But after everything, I choose Rodrik save Asher. By what Talia, Ethan, Ryon told about Rodrik in ep 1; The way Rodrik talked with Talia and Ryon, the way he talked about Ethan's dead, Ashur's exile, Mira's absence ... I have the feeling he is the kind of man who will do everything for his own brothers (and sisters too). It's not just a responsibility, a duty, they are always deep in his heart. So I choose the eldest watchful brother save his little brother, the one just came back home after years !!!
Asher did his duty, and fulfilled his mission. He brought back soldiers, saved the Lord Forrester, and went out in a badass blaze of glory. … moreYou can tell all those years of living in Essos, unable to help his family, had taken a toll on him -- and when he was at the wheel with Rodrik, his beloved elder brother, and the lord of the house Asher had travelled across the world to protect... "Go, Rodrik, I know what I'm doing!"
And he did. After all:
* "Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" -- Lady Forrester
* "You are your fathers son, Asher, and for all your differences, he would be proud." -- Malcolm to Asher
* "He was always first in protecting you and your sisters." -- Lady Forrester to Ethan
Plus, CANON ASHER, doesn't want to be lord anyway. At all. So it makes him leaving Rodrik--knowing that, by so doing, he becomes the next lord--even more unfathomable to me.
Anyway, all this stuff aside, at the end of the day--Rodrik's … [view original content]
This poll is broken, it asks if you saved Asher or Rodrik but you can vote for both, now the results have been corrupted and we'll never know how popular Asher really is in comparison to Rodrik.
Asher did his duty, and fulfilled his mission. He brought back soldiers, saved the Lord Forrester, and went out in a badass blaze of glory. … moreYou can tell all those years of living in Essos, unable to help his family, had taken a toll on him -- and when he was at the wheel with Rodrik, his beloved elder brother, and the lord of the house Asher had travelled across the world to protect... "Go, Rodrik, I know what I'm doing!"
And he did. After all:
* "Asher doesn't hesitate, he acts!" -- Lady Forrester
* "You are your fathers son, Asher, and for all your differences, he would be proud." -- Malcolm to Asher
* "He was always first in protecting you and your sisters." -- Lady Forrester to Ethan
Plus, CANON ASHER, doesn't want to be lord anyway. At all. So it makes him leaving Rodrik--knowing that, by so doing, he becomes the next lord--even more unfathomable to me.
Anyway, all this stuff aside, at the end of the day--Rodrik's … [view original content]
I think Asher should be saved, because it's much sadder that he'd never get to see his mother, Talia, or Ryon. They'd never get the chance to see him after those 4 years if you leave him behind.
This is all my head canon. But having Asher sacrifice himself fits his character better. If you have notices across the game, many of his major choices were made within the moments. In Episode 2, he could either kill or cripple Tazal. In Episode 3, Asher either help Beskha or Malcom, during a battle with the Lost Legion and the Dragon. In Episode 4, he could either let Beskha kill her former master or stop her. In Episode 5, he could either kill or spare Bloodsong in the heat of the moment.
It just fits his personality. Asher is impulsive. He doesn't hesitate, he acts. So having Asher immediately acts in his elder brother's defense, just felt like something Asher would do without hesitation.
I am not saying that having Asher stay behind is right. I am just saying that it just fits how I want my Game of Thrones story to play out.
I think Asher should be saved, because it's much sadder that he'd never get to see his mother, Talia, or Ryon. They'd never get the chance to see him after those 4 years if you leave him behind.
"I saved Asher, mostly because it seems more fitting to me that Rodrick would go out like that, he should have died at the Red Wedding, he could not save his father, he could not save his brother, he could not save his GF's brother and he was betrayed by the traitor.
Sacrificing himself for Asher allows him to actually finally save someone and it leaves the house strong since Asher has the "loyalty" of the pit fighters and was already known as someone who lived to fight before the game.
I also picked to save Asher under the hope that he has to deal with some real guilt in the final episode and it forces him to finally live up to his title and be more than just a sell sword.
Rodrick was already the honour bound "do the right thing" type guy, Asher is a more interesting choice in that regard.
Plus it was bad ass seeing Rodrick take out a good 4-5 Whitehills before falling, fighting to the end after spending 4.5 episodes a broken man that nobody was afraid of."
This quote by DougyAM on Reddit sums up my sentiments exactly, and that is why I also saved Asher.
