At first, I kept skipping this song on the playlist because I thought it was "Too Metal" to fit. But, now with this new season being confirmed as being their "Last Hurrah", I've taken it into consideration.
This song deals with depression and how it can sometimes overcome us; how sometimes we need to numb ourselves in order to feel home. Using her words,
"It’s not a good way of living, making yourself numb, trying to let every day pass by as quickly as possible. But at least it makes us happy for a while. We are home."
Even though by numbing ourselves we can feel ‘warm’ for a little while, there is no way one can live like this; this is only surviving, nothing more.
Imagine a game where Arvo is the last boss and you have a team like in Dragon Age and you and your team are fighting Arvo while he's doing Cossack dance, drink Vodka and this track is playing. Man... I need to become a game developer. I would make so much money!
Imagine a game where Arvo is the last boss and you have a team like in Dragon Age and you and your team are fighting Arvo while he's doing C… moreossack dance, drink Vodka and this track is playing. Man... I need to become a game developer. I would make so much money!
I'd go with this for Eleanor. Though I feel it could also apply to Lilly or David.
I see what you did there. A lot of people would want them gone after the fact.
Here's a song that could fit both Gabe, as well as the style of A New Frontier's soundtrack.
That's actually a PERFECT choice for Gabe AND The Walking Dead's style.
For Clem. (
Tripp. And David. And Eleanor.
Hell, just about EVERYBODY in ANF.
Damn. I was thinking of using that song a few weeks back. Good on you!
Good one. * Sniff *
At first, I kept skipping this song on the playlist because I thought it was "Too Metal" to fit. But, now with this new season being confirmed as being their "Last Hurrah", I've taken it into consideration.
Anyone have any songs that come to mind when you thinking of Clem's journey to get AJ back? If so, feel free to post here.
These are a few that I've come across.
2:52 is where, I feel, the best part starts
Also a version with with a singer, if you're interested.
Linkin Park. The one band that keeps coming back. Great song!

I think you may have jinxed it, pal.
RIP Chester, always in out hearts
Let me just find suitable TWD music videos...
It is. That is easily the best credits song in Season 2.
The Russians from S2
Eh, I think the previous episodes's song is a very close second.
Though the fact that this legit made cry once in Algebra class probably doesn't help.
Now you're speaking my language.
When someone dies tragically.
They need some grandson songs in there like ma boi come on
you dont think u know
Ben right before you let him go.
Joan or Carver
Lilly's song
Perfect song for Lilly. I love it.


I liked this explanation of it:
This song deals with depression and how it can sometimes overcome us; how sometimes we need to numb ourselves in order to feel home. Using her words,
"It’s not a good way of living, making yourself numb, trying to let every day pass by as quickly as possible. But at least it makes us happy for a while. We are home."
Even though by numbing ourselves we can feel ‘warm’ for a little while, there is no way one can live like this; this is only surviving, nothing more.
Holy shit, nearly 30 minutes long!
This almost sounds like some eccentric minigame or even a really goofy and non-fitting boss theme.
Imagine a game where Arvo is the last boss and you have a team like in Dragon Age and you and your team are fighting Arvo while he's doing Cossack dance, drink Vodka and this track is playing. Man... I need to become a game developer. I would make so much money!
That sounds very out of character, but who knows? It might just work out.
It would be nice to have another, more emphasized joke villain after Troy.
A survivor had enough goes on a rampage killing
A very melancholy theme when a survivor doesn't even give a damn about order among good people and kills everyone.
A hero faces off against unbeatable odds to save others.
I know I'm cheating but these tracks are badass as fuck.
There's a major stand off as people make body counts higher than zombies. A major loss of civility.
A survivor realizes his mistake and waits for his demise in the hands of the dead.
When zombie horde takes over a settlement and the tyrannical leader commits suicide.
Ben, Sarah, Nick and Gabe:
Come on. No Simple Plan?
JK Good song.
I can imagine these types of villains listening to classical music