They should have given Jane a big scar on her head after the plank drops on her.
Maybe that would remind people she was the only one who went down there to rescue Sarah. The others lazily fired a couple shots at some zombies, but didn't seem to care much when she died.
Okay, I'm going to defend Jane, because I am a fan of her character and found her to be undeserving of the amount of hatred she constantly g… moreets (although A New Frontier seemed to purposefully make her a more dislike-able person, which is no surprise, you could smell the bias from Season 2 Episode 2).
From her first conversation to her last she tried to plant doubt in everyone's heads or use them for whatever she wanted.
* Except she didn't plant doubts to string people along as her minions, name the instances she does so. If I recall, she expresses her doubts in the group lasting to Clementine (which it doesn't), she has expressed doubt on the success of caring for an infant in the apocalypse with Rebecca (which is understandable given the situation) and she further expresses her doubts in Sarah being salvageable (which Luke does as well). Everyone had moments of doubt throughout the season, from Kenny having doubt in Luke ret… [view original content]
I love how if I wrote a thread called "Kenny is the worst", my grandchildren would be feeling the retribution from the borderline fanaticism that surrounds him - and my grandchildren will likely never even exist -, but if it's about a character like Jane everyone takes great delight in portraying her as some satanic bitch, when I think she's by far the lesser of the two evils. That's not to say I hate Kenny - though I don't exactly like him in season two - but it is saying that, in a nutshell: "Threads like this are the worst."
The issue I have is that saying something opinion based is the worst is a complete contradiction of what 'opinion' means:
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
If it were a case of Jane is the worst, then there wouldn't be as many players that got the Jane ending as there are, as obviously everyone would have seen what a twat she seems to be, and that'd be that. Buuut last time I checked, despite Kenny having more people get 'his' endings, Jane still has a fair few people getting 'her' endings, and sticking with them and seeming to like her enough to not just use 'Rewind' and get the - in my opinion, worse - ending to season two that they may want.
It just, this makes no sense. There's no point having choices if there are 'better' or 'worse' options from an ethical standpoint. For example, in Mass Effect 3 there's a choice concerning whether you wipe another species from existence to save a friend and his elite team of the very best soldiers of his race. Depending on past choices, it can be extremely lucrative - from a statistical standpoint - to completely obliterate that race off the face of the galaxy to stand a better chance against the Reapers (keeping it vague in case OP/TC hasn't played it, for some reason. Go play the Mass Effect series! Soo gooood \o/). That being said, ethically, I think it's pretty fucked to wipe out a species. But someone else might say "Nah, they deserve it." That's the beauty of morality - even if there's a clear advantage to taking one choice, it may push someone's buttons to the point that they refuse to compromise their morals, even in the face of adversity. That, and it's SUBJECTIVE.
It's like a thread I saw saying something to the effect of "Proof shooting Conrad is the best option". There's literally no such thing as a best opinion, or a best choice/option. It's entirely conjecture. And in the same way, there's no such thing as a character being 'the worst', and the almost fervor around a certain bearded man being 'the best' is so mental it blows my mind. I'm not saying that I hate people who support Kenny, nor am I saying I especially like them, but I can at least respect their opinion enough to not go around bashing their preferred choice, even when they do the exact same to the choice I prefer.
I'm really confused. Are there two sets of standards? If I were to make this thread about Kenny, I could name several people off the top of my head that'd jettison me into the darkest reaches of space for daring to defy their 'god'. But with threads like these, about Jane, it's completely cool? I genuinely don't understand.
Right, now that I've done that ... rant, thing ... I guess I'll share my opinion on Jane.
In my opinion, Jane is quite possibly my favourite character introduced in the entire series and I say that without a trace of irony.
The thing I really appreciate about Jane's character, which is a bit weird, is the way she doesn't treat Clementine as a child. Instead, she treats her as an equal. She understands that Clementine can look out for herself, and that she's capable enough to survive on her own, which is a rare thing from characters from the Walking Dead, even as Clementine does everything for everyone. She was the only one to console Clementine over what happened with Sarita before everyone started yelling back in Amid the Ruins.
"You did what you thought was the right thing. That's all anyone can do."
But what's perhaps most interesting is that Jane's aware enough that the girl can handle herself. Rather than tell the girl what to do at every turn, she instead teaches her the way a friend shows a friend how to play an instrument... except instead of something fulfilling, like how to play the guitar, it's how to kill walkers. Her personality really 'clicked' with my Clementine's, who was looking for someone to actually acknowledge her skills for reasons other than 'plot'. She genuinely believes in Clementine, she trusts her to help her out with things that'd be beyond the average little girl's skillset, and being honest enough (Until the infamous 'rest stop') to tell the girl the truth as it is.
"I'm gonna level with you. Finding your friends... that's a shot in the dark." - About the odds of finding Luke and Sarah (and Nick, determinant.)
"Whatever happens, you gotta be ready for what's in there. No hesitation. You understand that, right?" - After putting down a zombified Nick, on the chance of things not going 'their way'.
"You're the only one that he trusts. That he really trusts. That means you're the one that has to pull him back." - About how important it is for Clementine to try and help Kenny.
Besides the rest stop incident - and I'll throw my hands up and admit she fucked up in that scene - she was straight and true with Clementine, almost to a fault. She didn't have a filter, just saying what needed to be said to try and solve the problems that faced them. Even to the point of asking an expecting mother what she was going to 'do' with a child, with pragmatism and survival in mind. She's a bit of an asshole to the group, she's a bit smug, and she carries herself like she knows more than she likely does. But, for me, that's what I appreciate. When everyone was floundering around after Luke (Nick, determinantly) and Sarah hadn't gotten back, Jane was the one to get them to come up with a plan, and take Clementine out scouting for them. She had her head screwed on straight enough to not start screaming at people, to blame everyone else - instead, she was just thinking 'what do we do to get out of this?' That's a valuable - dare I say admirable - trait.
There's also this little thing in No Going Back which did help me like Jane a whole lot more than Kenny, which is probably gonna get me crucified, but you know. What can you do?During the lake scene - Luke ._. - after Clementine falls through, there's one little thing which does share that Jane cares about someone other than herself. While Kenny's yelling at Arvo, Bonnie's either under the ice or just watching like a lemon, and Mike's off ... being Mike, there's one person that goes back onto the lake and rescues Clementine from drowning. Who's that, I wonder? Oh, right.