Rodrik staying behind was a justified scenario. It made him worthy of being a savior. Plus, him passing on lordship to Asher still means there's a claim to the Forrester house, although judging by the ending, it seems like Ludd has a new Whitehall outpost in the form of Ironrath.
I don't understand the people who say asher never want to be lord of ironrath or it's his duty to sacrifice himself,you all talk like rodrik as a bigger brother doesn't have any responsibility for asher,and you all talk like asher should sacrifice himself for anyone cause it's his duty.asher will be what ever the fuck you want,the only thing that matters is who do you care more or like more asher or rodrik for mine the reasones were. 1=rodrik is asher's bigger bro so he can't just wait for asher to do something 2=asher just came to westros to die???????if this decision was in real life and it was for your own little brother would you do that??????Hell no for me
I don't understand the people who say asher never want to be lord of ironrath
"He has no interest in ruling." -- Lady Forrester to Ethan in Episode 1
"I never wanted to be Lord of this House!" -- Asher himself in Episode 6
and you all talk like asher should sacrifice himself
Hardly. 60 odd percent of people saved Asher. He's by far the most popular Forrester--just because you've encountered a cluster of people who prefer Rodrik e.g. in this thread at the moment does not mean everyone feels that Asher should sacrifice himself. Obviously the statistics--plus the YouTube comment section, the facebook page comment section, the Steam forum, and in most places here, speak for themselves.
asher will be what ever the fuck you want,the only thing that matters is who do you care more or like more asher or rodrik
But plenty of people--myself included--like to roleplay and play the characters with a certain personality... especially one's derived from canon sources. So, I played Asher aggressive, and impulsive, but witty and fiercely loyal. (Just as he's set up to be in Episode 1). I played Rodrik stubborn, prideful, but brave and unyielding. Add in the logistical factors and advantages each brother has, and the decision quickly becomes less black-and-white. In many cases, and certainly in mine, it is not as simple as: which brother do you prefer?
rodrik is asher's bigger bro so he can't just wait for asher to do something
I'm surprised so many people feel this way -- not that there's anything wrong with it. However, as a younger brother, the notion the eldest brother should be the one to 'save the day' does nothing for me. I think the brother who needs to survive most should survive. I don't see why age factors into it, especially when both are adults. And when I made the choice, it wasn't that Rodrik wouldn't stay for Asher. Both of them would stay for the other in a heart-beat. That's obvious. In my game, far as I saw it, Asher simply was the first to act--he came home to save the family, and he wouldn't start that quest by leaving its lord, and his brother, to die. "Asher doesn't hesitate. He acts!"
asher just came to westros to die???????
No, he came back to Westeros to bring soldiers and help his family. Which by staying, he does so in full. Rodrik just recovered from his injuries, and is finally able to fight back against the Whitehills, just to get butchered by Gryff and his men? They're equally unsatisfying and anti-climatic.
if this decision was in real life and it was for your own little brother would you do that??????
Again, as I only have elder brothers, my ability to relate to the predicament is poor, I'll admit. However, given the context they are both adults, and that, in the context of the world they're in, one of them is far important than the other, and I believe it to be more in Asher's character as an impulsive, heroic, badass sort of figure to make the sacrifice, then I guess so. Either way there's no right answer here -- that's the point of all this. And obviously they are both great choices. However, I've always felt saving Rodrik is the right thing to do -- if there is a right thing to do. And even half a year later, I'm still yet to find an argument against that, which I haven't been able to counter with ease...
