Well clearly you didn't pick up on the way the other characters acted because of him or especially the obviously evil vibes from the moment he showed up in person.
When first playing episode 1 and when we first meet Carver in episode 2, I did not know who to trust out of him or the Cabin group, he says not to trust them so maybe I shouldn't, that is what I was thinking after we first meet him. I was not so sure who is good or bad as we do not know enough of eithers past at that point.
Well clearly you didn't pick up on the way the other characters acted because of him or especially the obviously evil vibes from the moment he showed up in person.
Yeah, that's definitely fine and it was Nick Breckon's intention to have the Cabin Group be a bit on the sketchy side, but personally I never quite got the massive hype around Carver. I mean, I'm genre-savvy enough to know reasons as to why other people did at the time, but any pretense of innocence on his part went away the moment I saw him.
When first playing episode 1 and when we first meet Carver in episode 2, I did not know who to trust out of him or the Cabin group, he says … morenot to trust them so maybe I shouldn't, that is what I was thinking after we first meet him. I was not so sure who is good or bad as we do not know enough of eithers past at that point.
We find out though that Carver is the bad guy.
The problem with Carver is that he ended up being too one dimensional as a character especially in episode 3, maybe if they had not made him so villainy then people would not of hated him as much and he could of been a more interesting and realistic character instead of being some complete thuggish bully.
Yeah, that's definitely fine and it was Nick Breckon's intention to have the Cabin Group be a bit on the sketchy side, but personally I nev… moreer quite got the massive hype around Carver. I mean, I'm genre-savvy enough to know reasons as to why other people did at the time, but any pretense of innocence on his part went away the moment I saw him.
The problem with Carver is that he ended up being too one dimensional as a character especially in episode 3, maybe if they had not made him… more so villainy then people would not of hated him as much and he could of been a more interesting and realistic character instead of being some complete thuggish bully.
I thought almost everyone in Javier's Group would have their own enemy amongst the New Frontier:
David= Javier and Clementine or Kate
Badger=Javier and/or Gabe/Conrad
Ava=Clementine/Gabe or maybe Conrad
"Dimitri"(Dr. Lingard)=Eleanor/Tripp
I thought almost everyone in Javier's Group would have their own enemy amongst the New Frontier:
David= Javier and Clementine or Kate
Badger=Javier and/or Gabe/Conrad
Ava=Clementine/Gabe or maybe Conrad
"Dimitri"(Dr. Lingard)=Eleanor/Tripp
Ah, the thread where we had our very first conversation back in March~ (the one you linked on "a")
Anyway, every group member having an enemy/rival of their own would have been neat!
I never considered taking supplies from the station wagon as stealing, the car was clearly abandoned.
What kind of idiot would leave his … morecar door wide open with the keys in the ignition with his headlights on? The only scenarios that made sense in my head for this situation to come about are:
* Whoever the car belonged to had to flee from danger in a hurry, with all their supplies there though, they would have circled back when it was clear, which it clearly had been for some time. At that point, it can be assumed they were dead.
* They had some objective they needed to reach and couldnt take the supplies with them, so they abandoned them when they ran out of gas.
Otherwise theres no situation that makes any kind of sense.
In season 1 I believed kenny survived episode 5 (I turned out to be right)
In season 2 I thought Clementine was going to die, especially when Arvo shot her (I believed this since episode 1)
In season 3 I thought AJ was dead, then I believed he was in Richmond.
If you tried to save Tripp, Eleanor would be found in the apartment/sewers completely distraught and contemplating suicide, necessitating Javier/Clementine/Gabe to talk/force her out of it.
If you tried to save Tripp, Eleanor would be found in the apartment/sewers completely distraught and contemplating suicide, necessitating Javier/Clementine/Gabe to talk/force her out of it.
Same. His reaction didn't please me either. I thought that he would kill him in a brutal way while we'll have an option whether to watch or not.
That's what I thought him getting shot in the neck was supposed to be setting up.
I always imagined him taking an arrow to the eye while confessing his love for her out in the open.
Though I would have liked to see them having one last conversation before she puts him down.