Again, while the group is either gripped by indecision, or yelling at one another, Jane's the one doing the stuff that has to be done to help the group along its path, even as it tears itself apart. Moreover, she's the only one to bother rescuing an eleven-year-old from the icy black waters, everyone else just standing uselessly and watching as she fell through the ice. But this doesn't really get mentioned, because fuck Jane, right?
What I also find interesting as how often she makes the 'Paragon' choice, as I've taken to calling them, even though she encourages Clementine to pick a more 'Renegade' option. These include:
Arvo's supplies
If you do nothing during this scene, despite Jane telling you to take the supplies - taking charge and trying to convince Clementine how badly their group needs the medicine - Jane will send Arvo on his way, and let him keep the medicine. Despite her encouraging Clementine to take the supplies off of Arvo, if Clementine refuses to or doesn't make a choice, Jane honors that decision enough to not take matters into her own hands.
Saving Sarah at the observation deck
If you do nothing when given the choice between SAVE SARAH and PULL JANE UP, if you pick nothing then Jane will decide, of her own accord, to drop down and help Sarah, putting her own life in danger to try and fix the mistake she made. While she ultimately gave up when she got hit in the head by a wooden board, I still think this is an admirable enough thing to do - try and save a scared teenager even as a herd of the undead closes in.
Letting the family in at Howe's Hardware
If you do nothing when given the choice between LET THE FAMILY IN and MAKE THEM LEAVE, if you pick nothing then Jane will let the family stay for the night, despite encouraging Clementine to get them to leave. She actively chooses to let a family of strangers into her new home, even though, in her own words - 'They could be anyone.' Consistently, she'll make 'Paragon' choices, even when she talks about making more ruthless 'Renegade' choices.
So, yeah, those're just some things I like about Jane ^ _ ^
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's infallible, not at all, but I think - as friends of Clementine go - Jane definitely doesn't deserve the bad rep she gets from many members of this forum. So, in my opinion, Jane is definitely not the worst, and I think she's actually a brilliant character of her own right, who also deserves a little more praise here and there, I think \o/
It seems that with Jane you have to believe her positive actions (most of which I could see any other member of the group doing anyway) outweigh her negative ones. I can't look past that scheme at the end of No Going Back and her suicide in A New Frontier. You can say that her actions in A New Frontier were out of character or due to bias but that's her character according to Telltale, the actual writers.
Okay, I'm going to defend Jane, because I am a fan of her character and found her to be undeserving of the amount of hatred she constantly g… moreets (although A New Frontier seemed to purposefully make her a more dislike-able person, which is no surprise, you could smell the bias from Season 2 Episode 2).
From her first conversation to her last she tried to plant doubt in everyone's heads or use them for whatever she wanted.
* Except she didn't plant doubts to string people along as her minions, name the instances she does so. If I recall, she expresses her doubts in the group lasting to Clementine (which it doesn't), she has expressed doubt on the success of caring for an infant in the apocalypse with Rebecca (which is understandable given the situation) and she further expresses her doubts in Sarah being salvageable (which Luke does as well). Everyone had moments of doubt throughout the season, from Kenny having doubt in Luke ret… [view original content]
They should have given Jane a big scar on her head after the plank drops on her.
Maybe that would remind people she was the only one who we… morent down there to rescue Sarah. The others lazily fired a couple shots at some zombies, but didn't seem to care much when she died.
Sit with Kenny or with Luke
Help Nick or his father/Uncle ?
I actually don't mind these, since it actually does mean something and have a small but notable affect on how the story goes.
Kill the dog or kill the dog (fuck telltale for this)
Shoot Kenny or let him kill jane
Yeah, seriously--where the Shoot Jane or let her kill kenny options?
But primarily, I'm referring to Nick and Sarah's 1st deaths, where it doesn't matter what you did or how you interacted with them leading up to these moments: their continued existences are all based around a single choice.
Indeed bi dimensional as fuck
Sit with Kenny or with Luke
Help Nick or his father/Uncle ?
Kill the dog or kill the dog (fuck telltale for this)
Shoot Kenny or let him kill jane
Etc etc etc
I love how if I wrote a thread called "Kenny is the worst", my grandchildren would be feeling the retribution from the borderline fanaticism that surrounds him - and my grandchildren will likely never even exist -, but if it's about a character like Jane everyone takes great delight in portraying her as some satanic bitch, when I think she's by far the lesser of the two evils. That's not to say I hate Kenny - though I don't exactly like him in season two - but it is saying that, in a nutshell: "Threads like this are the worst."
Yeah, admittedly, that's an aspect of his influence that can get annoying after a while depending on where you stand.
I stand on the ground.
The issue I have is that saying something opinion based is the worst is a complete contradiction of what 'opinion' means:
There's literally no such thing as a best opinion, or a best choice/option. It's entirely conjecture.
Unfortunately, that's just how these things work.
People make threads that interest them or pertains to their view of a subject: in this case, the OP considers Jane(who's ironically a loner) to be the worst person in the group. And so other people respond in a way that shows their viewpoint of the subject: Kensplainers will surf up and angrily express their distaste, Janaics will creep up to defend her, and people who picked the Alone ending will just go ""Oh look, a new member just finished Season 2! Wonder what they got to say about this?".
So I wouldn't let it bother you too much, but by all means, say what you need to say!
I love how if I wrote a thread called "Kenny is the worst", my grandchildren would be feeling the retribution from the borderline fanaticism… more that surrounds him - and my grandchildren will likely never even exist -, but if it's about a character like Jane everyone takes great delight in portraying her as some satanic bitch, when I think she's by far the lesser of the two evils. That's not to say I hate Kenny - though I don't exactly like him in season two - but it is saying that, in a nutshell: "Threads like this are the worst."
The issue I have is that saying something opinion based is the worst is a complete contradiction of what 'opinion' means:
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
If it were a case of Jane is the worst, then there wouldn't be as many players that got the Jane ending as there are, as obviously everyone would have seen what a twat she seems to be,… [view original content]
Lol they had to drop something on her damn head, or the death scene would've been even more bullshit than it was.
I'm sure you would be okay if they just had Jane be too selfish to even help, though.
They should have given Jane a big scar on her head after the plank drops on her.
Same here. They do nothing else with that scene, so they should've at least scarred the bitch. Or, you know, not do it at all.
Agreed. It didn't sink in for me until after I completed the game. I hated that Kenny was going to murder her in cold blood, so I saved he… morer. After the betrayal with AJ, I was so mad but the thought of Aj and Clem being alone scared me so much so I went back to Howe's with her. After completing the game I realized that she was likely a sociopath. I have always stuck with my original desicions in twd so I kept my ending. She played me. I should have gone alone or let her die, especially with what she did in ANF. So yeah, fuck that sociopathic hoe. She never even cared about Clementine.