I don't understand the people who say asher never want to be lord of ironrath or it's his duty to sacrifice himself,you all talk like rodrik… more as a bigger brother doesn't have any responsibility for asher,and you all talk like asher should sacrifice himself for anyone cause it's his duty.asher will be what ever the fuck you want,the only thing that matters is who do you care more or like more asher or rodrik for mine the reasones were. 1=rodrik is asher's bigger bro so he can't just wait for asher to do something 2=asher just came to westros to die???????if this decision was in real life and it was for your own little brother would you do that??????Hell no for me
I didn't say saving rodrik is bad or something but at the end there are logical reasons for both characters to survive,the way i see it,i can't see asher after 4 years of exile die without seeing his family again,it would be cruel,asher has been exiled for 4 years he couldn't just fulfill a duty and just die so what about his feelings,he is probably mad for his exile,asher doesn't hesitate he acts, this is good but for that choice you CAN't use this cause it's completely different,in the way i understand it,asher was protective for his little brother,and of course he would be for rodrik but shouldn't rodrik feel the same for asher??at the end both choices are correct some how and remember if you are the youngest brother,your brothers care for you and in this situation the first priority is you,it's like imagine a choice between asher and talia of course i save talia as you said asher is more important and needs to survive BUT asher as elder brother feels some responsibility for talia so i played rodrik and asher as protective persons for their family and in my play, rodrik felt the same way for asher,i know the age gap between talia and asher is large but asher is still rodrik's little brother no matter what,i respect your decisions,and i just want to help you
I don't understand the people who say asher never want to be lord of ironrath
* "He has no interest in ruling." -- Lady Forrester … moreto Ethan in Episode 1
* "I never wanted to be Lord of this House!" -- Asher himself in Episode 6
and you all talk like asher should sacrifice himself
Hardly. 60 odd percent of people saved Asher. He's by far the most popular Forrester--just because you've encountered a cluster of people who prefer Rodrik e.g. in this thread at the moment does not mean everyone feels that Asher should sacrifice himself. Obviously the statistics--plus the YouTube comment section, the facebook page comment section, the Steam forum, and in most places here, speak for themselves.
asher will be what ever the fuck you want,the only thing that matters is who do you care more or like more asher or rodrik
But plenty of people--myself included--like to roleplay and play the characters with a certain per… [view original content]
You'll never convince me that Rodrik would leave his younger brother to die. That's the main (but not the only one) reason I chose Rodrik to stay behind.
I have a younger brother, and you can be sure if we both were in that sort of situation that I would be screaming my head off for him to save himself.
Damn right that was my main reason,i cant be convinced that rodrik watch his little brother to do something for him,my rodrik wouldn't do that,remember rodrik as elder brother for asher has a responsibility.
You'll never convince me that Rodrik would leave his younger brother to die. That's the main (but not the only one) reason I chose Rodrik to… more stay behind.
I have a younger brother, and you can be sure if we both were in that sort of situation that I would be screaming my head off for him to save himself.
In my opinion i thought asher's doesn't hesitate is good for facing Ludd and i saved him because i know that no forrester will die under his shadow.i don't doubt that rodrik is the same but we are in the war and diplomacy is enough.but my main reason was i played asher and rodrik as protective persons for their family so i'd like to think that rodrik died to protect his little brother not ANY other reasons that people say like he is cripple or he is weak.........anyway IRON FROM ICE
This is all my head canon. But having Asher sacrifice himself fits his character better. If you have notices across the game, many of his ma… morejor choices were made within the moments. In Episode 2, he could either kill or cripple Tazal. In Episode 3, Asher either help Beskha or Malcom, during a battle with the Lost Legion and the Dragon. In Episode 4, he could either let Beskha kill her former master or stop her. In Episode 5, he could either kill or spare Bloodsong in the heat of the moment.
It just fits his personality. Asher is impulsive. He doesn't hesitate, he acts. So having Asher immediately acts in his elder brother's defense, just felt like something Asher would do without hesitation.
I am not saying that having Asher stay behind is right. I am just saying that it just fits how I want my Game of Thrones story to play out.
Made a mistake a while back and had Rodrick kiss fat bellend's ring. Thought I was doing the right thing at the time. Turns out not so much.
SO... Rodrick has to die to undo that.
Besides... Asher needs the character development more than Rodrick. Having him show up just to snuff it without having achieved much would be kinda pointless.
It's Rodrik, by the way, not Rodrick, don't let the idiot who posted this confuse you.
And if I may be so arrogant and biased (which I usually am), Rodrik's version of the final episode is far more epic, thematic and action-oriented. If you truly want a true war experience against the Whitehills, go with it. Plus, his fight scenes are far more satisfying. If you've really played Rodrik weak, don't let him go down and be remembered that way in your game let him live on to tear some Whitehills to pieces. He's gone through enough. He deserves some revenge. And Asher snuffing it wouldn't be pointless -- he fulfilled his mission and saves his brother and House Forrester's lord, going out like a true hero, proving to his family that, while an exile, he never stopped loving them.
However, if you do prefer Asher loads more, then do of course save him. It's your choice. But I'd just like to offer another perspective that too often doesn't see the light of day.
Ain't done it yet.
Gonna save Asher.
Made a mistake a while back and had Rodrick kiss fat bellend's ring. Thought I was doing the righ… moret thing at the time. Turns out not so much.
SO... Rodrick has to die to undo that.
Besides... Asher needs the character development more than Rodrick. Having him show up just to snuff it without having achieved much would be kinda pointless.