David would be the one to kill Badger. That didn't happen.
Yeah, I remember this being a thing for a while and I'm a little surpris… moreed it didn't happen.
Tripp would die while confessing his love for Eleanor.
That's what I thought him getting shot in the neck was supposed to be setting up.
I thought that Kate would become playable alongside Javier at some point.
Hmm...that could've been interesting considering she's even more of an outsider to the family than Javier.
Rice. And yes, it is grim/depressing. That's kinda the point.
The idea is that Eleanor blames herself for trusting Joan and not doing anything more to save Tripp like Javier did, more or less shattering the naivety she had throughout in a harsh way to the point of being overwhelmed by her own guilt. Javier and Clementine/Gabe would find her either in her apartment sitting on the couch, where she'd be explaining herself while loading the gun or in the sewers, where her crying would echo through the tunnels and lead Gabe to her. Clementine would determinately try to talk her down, more or less amending the unexplained dislike she had for her initially; Gabe would determinately outright force her to not go through with it and "arrest" her if you tried to save Ava.
Interestingly, From the Gallows more or less splits aspects that scene concept up to have Kate instead of Clementine/Gabe and Eleanor's part is sorta split between her and Fern.
Interestingly, From The Gallows more or less splits aspects that scene concept up to have Kate instead of Clementine/Gabe and Eleanor's part is sorta split between her and Fern.
Rice. And yes, it is grim/depressing. That's kinda the point.
The idea is that Eleanor blames herself for trusting Joan and not doing any… morething more to save Tripp like Javier did, more or less shattering the naivety she had throughout in a harsh way to the point of being overwhelmed by her own guilt. Javier and Clementine/Gabe would find her either in her apartment sitting on the couch, where she'd be explaining herself while loading the gun or in the sewers, where her crying would echo through the tunnels and lead Gabe to her. Clementine would determinately try to talk her down, more or less amending the unexplained dislike she had for her initially; Gabe would determinately outright force her to not go through with it and "arrest" her if you tried to save Ava.
Interestingly, From the Gallows more or less splits aspects that scene concept up to have Kate instead of Clementine/Gabe and Eleanor's part is sorta split between her and Fern.
The idea of Javier finding Eleanor in her apartment, where she'd be upset about what happened with Tripp and admit that it was partly her fault. In the episode proper however, she outright blames Javier initially regardless of who you picked and eventually resolves that she just has to live with what she did, rather than considering suicide if he did try to save Tripp.
Whoever is with Javier vouches for her good intentions behind , though Kate doing this regardless makes sense given how little buildup there was for her to be possibly mad compared to Clementine and especially Gabe.
Fern going livid over what happened to Ida and determinately Rufus due to the breach is very similar to the Eleanor situation, except that the gun is aimed at Javier in vengeance rather than at herself in guilt. And while Gabe wouldn't have gone as far as breaking Eleanor's arm, obviously, but he'd be noticeably angry in restraining her.
Why must you make me upset like that?
Interestingly, From The Gallows more or less splits aspects that scene concept up to have Kate instead of Clementine/Gabe and Eleanor's part is sorta split between her and Fern.
I don't understand.
I thought almost everyone in Javier's Group would have their own enemy amongst the New Frontier:
David= Javier and Clementine or Kate
Badger=Javier and/or Gabe/Conrad
Ava=Clementine/Gabe or maybe Conrad
"Dimitri"(Dr. Lingard)=Eleanor/Tripp
If you tried to save Tripp, Eleanor would be found in the apartment/sewers completely distraught and contemplating suicide, necessitating Javier/Clementine/Gabe to talk/force her out of it.
Yeah, the trailer for Above the Law definitely gives off that vibe. Not to mention people comparing her to Jane and Nate, as well as Ms. Hutchison alluding to a "Carver-type character" that anyone would logically assume means the violent leader and family man David.
Now that you mention it, I completely forgot about the fact that Tripp not explicitly dying was an obvious opening for him to have a goodbye scene with her.
I had Duck dying in episode 3 spoiled for me, but I had no idea HOW he died.
