Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • I'm hoping to make my John more cerebral then physically violent and I've been wondering ever since if telling him to be genuine was a step in the wrong direction.

  • So uh, anybody else realize this was the second time Troy Baker and Laura Bailey had to use a dead man's eyeballs to get past a retinal scan in a Telltale game?

  • Glad that I wasn't the only one who thought about it.
    The main difference was that the other man wasn't....well...dead.

    HexIgon posted: »

    So uh, anybody else realize this was the second time Troy Baker and Laura Bailey had to use a dead man's eyeballs to get past a retinal scan in a Telltale game?

  • Hahaha no man he was dead for sure, haha... yeah. Dead as dead can be. Right.... dead. He was dead.

    Glad that I wasn't the only one who thought about it. The main difference was that the other man wasn't....well...dead.

  • Thought that too. At least his eyeballs stayed inside his head this time.

    HexIgon posted: »

    So uh, anybody else realize this was the second time Troy Baker and Laura Bailey had to use a dead man's eyeballs to get past a retinal scan in a Telltale game?

  • Previously Troy Baker's character wasn't really present at the time. At least now he gets to experience the retinal scan first hand!

    HexIgon posted: »

    So uh, anybody else realize this was the second time Troy Baker and Laura Bailey had to use a dead man's eyeballs to get past a retinal scan in a Telltale game?

  • If you touch the tesla coil in the Riddler's hideout, Bruce dies.

    I found it really hilarious when that happened to me. Seems like a trap for those who tend to click on everything before proceeding.

  • I saw that on my first playthrough and eyed it suspiciously before I decided it'd be a bad idea. Gotta wonder what Bruce was thinking. How did he reach the point of "I should touch that"

    Pipas posted: »

    If you touch the tesla coil in the Riddler's hideout, Bruce dies. I found it really hilarious when that happened to me. Seems like a trap for those who tend to click on everything before proceeding.

  • You work, You sleep, You die. It's obvious that you need to die to solve the riddle!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I saw that on my first playthrough and eyed it suspiciously before I decided it'd be a bad idea. Gotta wonder what Bruce was thinking. How did he reach the point of "I should touch that"

  • If you try to be smart and press the button right away without putting the shoes on the pressure plates. Riddler says "You're not ready to die yet, oh wait of course you are!"

  • To which the tesla coil send out energy and Bruce gets electrocuted. Lulz

    Dan10 posted: »

    If you try to be smart and press the button right away without putting the shoes on the pressure plates. Riddler says "You're not ready to die yet, oh wait of course you are!"

  • In my second playthrough, when I was solving the riddle at the Riddler's hideout, I wanted to save some time and took Riddler's shoes before I was promped to do so. Selina was surprised why would I take his shoes and said something along the lines that the're not expensive enough for Bruce.

  • Yep, I noticed that as well, not sure if it was intentional or not, but I got a good laugh out of it either way.

    HexIgon posted: »

    So uh, anybody else realize this was the second time Troy Baker and Laura Bailey had to use a dead man's eyeballs to get past a retinal scan in a Telltale game?

  • Gordon can stop smoking....if you tell him to!

  • For once you can advise someone to stop smoking and they actually stop smoking!

    Dan10 posted: »

    Gordon can stop smoking....if you tell him to!

  • That specific bar is pretty seedy. Like, a guy pulls a knife on you. I'd be pretty suspicious too if a fancy billionaire went there, of all places, to get a drink.

    AChicken posted: »

    Harley formerly worked as a psychiatrist at Blackgate prison Didn't Waller say she worked at Arkham in Episode 1? (If not, I'm sure

  • I loved that little detail. :)

    Dan10 posted: »

    Gordon can stop smoking....if you tell him to!

  • Batman looks so pleased with himself when he says "Are you happy now?"

    Pipas posted: »

    I loved that little detail.

  • That smile.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Batman looks so pleased with himself when he says "Are you happy now?"

  • edited November 2017

    When you see Joker playing around with the Bat Signal you can just stand there and listen to him make up a story about Commissioner Gordon's mustache.

  • edited November 2017

    Can't get a clear picture, but Café Triste is either highway robbery or just plain cheap.
    Esprêssö: 25$ (or 2.5$)
    Càppũcinø: 25$ (or 2.5$)
    Làtté: 35$ (or 3.5$)
    Møchâ: 55$ (or 5.5$)
    Chøcølaté: 45$ (or 4.5)
    Mölk: 35$ (or 3.5$)
    As you can see, they also have a strange use of the alphabet. Their products aren't what they seem.

  • Bruce only drinks the most expensive coffe you can find!

    AChicken posted: »

    Can't get a clear picture, but Café Triste is either highway robbery or just plain cheap. Esprêssö: 25$ (or 2.5$) Càppũcinø: 25$ (or 2.5$

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    (it was 100% intentional)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know how many people have picked up on this but it'd be super intriguing if it was intentional. In episode three you can encourag

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    Yeah did you know that touching raw electricity is um... not very good for your health ;)

    Pipas posted: »

    If you touch the tesla coil in the Riddler's hideout, Bruce dies. I found it really hilarious when that happened to me. Seems like a trap for those who tend to click on everything before proceeding.

  • I thought it'd just give him a little shock. :( But noted for the future.
    Btw, appreciate you're visiting us on forums, it's really nice. :)

    Yeah did you know that touching raw electricity is um... not very good for your health

  • Considering that the exit point would have been one of his feet, yeah. Not a good way to go. You'd feel that one pretty good before the amperage stopping your heart kills you.