Whatever. Westeros seems to be full of kewky spellings. I'll just shorten it to "Rod" if it makes things easier. Or Scratch-Face... Or Captain Hobblestick.
Personally, I'm just bothered that the ideal ending (i.e. the one where I selected "Attack" at Highpoint and everyone died) didn't let me continue.
It's Rodrik, by the way, not Rodrick, don't let the idiot who posted this confuse you.
And if I may be so arrogant and biased (which I us… moreually am), Rodrik's version of the final episode is far more epic, thematic and action-oriented. If you truly want a true war experience against the Whitehills, go with it. Plus, his fight scenes are far more satisfying. If you've really played Rodrik weak, don't let him go down and be remembered that way in your game let him live on to tear some Whitehills to pieces. He's gone through enough. He deserves some revenge. And Asher snuffing it wouldn't be pointless -- he fulfilled his mission and saves his brother and House Forrester's lord, going out like a true hero, proving to his family that, while an exile, he never stopped loving them.
However, if you do prefer Asher loads more, then do of course save him. It's your choice. But I'd just like to offer another perspective that too often doesn't see the light of day.
It depends both characters have a good point for saving them if you want to be aggressive and humerus in serious situations like me pick asher and if you want to be serious and ACT like a lord pick the man(rodrik),i saved asher cause we have the exact same personality but one of my main reason in addition of above is asher's is rodrik's little bro so it's correct that rodrik needs some revenge but with the cost of asher's life i felt this isn't right.but it's your choice whatever you feel i respect.IRON FROM ICE
It's Rodrik, by the way, not Rodrick, don't let the idiot who posted this confuse you.
And if I may be so arrogant and biased (which I us… moreually am), Rodrik's version of the final episode is far more epic, thematic and action-oriented. If you truly want a true war experience against the Whitehills, go with it. Plus, his fight scenes are far more satisfying. If you've really played Rodrik weak, don't let him go down and be remembered that way in your game let him live on to tear some Whitehills to pieces. He's gone through enough. He deserves some revenge. And Asher snuffing it wouldn't be pointless -- he fulfilled his mission and saves his brother and House Forrester's lord, going out like a true hero, proving to his family that, while an exile, he never stopped loving them.
However, if you do prefer Asher loads more, then do of course save him. It's your choice. But I'd just like to offer another perspective that too often doesn't see the light of day.
You have a point, but a lot of Rodrik's choices were a battle between his pride and his family's well being.
Kissing Ludd's ring, standing/staying down when Gryff was beating him, and the traitor's death/imprisonment. Rodrik had to choose between his pride or his family's safety, and I believe Rodrik is a man who'd value his family far more often- most players chose to stay down and in general I could see Rodrik willing to sacrifice himself so his family could be safe. He knew the war was with him and Ludd- that meant that if he died, the war would be over and his family may have a chance of survival.
This is all my head canon. But having Asher sacrifice himself fits his character better. If you have notices across the game, many of his ma… morejor choices were made within the moments. In Episode 2, he could either kill or cripple Tazal. In Episode 3, Asher either help Beskha or Malcom, during a battle with the Lost Legion and the Dragon. In Episode 4, he could either let Beskha kill her former master or stop her. In Episode 5, he could either kill or spare Bloodsong in the heat of the moment.
It just fits his personality. Asher is impulsive. He doesn't hesitate, he acts. So having Asher immediately acts in his elder brother's defense, just felt like something Asher would do without hesitation.
I am not saying that having Asher stay behind is right. I am just saying that it just fits how I want my Game of Thrones story to play out.
Ain't done it yet.
Gonna save Asher.
Made a mistake a while back and had Rodrick kiss fat bellend's ring. Thought I was doing the righ… moret thing at the time. Turns out not so much.
SO... Rodrick has to die to undo that.
Besides... Asher needs the character development more than Rodrick. Having him show up just to snuff it without having achieved much would be kinda pointless.
I saved Asher, but I felt like a real tool about it. I'll probably feel the same way when I save Rodrik on this playthrough. There are great reasons for both of them to survive, and it makes sense for both of their narratives. Kudos to Telltale, honestly that was the hardest choice I've ever made in a video game.
I may start over and over again this game,i may choose different actions,but i would save Asher every single time. He is in a better shape ,a better fighter,a better leader than Rodrik.
I saved Rodrik because his story was deeper to me. Rodrik's way on this game is vengeance,destruction.