Ironically, (considering the stranger's son) I thought Duck would die because Kenny was pushing him to go hunting, to be a "man" or something and a zombie would sneak out of a bush or something and grab him. I never pictured him dying because of the raid. Judging by the title art, I figured they would stop off the train and go hunting for food in that forest, pretty much the same area where he does die.
I had Duck dying in episode 3 spoiled for me, but I had no idea HOW he died.
Ironically, (considering the stranger's son) I thought Duck wo… moreuld die because Kenny was pushing him to go hunting, to be a "man" or something and a zombie would sneak out of a bush or something and grab him. I never pictured him dying because of the raid. Judging by the title art, I figured they would stop off the train and go hunting for food in that forest, pretty much the same area where he does die.
Season 1:
* I thought Clem's parents would be unknown and a plot for future adventures. Kind of like how Clem now is looking for AJ.
* Kenny was dead.
Season 2:
* Christa and Omid would last longer and be Clem's new future family.
* Sam the dog would be Clem's companion, and TTG would use it to introduce a new gameplay mechanic with an animal companion.
* Based on the trailer, I thought the chick in the yellow jacket was a short haired Becca that looked older that she was due to the stress at Howe's and Carver's little protégé.
* Luke was working with Carver, thus the disappearance.
* Becca from 400 Days would be used as a compare and contrast to Clementine's behavior. This would lead to a major confrontation as two child-aged adults clash on their views of Howe's, morals, and survival.
* Sarah would be Clementine's "Clementine", a person to teach how to survive the apocalypse.
* Clem would have an emotional meltdown around episode 4 or 5 revealing the evil within herself and true damage the apocalypse does to children.
* Clementine, AJ, Bonnie, and Mike would become a new group in a bittersweet way at the end of episode 5
* Wellington was the city in the distance but was abandoned.
* Clem would end the season with the determinate option to leave her hat at a makeshift burial for the people they lost. It would be a sign of her either releasing her past to survive the future or become a reminder of hope and who she is on the inside.
A New Frontier:
* Javier was Clementine's hostage as she was working with Capricorn and he was wanted for some kind of crime
* Mariana would be the fire to relight the candle of hope within Clem
* The emotional breakdown idea again. See the Season 2 theory.
* The New Frontier was either a raided and retooled Wellington or a Wellington overcome by an internal faction.
Clementine willingly left the New Frontier because she committed a grievous crime while among them.
Also, she probably didn't want to go into Richmond after learning they were there because AJ was living there after she gave him up and she was afraid one of David's soldiers would put 2&2 together.
I didn't think as in depth with A New Frontier as I did Season 2. That said quite a bit did come to mind when waiting for that first episode after the debut trailer and what not. There were details at the debut that kind of got forgotten, but I believe those influnanced me a lot, such as how Clem and Javi had the same goal.
One thing early I recall is that I thought Gabe and Mariana were Javier’s brother and sister. I couldn’t tell Gabe’s age at the time given he was knelt down and you couldn’t see his whole face, so I assumed he was near to Javi’s age or just a little under. So that in mind I thought ‘okay so is this two brothers getting by while looking after their much younger sister?’ But definitely the assumption of the sibling business and Mariana looked around Clem's age, led me to believe that would play off Javi and Clem's interactions since he'd constantly be reminded of his missing sister...ta daaa.
At one point I assumed the New Frontier [or the brandits as I used to call them] kidnapped Javier’s siblings since they were young and the New Frontier group were being selective on who they took in, and Javi ticked the boxes as a ‘gonna cause trouble, so bitch you getting processed’ and that’s how he ended up in the slaughterhouse, because he was going to be killed and turned into a walker carrying the brand.
Heck I theorized perhaps New Frontier were wanting to remake the world and that's why they were picky on who they let in. So the young were taken since they could be manipulated easier, or even taking in ladies just cause re-population yada yada, or anybody that seemed worthy or right to their cause. While all the branded walkers were people New Frontier deemed unworthy and used them as both an army tool for attacking other community much like in the game, or even security around their community to keep others away. But I guess I was right on the picky part in some ways, since people have to be voted into the New Frontier like in Episode 3.
