The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited November 2017

    There was a meme like it for season 1?
    That's great btw

    Not sure if there was a meme like this for Season 2. So here's my take on it.

  • Yeah. A while ago. Don't feel like digging back to find the page where it was at. So I'll just repost it. Not mine, btw.

    Louche posted: »

    There was a meme like it for season 1? That's great btw

  • As long as there's no Amid the Ruins writers involved, we good.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Nick Breckon's "The Defectors" Coming this August to a theater near you.

  • edited November 2017

    Well, considering Nick Breckon returned to write the finale and Mike is given back some sliver of his intended prominence as the Leader of the Trio, I think we're good.

    Though now that you mention it, it's very possible that Arvo, like Jane, was not created by Nick Breckon and thus he just worked with him as little as possible.

    As long as there's no Amid the Ruins writers involved, we good.

  • Fed up with his shit the rest of the cast bands together to beat the crap out of Gabe

  • Holy shit, what the fuck is Gabe holding?! o_0

    And Lee, for that matter.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Fed up with his shit the rest of the cast bands together to beat the crap out of Gabe

  • Reinforced Katana by the looks of it, and a desert eagle for Lee.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Holy shit, what the fuck is Gabe holding?! o_0 And Lee, for that matter.

  • edited April 2018

    Wow, Kate's love for him really does have no limits.
    enter image description here
    Also, good to know Lee is on good terms with Yosemite Sam.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Reinforced Katana by the looks of it, and a desert eagle for Lee.

  • Should of just killed him with the rest of his group, and continued onto the church town.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, considering Nick Breckon returned to write the finale and Mike is given back some sliver of his intended prominence as the Leader of t

  • So he gave Jane some sympathetic moments in episode 5 (like the story with the trapped dude and the holding AJ bit), but also made her a total idiot with the glass-eating and hiding baby thing?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, considering Nick Breckon returned to write the finale and Mike is given back some sliver of his intended prominence as the Leader of t

  • edited November 2017

    Why does Clem look like a short middle aged woman
    why is kenny's torso twice the size of tripps

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Fed up with his shit the rest of the cast bands together to beat the crap out of Gabe

  • You know I never paid much attention to that episode description. Reading it, you can imagine an infinite amount of better possibilities over what we got.
    Fucking pudding.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Wow, Kate's love for him really does have no limits. Also, good to know Lee is on good terms with Yosemite Sam.

  • Something like that, yeah.

    Also, I've established that two of those were likely written with Luke in mind. Guess which one it probably wasn't? :tongue:

    Honestly, after rewatching the episode a while back under a certain mindset(which I probably would/should've wrote something up on), I got the feeling that the way Jane turned out in that episode was a combinations of these factors:

    • After two episodes of being absent for whatever reason, Mr. Breckon returned to Telltale['s Walking Dead Game Writing Staff] to wrap up the Season he [inherited-ly] started only to find some of his toys had been ...moved around, to say the least.
    • He was told/mandated to include(read:shoehorn) Jane into the episode with top billing by the executives and just kinda had to go"...O_-kaay?!_ .... I can do that...."
    • Giving her Luke's role in the climax was the quickest(or rather, specified) way to do this since she's more or less a Shadowy Distaff of him and had already hijacked his dynamic with Clementine anyway.
    • Because Jane was a character he most likely didn't create(or on the off chance he did, had received far more prominence and characterization than he had intended), he had little to no clue how to properly write her and had a relatively limited deadline to meet.
    • To be fair, he likely did do some research on her to get an understanding of what had been established in his absence, but was ultimately limited in what he could do with her by either a) Simple time constraints, what with the last episodes (traditionally?) being released within a month of each other or b) More executive meddling.

    Given all of this, and the fact that he supposedly went on record in saying that Amid the Ruins in particular would've been a very different episode had he still been around to write it, it's little wonder as to part of how we ended up with the shark-jumping that was Season 2.5.

    Louche posted: »

    So he gave Jane some sympathetic moments in episode 5 (like the story with the trapped dude and the holding AJ bit), but also made her a total idiot with the glass-eating and hiding baby thing?

  • Why does Clem look like a short middle-aged woman[?]

    I know, right? :lol:

    Why is Kenny's torso twice the size of Tripp[']s[?]

    ...Holy crap, you're right! I didn't even notice that!

    Though while we're on the subject, what's up with ugly maroon jacket and the yellow boots?

    Louche posted: »

    Why does Clem look like a short middle aged woman why is kenny's torso twice the size of tripps

  • edited November 2017

    That was my thought when I went to get that picture! Uuh-HA-huhahu! :joy:

    That title card in general is hilariously bad and awesomely campy at the same time.

