Anyone else want AJ to just disappear?

I'm still salty about being forced into babysitting that kid. I so wanted to dump him in a trash can and leave him at the end of Season 2 and when we thought he was dead in Season 3 I was so happy and now Clem is going after him which will probably be the focus of Season 4 and I'm annoyed. As Javi, I told Clem to leave him be and not bring him back to Richmond because I want to be done with that nonsense.



  • AJ ??? Oh you mean potaoes baby face ! The son of a women which would let Clem die, and have DNA of a Serial Killer father !

    I would put him in a dump in an heart beat

  • I'm sorry. I don't know what you're trying to say with this gif.

  • I think AJ either would make Clementine more interesting (to follow) or more boring. Which one is beyond my knowledge.

  • edited June 2017

    Like one of the guys above me wrote; it feels so f*cking weird having to babysit the offspring of a woman who wanted Clementine to die and I think they are reusing the Caretaker/child thing, Clementine should be on her own adventure but after season 1 amateurs took charge and the series went to hell.

  • AJ is a shitty plot device.

  • edited June 2017

    I've literally wanted him to disappear since the equivalent of burning trash episode No Going Back disintegrated all tension and made AJ a plot device to shabby along to the shit ending.

    AJ since then, has not done or conveyed anything to contextualize why the fuck we should give a single shit about rescuing him apart from him barely being a baby. I mean, typically babies cry during harsh climate, gun firing, arguing, screaming, cause they're hungry, cause they're tired, cause they're thirsty, cause they're fucking babies and they do nothing but cry except for ex-machina AJ and his infinite aura of evil that has caused, most likely, the stupidity of NGB to transpire.

    But what do I know?

  • edited June 2017

    I just want humans out of TWD, they've just been a shitty way to move the plot forward.

  • edited June 2017


    AJ is just a hindrance to the entire story. Am I supposed to care about him cause he's a baby? Maybe I would have given a shit if his I cared about his parents, but I don't. Protecting Christa's baby would have been a much better move, seeing as I actually have a connection to Christa and Omid, and would want to protect their child.

    Either way, a baby is pretty much a massive weight on the story. Kirkman saw this and took Rick's baby out of the picture before they had to traipse around with this thing for another 100 issues. In the show, they took the wise choice of taking her away from Rick so he just presumed she was dead until they got to a safe place where they can leave her in a house for the entire season and hardly even mention her existence.

    There isn't really any intrigue with trying to protect a baby you don't know and who's mother treated you like shit and who's father you possibly only knew for 2 episodes. A baby doesn't have any personality other than being cute.

    I don't really want to see the little guy dead, because I'm not a psychopath who wants to watch a baby die, but the only reason I can find to actually care about him is because Clem cares about him, who right now is objectively the most developed character in the entire series thus far. I think it would be better if he just disappeared. A baby is inherently boring and I don't really care for him much.

  • No, he is Kenny's legacy and my Clem would feel tortured if she just never found him

  • Probably shut the door on A.J's face. Lol.

    I'm sorry. I don't know what you're trying to say with this gif.

  • edited June 2017

    Two things concerning AJ. Speaking:

    1. Realistically: Clementine as a character absolutely loves AJ and is dependent on him, just like he depends on her. It works in both ways, really. Clementine's sanity, humanity and everything that makes her "Clementine" is placed in AJ and guarded by him. All memories Clem has collected along the way are connected to AJ's existence, not only people who had died protecting them, but also everything that was necessary to do when raising him - mistakes that led to the failure and all that was done right, which caused Clem being there for AJ. This is Clementine's quest, to look after AJ and protect him, like numerous people did it for her. If AJ perishes, Clementine's heart too. They were separated for a short period of time and she was already on edge, killing people, not thinking straight and hardly showing compassion, turning into survivor with no morals or boundaries. If AJ was to die, I can't even think what would happen to Clem. Summarizing, if you want AJ to die, you also want Clementine to die.

    2. Metaphorically: AJ is a metaphor of innocence, hope and goodness; he's like a fire that will keep burning only if there is enough fuel, like a torch that people can carry and pass onto each other to make their own fires, make themselves warm and light their way forward. If this light ever goes out, the world will plunge into the darkness, to consume people that are lost, hurt or abandoned, let the hellhounds loose to devour everything that could reverse the course of events or at least keep some humanity, benignity or compassion within people's hearts; people that will either die in terrible agony or turn into one of those beasts themselves.