All for him to discover that he has not the power,he is wounded not only physically but on mind too. Realize that when he was fighting for his ideals for his people, some parasites were waiting the right moment to take for themselves his home and harm his people and family. And for a moment look back and there is no woman or man that you cared about left standing beside you.
It looks like a curse doesn't it?.
When you survive something as impacting as the Red Wedding your self tells you that there is waiting more.He is the man guys to continue this story if telltale let him...
I loved the writing for all the characters in this game. And after that badass scene where he throws his walking cane into the fire I just couldn't choose Asher over him. I didn't want his story to end after that.
I saved Rodrik because his story was deeper to me. Rodrik's way on this game is vengeance,destruction.
All for him to discover that he has … morenot the power,he is wounded not only physically but on mind too. Realize that when he was fighting for his ideals for his people, some parasites were waiting the right moment to take for themselves his home and harm his people and family. And for a moment look back and there is no woman or man that you cared about left standing beside you.
It looks like a curse doesn't it?.
When you survive something as impacting as the Red Wedding your self tells you that there is waiting more.He is the man guys to continue this story if telltale let him...
saved Asher for a multirude of reasons based on preference and plot. Based off of everything I know about Rodrik from other npcs and his codex you'd know he'd be the brother to stay behind to save his little brother who traveled across the world to bring him an army. An example of his selflessness is when he chose to fight with his father at the red wedding when his father told him otherwise. He would also punch gryff in his face and not take his abuse on his family. Asher would be the one to get violent and wage war on gryff and ludd killing dozens of guards and being persuaded to marry gwyn after his mother freaks out he kills gryff and gets revenge while still keeping his love who will save him a story arch that could be explored in season 2 and let's not forget about the dragon queen she trusts and supports Asher she has no feelings toward Rodrik. I also feel like Asher and his sister should have some diologue. Not to mention besker his friend for 4 years who has ryon she has no feelings towards the foresters and was only there because of Asher. Rodrik had escaped death once how would he benefit the story at all by staying in? His wife gets attacked and he's presumed dead until he heals so Ramsey's game means nothing. Rodrik dished out some revenge already by maiming gryff and making him look bad in front of everyone. Asher had just came in to play at that point WITH the soldiers that made the difference and allowed for any kill to happen
I picked Asher for the same reasons as stated. The eldest brother naturally being the one to give his life so that his younger brother could live. The second son who never wanted to lead and becoming the new lord is quite typical as the same thing happened with Ned Stark and (technically) Jon Snow.
I think a part of the reason why I saved Rodrik over Asher, is because I wanted to subvert the expectation of the setting by letting the main lord stay alive while the one who was expected to survive and rule dies. So technically for me, it was letting Jon Snow die in order for Robb Stark to survive.
I picked Asher for the same reasons as stated. The eldest brother naturally being the one to give his life so that his younger brother coul… mored live. The second son who never wanted to lead and becoming the new lord is quite typical as the same thing happened with Ned Stark and (technically) Jon Snow.
I think a part of the reason why I saved Rodrik over Asher, is because I wanted to subvert the expectation of the setting by letting the mai… moren lord stay alive while the one who was expected to survive and rule dies. So technically for me, it was letting Jon Snow die in order for Robb Stark to survive.
Rodrik was the man raised to be Lord of Ironrath and his death would be more demoralising for the forrester's(Smallfolk,family).
Asher had the sellswords loyalty but Rodrik is a man hardened in War and a legend himself surviving the Red Wedding.
The broken Rodrik turning strong again that's the story I would like to follow.Plus he is the rightful lord of the Wolfswood
I saved Asher. My line of thinking was that I really liked the character of Asher, and his trip to Westeros would have been for nothing if he died as soon as he arrived. Also, at the time, I felt that his mercenaries would sooner follow him than Rodrik - I didn't know how everything was going to play out, and also didn't know that those mercenaries would all die right then and there.
That being said, I still prefer following Asher thru any future story. It's not that I didn't like Rodrik, I simply preferred Asher.
Both deserve to live !!!
But after everything, I choose Rodrik save Asher. By what Talia, Ethan, Ryon told about Rodrik in ep 1; The way Rodrik talked with Talia and Ryon, the way he talked about Ethan's dead, Ashur's exile, Mira's absence ... I have the feeling he is the kind of man who will do everything for his own brothers (and sisters too). It's not just a responsibility, a duty, they are always deep in his heart. So I choose the eldest watchful brother save his little brother, the one just came back home after years !!!
