above others though or shouldn't atleast. Yet others might think it should.
Just for the record not a Pedo, 15 years but I am saying it in the fatherly manner. Watching her be a cute little girl and she just turned out to be prettier than expected.
What's so bad about showing shoulders?
The fact that she is Clem puts her above others to me.
Uh.. Idk.. genes?
Also something to mention is it is based off of the art director of the walking dead's daughter. Why would he portray his daughter as being anything other than pretty when she is older.
Who cares honestly.
Don't you know? Shoulders are a gateway drug for boys. If a boy sees a shoulder he immediately loses all control of himself and starts humping everything in sight.
Can confirm. Don't do shoulders kids.
shoulders showing,
what are you really ? a Taliban ?
she was a cute kid
she was a pretty tween
So it is normal she is a beautiful teen
She is not sexualized at all !
she doesn't wear ultra short mini skirt or stuf like that !
She's not looks in her 20's WTF
She's still cute kid ...
She's looks just perfect lol and she's only 13.. i'm sure when she'll be woman she'll be the prettiest in the game.
If she resembled Duck like a sister a bit (not as cute) and more annoying. I would bet you'd be singing a different tune.
It's no different anywhere else in this superficial world. Attractiveness puts you first before other people to other people when someone could be more qualified and deserving of benefits.Could be why Carly was saved more over Doug.. Even though he was in more a peril. She's a woman and also because she was depicted as attractive, hot and possibly Lee's love interest. Many probably left Lilly for dead later because she ruined that though.
Your gf? Maybe she is just jealous huhuhuhu
Or the designers will totally mess her up just like they did with her new haircut.
It's ok... her face it's what the matter.
At my first game I saved Doug, it was more useful for survive than any useless reporter, then I saved Carly but just to see how cinematic would change, I continued with that save because I knew they'll die nevermind which one you picked
It is wierd than do many people hate her hair cut at the end of the game, I found it very adorable almost even "fashion"