Lol they had to drop something on her damn head, or the death scene would've been even more bullshit than it was.
I'm sure you would be okay if they just had Jane be too selfish to even help, though.
To try and be a little more active now that she's had time to accept Carlos' death and she has a baby to help take care of?
To provide an extra gun/baby hand during the brief fight with the Russians?
To try and help Jane actually grow into a better person and/or deal with her issues?
To help look after AJ, Kenny, and/or Arvo when everybody else is occupied?
To try and help Arvo deal with what happened to Natasha since they're kinda Of a Kind?
To be there for Clementine when Jane/Luke and/or Kenny let her down at the end?
To become Clementine's Luigi for the rest of the series?
The thing is there is one Jane when there is 2 Kenny !
My first play when TWD was released I don't know how I get Kenny always pissed off to Lee, so from the begin to the end of season 2 I only saw Kenny as an asshole !
And the choice to shot him was easy !
Someone said me on fb that if Kenny was like that it was my fault, I was like yeah pff think what you want !
But that person was right not me !
When I replayed recently on ps4 the 2 first for having the save (which don't work xd ..!.. ) Kenny was a nice guy from the begining to the end.
So there is 2 ways to see Kenny and it of course change our way to pick a choice at the end of season 2
I love how if I wrote a thread called "Kenny is the worst", my grandchildren would be feeling the retribution from the borderline fanaticism… more that surrounds him - and my grandchildren will likely never even exist -, but if it's about a character like Jane everyone takes great delight in portraying her as some satanic bitch, when I think she's by far the lesser of the two evils. That's not to say I hate Kenny - though I don't exactly like him in season two - but it is saying that, in a nutshell: "Threads like this are the worst."
Yeah, admittedly, that's an aspect of his influence that can get annoying after a while depending on where you stand.
I stand on the ground.
The issue I have is that saying something opinion based is the worst is a complete contradiction of what 'opinion' means:
There's literally no such thing as a best opinion, or a best choice/option. It's entirely conjecture.
Unfortunately, that's just ho… [view original content]
There was a pretty damn good (and fairly long) fanfiction that focuses almost exclusively on Clem and Sarah's relationship, and she of course survives season 2 to be her "luigi" as you said. Called "Young and Young at Heart"
Read it?
Christ, sometimes I really forget what happened to Sarah in the games. When you mentioned Sarah helping Arvo or Jane, it reminds me of how she matured so much in that fanfic. She had so much potential, she did.
To try and be a little more active now that she's had time to accept Carlos' death and she has a baby to help take care of?
To provide a… moren extra gun/baby hand during the brief fight with the Russians?
To try and help Jane actually grow into a better person and/or deal with her issues?
To help look after AJ, Kenny, and/or Arvo when everybody else is occupied?
To try and help Arvo deal with what happened to Natasha since they're kinda Of a Kind?
To be there for Clementine when Jane/Luke and/or Kenny let her down at the end?
To become Clementine's Luigi for the rest of the series?
Something along those lines, I guess.
The thing is there is one Jane when there is 2 Kenny !
My first play when TWD was released I don't know how I get Kenny always pissed off t… moreo Lee, so from the begin to the end of season 2 I only saw Kenny as an asshole !
And the choice to shot him was easy !
Someone said me on fb that if Kenny was like that it was my fault, I was like yeah pff think what you want !
But that person was right not me !
When I replayed recently on ps4 the 2 first for having the save (which don't work xd ..!.. ) Kenny was a nice guy from the begining to the end.
So there is 2 ways to see Kenny and it of course change our way to pick a choice at the end of season 2
But others are sidekicks, plus Jane teach to Clementine how attack knees, how stick the head for checking if the muertos is still dead !
It is a great and smart advices to survive !
Maybe it was offscreen during the first season but what Kenny learn or did to Clementine ?
Of course he loves her like a father but at the end of season 2 what he did exactly to help Clem to learn how stay alive ?
(No seriusly I don't know I shoot Kenny the 2 times ) The second was really against my heart !
But others are sidekicks, plus Jane teach to Clementine how attack knees, how stick the head for checking if the muertos is still dead !
It… more is a great and smart advices to survive !
Maybe it was offscreen during the first season but what Kenny learn or did to Clementine ?
Of course he loves her like a father but at the end of season 2 what he did exactly to help Clem to learn how stay alive ?
(No seriusly I don't know I shoot Kenny the 2 times ) The second was really against my heart !
Not gonna lie, your comments are getting a bit hard to put together an answer for, for some reason. Maybe I need a nap.
Anyway, I do know that those two constantly being the ones to get important moments where Clementine/audience is concerned is a point of contention for both. I will say that Jane did her part and Kenny kinda did his own thing.
But others are sidekicks, plus Jane teach to Clementine how attack knees, how stick the head for checking if the muertos is still dead !
It… more is a great and smart advices to survive !
Maybe it was offscreen during the first season but what Kenny learn or did to Clementine ?
Of course he loves her like a father but at the end of season 2 what he did exactly to help Clem to learn how stay alive ?
(No seriusly I don't know I shoot Kenny the 2 times ) The second was really against my heart !
Not gonna lie, your comments are getting a bit hard to put together an answer for, for some reason. Maybe I need a nap.
Anyway, I do know… more that those two constantly being the ones to get important moments where Clementine/audience is concerned is a point of contention for both. I will say that Jane did her part and Kenny kinda did his own thing.
There was a pretty damn good (and fairly long) fanfiction that focuses almost exclusively on Clem and Sarah's relationship, and she of course survives season 2 to be her "luigi" as you said. Called "Young and Young at Heart"
Read it?
I haven't read it yet, but I have visited the guy's(?) blog several times. It's where I got the Immune!Sarah pic and the fact that Sarita is an obvious decomposite of her from.
I probably should read it at some point--another one to add to the list.
Christ, sometimes I really forget what happened to Sarah in the games. When you mentioned Sarah helping Arvo or Jane, it reminds me of how she matured so much in that fanfic. She had so much potential, she did.
Yeah, she did. And it seems that the obvious potential goldmines for interesting storylines are being increasingly ignored.
There was a pretty damn good (and fairly long) fanfiction that focuses almost exclusively on Clem and Sarah's relationship, and she of cours… moree survives season 2 to be her "luigi" as you said. Called "Young and Young at Heart"
Read it?