Sorry for my bad English !!!
It's RODRIK dammit!
You know I just did that for satire purposes, right? :P
Dude, amazing
This poll is broken, it asks if you saved Asher or Rodrik but you can vote for both, now the results have been corrupted and we'll never know how popular Asher really is in comparison to Rodrik.
Elaena is not necessarily kidnapped if you save Rodrik, you can choose to send her to away to safety.
Rodrik the Unbreakable!
I think Asher should be saved, because it's much sadder that he'd never get to see his mother, Talia, or Ryon. They'd never get the chance to see him after those 4 years if you leave him behind.
This is all my head canon. But having Asher sacrifice himself fits his character better. If you have notices across the game, many of his major choices were made within the moments. In Episode 2, he could either kill or cripple Tazal. In Episode 3, Asher either help Beskha or Malcom, during a battle with the Lost Legion and the Dragon. In Episode 4, he could either let Beskha kill her former master or stop her. In Episode 5, he could either kill or spare Bloodsong in the heat of the moment.
It just fits his personality. Asher is impulsive. He doesn't hesitate, he acts. So having Asher immediately acts in his elder brother's defense, just felt like something Asher would do without hesitation.
I am not saying that having Asher stay behind is right. I am just saying that it just fits how I want my Game of Thrones story to play out.
"I saved Asher, mostly because it seems more fitting to me that Rodrick would go out like that, he should have died at the Red Wedding, he could not save his father, he could not save his brother, he could not save his GF's brother and he was betrayed by the traitor.
Sacrificing himself for Asher allows him to actually finally save someone and it leaves the house strong since Asher has the "loyalty" of the pit fighters and was already known as someone who lived to fight before the game.
I also picked to save Asher under the hope that he has to deal with some real guilt in the final episode and it forces him to finally live up to his title and be more than just a sell sword.
Rodrick was already the honour bound "do the right thing" type guy, Asher is a more interesting choice in that regard.
Plus it was bad ass seeing Rodrick take out a good 4-5 Whitehills before falling, fighting to the end after spending 4.5 episodes a broken man that nobody was afraid of."
This quote by DougyAM on Reddit sums up my sentiments exactly, and that is why I also saved Asher.
Rodrik staying behind was a justified scenario. It made him worthy of being a savior. Plus, him passing on lordship to Asher still means there's a claim to the Forrester house, although judging by the ending, it seems like Ludd has a new Whitehall outpost in the form of Ironrath.
I don't understand the people who say asher never want to be lord of ironrath or it's his duty to sacrifice himself,you all talk like rodrik as a bigger brother doesn't have any responsibility for asher,and you all talk like asher should sacrifice himself for anyone cause it's his duty.asher will be what ever the fuck you want,the only thing that matters is who do you care more or like more asher or rodrik for mine the reasones were. 1=rodrik is asher's bigger bro so he can't just wait for asher to do something 2=asher just came to westros to die???????if this decision was in real life and it was for your own little brother would you do that??????Hell no for me
Rodrik, he could have an unborn child with Elaena anyway
Hardly. 60 odd percent of people saved Asher. He's by far the most popular Forrester--just because you've encountered a cluster of people who prefer Rodrik e.g. in this thread at the moment does not mean everyone feels that Asher should sacrifice himself. Obviously the statistics--plus the YouTube comment section, the facebook page comment section, the Steam forum, and in most places here, speak for themselves.
But plenty of people--myself included--like to roleplay and play the characters with a certain personality... especially one's derived from canon sources. So, I played Asher aggressive, and impulsive, but witty and fiercely loyal. (Just as he's set up to be in Episode 1). I played Rodrik stubborn, prideful, but brave and unyielding. Add in the logistical factors and advantages each brother has, and the decision quickly becomes less black-and-white. In many cases, and certainly in mine, it is not as simple as: which brother do you prefer?
I'm surprised so many people feel this way -- not that there's anything wrong with it. However, as a younger brother, the notion the eldest brother should be the one to 'save the day' does nothing for me. I think the brother who needs to survive most should survive. I don't see why age factors into it, especially when both are adults. And when I made the choice, it wasn't that Rodrik wouldn't stay for Asher. Both of them would stay for the other in a heart-beat. That's obvious. In my game, far as I saw it, Asher simply was the first to act--he came home to save the family, and he wouldn't start that quest by leaving its lord, and his brother, to die. "Asher doesn't hesitate. He acts!"