    Batman deserves better.
    Remember the Heart of Steel(the AI) episodes from TAS? That's how Batman should go. Grief.

  • John can outright refuse to get the laptop for Bruce. If you tell him to be manipulative (it might be the same if you say to be genuine) and then keep being silent, he'll get annoyed and say that you just said nothing rather than give him advice. However he still decides to get it for Batman so when he sees Bruce again, he says he changed his mind.

  • You can also get him to refuse to help if you are consistently sarcastic during his coffee-napkin Rorschach test.

    You can also tell him to be genuine and then either be silent or don't take his game seriously and he will refuse.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    John can outright refuse to get the laptop for Bruce. If you tell him to be manipulative (it might be the same if you say to be genuine) and

  • edited November 2017

    I click on everything all the time because I don't wanna miss stuff, I died twice in this segment ;-; that's what we get for being click happy.

    Pipas posted: »

    If you touch the tesla coil in the Riddler's hideout, Bruce dies. I found it really hilarious when that happened to me. Seems like a trap for those who tend to click on everything before proceeding.

  • Yeah, I knew it would be a fatally bad idea to touch it, so I never did and only examined it.

    Great added detail on Telltale's part though.

    Pipas posted: »

    If you touch the tesla coil in the Riddler's hideout, Bruce dies. I found it really hilarious when that happened to me. Seems like a trap for those who tend to click on everything before proceeding.

  • I found out that by telling him to be genuine and being silent one time while going through with it the rest of the time will make him refuse to get the laptop. I had told him that people lie to themselves and then the second piece of the dialogue, where he goes into the rant about an animal in a cage pacing around, I had my Bruce be quiet. It was hilarious because Bruce looks so disturbed and just sips at his coffee like 'omg... what did I just do?' And then, just off that, John refused to help.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    John can outright refuse to get the laptop for Bruce. If you tell him to be manipulative (it might be the same if you say to be genuine) and

  • Selina has 5 possible lines when you first get inside of Riddler's hideout and they depend on 1) whether you parted on good or bad terms at the end of s1 and 2) whether you say "no one's beyond reach" or "people don't change".

    • Parted on good terms and "nobody is beyond reach": "I know we've just met, but somehow I knew you'd say that."
    • Parted on good terms and "people don't change": "Hmph. I guess that's why you're here, huh? Bruce Wayne. Criminal to the core."
    • Parted on bad terms and "nobody is beyond reach:" "Really? Someone once told me I was nothing more than a thief."
    • Parted on bad terms and "people don't change:" "Cheery worldview. Someone once told me I was nothing more than a thief. I guess that's all I'll ever be."
    • Silent: "I'd like to think that nobody is beyond redemption."

    Similarly, John has different reactions to each of her lines

    • Parted on good terms and "nobody is beyond reach": He gets a huge smile and puts his hand over his mouth.
    • Parted on good terms and "people don't change": Smiles at Bruce
    • Parted on bad terms and "nobody is beyond reach:" Gives Bruce a concerned look.
    • Parted on bad terms and "people don't change:" Gasps and puts his hand over his mouth
    • Silent: Smiles at Bruce
  • Selina and John discover slightly different things depending on what you tell them outside of Riddler's hideout.

    • If you tell them to see if anyone's around, they end up finding a cop car parked around the corner. John thinks it needs a wash but Selina isn't sure if it's a decoy meant to scare off looters or not. Turns out it was probably Detective Bullock's car.
    • If you tell them to check for traps, Selina says it's a good thing they did so because she found an old security camera and deactivated it. She also says there is no telling what else in inside the hideout.
    • If you tell Catwoman to find a way in, she says that the perimeter is boarded up but it's nothing they can't get through.
    • If you're silent she just asks Bruce if he is ready to head to the entrance.
  • This one isn't a big deal and its probably really noticeable but when you try and open the area where the phalanx key is with your keycard the picture of Bruce is the Bruce of season 1. And the picture John has where Bruce's face is cut out and taped to someone else's body is a picture of Avesta's partner. Or so it looks like her partner.

  • Idk if this was mentioned yet but I did a play through where I didn't sleep with Selina, but we parted on good terms and in episode 3 she asked "what are you offering me in return" (this was on the roof btw) and if you say a "relationship" Selina will say that you had your chance but she's a gambaling girl. Batman had the biggest grin in his face! It was hilarious.

  • Was it as goofy as the one he gave Gordon when Gordon quit smoking?? If so that's beyond hilarious.

    ManBat posted: »

    Idk if this was mentioned yet but I did a play through where I didn't sleep with Selina, but we parted on good terms and in episode 3 she as

  • IT WAS ON PAR WITH IT ill see if I can find anything on it.

    GamerLady posted: »

    Was it as goofy as the one he gave Gordon when Gordon quit smoking?? If so that's beyond hilarious.

  • Café Triste, the place where Bruce meets with Harvey/Selina in s1 and John in s2, means "sad coffee" in French.

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    So fun fact- we call the onsite cafeteria at our business complex "Sad Cafe." It's actually super tasty. It's just sad because you don't have time to go further away for lunch. We named Cafe Triste after it.

    Café Triste, the place where Bruce meets with Harvey/Selina in s1 and John in s2, means "sad coffee" in French.

  • Cool! I was wondering why you guys chose a random French name for a cafe, especially one that's "Sad Cafe" in English.

    I'm really enjoying this surge of interaction you've been having here for the past day. Any reason prompted you to do so?

    So fun fact- we call the onsite cafeteria at our business complex "Sad Cafe." It's actually super tasty. It's just sad because you don't have time to go further away for lunch. We named Cafe Triste after it.

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