Christ, sometimes I really forget what happened to Sarah in the games. When you mentioned Sarah helping Arvo or Jane, it reminds me of how she matured so much in that fanfic. She had so much potential, she did.
There was a pretty damn good (and fairly long) fanfiction that focuses almost exclusively on Clem and Sarah's relationship, and she of cours… moree survives season 2 to be her "luigi" as you said. Called "Young and Young at Heart"
Read it?
I haven't read it yet, but I have visited the guy's(?) blog several times. It's where I got the Immune!Sarah pic and the fact that Sarita is an obvious decomposite of her from.
I probably should read it at some point--another one to add to the list.
Christ, sometimes I really forget what happened to Sarah in the games. When you mentioned Sarah helping Arvo or Jane, it reminds me of how she matured so much in that fanfic. She had so much potential, she did.
Yeah, she did. And it seems that the obvious potential goldmines for interesting storylines are being increasingly ignored.
Yeah, we all have to remember that when it comes to all of these characters, they are still human and it would be ridiculous if none of them were flawed in some aspects and when it comes to narratives, more often than not, you have to read between the lines to understand a character's intentions etc. because there's no option to just ask them "Hey, what are your intentions as a character in this fictional universe?"
I get the feeling you've had to talk about this sort of thing before
Anyways, thank you. It's encouraging to know that there are still p… moreeople out there that can dig deeper and see the decent side of Jane, rather than just tossing her to the side, calling her a bitch and moving on.
In all honesty, I found the Jane being pregnant plot to feel so forced. Not only does it end up overriding her development in Season 2 but, like many fans have stated, it didn't make sense for her character, a survivor who finally started opening up to people. I felt like it was just for a stupid plot twist after plot twist, I mean, I remember when the idea of Jane being pregnant was just speculation and fan-fiction.
Yeah, you could really feel the bias in favor of Kenny still present in ANF. TTG was basically saying, saving Kenny was the right thing to do because Clementine, Kenny and AJ matches the game's theme of 'family', but I think Jane could've matched that theme the same way. I mean, am I the only one who is still confused about why Clementine suddenly clings to Kenny and saw him as family despite their lack of relationship in the previous season? Don't get me wrong, I really do like Kenny as a character but I hate that his relationship with Clementine feels so forced and rather out of nowhere.
Ugh, the Wellington ending was the most disappointing in my opinion. The entire plot of Season 2 (well, the only real major plot point anyway) was the group trying to find the settlement up north, it was mentioned in the first episode but is only a possible ending in the fifth... not only that but Edith gets no character development whatsoever.
Which just proves how silly and unrealistic the endings are. Am I expected to believe that whoever Clementine is with ends up dying but her and AJ are perfectly fine even when they're alone? Plus she somehow manages to end up at the exact place and time that she meets Ava despite each ending having occurred at a different point in time and in a completely different place?
Part of me kinda hopes that A New Frontier is deemed uncanon and we get an official Season 3 that follows Clementine's story where it left off in Season 2's endings and I know that's a rather sad thing to hope for.
It's all good, but ANF writers decided to forget about all that and change characters and outcomes however they wanted:
* Jane is selfi… moresh bitch that leaves a 9 year old with a baby in dangerous place, even though she has many months to find a safe place for them or even try to find a doctor to make an abortion. They knew about Wellington. They could try their luck, but plot needs Jane dead and Clem scarred, so that's the best we can come up with, because ANF plot.
* Kenny is perfectly fine father figure for a few years after he lost so many people close to him and going through multiple mental breakdowns. Being overly violent towards a kid and murdering someone for losing a child in horrible conditions (not exactly true, but that's information what was given to him and that was his reaction) doesn't affect him at all. Let's just go to Florida and enjoy our happy life Clem & AJ, but then ANF plot happens.
* Leaving them for Well… [view original content]
I wish they made both parts of 'Ties That Bind' as episode 2 and had episode 1 dedicated to Clementine's story after the endings and the Garcias at the beginning of the apocalypse.
i wish there was some explanation for Wellington s fall something like the group being crippled because a large part of the group stole alot… more of their supplies and left leaving Wellington with Less people and less supplies which would be the reason why they deny supplies to the group that attacks Wellington which leads to its downfall because they dont have alot of people with them anymore.
Would make alot more sense then: Well there were 10 people that took down Wellington which has been established to be a famous community which has several people in it.
Mike, Bonnie and Clementine could've all tried to do something but chose not to, I think everyone needs to remember this when they talk about how Jane didn't care about Sarah.
They should have given Jane a big scar on her head after the plank drops on her.
Maybe that would remind people she was the only one who we… morent down there to rescue Sarah. The others lazily fired a couple shots at some zombies, but didn't seem to care much when she died.
Yeah, you could really feel the bias in favor of Kenny still present in ANF. TTG was basically saying, saving Kenny was the right thing to do because Clementine, Kenny and AJ matches the game's theme of 'family', but I think Jane could've matched that theme the same way. I mean, am I the only one who is still confused about why Clementine suddenly clings to Kenny and saw him as family despite their lack of relationship in the previous season? Don't get me wrong, I really do like Kenny as a character but I hate that his relationship with Clementine feels so forced and rather out of nowhere.
There's also the fact that Tripp and especially David are pretty much Expies of him.
In all honesty, I found the Jane being pregnant plot to feel so forced. Not only does it end up overriding her development in Season 2 but, … morelike many fans have stated, it didn't make sense for her character, a survivor who finally started opening up to people. I felt like it was just for a stupid plot twist after plot twist, I mean, I remember when the idea of Jane being pregnant was just speculation and fan-fiction.
Yeah, you could really feel the bias in favor of Kenny still present in ANF. TTG was basically saying, saving Kenny was the right thing to do because Clementine, Kenny and AJ matches the game's theme of 'family', but I think Jane could've matched that theme the same way. I mean, am I the only one who is still confused about why Clementine suddenly clings to Kenny and saw him as family despite their lack of relationship in the previous season? Don't get me wrong, I really do like Kenny as a character but I hate that his relatio… [view original content]
The sad part is that she's still better character and I cared more about this motherfucker than most of the characters from ANF (maybe except Javier and Mariana. Those two are too precious for this world)
Jane's positive actions do outweigh her negative ones, even when comparing her to other characters such as Kenny and Clementine, she may have done less positive things in comparison but she has also done far less negative things in that same comparison.