No, he came back to Westeros to bring soldiers and help his family. Which by staying, he does so in full. Rodrik just recovered from his injuries, and is finally able to fight back against the Whitehills, just to get butchered by Gryff and his men? They're equally unsatisfying and anti-climatic.
Again, as I only have elder brothers, my ability to relate to the predicament is poor, I'll admit. However, given the context they are both adults, and that, in the context of the world they're in, one of them is far important than the other, and I believe it to be more in Asher's character as an impulsive, heroic, badass sort of figure to make the sacrifice, then I guess so. Either way there's no right answer here -- that's the point of all this. And obviously they are both great choices. However, I've always felt saving Rodrik is the right thing to do -- if there is a right thing to do. And even half a year later, I'm still yet to find an argument against that, which I haven't been able to counter with ease...
I didn't say saving rodrik is bad or something but at the end there are logical reasons for both characters to survive,the way i see it,i can't see asher after 4 years of exile die without seeing his family again,it would be cruel,asher has been exiled for 4 years he couldn't just fulfill a duty and just die so what about his feelings,he is probably mad for his exile,asher doesn't hesitate he acts, this is good but for that choice you CAN't use this cause it's completely different,in the way i understand it,asher was protective for his little brother,and of course he would be for rodrik but shouldn't rodrik feel the same for asher??at the end both choices are correct some how and remember if you are the youngest brother,your brothers care for you and in this situation the first priority is you,it's like imagine a choice between asher and talia of course i save talia as you said asher is more important and needs to survive BUT asher as elder brother feels some responsibility for talia so i played rodrik and asher as protective persons for their family and in my play, rodrik felt the same way for asher,i know the age gap between talia and asher is large but asher is still rodrik's little brother no matter what,i respect your decisions,and i just want to help you
You'll never convince me that Rodrik would leave his younger brother to die. That's the main (but not the only one) reason I chose Rodrik to stay behind.
I have a younger brother, and you can be sure if we both were in that sort of situation that I would be screaming my head off for him to save himself.
Damn right that was my main reason,i cant be convinced that rodrik watch his little brother to do something for him,my rodrik wouldn't do that,remember rodrik as elder brother for asher has a responsibility.
In my opinion i thought asher's doesn't hesitate is good for facing Ludd and i saved him because i know that no forrester will die under his shadow.i don't doubt that rodrik is the same but we are in the war and diplomacy is enough.but my main reason was i played asher and rodrik as protective persons for their family so i'd like to think that rodrik died to protect his little brother not ANY other reasons that people say like he is cripple or he is weak.........anyway IRON FROM ICE
Ain't done it yet.
Gonna save Asher.
Made a mistake a while back and had Rodrick kiss fat bellend's ring. Thought I was doing the right thing at the time. Turns out not so much.
SO... Rodrick has to die to undo that.
Besides... Asher needs the character development more than Rodrick. Having him show up just to snuff it without having achieved much would be kinda pointless.
It's Rodrik, by the way, not Rodrick, don't let the idiot who posted this confuse you.
And if I may be so arrogant and biased (which I usually am), Rodrik's version of the final episode is far more epic, thematic and action-oriented. If you truly want a true war experience against the Whitehills, go with it. Plus, his fight scenes are far more satisfying. If you've really played Rodrik weak, don't let him go down and be remembered that way in your game
let him live on to tear some Whitehills to pieces. He's gone through enough. He deserves some revenge. And Asher snuffing it wouldn't be pointless -- he fulfilled his mission and saves his brother and House Forrester's lord, going out like a true hero, proving to his family that, while an exile, he never stopped loving them.
However, if you do prefer Asher loads more, then do of course save him. It's your choice. But I'd just like to offer another perspective that too often doesn't see the light of day.
Whatever. Westeros seems to be full of kewky spellings. I'll just shorten it to "Rod" if it makes things easier. Or Scratch-Face... Or Captain Hobblestick.
Personally, I'm just bothered that the ideal ending (i.e. the one where I selected "Attack" at Highpoint and everyone died) didn't let me continue.
It depends both characters have a good point for saving them if you want to be aggressive and humerus in serious situations like me pick asher and if you want to be serious and ACT like a lord pick the man(rodrik),i saved asher cause we have the exact same personality but one of my main reason in addition of above is asher's is rodrik's little bro so it's correct that rodrik needs some revenge but with the cost of asher's life i felt this isn't right.but it's your choice whatever you feel i respect.IRON FROM ICE
You have a point, but a lot of Rodrik's choices were a battle between his pride and his family's well being.