    Louche posted: »

    You know I never paid much attention to that episode description. Reading it, you can imagine an infinite amount of better possibilities over what we got. Fucking pudding.

  • edited November 2017

    When you and Kate smashin' and you hear the door open

    You open the door and find Javi and Kate smashin'

  • edited November 2017

    enter image description here .
    ♪Don't beat em, join em! (Dont beat em, join em)♩

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    When you and Kate smashin' and you hear the door open You open the door and find Javi and Kate smashin'

  • enter image description here

    Go Ellie.

    Credit to @RavenSnowstorm

  • Not gonna lie: I'm familiar with that app (come for the free coins in a Road To Survival offer, stay to see how stupid the Song Of Ice and Fire rip-off can get (A: surprisingly stupid!)) and I can assure you that situation never arises. In fact one of those character models is from a different book entirely. I mean, they reuse a LOT of C list characters and backgrounds, but jeeze. It's like if TWD promos had Bruce Wayne in them for some reason. Anyways... embarrassingly expansive knowledge of that app done.

    DabigRG posted: »

    . . . ♪Don't beat em, join em! (Dont beat em, join em)♩

  • Don't let your comic memes be comic dreams!

  • That's...huh....

    Anyway, yes, it's blatantly obvious that the gay guy does not belong in that scenario. And that just adds to the hilarious audacity of it.

    Wasn't aware it had basis in anything though.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Not gonna lie: I'm familiar with that app (come for the free coins in a Road To Survival offer, stay to see how stupid the Song Of Ice and F

  • It makes it sound like they're implying the Garcias had a misunderstanding with the zombies.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That was my thought when I went to get that picture! Uuh-HA-huhahu! That title card in general is hilariously bad and awesomely campy at the same time.

  • It's the usual fashion of grieving fathers? I dunno.
    Kenny's been bulking up though, that's for sure.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why does Clem look like a short middle-aged woman[?] I know, right? Why is Kenny's torso twice the size of Tripp[']s[?]

  • Glass eating?

    o-kaay?!.... I can do that...."

    "time to give Jane a proper respectable backstory then." :trollface: - nick breckon

    shadowy distaff

    please tell me how, because I don't feel like using tv tropes which you obviously use a lot

    if he had been around to write amid the ruins

    alright, this is getting interesting. But I can't recall if you told me nick's whole story, why was he missing?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Something like that, yeah. Also, I've established that two of those were likely written with Luke in mind. Guess which one it probably wa

  • edited November 2017

    tsk, look at that dumb impractical hairstyle
    I thought that was gonna be Bonnie for a second

    DabigRG posted: »

    Go Ellie. Credit to @RavenSnowstorm

  • that pic won't load for me, but that's a 4chan archive, isn't it? I can only assume the picture is the most vile thing ever, then.

    DabigRG posted: »

    . . . ♪Don't beat em, join em! (Dont beat em, join em)♩

  • edited November 2017

    It makes it sound like they're implying the Garcias had a misunderstanding with the zombies.

    That's another part of it, sure. :lol:

    It's the usual fashion of grieving fathers? I dunno.
    Kenny's been bulking up though, that's for sure.

    Eh, kinda prefer him when he looked like a scrubby old rocker fan, to be honest. Hell, even his Season 2 desing looks better than this.

    Louche posted: »

    It makes it sound like they're implying the Garcias had a misunderstanding with the zombies.

  • edited November 2017

    Glass eating?

    Glass eating.

    Although, I suppose that could also work if you change the Earthquake to like Moonshine or some other country drink and Jaime to Luke's mom/dad.

    "time to give Jane a proper respectable backstory then." :trollface: - nick breckon

    Ch'yeah. :joy:
    Also, I had no idea you could do the troll face like that. Good to know....

    please tell me how, because I don't feel like using tv tropes which you obviously use a lot

    They haven't identified her as such, but Jane is pretty infamously known for replacing Luke as Clementine's older sibling figure and in the climax of No Going Back, with some even suspecting she may have been planned to potentially do so during her designing phase. After all, she has a fairly similar color scheme.

    However, if you consider how things would've played out in the grand scheme of things if she didn't return in No Going Back, then her hand in fucking over what was left of the Cabin Group becomes more intentional from a writing standpoint.

    Jane is primarily known as an dark mentor for Clementine during Amid the Ruins, what with showing her a few survival techniques and attempting to push her down a more self-centered path, but it's clear in hindsight that she also was serving as this towards Luke.