But anyways, back to theories. That’s why I thought AJ was taken from Clementine since he was baby, and her reasons for being in the slaughterhouse also might’ve been that she caused too much trouble to bother taking in, or killed one or more of the New Frontier members trying to protect AJ/get him back after being snacked, and as punishment they threw her in there.
I definitely remember the slaughterhouse concept really being tossed around inside my head trying theorizing how things might go down there, and my mind just went wild, like if Clementine actually sneaked in to get information on AJ’s whereabouts and would help a Javi out, or if she would be trapped in the same predicament as him. I honestly thought some horrible torture branding business was going to go down, and Javi might get branded when in a fight with somebody with New Frontier, and that's why the brand was on his neck as in the debut trailer.
After googling slaughterhouses, I started wondering even more how things would go, and if there’d be some process for admitting people in, like capturing them and throwing them in the large vehicles used to transport cattle [they’re like metal containers but I don’t know the correct term]. I remember one theory I had on this, was that both Clem and Javi would be bound by their wrists and ankles, and be tied upside down on meat hooks, and the reason Clementine had a knife was because she used it to cut herself down, and got convinced by Javi to cut him free also after mentioning he had family, with Clem having a very distrustful ‘bitch you try anything and I gut you’ kind of attitude.
And then I thought, alright, so if Kenny or Jane are alive, then they might be in this whole slaughterhouse sequence too, and maybe Kenny wouldn’t trust Javi, while Jane might give him a chance, or one or the other might be dead in the slaughterhouse already being processed [I even thought Clem’s bracelet would be a different color depending on what ending you got, since it looked green in the slaughterhouse screenshot and she had no missing finger on that one]. But the main thing I theorized was that whatever happened, the main purpose of the slaughterhouse might be to establish some form of trust, that by the end of escaping and whatever shit went down, Javier would have gained Clem’s trust [and that of Jane/Kenny’s also] enough that they would stick together on the same goals in which they had on getting their family back.
I definitely did have the theory at one point AJ was dead, and Clementine was on a sort of revenge plot, wanting to get those who caused his death, or/and to bring New Frontier down to the ground. Like the screenshot I thought perhaps they were escaping the community and it was while fleeing AJ got shot by a stray bullet, and his death broke Clem to where making them pay is all she can think about.
But the most fun theory I had was probably this one:
I got really excited seeing that plane, because instinctively I thought ‘Oh boy! Are we going on a plane ride!?’ and seeing that windmill and constructed wall in the back, made me believe it was at least somewhat of set up community somewhere they were staying that. But what really got me thinking was just this screenshot, and trying to figure out what was going on.
The theory I built up was perhaps Javier was going to head off to where New Frontier’s main grounds of operation was located, a.k.a their main community, and that Clementine had full intention of going too. So the argument Javi was having was that she can’t go, since she’s a kid and it’ll be too dangerous, and Clem’s response is along the lines of ‘bitch I’ve been in two seasons, I’m a veteran now!’ and' hey I saved your ass!' don't you talk down to me!' but the fact is, with or without him Clementine would be going off to find New Frontier regardless, so it makes Javi reluctantly let up since they're heading to the same place. But again if Kenny and Jane were present, I thought the discussion may change, like Javi doesn’t want anybody else to come with him, since that’s just how him and his family rolled.
But back to the plane! I figured if wherever they needed to go was too far/would take too long to get there on foot [like in a completely different state for example] they’d have to go by air, and perhaps they got offered that and that said pilot would be accompanying them...because god forbid Javi fly a plane. So basically I thought perhaps we’d get some cool sequence up in that little plane, see the land below, and maybe we’d get one of those ‘flashbacks’ we were hearing talk about before the episode came out, or at the very least Clem might feel like sharing some history since they’re all stuck up in a plane, bored.
And then I thought what if the plane’s engine fails or something else causes them to have an emergency landing, and it’s some cliffhanger they end up in the water. And then the next episode starts with having to get out of the god damn plane that’s sinking and filling up with water, before Clem, Javi and Kenny/Jane drowned. But the pilot died in the crash and now they got a walker trying to kill them, and then when they finally get out and up onto dry land, Clem rules off ever swimming again.