Yeah, we can't argue with the writers because it's their story, not ours but I will continue to berate them for idiotic plot points and illogical stunts. The writers can tell me I'm wrong all they want but I'm not going to forget:
In a universe that is meant to follow real world logic, a plank suddenly appeared on top of Sarah.
A plank only falls if Jane helps Sarah.
Arvo's group will be waiting in the exact same place regardless of how long Clementine and the group stay at the Observation Deck.
The group chooses not to go to the town like they originally planned.
Sarah is the only character to have a definitive death in the same episode she became determinant in.
The group forgets that Sarah just died.
Luke barely has a reaction to Nick's death.
No one cuts Sarita's arm off after they leave the horde if Clementine doesn't cut her arm off, which is odd considering Mike cut Reggie's arm off after he was bitten.
Carlos, Alvin, Rebecca, Sarita and Mike get barely any character development.
You can befriend Sarah and teach her how to use a gun but that avails to nothing.
No one notices Clementine wandering the house (even if she peaks into the kitchen for too long).
Clementine survives falling into a rocky river with a fast current without any injuries whatsoever.
Carlos can't tell the difference between a walker bite and a dog bite and admits that the fever would've kicked in around night time.
Clementine is perfectly fine after getting shot by Arvo, it only affects her when the plot demands it.
The group doesn't have enough ammo to kill all the walkers that are about to kill Sarah but they have enough to waste on mostly missing their targets when fighting the Russian group.
No one in the group is killed by the Russian group. Luke has an injury he gets regardless and Mike says he got shot but nothing about it comes up later on.
The group decides to cross the frozen lake and trust Arvo rather than try to find a way around.
Bonnie does a complete 180 with her character (more so if Clementine chose to cover her instead of save Luke) and leaves Clementine if she's alive.
Clementine and AJ survive 9 days alone without Jane or Kenny (who knows the most about caring for an infant) and while having only a day or two of baby formula left (as stated by Kenny).
It seems that with Jane you have to believe her positive actions (most of which I could see any other member of the group doing anyway) outw… moreeigh her negative ones. I can't look past that scheme at the end of No Going Back and her suicide in A New Frontier. You can say that her actions in A New Frontier were out of character or due to bias but that's her character according to Telltale, the actual writers.
Mike, Bonnie and Clementine could've all tried to do something but chose not to, I think everyone needs to remember this when they talk about how Jane didn't care about Sarah.
Meanwhile, as I am embarassed to admit that I noticed but didn't put too much thought into until I found this post, Sarah and Sarita are both names that mean princess that have Hebrew and Indian origins, respectively; also, you know what can be a Spanish equivalent of Sarah--Sarita. Indeed, the two have relatively similar designs and interests, enough that some people back in the day mistook Sarita's name and brief appearance in Episode 2's trailer to be Sarah herself. And according to the ""Season2!Kenny was Carlos" theory, if you give most of Kenny and Sarita's scenes to Carlos and Sarah, it makes perfect sense for what was set up for their characters.
All of this implies that Sarita was probably an easy decomposite character of Sarah much like Troy was a rejected model for Carver.
Yeah, to be honest, I really don't like it when writers are biased about their own characters but I feel like the multiple writers was what changed the plot for Seasons 2 and ANF.
Yeah, you could really feel the bias in favor of Kenny still present in ANF. TTG was basically saying, saving Kenny was the right thing to d… moreo because Clementine, Kenny and AJ matches the game's theme of 'family', but I think Jane could've matched that theme the same way. I mean, am I the only one who is still confused about why Clementine suddenly clings to Kenny and saw him as family despite their lack of relationship in the previous season? Don't get me wrong, I really do like Kenny as a character but I hate that his relationship with Clementine feels so forced and rather out of nowhere.
There's also the fact that Tripp and especially David are pretty much Expies of him.
Goddamn, reading those posts... and I thought I was salty about season 2.
I think he maybe puts season 1 on a pedastal, and I liked 400 days, but most everything he says about season 2 I agree with wholeheartedly.
although, I doubt they were being lazy with not showing sarah's death fully. that comment annoyed me. likely at the time they were still tactful enough to not want to show a 15 year old girl who's mentally much younger get eaten alive. The scene as is, is already pretty brutal. of course fast forward to mariana getting shot through the head in plain view of the camera.
Here is the post I found it at.
Meanwhile, as I am embarassed to admit that I noticed but didn't put too much thought into until I found … morethis post, Sarah and Sarita are both names that mean princess that have Hebrew and Indian origins, respectively; also, you know what can be a Spanish equivalent of Sarah--Sarita. Indeed, the two have relatively similar designs and interests, enough that some people back in the day mistook Sarita's name and brief appearance in Episode 2's trailer to be Sarah herself. And according to the ""Season2!Kenny was Carlos" theory, if you give most of Kenny and Sarita's scenes to Carlos and Sarah, it makes perfect sense for what was set up for their characters.
All of this implies that Sarita was probably an easy decomposite character of Sarah much like Troy was a rejected model for Carver.
Yeah, to be honest, I really don't like it when writers are biased about their own characters but I feel like the multiple writers was what changed the plot for Seasons 2 and ANF.
Aside from Jane's positive actions outweighing her negative ones, I totally agree with you on all of those. Season 2 had so much potential but really flopped from Amid the Ruins forward. To me that's when Telltale's The Walking Dead started dying. I really don't think Jane should've been so careless with AJ, it's just so cold when she looked like she was changing for the better. If Jane had left with Mike and Luke had lived I would have liked No Going Back way better.
Jane's positive actions do outweigh her negative ones, even when comparing her to other characters such as Kenny and Clementine, she may hav… moree done less positive things in comparison but she has also done far less negative things in that same comparison.
Yeah, we can't argue with the writers because it's their story, not ours but I will continue to berate them for idiotic plot points and illogical stunts. The writers can tell me I'm wrong all they want but I'm not going to forget:
* In a universe that is meant to follow real world logic, a plank suddenly appeared on top of Sarah.
* A plank only falls if Jane helps Sarah.
* Arvo's group will be waiting in the exact same place regardless of how long Clementine and the group stay at the Observation Deck.
* The group chooses not to go to the town like they originally planned.
* Sarah is the only character to have a definitive death in the same episode she became determinant in.
* The … [view original content]
Goddamn, reading those posts... and I thought I was salty about season 2.
I think he maybe puts season 1 on a pedastal, and I liked 400 day… mores, but most everything he says about season 2 I agree with wholeheartedly.
although, I doubt they were being lazy with not showing sarah's death fully. that comment annoyed me. likely at the time they were still tactful enough to not want to show a 15 year old girl who's mentally much younger get eaten alive. The scene as is, is already pretty brutal. of course fast forward to mariana getting shot through the head in plain view of the camera.
