Official Jetra thread



  • Nobody said there was a problem. MOST kids stuff DON'T have that. There are times that parents don't let their kids read or watch something because it has a same sex couple in it. Very few shows, books, games and parents allow that. Sure Minecraft is a game for ALL ages, but it's main goal was to be something children can play. Minecraft Story Mode is not much different, though it has times where it has adult jokes and bad language, which was later removed. Who cares adults play? It is still centered around children content. And he said A POSSIBLE lesbian couple, which I think he means by Female Jesse. Male Jesse and Female Jesse always say the same stuff, do the same things, and act the same way.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Oh im sorry is there a problem with lesbians? Besides, kids games have had stuff like that before, AND minecraft isn't just aimed at kids. I

  • Some parents might not like it since some religions are against it, i guess for telltale it is better safe than sorry. I guess one way it can work it is if lukesse happens for female jesse and hetra for male jesse

    Are you trying to say relationship or lesbians is are offensive for kids? There is nothing wrong with a person liking another person.

  • Jetra*

    Some parents might not like it since some religions are against it, i guess for telltale it is better safe than sorry. I guess one way it can work it is if lukesse happens for female jesse and hetra for male jesse

  • I didn't mean it like that, i'm explaining why it's unlikely to happen due to the trend of couples in kids shows and stuff.There are religions against it, so it's probably safer to NOT include any romance.

    Are you trying to say relationship or lesbians is are offensive for kids? There is nothing wrong with a person liking another person.

  • Sorry for beliving so. Yea i understand your point but they don´t need to have that option for male jesse and petra happen. I don´t play as female jesse but Lucas and female Jesse can also happen.

    Tekano posted: »

    I didn't mean it like that, i'm explaining why it's unlikely to happen due to the trend of couples in kids shows and stuff.There are religions against it, so it's probably safer to NOT include any romance.

  • True.

    Tekano posted: »

    Episodes 1-3- Jetra is gonna happen! It has to! Doesn't happen Episode 5 announced- I think Jetra will happen Doesn't happen Af

  • I prefer them as friends as well.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Telltale has improved on tailoring so it could happen but I like them just remaining friends.

  • The hints are strong on the first episode, yeah. I hope they don't force it, though. Jesse is more "the player" than any other TellTale playable character so far, and some of us prefer Lukas (pretty happy to see he wasn't completely written off and is coming back for the second episode).

  • edited July 2017

    Thread: Is Jetra Real?

    Jesse and Petra have a spark of love connection

  • edited July 2017

    oh com on! how they will love each other? They're just a draw, they don't have feelings.
    romance is just a stupid thing, I don't understand why people like it.
    and yeah, don't forger it's 7+, so they will not add romance.

  • Wow I didn't knew that! So sad...
    I'm going to watch this scene right now

    Tekano posted: »

    I mean she only goes with you if you save her instead of Jack. Otherwise she leaves you in the dust, but Jesse doesn't even seem to care that much.

  • I pick Female Jesse but I still ship it with petra

  • How is this even a thought anymore. JETRA WILL NOT HAPPEN. In season 1, people have speculated Jetra will happen in multiple episodes. But it didn't. How is this any different? In fact, this will be ONLY 5 EPISODES, leaving a LOWER chance of Jetra happening. There are even options where you can be rude to Petra.

  • I think I'd actually support that more than Jetra and Lukesse (at lest looking at the fan's attitude around here)

    I'm more interested in a Jesse/Axel romance. But we haven't seen if he's even gonna be in it, so...

  • What ever happened to lukes and jesse? It would make sense since you could also pick a female jesse, so that would probably make the game kid friendly

  • It's still a thought because there are still four episodes left in the season. People are allowed to be hopeful, and mass speculation from fans in season one doesn't mean it was guaranteed to happen at the time. Season two takes place 6-7 years later, and our characters have matured and taken on new responsibilities. I think it's too early into the season to really get a gist of what we're in for, but it seems like a lot of these episodes refer to whether you can keep up your relationships, regardless of whether you want them to be platonic or not.