I feel kind of stupid for telling this but here we go:
Back in S1, when you're in the hub where you need to get the train to work, there is a bug with Duck where he basically disappear when you talk to Clem after talking to Katja. Clem tells you "I don't think Duck is feeling very well" or something like that and that's the exact moment when Duck disappear. I restarted the game cause I knew it was a bug but then it happened again so I let the game running and played with the bug. And then I went to talking to Ben and he says "You know, watching the girls, nothing out of the extraordinary...". And then I went to Kenny to talk about Duck and he looked like he was in denial (which he was) so I went back talking to Ben (yeah, I was looking for the tools to unlock the train which took me some time to realize where they were) who said the same thing again. And then I was like "OMG DUCK IS NOT REAL?!" So my theory for like 10 minutes or something was that Duck was dead all along and that Kenny and Katja (but specially Kenny) were just kind of crazy and imagined him. But then he reappeared when you get the train working so I was like "ok just a glitch then".
I feel kind of stupid for telling this but here we go:
Back in S1, when you're in the hub where you need to get the train to work, there is… more a bug with Duck where he basically disappear when you talk to Clem after talking to Katja. Clem tells you "I don't think Duck is feeling very well" or something like that and that's the exact moment when Duck disappear. I restarted the game cause I knew it was a bug but then it happened again so I let the game running and played with the bug. And then I went to talking to Ben and he says "You know, watching the girls, nothing out of the extraordinary...". And then I went to Kenny to talk about Duck and he looked like he was in denial (which he was) so I went back talking to Ben (yeah, I was looking for the tools to unlock the train which took me some time to realize where they were) who said the same thing again. And then I was like "OMG DUCK IS NOT REAL?!" So my theory for like 10 minutes or something w… [view original content]
ya rly
Well clearly you didn't pick up on the way the other characters acted because of him or especially the obviously evil vibes from the moment he showed up in person.
When first playing episode 1 and when we first meet Carver in episode 2, I did not know who to trust out of him or the Cabin group, he says not to trust them so maybe I shouldn't, that is what I was thinking after we first meet him. I was not so sure who is good or bad as we do not know enough of eithers past at that point.
We find out though that Carver is the bad guy.
Yeah, that's definitely fine and it was Nick Breckon's intention to have the Cabin Group be a bit on the sketchy side, but personally I never quite got the massive hype around Carver. I mean, I'm genre-savvy enough to know reasons as to why other people did at the time, but any pretense of innocence on his part went away the moment I saw him.
The problem with Carver is that he ended up being too one dimensional as a character especially in episode 3, maybe if they had not made him so villainy then people would not of hated him as much and he could of been a more interesting and realistic character instead of being some complete thuggish bully.
Pretty much. Though the lack of backstory and context regarding the other Cabin Group and Howe's Hardware characters doesn't help.
I thought almost everyone in Javier's Group would have their own enemy amongst the New Frontier:
David= Javier and Clementine or Kate
Badger=Javier and/or Gabe/Conrad
Ava=Clementine/Gabe or maybe Conrad
"Dimitri"(Dr. Lingard)=Eleanor/Tripp
Ah, the thread where we had our very first conversation back in March~
(the one you linked on "a")
Anyway, every group member having an enemy/rival of their own would have been neat!
Did we now? Well then, very nostalgic indeed!
Yup! On page 2.
Kenny exhibited vaguely abusive behavior towards Sarita in the past.
Danielle, Adam, Tavia, and/or Jaime would show up alive and [relatively] well in "Season 3."
I wouldn't say the car was clearly abandoned if it was still working without running out of fuel.
In season 1 I believed kenny survived episode 5 (I turned out to be right)
In season 2 I thought Clementine was going to die, especially when Arvo shot her (I believed this since episode 1)
In season 3 I thought AJ was dead, then I believed he was in Richmond.
Ava and Dr. Lingard were the ones who took care of AJ and helped him get better behind David's back.