In a universe that is meant to follow real world logic, a plank suddenly appeared on top of Sarah.
I think you mean several large chunks of wood and a railing(?),
No one cuts Sarita's arm off after they leave the horde if Clementine doesn't cut her arm off, which is odd considering Mike cut Reggie's arm off after he was bitten.
To be fair, I got the impression that Mike wanted to do just that, but Kenny wouldn't let him.
Carlos can't tell the difference between a walker bite and a dog bite and admits that the fever would've kicked in around night time.
Well, Sam was thrashing around quite a bit and Carlos does consider it if you mention that, but he just wanted to be sure she didn't get infected.
The group decides to cross the frozen lake and trust Arvo rather than try to find a way around.
To be fair, I think there is an option to suggest just that, but they cross the damn thing anyway.
Jane's positive actions do outweigh her negative ones, even when comparing her to other characters such as Kenny and Clementine, she may hav… moree done less positive things in comparison but she has also done far less negative things in that same comparison.
Yeah, we can't argue with the writers because it's their story, not ours but I will continue to berate them for idiotic plot points and illogical stunts. The writers can tell me I'm wrong all they want but I'm not going to forget:
* In a universe that is meant to follow real world logic, a plank suddenly appeared on top of Sarah.
* A plank only falls if Jane helps Sarah.
* Arvo's group will be waiting in the exact same place regardless of how long Clementine and the group stay at the Observation Deck.
* The group chooses not to go to the town like they originally planned.
* Sarah is the only character to have a definitive death in the same episode she became determinant in.
* The … [view original content]
I love how if I wrote a thread called "Kenny is the worst", my grandchildren would be feeling the retribution from the borderline fanaticism… more that surrounds him - and my grandchildren will likely never even exist -, but if it's about a character like Jane everyone takes great delight in portraying her as some satanic bitch, when I think she's by far the lesser of the two evils. That's not to say I hate Kenny - though I don't exactly like him in season two - but it is saying that, in a nutshell: "Threads like this are the worst."
The issue I have is that saying something opinion based is the worst is a complete contradiction of what 'opinion' means:
a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
If it were a case of Jane is the worst, then there wouldn't be as many players that got the Jane ending as there are, as obviously everyone would have seen what a twat she seems to be,… [view original content]
They should have given Jane a big scar on her head after the plank drops on her.
Maybe that would remind people she was the only one who went down there to rescue Sarah. The others lazily fired a couple shots at some zombies, but didn't seem to care much when she died.
I love how if I wrote a thread called "Kenny is the worst", my grandchildren would be feeling the retribution from the borderline fanaticism that surrounds him - and my grandchildren will likely never even exist -, but if it's about a character like Jane everyone takes great delight in portraying her as some satanic bitch, when I think she's by far the lesser of the two evils. That's not to say I hate Kenny - though I don't exactly like him in season two - but it is saying that, in a nutshell: "Threads like this are the worst."
The issue I have is that saying something opinion based is the worst is a complete contradiction of what 'opinion' means:
If it were a case of Jane is the worst, then there wouldn't be as many players that got the Jane ending as there are, as obviously everyone would have seen what a twat she seems to be, and that'd be that. Buuut last time I checked, despite Kenny having more people get 'his' endings, Jane still has a fair few people getting 'her' endings, and sticking with them and seeming to like her enough to not just use 'Rewind' and get the - in my opinion, worse - ending to season two that they may want.
It just, this makes no sense. There's no point having choices if there are 'better' or 'worse' options from an ethical standpoint. For example, in Mass Effect 3 there's a choice concerning whether you wipe another species from existence to save a friend and his elite team of the very best soldiers of his race. Depending on past choices, it can be extremely lucrative - from a statistical standpoint - to completely obliterate that race off the face of the galaxy to stand a better chance against the Reapers (keeping it vague in case OP/TC hasn't played it, for some reason. Go play the Mass Effect series! Soo gooood \o/). That being said, ethically, I think it's pretty fucked to wipe out a species. But someone else might say "Nah, they deserve it." That's the beauty of morality - even if there's a clear advantage to taking one choice, it may push someone's buttons to the point that they refuse to compromise their morals, even in the face of adversity. That, and it's SUBJECTIVE.
It's like a thread I saw saying something to the effect of "Proof shooting Conrad is the best option". There's literally no such thing as a best opinion, or a best choice/option. It's entirely conjecture. And in the same way, there's no such thing as a character being 'the worst', and the almost fervor around a certain bearded man being 'the best' is so mental it blows my mind. I'm not saying that I hate people who support Kenny, nor am I saying I especially like them, but I can at least respect their opinion enough to not go around bashing their preferred choice, even when they do the exact same to the choice I prefer.
I'm really confused. Are there two sets of standards? If I were to make this thread about Kenny, I could name several people off the top of my head that'd jettison me into the darkest reaches of space for daring to defy their 'god'. But with threads like these, about Jane, it's completely cool? I genuinely don't understand.
Right, now that I've done that ... rant, thing ... I guess I'll share my opinion on Jane.
In my opinion, Jane is quite possibly my favourite character introduced in the entire series and I say that without a trace of irony.
The thing I really appreciate about Jane's character, which is a bit weird, is the way she doesn't treat Clementine as a child. Instead, she treats her as an equal. She understands that Clementine can look out for herself, and that she's capable enough to survive on her own, which is a rare thing from characters from the Walking Dead, even as Clementine does everything for everyone. She was the only one to console Clementine over what happened with Sarita before everyone started yelling back in Amid the Ruins.
"You did what you thought was the right thing. That's all anyone can do."
But what's perhaps most interesting is that Jane's aware enough that the girl can handle herself. Rather than tell the girl what to do at every turn, she instead teaches her the way a friend shows a friend how to play an instrument... except instead of something fulfilling, like how to play the guitar, it's how to kill walkers. Her personality really 'clicked' with my Clementine's, who was looking for someone to actually acknowledge her skills for reasons other than 'plot'. She genuinely believes in Clementine, she trusts her to help her out with things that'd be beyond the average little girl's skillset, and being honest enough (Until the infamous 'rest stop') to tell the girl the truth as it is.
"I'm gonna level with you. Finding your friends... that's a shot in the dark." - About the odds of finding Luke and Sarah (and Nick, determinant.)
"Whatever happens, you gotta be ready for what's in there. No hesitation. You understand that, right?" - After putting down a zombified Nick, on the chance of things not going 'their way'.