    Throughout the story, Luke, while definitely known as a nice guy and an up-n-coming leader who wanted to do right by the group he became in charge of, had increasingly shown to an involuntary predilection for more indirect and sneaky tactics compared to Carlos and Kenny and a tendency to cave in to less than heroic options, particularly when under stress. This ranged from dropping Clementine after suddenly noticing her bite, refusing to carry her when they were coming up to the Cabin(though he immediately revokes this claim when she starts to lose consciousness, hilariously), reluctantly going along(though he spent the house meeting arguing that they let her out and eventually convinced the others to do so after getting Carlos to confirm that she was likely telling the truth and enough time had passed anyway), muttering that he wished he and Clementine could use guns to deal with walkers before correcting himself, trying to cover up Matthew's death to protect Nick, sneaking into the Howe's to use his walkie talkie plan to get the group out in contrast to Kenny's methods, deciding to sneak out to steal some food when he was starving and groggy as shit despite the huge risk involved, and reluctantly pointing out that the group will have to leave him, Sarita, and especially Kenny if they want a better chance at successfully escaping.

    This came to a head when he is the first one on the Trailer roof when Sarah was still to traumatized to move and shirked his self-appointed watchman duty to get some, both at Jane's suggestion. In between these events, Luke was beating himself up for not being able to save anyone(even if Clementine did get through to ) and choosing to put himself first on an impulse. Jane encouraged him to try not to let that stuff get to him and start thinking more about whatever he needs to do to ensure his survival. All this, combined with having already realized that Kenny was increasingly losing it and becoming potentially dangerous, was pushing him into a more openly selfish and underhanded way of doing things, which almost certainly would've fully come out after losing Sarah and Rebecca and led to him fighting Kenny to protect Clementine and AJ from him.

    Basically, Jane is Luke(and Clementine) if he gave up on trying to be righteous and protecting the people he cares about in favor of doing whatever it takes to look out for himself and his interests.

    alright, this is getting interesting. But I can't recall if you told me nick's whole story, why was he missing?

    Nick the character or Nick Breckon?
    Because if the latter, I don't really know. Presumably had another job to work on between A House Divided and No Going Back.

    Louche posted: »

    Glass eating? o-kaay?!.... I can do that...." "time to give Jane a proper respectable backstory then." - nick breckon

  • enter image description here

    Cum and find me later... * wink *

    Credit to @IronWoodLover

  • tsk, look at that dumb impractical hairstyle

    Is it?

    that pic won't load for me, but that's a 4chan archive, isn't it? I can only assume the picture is the most vile thing ever, then.

    It's that one mobile game where this dude is in bed with another dude and his girlfried/fiancee/whatever walked in. And the player, as the fiancee, has to choose how to react.

    Louche posted: »

    tsk, look at that dumb impractical hairstyle I thought that was gonna be Bonnie for a second

  • ...

    DabigRG posted: »

    Cum and find me later... * wink * Credit to @IronWoodLover

  • Finally, someone who also sees how disturbing this is. Smh.

    Fangirl101 posted: »


  • ... Sigh

    DabigRG posted: »

    Cum and find me later... * wink * Credit to @IronWoodLover

  • edited November 2017

    Fangirl101 ...
    Zombiekiller3121 Finally, someone who also sees how disturbing this is. Smh.
    Zombiekiller3121 ... Sigh

    Hey, blame RoboDickFreak! I just reposted it.

    Fangirl101 posted: »


  • It wasn't the gif that gave off bad vibes, it was your "comment" under it. You could've said something else funny but you just had to say that instead. It's creepy.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Fangirl101 ... Zombiekiller3121 Finally, someone who also sees how disturbing this is. Smh. Zombiekiller3121 ... Sigh Hey, blame RoboDickFreak! I just reposted it.

  • And again, the comment was a joke of IronWoodLover's. I just reposted it for the lulz.

    It wasn't the gif that gave off bad vibes, it was your "comment" under it. You could've said something else funny but you just had to say that instead. It's creepy.

  • edited November 2017

    Agreed. :confounded:
    This was meant as a reply to @Zombiekiller3121

  • I blame you.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Fangirl101 ... Zombiekiller3121 Finally, someone who also sees how disturbing this is. Smh. Zombiekiller3121 ... Sigh Hey, blame RoboDickFreak! I just reposted it.

  • I'll never get your humor.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And again, the comment was a joke of IronWoodLover's. I just reposted it for the lulz.

  • Me every time I come back to this thread and it's a bunch of replies back and forth

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