If you tried to save Tripp, Eleanor would be found in the apartment/sewers completely distraught and contemplating suicide, necessitating Javier/Clementine/Gabe to talk/force her out of it.
Cheese and Rice!
Same. His reaction didn't please me either. I thought that he would kill him in a brutal way while we'll have an option whether to watch or not.
I always imagined him taking an arrow to the eye while confessing his love for her out in the open.
Though I would have liked to see them having one last conversation before she puts him down.
Rice. And yes, it is grim/depressing. That's kinda the point.
The idea is that Eleanor blames herself for trusting Joan and not doing anything more to save Tripp like Javier did, more or less shattering the naivety she had throughout in a harsh way to the point of being overwhelmed by her own guilt. Javier and Clementine/Gabe would find her either in her apartment sitting on the couch, where she'd be explaining herself while loading the gun or in the sewers, where her crying would echo through the tunnels and lead Gabe to her. Clementine would determinately try to talk her down, more or less amending the unexplained dislike she had for her initially; Gabe would determinately outright force her to not go through with it and "arrest" her if you tried to save Ava.
Interestingly, From the Gallows more or less splits aspects that scene concept up to have Kate instead of Clementine/Gabe and Eleanor's part is sorta split between her and Fern.
Why must you make me upset like that?
I don't understand.
The idea of Javier finding Eleanor in her apartment, where she'd be upset about what happened with Tripp and admit that it was partly her fault. In the episode proper however, she outright blames Javier initially regardless of who you picked and eventually resolves that she just has to live with what she did, rather than considering suicide if he did try to save Tripp.
Whoever is with Javier vouches for her good intentions behind , though Kate doing this regardless makes sense given how little buildup there was for her to be possibly mad compared to Clementine and especially Gabe.
Fern going livid over what happened to Ida and determinately Rufus due to the breach is very similar to the Eleanor situation, except that the gun is aimed at Javier in vengeance rather than at herself in guilt. And while Gabe wouldn't have gone as far as breaking Eleanor's arm, obviously, but he'd be noticeably angry in restraining her.
I definitely thought Ava and Clem were going to have a showdown over AJ.
Nah she didnt really care about him that much lol
Yeah, the trailer for Above the Law definitely gives off that vibe. Not to mention people comparing her to Jane and Nate, as well as Ms. Hutchison alluding to a "Carver-type character" that anyone would logically assume means the violent leader and family man David.
"Tripp was my friend, Javi!" :lol
Now that you mention it, I completely forgot about the fact that Tripp not explicitly dying was an obvious opening for him to have a goodbye scene with her.
Conrad would be the one with a relative in the New Frontier.
It's best friend.
I had Duck dying in episode 3 spoiled for me, but I had no idea HOW he died.
Ironically, (considering the stranger's son) I thought Duck would die because Kenny was pushing him to go hunting, to be a "man" or something and a zombie would sneak out of a bush or something and grab him. I never pictured him dying because of the raid. Judging by the title art, I figured they would stop off the train and go hunting for food in that forest, pretty much the same area where he does die.
That would've been an interesting way of handling that, particularly since it'd have stronger parallels with the Stranger.
I kinda thought gabe was gonna die before or instead of marianna
Season 1:
* I thought Clem's parents would be unknown and a plot for future adventures. Kind of like how Clem now is looking for AJ.
* Kenny was dead.
Season 2:
* Christa and Omid would last longer and be Clem's new future family.
* Sam the dog would be Clem's companion, and TTG would use it to introduce a new gameplay mechanic with an animal companion.
* Based on the trailer, I thought the chick in the yellow jacket was a short haired Becca that looked older that she was due to the stress at Howe's and Carver's little protégé.
* Luke was working with Carver, thus the disappearance.
* Becca from 400 Days would be used as a compare and contrast to Clementine's behavior. This would lead to a major confrontation as two child-aged adults clash on their views of Howe's, morals, and survival.
* Sarah would be Clementine's "Clementine", a person to teach how to survive the apocalypse.
