Yes I saved Doug. He had more walkers grabbing him and closer to his head and neck. While Carly only had one with no legs grabbing her ankle. He was far more brilliant.. While Carly can shoot, she isn't the only good shooter. And wasn't thinking clearly enough to even think a radio might not be working because it had no batteries. So no wonder she didn't think to just stomp it's head or brain it using the handle of her pistol. But more saved Carly even though she sounded like she might blackmail. Lee to group by exposing his case she had knowledge of. She turned out to be a nice ally obviously but when your playing for the first time blindly like I was, you might think about that.
At my first game I saved Doug, it was more useful for survive than any useless reporter, then I saved Carly but just to see how cinematic would change, I continued with that save because I knew they'll die nevermind which one you picked
Well, being able to shoot a gun is more useful than fixing a radio in TWD, also, Carley wasnt really blackmailing Lee, she was just saying that she wasnt gonna lie for him, and if it became a problem she wouldnt hesitate
Yes I saved Doug. He had more walkers grabbing him and closer to his head and neck. While Carly only had one with no legs grabbing her ankle… more. He was far more brilliant.. While Carly can shoot, she isn't the only good shooter. And wasn't thinking clearly enough to even think a radio might not be working because it had no batteries. So no wonder she didn't think to just stomp it's head or brain it using the handle of her pistol. But more saved Carly even though she sounded like she might blackmail. Lee to group by exposing his case she had knowledge of. She turned out to be a nice ally obviously but when your playing for the first time blindly like I was, you might think about that.
Also if you saved Carley, you get the option to tell everyone about your past, which people may or may not appreciate; depending on other major choices.
My Kenny really appreciated Lee's honesty though. Bolstering their friendship.
Yes I saved Doug. He had more walkers grabbing him and closer to his head and neck. While Carly only had one with no legs grabbing her ankle… more. He was far more brilliant.. While Carly can shoot, she isn't the only good shooter. And wasn't thinking clearly enough to even think a radio might not be working because it had no batteries. So no wonder she didn't think to just stomp it's head or brain it using the handle of her pistol. But more saved Carly even though she sounded like she might blackmail. Lee to group by exposing his case she had knowledge of. She turned out to be a nice ally obviously but when your playing for the first time blindly like I was, you might think about that.
That's basically what I said when someone made a thread complaining about the haircut. She's a teenager, just got her first period, had her first crush, she's growing up. It makes sense that she'd try to make herself look as cute as possible and one of the few ways to do that in the zombie apocalypse is with a haircut. I thought she looked very cute and definitely looked a bit more adult.
Also something to mention is it is based off of the art director of the walking dead's daughter. Why would he portray his daughter as being anything other than pretty when she is older.
But being able to think critically can save your own life sometimes better than a gun. Which also calls into question her second death from Lilly. If you know someone's may not be all there and they have just experienced trauma armed with a loaded gun it might be a better idea to not set them off although Lilly and her actions are inexcusable Carly might of lived longer if she thought before she spoke not turn her back on someone who you just talked a load of shit to and spoke softer to someone going on a crazy rampage. Carly had her gun on her I'm sure yet still died. And like I said being able to shoot is great for yours and others safety but you need even more so to be able to use your brain to survive in a crises.
But that's getting a bit besides my original point. Most people before even knowing (at that moment in time) the future of the rest of the season one story saved Carly over Doug when Doug was also shown to be useful such as creating a clever distraction so Lee could get the pharmacy keys. If anything I expected that major game choice to be more 50/50 than lopsidedly for Carly even though I still liked how she treated Lee and Clem later on until she died anyhow. It basically just seemed most people at the time saved Carly simply because of romance or because she was hot or "beautiful" (there's that term again) before knowing how she would be later on and as a result putting her life over Doug's who proved to be equally if not more capable to contribute to the group making it.
Let's look at it another way. If you had to play as Kenny with his family and found Clementine somehow but still took responsibility of her like Kenny did at the end of S2 and NF. How many would save Duck or Clementine if the choice came down to it, when Duck would be your own son? I'm thinking most would likely save Clem the adoptive cute
Well, being able to shoot a gun is more useful than fixing a radio in TWD, also, Carley wasnt really blackmailing Lee, she was just saying that she wasnt gonna lie for him, and if it became a problem she wouldnt hesitate
Also something to mention is it is based off of the art director of the walking dead's daughter. Why would he portray his daughter as being anything other than pretty when she is older.