    (!) This is just a game and people would rather shoot guns than take care of a potato-faced baby, but please, evolve and start thinking outside the box or this series will never get back to S1's level of splendor.

  • I honestly don't give two craps about what they do with him. If he's going to be a factor in conducing a decent story, keep him. If he's going to be another useless plot gadget, get rid of him.

  • edited June 2017

    AJ is the A New Frontier of characters. Didn't like him in S2, don't like him now. We're told to care about him because plot, despite the game never characterising him or giving us a reason to besides "CLEM CARES ABOUT HIM SO MUCH SO YOU SHOULD TOO". The game keeps building towards a finding AJ as the endgame, but it just goes and pointlessly cliffhangers the payoff of seeing AJ in the flesh, despite the overdone, excessive buildup about how much Clem misses him or whatever.

  • edited June 2017

    Oh you mean the pointless plot baby the majority doesn't care about?

    Kinda hilarious how S1 crew avoided this but this Spin-Off encourages "It YER family, YER supposed to CARE about them" route.

  • this series will never get back to S1's level of splendor.

    How did this excellent cake recipe turned into a plate of mush, I'll never know.

    fallandir posted: »

    Two things concerning AJ. Speaking: 1. Realistically: Clementine as a character absolutely loves AJ and is dependent on him, just like he

  • so does that mean you wanna play as a walker?

    I just want humans out of TWD, they've just been a shitty way to move the plot forward.

  • Clem would feel tortured if she just never found him

    Well some players wouldn't, I guess that's a plus.

    No, he is Kenny's legacy and my Clem would feel tortured if she just never found him

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2017

    Because the first season disillusioned and spoiled everybody, and convinced them that it was Telltale's gold standard, when it quite honestly never was

    S1's the outlier on their resume. It's that one damn game that they will never top, never had the chance to, and never will have the chance to. It's written in stone by now. Quite frankly, I don't even blame most of the people that made S1 for leaving; they probably realized this and decided to go do something else, instead of attempting to chase fool's gold.

    I've said it more than enough times, but I'm sticking by it-- TWD S1 shouldn't have been as good as it was. It was a fluke. A positive fluke, but a fluke nonetheless. Simple as that.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    this series will never get back to S1's level of splendor. How did this excellent cake recipe turned into a plate of mush, I'll never know.

  • I kinda feel AJ's our only connection to s2, ya know? If he dissapeared we's have nothing left.
    That being said, I'm not an incredibly huge fan of him

  • I would considered it a accidental positive fluke...

    I don't think there were that many good story-based games back at 2012...

    Deltino posted: »

    Because the first season disillusioned and spoiled everybody, and convinced them that it was Telltale's gold standard, when it quite honestl

  • I agree about Christa's baby. I personally believe that once Clem reaches the McCarrol Ranch, Christa will be there raising AJ. That's what I hope at least.

  • Honestly I have no idea why/how anyone could have a connection to AJ seeing how he's done nothing and been absent for nearly an entire season. Personally I've never been a fan of this forced adoption story which has caused far more problems than anything.

  • edited June 2017

    I can go either way on the subject. Don't really care about him, but don't really hate him either.

  • I think telltale is/was capable, but became a company more concerned with franchise licensing and profit then quality game production. Tales from the borderlands is a perfect example of telltale being capable of crafting excellent story driven games.

    Deltino posted: »

    Because the first season disillusioned and spoiled everybody, and convinced them that it was Telltale's gold standard, when it quite honestl

  • It's just hard for me to imagine Clem dumping AJ in a trash can, although it was likely a figure of speech. Sorry about that :)

    I'm sorry. I don't know what you're trying to say with this gif.

  • No that's what I literally wanted to do. Would have been happy leaving him in a car or anything really, just didn't want to have to keep him.

    Zulfraro posted: »

    It's just hard for me to imagine Clem dumping AJ in a trash can, although it was likely a figure of speech. Sorry about that

  • honestly, yeah. i just don't give a shit about him

  • Christa, Molly, Lilly, none of them are coming back. They pulled that trick once with Kenny and they can't do it again. It was a huge stretch when it was him but sure, it's possible. Happening twice, no fucking way. It'd be completely unbelievable. The odds of it happening again would be so low it's statistically impossible. Besides that, Christa is assumed dead per the struggle and gunshot heard as Clem is running away from the ambush.

    colbyjack posted: »

    I agree about Christa's baby. I personally believe that once Clem reaches the McCarrol Ranch, Christa will be there raising AJ. That's what I hope at least.