* Clem would have an emotional meltdown around episode 4 or 5 revealing the evil within herself and true damage the apocalypse does to children.
* Clementine, AJ, Bonnie, and Mike would become a new group in a bittersweet way at the end of episode 5
* Wellington was the city in the distance but was abandoned.
* Clem would end the season with the determinate option to leave her hat at a makeshift burial for the people they lost. It would be a sign of her either releasing her past to survive the future or become a reminder of hope and who she is on the inside.
A New Frontier:
* Javier was Clementine's hostage as she was working with Capricorn and he was wanted for some kind of crime
* Mariana would be the fire to relight the candle of hope within Clem
* The emotional breakdown idea again. See the Season 2 theory.
* The New Frontier was either a raided and retooled Wellington or a Wellington overcome by an internal faction.
Kate and Ava would be Javier and Clementine's relatively new, somewhat contrasting partners, respectively.
Clementine willingly left the New Frontier because she committed a grievous crime while among them.
Also, she probably didn't want to go into Richmond after learning they were there because AJ was living there after she gave him up and she was afraid one of David's soldiers would put 2&2 together.
That actually would of been really cool.
I didn't think as in depth with A New Frontier as I did Season 2. That said quite a bit did come to mind when waiting for that first episode after the debut trailer and what not. There were details at the debut that kind of got forgotten, but I believe those influnanced me a lot, such as how Clem and Javi had the same goal.
One thing early I recall is that I thought Gabe and Mariana were Javier’s brother and sister. I couldn’t tell Gabe’s age at the time given he was knelt down and you couldn’t see his whole face, so I assumed he was near to Javi’s age or just a little under. So that in mind I thought ‘okay so is this two brothers getting by while looking after their much younger sister?’ But definitely the assumption of the sibling business and Mariana looked around Clem's age, led me to believe that would play off Javi and Clem's interactions since he'd constantly be reminded of his missing sister...ta daaa.
At one point I assumed the New Frontier [or the brandits as I used to call them] kidnapped Javier’s siblings since they were young and the New Frontier group were being selective on who they took in, and Javi ticked the boxes as a ‘gonna cause trouble, so bitch you getting processed’ and that’s how he ended up in the slaughterhouse, because he was going to be killed and turned into a walker carrying the brand.
Heck I theorized perhaps New Frontier were wanting to remake the world and that's why they were picky on who they let in. So the young were taken since they could be manipulated easier, or even taking in ladies just cause re-population yada yada, or anybody that seemed worthy or right to their cause. While all the branded walkers were people New Frontier deemed unworthy and used them as both an army tool for attacking other community much like in the game, or even security around their community to keep others away. But I guess I was right on the picky part in some ways, since people have to be voted into the New Frontier like in Episode 3.
But anyways, back to theories. That’s why I thought AJ was taken from Clementine since he was baby, and her reasons for being in the slaughterhouse also might’ve been that she caused too much trouble to bother taking in, or killed one or more of the New Frontier members trying to protect AJ/get him back after being snacked, and as punishment they threw her in there.
I definitely remember the slaughterhouse concept really being tossed around inside my head trying theorizing how things might go down there, and my mind just went wild, like if Clementine actually sneaked in to get information on AJ’s whereabouts and would help a Javi out, or if she would be trapped in the same predicament as him. I honestly thought some horrible torture branding business was going to go down, and Javi might get branded when in a fight with somebody with New Frontier, and that's why the brand was on his neck as in the debut trailer.
After googling slaughterhouses, I started wondering even more how things would go, and if there’d be some process for admitting people in, like capturing them and throwing them in the large vehicles used to transport cattle [they’re like metal containers but I don’t know the correct term]. I remember one theory I had on this, was that both Clem and Javi would be bound by their wrists and ankles, and be tied upside down on meat hooks, and the reason Clementine had a knife was because she used it to cut herself down, and got convinced by Javi to cut him free also after mentioning he had family, with Clem having a very distrustful ‘bitch you try anything and I gut you’ kind of attitude.