I think Clementines look was one of the few things done right in ANF. Clementine just looks naturally pretty, but not a big step from how she looked in the two previous games. She was always so cute, I don't think they changed her really enough to be shocked that she's growing to be attractive.
As for people saying she's over sexualized, she looks like she's wearing a sports bra and a 3/4 sleeved shirt which seems pretty practical to me for the ZA. And her body development is actually pretty accurate for a girl that age. If anything, she's actually older than the average girl her age to be starting puberty. Most would get boobs and their period at age 11-12, some even earlier. I think you need to remember that girls and boys develop on extremely different timelines, which is why she could be preceived as looking more mature than Gabe who is similar in age.
Yes I saved Doug. He had more walkers grabbing him and closer to his head and neck. While Carly only had one with no legs grabbing her ankle. He was far more brilliant.. While Carly can shoot, she isn't the only good shooter. And wasn't thinking clearly enough to even think a radio might not be working because it had no batteries. So no wonder she didn't think to just stomp it's head or brain it using the handle of her pistol. But more saved Carly even though she sounded like she might blackmail. Lee to group by exposing his case she had knowledge of. She turned out to be a nice ally obviously but when your playing for the first time blindly like I was, you might think about that.
Right...your "gf" said it.
Yeah I have a girlfriend and a child too and she said that during her playthrough gtfo
Well, being able to shoot a gun is more useful than fixing a radio in TWD, also, Carley wasnt really blackmailing Lee, she was just saying that she wasnt gonna lie for him, and if it became a problem she wouldnt hesitate
Also if you saved Carley, you get the option to tell everyone about your past, which people may or may not appreciate; depending on other major choices.
My Kenny really appreciated Lee's honesty though. Bolstering their friendship.
I like her haircut aswell. Kind of made her look like a butch though.
So it is very in the eye of the watcher, I personally see that look very feminin !

That's basically what I said when someone made a thread complaining about the haircut. She's a teenager, just got her first period, had her first crush, she's growing up. It makes sense that she'd try to make herself look as cute as possible and one of the few ways to do that in the zombie apocalypse is with a haircut. I thought she looked very cute and definitely looked a bit more adult.
Robert Kirkman doesn't have a daughter though
I think he was referring to the creator of TELLTALE's the walking dead
But being able to think critically can save your own life sometimes better than a gun. Which also calls into question her second death from Lilly. If you know someone's may not be all there and they have just experienced trauma armed with a loaded gun it might be a better idea to not set them off although Lilly and her actions are inexcusable Carly might of lived longer if she thought before she spoke not turn her back on someone who you just talked a load of shit to and spoke softer to someone going on a crazy rampage. Carly had her gun on her I'm sure yet still died. And like I said being able to shoot is great for yours and others safety but you need even more so to be able to use your brain to survive in a crises.
But that's getting a bit besides my original point. Most people before even knowing (at that moment in time) the future of the rest of the season one story saved Carly over Doug when Doug was also shown to be useful such as creating a clever distraction so Lee could get the pharmacy keys. If anything I expected that major game choice to be more 50/50 than lopsidedly for Carly even though I still liked how she treated Lee and Clem later on until she died anyhow. It basically just seemed most people at the time saved Carly simply because of romance or because she was hot or "beautiful" (there's that term again) before knowing how she would be later on and as a result putting her life over Doug's who proved to be equally if not more capable to contribute to the group making it.
Let's look at it another way. If you had to play as Kenny with his family and found Clementine somehow but still took responsibility of her like Kenny did at the end of S2 and NF. How many would save Duck or Clementine if the choice came down to it, when Duck would be your own son? I'm thinking most would likely save Clem the adoptive cute
Sorry derek sakai is an art director and his daughter is who Clementine is based on.
She was always a pretty girl, it's no surprise she turned out this beautiful.
Woah. You have a gf and a child? Doesn't that mean you're married..?
I think Clementines look was one of the few things done right in ANF. Clementine just looks naturally pretty, but not a big step from how she looked in the two previous games. She was always so cute, I don't think they changed her really enough to be shocked that she's growing to be attractive.
As for people saying she's over sexualized, she looks like she's wearing a sports bra and a 3/4 sleeved shirt which seems pretty practical to me for the ZA. And her body development is actually pretty accurate for a girl that age. If anything, she's actually older than the average girl her age to be starting puberty. Most would get boobs and their period at age 11-12, some even earlier. I think you need to remember that girls and boys develop on extremely different timelines, which is why she could be preceived as looking more mature than Gabe who is similar in age.
Well my conclusion is that pretty sells.