"You're the only one that he trusts. That he really trusts. That means you're the one that has to pull him back." - About how important it is for Clementine to try and help Kenny.
Besides the rest stop incident - and I'll throw my hands up and admit she fucked up in that scene - she was straight and true with Clementine, almost to a fault. She didn't have a filter, just saying what needed to be said to try and solve the problems that faced them. Even to the point of asking an expecting mother what she was going to 'do' with a child, with pragmatism and survival in mind. She's a bit of an asshole to the group, she's a bit smug, and she carries herself like she knows more than she likely does. But, for me, that's what I appreciate. When everyone was floundering around after Luke (Nick, determinantly) and Sarah hadn't gotten back, Jane was the one to get them to come up with a plan, and take Clementine out scouting for them. She had her head screwed on straight enough to not start screaming at people, to blame everyone else - instead, she was just thinking 'what do we do to get out of this?' That's a valuable - dare I say admirable - trait.
There's also this little thing in No Going Back which did help me like Jane a whole lot more than Kenny, which is probably gonna get me crucified, but you know. What can you do?During the lake scene - Luke ._. - after Clementine falls through, there's one little thing which does share that Jane cares about someone other than herself. While Kenny's yelling at Arvo, Bonnie's either under the ice or just watching like a lemon, and Mike's off ... being Mike, there's one person that goes back onto the lake and rescues Clementine from drowning. Who's that, I wonder? Oh, right.
Again, while the group is either gripped by indecision, or yelling at one another, Jane's the one doing the stuff that has to be done to help the group along its path, even as it tears itself apart. Moreover, she's the only one to bother rescuing an eleven-year-old from the icy black waters, everyone else just standing uselessly and watching as she fell through the ice. But this doesn't really get mentioned, because fuck Jane, right?
What I also find interesting as how often she makes the 'Paragon' choice, as I've taken to calling them, even though she encourages Clementine to pick a more 'Renegade' option. These include:
If you do nothing during this scene, despite Jane telling you to take the supplies - taking charge and trying to convince Clementine how badly their group needs the medicine - Jane will send Arvo on his way, and let him keep the medicine. Despite her encouraging Clementine to take the supplies off of Arvo, if Clementine refuses to or doesn't make a choice, Jane honors that decision enough to not take matters into her own hands.
If you do nothing when given the choice between SAVE SARAH and PULL JANE UP, if you pick nothing then Jane will decide, of her own accord, to drop down and help Sarah, putting her own life in danger to try and fix the mistake she made. While she ultimately gave up when she got hit in the head by a wooden board, I still think this is an admirable enough thing to do - try and save a scared teenager even as a herd of the undead closes in.
If you do nothing when given the choice between LET THE FAMILY IN and MAKE THEM LEAVE, if you pick nothing then Jane will let the family stay for the night, despite encouraging Clementine to get them to leave. She actively chooses to let a family of strangers into her new home, even though, in her own words - 'They could be anyone.' Consistently, she'll make 'Paragon' choices, even when she talks about making more ruthless 'Renegade' choices.
So, yeah, those're just some things I like about Jane ^ _ ^
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's infallible, not at all, but I think - as friends of Clementine go - Jane definitely doesn't deserve the bad rep she gets from many members of this forum. So, in my opinion, Jane is definitely not the worst, and I think she's actually a brilliant character of her own right, who also deserves a little more praise here and there, I think \o/
It seems that with Jane you have to believe her positive actions (most of which I could see any other member of the group doing anyway) outweigh her negative ones. I can't look past that scheme at the end of No Going Back and her suicide in A New Frontier. You can say that her actions in A New Frontier were out of character or due to bias but that's her character according to Telltale, the actual writers.
Ouch lmao
Same here. They do nothing else with that scene, so they should've at least scarred the bitch. Or, you know, not do it at all.
I actually don't mind these, since it actually does mean something and have a small but notable affect on how the story goes.
Yeah, seriously--where the Shoot Jane or let her kill kenny options?
But primarily, I'm referring to Nick and Sarah's 1st deaths, where it doesn't matter what you did or how you interacted with them leading up to these moments: their continued existences are all based around a single choice.
Yeah, admittedly, that's an aspect of his influence that can get annoying after a while depending on where you stand.
I stand on the ground.
Unfortunately, that's just how these things work.
People make threads that interest them or pertains to their view of a subject: in this case, the OP considers Jane(who's ironically a loner) to be the worst person in the group. And so other people respond in a way that shows their viewpoint of the subject: Kensplainers will surf up and angrily express their distaste, Janaics will creep up to defend her, and people who picked the Alone ending will just go ""Oh look, a new member just finished Season 2! Wonder what they got to say about this?".
So I wouldn't let it bother you too much, but by all means, say what you need to say!
Lol they had to drop something on her damn head, or the death scene would've been even more bullshit than it was.
I'm sure you would be okay if they just had Jane be too selfish to even help, though.
Personally, the AJ stunt just reinforced what I already knew.
And to give her some credit, I think she did cared about Clementine on some level. It just so happened that that care wasn't very healthy for anyone.
Not quite sure what you're getting at there.
Also, when I said "not do it at all," I meant put those two in that situation in the first place.
I dunno? Ah, I'm too tired to argue right now.
What would you expect of Sarah for the rest of season 2 if she didn't die there?
Something along those lines, I guess.
The thing is there is one Jane when there is 2 Kenny !
My first play when TWD was released I don't know how I get Kenny always pissed off to Lee, so from the begin to the end of season 2 I only saw Kenny as an asshole !
And the choice to shot him was easy !
Someone said me on fb that if Kenny was like that it was my fault, I was like yeah pff think what you want !
But that person was right not me !
When I replayed recently on ps4 the 2 first for having the save (which don't work xd ..!.. ) Kenny was a nice guy from the begining to the end.
So there is 2 ways to see Kenny and it of course change our way to pick a choice at the end of season 2
There was a pretty damn good (and fairly long) fanfiction that focuses almost exclusively on Clem and Sarah's relationship, and she of course survives season 2 to be her "luigi" as you said. Called "Young and Young at Heart"
Read it?
Christ, sometimes I really forget what happened to Sarah in the games. When you mentioned Sarah helping Arvo or Jane, it reminds me of how she matured so much in that fanfic. She had so much potential, she did.
K. I get what you're saying, but honestly, that can be said about most characters in Season 1 and 2.
But others are sidekicks, plus Jane teach to Clementine how attack knees, how stick the head for checking if the muertos is still dead !