  • My opinion: Season 1 was so good because TellTale was still a middling developer at that time. They hadn't had any huge successes and didn't have a lot going on so they could take their time and devote their full attention to a single game. Then the worst thing possible happened. The game was great. It was a masterpiece and they got GotY for it. When that happened they started getting IPs thrown at them left, right, and center and got greedy. They took on way too many projects without really increasing their staff size to compensate. No longer did they have the time or staff to devote to any single project and make a game truly great, Tales From the Borderlands being the exception.

    Deltino posted: »

    Because the first season disillusioned and spoiled everybody, and convinced them that it was Telltale's gold standard, when it quite honestl

  • I want to care about AJ but ANF never gives us time to interact with him outside of flashbacks. Instead Telltale opts to use him as a plot device for Clementines story, without giving any closure to her story whatsoever.

    So yeah, can't say that I care about him.

  • edited June 2017

    My concern, nay, fear is they'll take Clem's story "full circle" and have her die to rescue and/or protect AJ just like Lee died to rescue and protect her. I swear if they pull that cliche shit I'm gonna be so fucking pissed, especially doing it for a character I (and apparently lots of people) don't give a single shit about.

  • Same, the few I care and I guess like others people about AJ is ONLY because Clem like him.

    But because he is the son of the psycopath Carver and the sociopath " let die that kid alone in the forest" woman the possibility that kid grow with empathy is very few !
    I guess at 8 or 10 he will start to "open" animals to see how they work inside

    My concern, nay, fear is they'll take Clem's story "full circle" and have her die to rescue and/or protect AJ just like Lee died to rescue a

  • I would've understood if they had used Christa's baby rather than AJ. It would've had more substance. Clem's attachment would've been out of care for both of them and guilt for Omid's death. Rebecca having never liked Clementine... it honestly just feels like AJ was written in because they're the same ethnicity.

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Like one of the guys above me wrote; it feels so f*cking weird having to babysit the offspring of a woman who wanted Clementine to die and I

  • Since Kenny wanted Clem to take care of him, I think it would be more humane to just leave him at Javier's or with whoever is at the McCarroll Ranch (assuming they are good people). Leaving him for dead is a bit much...

    No that's what I literally wanted to do. Would have been happy leaving him in a car or anything really, just didn't want to have to keep him.

  • Yeah, I do. He's quite, literally, the only character (outside of maybe one) I could say I truly hate. Mostly because he's not even a character, really. AJ's just a means for Telltale to create a predictably boring motivation for Clementine, so she can force her way into a terrible story which she was never meant to be apart of anyway. And it's not at all surprising. Because since his introduction, AJ has always been simply used as a plot device to bring about terribly written conflicts and dumb scenarios, but without any real reasons to actually pluck up any care for the bag of pixels, himself. He's a baby and we're just expected to care for him because of that, but since he's so often just used whenever it suits the writer's fancy to thrown about some truly riveting "drama", it's impossible for me to ever see him as anything but a device. And a shit one at that too.

    AJ's presence is made even more annoying by the fact that Clementine doesn't have much of a connection to him. He's Rebecca's son. The same Rebecca, who outside of being an incredibly forgettable character, was a complete bitch to Clem in Rebecca's first appearance and would've had no issue with leaving Clementine to die before her personality transplant in the episodes that follow. And the father? The character AJ's named after? Alvin. Someone I can't even describe both due to a lack of screen time and personality. But, of course, even though she hardly knew his parents, Clementine HAS to care for AJ. He's just so damn important to her. The problem with that whole direction is we, the players, can't invest in Clementine's apparent "love" for AJ due to most of the time it feeling forced because of this lack of connection. Scenes with Clementine calling him a goofball don't make their relationship any more believable or heartfelt, it just feels empty because AJ's entire involvement in the story is just that- empty.

  • onewaynoway … Alvin is not the father dude ;)

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Yeah, I do. He's quite, literally, the only character (outside of maybe one) I could say I truly hate. Mostly because he's not even a chara

  • To be honest, I would've way preferred if AJ was Carver's. But with that big round, basket ball of a head he has, there's not a doubt that AJ's Alvin's spawn.

    onewaynoway … Alvin is not the father dude

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