    "Just five episodes" does not mean a lower chance of something happening, and Telltale gives options to be rude so players can find a way to express themselves. Even if it's not the most popular thing to go by, simply having the choice there is not going to impact how those characters treat a player who chooses to go the "polite" route.

    Tekano posted: »

    How is this even a thought anymore. JETRA WILL NOT HAPPEN. In season 1, people have speculated Jetra will happen in multiple episodes. But i

  • I doubt this will happen in the next 4 episodes since it hasn't happened in season 1, which is basically 8 episodes. I'm just stating how there is basically NO chance of it happening, not saying people can't have their thoughts and opinions. And what I mean by speculation from fans is when they say it will happen soon. People have been calling out how Jetra will happen in the next episodes or so, but it didn't.

    It kinda does, Season 1 left 8 episodes to where Jetra could happen in any of them. They lowered it down tp 5 this season, meaning there is a slightly lower chance of it happening. I find it weird how you can basically be rude the entire game and STILL end up as lovers. That's unrealistic, stupid and it would be sudden for that to happen.

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    It's still a thought because there are still four episodes left in the season. People are allowed to be hopeful, and mass speculation from f

  • No. Because:
    1. Its Minecraft
    2. There are kids around here (dont get triggered, i meant kids along with some adults)
    3. (MOST IMPORTANTLY) Jesse can be played as a female, I dont think ttg would introduce lesbian-ism in a game like Minecraft

    drops mic

  • edited July 2017

    Adorable Jetra moment for you guys! ( one of my fav )

    " Sometimes I'm worried you don't even have time for me " ~Petra
    " I always have time for you " ~Jesse

  • We know that, but people are probably meaning jetra can happen if you were nice to petra, which im sure the shippers of it did, in order for their hopes to be true. Obviously if you treated her badly or don't want jetra to happen, you can be single, or someone else it really depends, Im sure telltale would give everyone a choice, if shipping were to be added

    Tekano posted: »

    I doubt this will happen in the next 4 episodes since it hasn't happened in season 1, which is basically 8 episodes. I'm just stating how th

  • What?

    I pick Female Jesse but I still ship it with petra

  • I found that if you help everyone in Beacontown before meeting Petra in the mines, she says this, "Glad you finally made it, sometimes I worry you don't even have time for me--your friends anymore." after she said "me" her face had a surprised expression like she didn't want Jesse to know what she meant by that and know her hidden feelings.

    I also find it very ODD that Petra gets saved by Jesse in S1 more than Lukas, and that there are moments when you take her side during some parts of the game.

    And I remember if you chose not to save Petra from the Witherstorm, she would have amnesia and oddly remembers no one but Jesse.

    I found something about Eric Stirpe saying,

    "Life has changed a lot for Jesse and the gang since the first season of Story Mode. They've got jobs, responsibilities...and there's just not as much time for adventuring these days. Life is still full of fun and excitement but its not quite the same as it used to be. Petra worries that they're in a rut, and often tries to convince the gang to join her on adventures like they used to. Jesse is trying to figure out her priorities, but its about to get even more complicated..."

    What could possibly be Petra's main reason for going out on another adventure with Jesse just like old times? It could be that Petra's behavior towards Jesse in S1 began to "bloom" when you first saved her (Or don't, because her amnesia left her with blank memories but Jesse's name she still remembered) in episode 1.

    So yeah, I believe they are about to ship Jetra (or Lukesse), we only have four more episodes, so lets hope they finally make it happen.

  • YES! I love how there's so many Jetra fans out there!!!
    Telltale may not add it, but it's best we don't stop giving up hope! :D

  • Yeah, I wonder how players will react upon Petra's sudden confession? It'd probably be goofy and hilarious just like Rhys and Sasha from TFTBL.

    xXZUHAIRXx posted: »

    YES! I love how there's so many Jetra fans out there!!! Telltale may not add it, but it's best we don't stop giving up hope!

