"The Damned" Episode Discussion
After last week's lukewarm (is that the word?) premiere, we got the second episode of Season 8, so...yeah.
As always comment before, while, and after ya watch.
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Morales holy shit.
I DID NOT see that coming.
Morales is back, I was not expecting that.
It's always a treat when the show actually manages to surprise a comic reader (even though this isn't in the comics). I am very excited to see where this will be going. I like actually yelled in surprise.
You’re not the only one, I immediately sat up and screamed “Holy shit!”
Wow. Well that was surprising. I actually did not think that would happen. Yet i recognized him immediately, weird.
I had to think for a little bit. I was trying to remember if they were any random Savior goons Rick encountered but yada yada yada it was him.
I’d been wanting this guy to return for years. He was a great help to the Atlanta gang in his short time on the show in Season 1. I just hope he joins Rick eventually. I hope they haven’t brought him back just to die at the end of the war
i hate the fact that some people don't know who morales is
Fucking Morales. Damn this is gonna be good
So happy that Morales is back. Should be interesting with him on the Saviors side.
I liked this episode a bit more than last weeks but they still seemed to have a lot of extra ammo .
It was also cool to see Morales back.
I can’t believe one of my favourite characters from season 1 turned out to be a bad guy ?
After seven seasons seeing Morales again is weird
Horrible season so far. Probably the worst two starting episodes of a season yet. Unnecessarily confusing, this episode was just one hour of people shooting guns (and missing), and then Morales shows up, a guy that was in 4 episodes, 7 years ago lmao. I am not excited to see what is happening this season at all. And the only reason I'm still watching is because I've wasted 7 years of my life on this, and I'm not giving up until it finishes.
No scenes with Negan and Gabriel, I guess they're not important characters? And can someone explain what happened to the walkers that attacked the saviors during Aaron and Erics raid? They were getting the upper hand on the saviors, then at the end of the episode the walkers just disappeared and Eric got shot somehow. Also why did every group have like 20+ people for smaller outposts, yet Daryl and Rick storm the main base themselves? Where the fuck was Simon and the rest of the Savior lieutenants?
What? So your complain is that more people weren't in this episode. Its miracle they managed to keep 5 different plots in just one. Amazing really considering last Season. We don't know, they will probably follow on it in the next episode. The what? That was another outpost, the 'main base' was the Sactuary which they left last episode, did you not pay attention? The Lieutenants are in the Sanctuary, they never left. Rick and Daryl were in another outpost.
Did that answer all your questions?
No, you answered two of my seven complaints lmao. If Rick and Daryl was at a different outpost, then why did Daryl see his prison cell, which was at the Sanctuary?
It's weird seeing Morales back, honestly surprised that he and Rick remember each other lol
Simple, that wasn't his prison cell. It just meant that they use similar tactics for all their prisoners. The entire hallway and room it was in looked nothing like one last Season. The outpost they were was an office building. You can see them enter it at the end of episode one and in a conversation with Daryl Rick blatantly says "He (Dwight) said they (guns) were in this outpost. If these guns get to the Sanctuary they could kill the walkers and get inside". Several interviews have confirmed the Sanctuary was not in this episode.
So no it wasn't the Sanctuary, it was just an outpost in an office building. The Sanctuary is completely surrounded by zombie hordes and they can't get in. According to the showrunners that was the plan just like in the comics, because the main force of Negan's army was inside the Sanctuary and they know they can't stop both tem and the forces in individual outposts.
You’ve watched for 7 years so if you no longer like what they offer you can stop watching but like most people that are complaining of the show, you won’t stop because that’s how it is lol. We all know its not as good as it used to be but then neither is any other ageing show
I have a question.. Well more like a theory. What if the "sad rick" scenes when he's crying, showing defeat while reciting that "Mercy" line is him being bitten? Or even someone close to him that matters. Like I can see someone like Carl (CORAL!!!) being bitten, and Rick contemplating on putting him out of his misery. Doesn't even have to be Carl, it can be someone who holds a major position in the series. And like Lee in S1 of TWDG's finale, you have to decide weather to show your bite, or hide it. However, I'm not too sure on how quickly you turn, but I do remember one particular episode in the past seasons when someone from the Atlanta group in the early season of the show was bitten. And the group tried to decided amongst each other which precaution to take. I just don't understand why people jump to the conclusion of death so quickly. I feel like if someone important is bitten, it can do a lot to the show. What do you guys think??
The walker infection can take hours or a few days to fully infect you if I recall right. I don't remember the early comics that well. Also the line that Rick said at least what I could make out was "My Mercy Prevailed Over Thy Wrath". This could mean any number of things. Either Rick's mercy worked better than his anger and wrath. Maybe even Father Gabriel's death because this does sound like something that would come out of his mouth. Also you said Carl might get bitten well I hope you are wrong because I think I would like to see the old man Carl theory play out. For those who don't know the old man Carl theory is pretty much the whole Walking Dead show has been past events that Carl has been telling a new group of survivors in his camp but Carl lived throughout the entire show and is now an old man. That was pretty much a summary I am sure someone can explain the theory better than me or find it on YouTube.
I hate to imagine Carl being bitten, I just used him as an example
And speaking of theories, I seen a rather plausible one on YouTube earlier which basically says the "Old Man Rick" scenes is just Rick's imagination. And the "Sad Rick" scenes are reality. I don't know if you might've seen that leaked video on YouTube where Carl supposedly gets shot, dies, then eaten by walkers O_O but I wasn't convinced. But back to the theory. During the "Old Man Rick" scenes there's one particular scene with Carl walking past Rick & Michonne, but you can hardly see Carl's face. And that was supposed to indicate he has no identity and doesn't exist anymore. So the "Old Man Rick" scenes are kinda like, what he wished for the future.
The theory i read is that Rick had been crying over losing Judith somehow. The girl in the old man rick dream/flashfoward people are speculating that she is Gracie, the baby from last weeks episode. There is a bunny doll in her crib and in the dream/flash forward the little girl is shown with the same doll in her hand
I heard about that theory and I may agree with that but here is where the comics time jump comes into play and advances the story about two years if I remember correctly. It will depend on how long the time skip is in the show because in the comics its two years which isn't enough for Gracie to grow up and look like she is five or six years old I could be wrong though there is enough content to argue either side of the theory but let's see what AMC has written for us Walking Dead fans.
Wasn't the girl credited as Judith in the credits though?
Yes! I've seen this too and I think it's very possible. But my only issue is with people constantly assuming death. Like when's the last time someone important gets bitten?! And yes I know, if you get bitten it's like suicide, your days are numbered. But to me, and this is just my opinion, but killing someone off "the easy way" is lazy if you ask me. I don't wanna sound like a psycho, but seeing someone important to the storyline getting bit or scratched or something, then having to see them as an individual deal with the "how" of everything interests me. And frankly, Rick really looks like it to me in those flash forwards. And again it doesn't have to be Rick, it can be someone close to him.
Yeah, but that could've been to throw us off * cue spooky music * 0_0
Yeah, but that could've been to throw us off * cue spooky music * 0_0