It is a great and smart advices to survive !
Maybe it was offscreen during the first season but what Kenny learn or did to Clementine ?
Of course he loves her like a father but at the end of season 2 what he did exactly to help Clem to learn how stay alive ?
(No seriusly I don't know I shoot Kenny the 2 times ) The second was really against my heart !
Kenny taught her how to drive a car
Only in the third season !
So at that time of season 2 ending, nothing
According to the story generator. he taught her the importance of honesty, family or determination.
Not gonna lie, your comments are getting a bit hard to put together an answer for, for some reason. Maybe I need a nap.
Anyway, I do know that those two constantly being the ones to get important moments where Clementine/audience is concerned is a point of contention for both. I will say that Jane did her part and Kenny kinda did his own thing.
Yeah I know my english is not great sorry ^^!
I haven't read it yet, but I have visited the guy's(?) blog several times. It's where I got the Immune!Sarah pic and the fact that Sarita is an obvious decomposite of her from.
I probably should read it at some point--another one to add to the list.
Yeah, she did. And it seems that the obvious potential goldmines for interesting storylines are being increasingly ignored.
remind me what this immune sarah pic is, cuz I don't remember, also what is this about Sarita?
Yes, I have lol and it's kinda fun tbh
Yeah, we all have to remember that when it comes to all of these characters, they are still human and it would be ridiculous if none of them were flawed in some aspects and when it comes to narratives, more often than not, you have to read between the lines to understand a character's intentions etc. because there's no option to just ask them "Hey, what are your intentions as a character in this fictional universe?"
In all honesty, I found the Jane being pregnant plot to feel so forced. Not only does it end up overriding her development in Season 2 but, like many fans have stated, it didn't make sense for her character, a survivor who finally started opening up to people. I felt like it was just for a stupid plot twist after plot twist, I mean, I remember when the idea of Jane being pregnant was just speculation and fan-fiction.
Yeah, you could really feel the bias in favor of Kenny still present in ANF. TTG was basically saying, saving Kenny was the right thing to do because Clementine, Kenny and AJ matches the game's theme of 'family', but I think Jane could've matched that theme the same way. I mean, am I the only one who is still confused about why Clementine suddenly clings to Kenny and saw him as family despite their lack of relationship in the previous season? Don't get me wrong, I really do like Kenny as a character but I hate that his relationship with Clementine feels so forced and rather out of nowhere.
Ugh, the Wellington ending was the most disappointing in my opinion. The entire plot of Season 2 (well, the only real major plot point anyway) was the group trying to find the settlement up north, it was mentioned in the first episode but is only a possible ending in the fifth... not only that but Edith gets no character development whatsoever.
Which just proves how silly and unrealistic the endings are. Am I expected to believe that whoever Clementine is with ends up dying but her and AJ are perfectly fine even when they're alone? Plus she somehow manages to end up at the exact place and time that she meets Ava despite each ending having occurred at a different point in time and in a completely different place?
Part of me kinda hopes that A New Frontier is deemed uncanon and we get an official Season 3 that follows Clementine's story where it left off in Season 2's endings and I know that's a rather sad thing to hope for.
I wish they made both parts of 'Ties That Bind' as episode 2 and had episode 1 dedicated to Clementine's story after the endings and the Garcias at the beginning of the apocalypse.
Mike, Bonnie and Clementine could've all tried to do something but chose not to, I think everyone needs to remember this when they talk about how Jane didn't care about Sarah.
There's also the fact that Tripp and especially David are pretty much Expies of him.
The sad part is that she's still better character and I cared more about this motherfucker than most of the characters from ANF (maybe except Javier and Mariana. Those two are too precious for this world)
Jane's positive actions do outweigh her negative ones, even when comparing her to other characters such as Kenny and Clementine, she may have done less positive things in comparison but she has also done far less negative things in that same comparison.
Yeah, we can't argue with the writers because it's their story, not ours but I will continue to berate them for idiotic plot points and illogical stunts. The writers can tell me I'm wrong all they want but I'm not going to forget:
Thank you.
Here is the post I found it at.
Meanwhile, as I am embarassed to admit that I noticed but didn't put too much thought into until I found this post, Sarah and Sarita are both names that mean princess that have Hebrew and Indian origins, respectively; also, you know what can be a Spanish equivalent of Sarah--Sarita. Indeed, the two have relatively similar designs and interests, enough that some people back in the day mistook Sarita's name and brief appearance in Episode 2's trailer to be Sarah herself. And according to the ""Season2!Kenny was Carlos" theory, if you give most of Kenny and Sarita's scenes to Carlos and Sarah, it makes perfect sense for what was set up for their characters.
All of this implies that Sarita was probably an easy decomposite character of Sarah much like Troy was a rejected model for Carver.
Yeah, to be honest, I really don't like it when writers are biased about their own characters but I feel like the multiple writers was what changed the plot for Seasons 2 and ANF.
Goddamn, reading those posts... and I thought I was salty about season 2.
I think he maybe puts season 1 on a pedastal, and I liked 400 days, but most everything he says about season 2 I agree with wholeheartedly.
although, I doubt they were being lazy with not showing sarah's death fully. that comment annoyed me. likely at the time they were still tactful enough to not want to show a 15 year old girl who's mentally much younger get eaten alive. The scene as is, is already pretty brutal. of course fast forward to mariana getting shot through the head in plain view of the camera.
Agreed, though executive meddling and recently resource issues may have also had a hand as well.
Aside from Jane's positive actions outweighing her negative ones, I totally agree with you on all of those. Season 2 had so much potential but really flopped from Amid the Ruins forward. To me that's when Telltale's The Walking Dead started dying. I really don't think Jane should've been so careless with AJ, it's just so cold when she looked like she was changing for the better. If Jane had left with Mike and Luke had lived I would have liked No Going Back way better.
I personally can't stand Bonnie. She's the worst in my opinion.
Yeah, but you can say that about a lot of people.
And yeah, I think I get what he was trying to say with that, but I agree he got a little too literal with it.
And forget Mariana. Especially considering what was originally planned.
I think you mean several large chunks of wood and a railing(?),
To be fair, I got the impression that Mike wanted to do just that, but Kenny wouldn't let him.
Well, Sam was thrashing around quite a bit and Carlos does consider it if you mention that, but he just wanted to be sure she didn't get infected.
To be fair, I think there is an option to suggest just that, but they cross the damn thing anyway.
I agree with just about everything else.
I liked Jane until she suicide !