I don't that was the same user name, but yeah, that's been happening from time to time since about March. Some variety would be nice, so Ill have to see if it's the same 5 or 6 pics again or not.
More like if they're gonna continue with this little prank of their's, they should vary up what they post.
Things like Clementine doing...something to Sarah was shocking the first time this ever happened because no one was expecting it and I was personally in Public Health class when I saw it in my feed.
Now that this has become a running gag, I'm less squicky about that 1st person perspective of Clementine looking up at some dude and more wondering what's up with her six pack.
He can actually kill Gabe (and Javier) if you fail the first QTE. Aaaand if you don't shove him in the wall he takes out knife out of Javier's shoulder and stabs him in various places. Ouch.
Isn't he a great character? Such a badass - killing people without changing the expression, without sounds.
He died tho, RIP.
That may or may not have been intentional, as he does slightly raise an eyebrow if Javier does hide in the closest as he approaches.
But yes, it was hilarious creepy!
He can actually kill Gabe (and Javier) if you fail the first QTE. Aaaand if you don't shove him in the wall he takes out knife out of Javier… more's shoulder and stabs him in various places. Ouch.
Isn't he a great character? Such a badass - killing people without changing the expression, without sounds.
He died tho, RIP.
Luke and Carver have a history of conflict but are lackluster characters. Kenny and Jane are great characters but give little evidence of di… moresliking each until NGB. If Luke were less heroic/vanilla and Carver more sympathetic season 2 would not have had Kenny or Jane or 90% of the problems it does.
Tripp and "jesus" +=
Tripp probably could've been given some of "jesus"'s material and/or traits given that Tripp doesn't really do much of anything that he and Conrad couldn't have done in Above the Law.
Lilly and Jane +=
When I first played In Harm's Way, I thought Jane(who I had forgotten I had seen once somewhere...) was actually Lilly in "disguise"(aka bulked up and adrenal-ized beyond recognition). If the Luke vs. Kenny thing had been maintained, I think it would've been interesting if Lilly had a fair portion of Jane's scenes(the other ones being rewritten to give screentime, development, and limelight to the other characters) to teach Clementine what she's learned, share some things about herself, and then leave because she doesn't feel comfortable sticking around, especially with Kenny and Luke fighting for leadership already.
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bounty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana (nobody cares about gaby).
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bo… moreunty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana (nobody cares about gaby).
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bo… moreunty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana (nobody cares about gaby).
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bounty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana
Exactly! The theme of family would get the full spotlight it deserved without having to throw Clementine in there because Mariana is family.
(nobody cares about gaby).
To be fair, Gabe acted like a bit of a wild card most of the time, but his primary allegience was always with Team David(because there was apparently supposed to be teams in this).
Plus, the whole "Gabentine" thing would be out of the way in favor of making Mariana a far more fleshed out foil to Gabe than she would've been otherwise, his love for his sister(or cousin) would actually create conflict with his idealization of David(because fuck you Clementine, ya goddamn succubus), and the somewhat aborted subplot about him turning out like either David or Javier would get more development.
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bo… moreunty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana (nobody cares about gaby).
What? I assumed you were older and shit!
It doesn't excuse the lack of animation his face has. The guy was creepy as hell!
That may or may not have been intentional, as he does slightly raise an eyebrow if Javier does hide in the closest as he approaches.
But yes, it was hilarious creepy!
Um... don't you mean the pictures of... Clementine?
You want different pictures of... naked Clementine?
More like if they're gonna continue with this little prank of their's, they should vary up what they post.
Things like Clementine doing...something to Sarah was shocking the first time this ever happened because no one was expecting it and I was personally in Public Health class when I saw it in my feed.
Now that this has become a running gag, I'm less squicky about that 1st person perspective of Clementine looking up at some dude and more wondering what's up with her six pack.
Hey baby, I don't hate the cutesy chub--I just didn't particularly care for what she is in the context of everything else.
He can actually kill Gabe (and Javier) if you fail the first QTE. Aaaand if you don't shove him in the wall he takes out knife out of Javier's shoulder and stabs him in various places. Ouch.
Isn't he a great character? Such a badass - killing people without changing the expression, without sounds.
He died tho, RIP.
Yeah, well no tears shed there.
He will be forgotten anyway, lol.
I suppose, though at least @NorthStar seemed to like him and/or his design.
...This has gotten really fuckin inappropriate, hasn't it?
Thought so. Started to get X-rated, G-straighted up in here.
You horny little devil you
That's a very good point, given that those two were supposed to be the main characters aside from Clementine before those Creator's Pets showed up.
Tripp and "jesus"
Tripp probably could've been given some of "jesus"'s material and/or traits given that Tripp doesn't really do much of anything that he and Conrad couldn't have done in Above the Law.
Lilly and Jane
When I first played In Harm's Way, I thought Jane(who I had forgotten I had seen once somewhere...) was actually Lilly in "disguise"(aka bulked up and adrenal-ized beyond recognition). If the Luke vs. Kenny thing had been maintained, I think it would've been interesting if Lilly had a fair portion of Jane's scenes(the other ones being rewritten to give screentime, development, and limelight to the other characters) to teach Clementine what she's learned, share some things about herself, and then leave because she doesn't feel comfortable sticking around, especially with Kenny and Luke fighting for leadership already.
Thank God I was spared that. My fragile mind is still intact, no thanks to @Jayroen
Mine is, too. I didn't look through them.
Do you mean the Ava picture?
Yes... Just thinking about it hurts! DX
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bounty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana (nobody cares about gaby).
I never got to see that one... I'm curious now.
Don't give Mariana Clementine's attitude! Please no! DX
It got removed from Deviantart I think. Ava is topless in it though.
Found it. If you are still curious
Ok ok... then, what if Mariana remains innocent, yet she's still a badass?
Someone make a youtube playthtough changing Clem's model for Mariana cadghasjfkndjhbvghvdj
I like that!
Exactly! The theme of family would get the full spotlight it deserved without having to throw Clementine in there because Mariana is family.
To be fair, Gabe acted like a bit of a wild card most of the time, but his primary allegience was always with Team David(because there was apparently supposed to be teams in this).
Plus, the whole "Gabentine" thing would be out of the way in favor of making Mariana a far more fleshed out foil to Gabe than she would've been otherwise, his love for his sister(or cousin) would actually create conflict with his idealization of David(because fuck you Clementine, ya goddamn succubus), and the somewhat aborted subplot about him turning out like either David or Javier would get more development.
It's not in Jayroen's gallery. I just found it in your favourites tho.
You didn't save it on your computer?
Oh, okay.
Considering I was trying to clean some stuff off of it, no probably not.
Why didn't I think of that?
It isn't anymore? Thank God! I can feel safe again!
You can, haha!
It's not in the featured section anymore not sure why, should still be in renders though, not that I really care, I'm not a fan of it myself
You wanna see the best combination ?
Ignore the shitbird by the way
Considering you made it after misunderstanding what someone asked you to do, I can kinda see why.