And then I thought, alright, so if Kenny or Jane are alive, then they might be in this whole slaughterhouse sequence too, and maybe Kenny wouldn’t trust Javi, while Jane might give him a chance, or one or the other might be dead in the slaughterhouse already being processed [I even thought Clem’s bracelet would be a different color depending on what ending you got, since it looked green in the slaughterhouse screenshot and she had no missing finger on that one]. But the main thing I theorized was that whatever happened, the main purpose of the slaughterhouse might be to establish some form of trust, that by the end of escaping and whatever shit went down, Javier would have gained Clem’s trust [and that of Jane/Kenny’s also] enough that they would stick together on the same goals in which they had on getting their family back.
I definitely did have the theory at one point AJ was dead, and Clementine was on a sort of revenge plot, wanting to get those who caused his death, or/and to bring New Frontier down to the ground. Like the screenshot I thought perhaps they were escaping the community and it was while fleeing AJ got shot by a stray bullet, and his death broke Clem to where making them pay is all she can think about.
But the most fun theory I had was probably this one:
I got really excited seeing that plane, because instinctively I thought ‘Oh boy! Are we going on a plane ride!?’ and seeing that windmill and constructed wall in the back, made me believe it was at least somewhat of set up community somewhere they were staying that. But what really got me thinking was just this screenshot, and trying to figure out what was going on.
The theory I built up was perhaps Javier was going to head off to where New Frontier’s main grounds of operation was located, a.k.a their main community, and that Clementine had full intention of going too. So the argument Javi was having was that she can’t go, since she’s a kid and it’ll be too dangerous, and Clem’s response is along the lines of ‘bitch I’ve been in two seasons, I’m a veteran now!’ and' hey I saved your ass!' don't you talk down to me!' but the fact is, with or without him Clementine would be going off to find New Frontier regardless, so it makes Javi reluctantly let up since they're heading to the same place. But again if Kenny and Jane were present, I thought the discussion may change, like Javi doesn’t want anybody else to come with him, since that’s just how him and his family rolled.
But back to the plane! I figured if wherever they needed to go was too far/would take too long to get there on foot [like in a completely different state for example] they’d have to go by air, and perhaps they got offered that and that said pilot would be accompanying them...because god forbid Javi fly a plane. So basically I thought perhaps we’d get some cool sequence up in that little plane, see the land below, and maybe we’d get one of those ‘flashbacks’ we were hearing talk about before the episode came out, or at the very least Clem might feel like sharing some history since they’re all stuck up in a plane, bored.
And then I thought what if the plane’s engine fails or something else causes them to have an emergency landing, and it’s some cliffhanger they end up in the water. And then the next episode starts with having to get out of the god damn plane that’s sinking and filling up with water, before Clem, Javi and Kenny/Jane drowned. But the pilot died in the crash and now they got a walker trying to kill them, and then when they finally get out and up onto dry land, Clem rules off ever swimming again.
See? I didn't think much about it at all.
If Arvo returned in ANF as an actual threat, he'd partly establish himself by killing the reformed Jane.
I feel kind of stupid for telling this but here we go:
Back in S1, when you're in the hub where you need to get the train to work, there is a bug with Duck where he basically disappear when you talk to Clem after talking to Katja. Clem tells you "I don't think Duck is feeling very well" or something like that and that's the exact moment when Duck disappear. I restarted the game cause I knew it was a bug but then it happened again so I let the game running and played with the bug. And then I went to talking to Ben and he says "You know, watching the girls, nothing out of the extraordinary...". And then I went to Kenny to talk about Duck and he looked like he was in denial (which he was) so I went back talking to Ben (yeah, I was looking for the tools to unlock the train which took me some time to realize where they were) who said the same thing again. And then I was like "OMG DUCK IS NOT REAL?!" So my theory for like 10 minutes or something was that Duck was dead all along and that Kenny and Katja (but specially Kenny) were just kind of crazy and imagined him. But then he reappeared when you get the train working so I was like "ok just a glitch then".
That's how I had a theory out of a glitch lol
Oh man, that's spooky as shit.
I can only imagine what you would've thought if you saw this.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, just thought it was neat how that ended up being the stranger's backstory.