  • Crud, this thread is gonna get so much hate lol

  • Incoming hate for sure. People trying to deny it. Im fine with that actually, but I sense people will hate this thread :(

  • Also i should add: You mentioned she wants to go on an adventure with jesse alone, thats the only wrong part. Petra organised an adventure with everyone, but lukas, axel, olivia couldn't make it, so jesse and petra were the only ones.

  • Note to all non shippers on jetra and lukesse: Please do not hate on us, its just our opinion

  • Maybe because people keep making these Jetra threads when there's already threads about it including a thread that's literally called "Official Jetra thread".

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Incoming hate for sure. People trying to deny it. Im fine with that actually, but I sense people will hate this thread

  • but its about to get even more complicated...

    I think that's just talking about Jesse's hand being stuck in the gauntlet. Or Petra joining Champion City.

  • My God, you guys are more obsessed with shipping than the Tales From the Borderlands fans, and that's saying something.

    Oh, that reminds me, RHYSHA 4EVER!

  • My God, you guys are more obsessed with shipping than the Tales From the Borderlands fans

    I know right? Who knew that it'd get as bad as th-


    You uncultured swine.

    My God, you guys are more obsessed with shipping than the Tales From the Borderlands fans, and that's saying something. Oh, that reminds me, RHYSHA 4EVER!

  • Rhysha or not... it still bothers a bit non shippers like me. I really want to be part of the fandom and be active at least in season 2 but at he same time I feel like I'm supposed to stay AWAY from it if I don't want disliking Petra just because even outside this forum she's costantly shoved in my face.

    I like my badass girl, I don't like to see so many people trying to push others to ship her with Jesse tho: your opinion is yours, please let me have mine in peace ^^'''

    lupinb0y posted: »

    My God, you guys are more obsessed with shipping than the Tales From the Borderlands fans I know right? Who knew that it'd get as bad as th- RHYSHA 4EVER You uncultured swine.

  • Well, Telltale seems to be focusing on Jesse making choices on being the next gen of heroic warriors, along with Petra, and that only Lukas returns while Axel and Olivia aren't coming along.

    Well I should say by looking at Petra's surprised expression, fans/haters are going to either flip or rage.

    Mikestar16 posted: »

    Crud, this thread is gonna get so much hate lol

  • I got that impression too, but I really, really hope TellTale doesn't force it on people.

    I prefer Lukas.

  • I don't know why, after I SAW that scene reveal that Petra is hiding something, I just couldn't ignore it, and I wanted people to know, its Telltale and Eric Stirpe writing the story, we shouldn't judge what they think would fit in the game's plot.

    Honestly, there isnt that much we know about Petra's history with Jesse and friends before S1 ever began, only that she was more of a person who keeps to herself and her friends never know where they can find her, and does jobs for people while she's in the Nether, the one thing we find out about Petra is in S2 episode 1, is that Jesse says that Nell reminds them of Petra in her early days.

    Don't know if we're going to hear a little backstory from her, or an explaination of Petra's behavior towards Jesse.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Incoming hate for sure. People trying to deny it. Im fine with that actually, but I sense people will hate this thread

  • I guess that is wrong, but maybe she wanted all her friends to come, Jesse especially, because she missed those days being on an adventure with everyone.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Also i should add: You mentioned she wants to go on an adventure with jesse alone, thats the only wrong part. Petra organised an adventure with everyone, but lukas, axel, olivia couldn't make it, so jesse and petra were the only ones.

  • Don't know why Stella was pretending to be Petra while she was playing with her sword like a kid, and is obsessed with being Jesse's greatest rival.

    Maybe she's a little jealous of them being friends and its hilarious how you caught her doing that, and can choose to be flattered by her words. XD

  • Well, it could be Petra joining Champion City, but I don't know if thats her ONLY priority, "priorities" mean more than one.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    but its about to get even more complicated... I think that's just talking about Jesse's hand being stuck in the gauntlet. Or Petra joining Champion City.

This discussion has been closed.