Kissing Ludd's ring, standing/staying down when Gryff was beating him, and the traitor's death/imprisonment. Rodrik had to choose between his pride or his family's safety, and I believe Rodrik is a man who'd value his family far more often- most players chose to stay down and in general I could see Rodrik willing to sacrifice himself so his family could be safe. He knew the war was with him and Ludd- that meant that if he died, the war would be over and his family may have a chance of survival.
i saved asher too
I saved Asher, but I felt like a real tool about it. I'll probably feel the same way when I save Rodrik on this playthrough. There are great reasons for both of them to survive, and it makes sense for both of their narratives. Kudos to Telltale, honestly that was the hardest choice I've ever made in a video game.
I may start over and over again this game,i may choose different actions,but i would save Asher every single time. He is in a better shape ,a better fighter,a better leader than Rodrik.
I saved Rodrik.
I Pefer Rodrick staying behind in game of thrones it is always the first born that dies and then the second born becomes lord
After Rodrik says to Asher let me save your life and our house
I saved Rodrik because his story was deeper to me. Rodrik's way on this game is vengeance,destruction.
All for him to discover that he has not the power,he is wounded not only physically but on mind too. Realize that when he was fighting for his ideals for his people, some parasites were waiting the right moment to take for themselves his home and harm his people and family. And for a moment look back and there is no woman or man that you cared about left standing beside you.
It looks like a curse doesn't it?.
When you survive something as impacting as the Red Wedding your self tells you that there is waiting more.He is the man guys to continue this story if telltale let him...
I loved the writing for all the characters in this game. And after that badass scene where he throws his walking cane into the fire I just couldn't choose Asher over him. I didn't want his story to end after that.
saved Asher for a multirude of reasons based on preference and plot. Based off of everything I know about Rodrik from other npcs and his codex you'd know he'd be the brother to stay behind to save his little brother who traveled across the world to bring him an army. An example of his selflessness is when he chose to fight with his father at the red wedding when his father told him otherwise. He would also punch gryff in his face and not take his abuse on his family. Asher would be the one to get violent and wage war on gryff and ludd killing dozens of guards and being persuaded to marry gwyn after his mother freaks out he kills gryff and gets revenge while still keeping his love who will save him a story arch that could be explored in season 2 and let's not forget about the dragon queen she trusts and supports Asher she has no feelings toward Rodrik. I also feel like Asher and his sister should have some diologue. Not to mention besker his friend for 4 years who has ryon she has no feelings towards the foresters and was only there because of Asher. Rodrik had escaped death once how would he benefit the story at all by staying in? His wife gets attacked and he's presumed dead until he heals so Ramsey's game means nothing. Rodrik dished out some revenge already by maiming gryff and making him look bad in front of everyone. Asher had just came in to play at that point WITH the soldiers that made the difference and allowed for any kill to happen
F*** this choice, both should be alive.
Anyways i saved asher.
I picked Asher for the same reasons as stated. The eldest brother naturally being the one to give his life so that his younger brother could live. The second son who never wanted to lead and becoming the new lord is quite typical as the same thing happened with Ned Stark and (technically) Jon Snow.
I think a part of the reason why I saved Rodrik over Asher, is because I wanted to subvert the expectation of the setting by letting the main lord stay alive while the one who was expected to survive and rule dies. So technically for me, it was letting Jon Snow die in order for Robb Stark to survive.
I saved Rodrik....you just know that Asher was never going to let his brother have all the glory and die saving everyone.
Yeah but why would you want Robb Stark to survive...he was an idiot.
It was a figure of speech.
Rodrik was the man raised to be Lord of Ironrath and his death would be more demoralising for the forrester's(Smallfolk,family).
Asher had the sellswords loyalty but Rodrik is a man hardened in War and a legend himself surviving the Red Wedding.
The broken Rodrik turning strong again that's the story I would like to follow.Plus he is the rightful lord of the Wolfswood
I saved Asher. My line of thinking was that I really liked the character of Asher, and his trip to Westeros would have been for nothing if he died as soon as he arrived. Also, at the time, I felt that his mercenaries would sooner follow him than Rodrik - I didn't know how everything was going to play out, and also didn't know that those mercenaries would all die right then and there.
That being said, I still prefer following Asher thru any future story. It's not that I didn't like Rodrik, I simply preferred Asher.