The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • ah yes, just like Lee was mentioned so much in season 3. Don't worry, I'm sure your wish will come true.

    This will be my Clementine throughout the entirety of season 4. Seriously, I better have so many opportunities to talk about Kenny.

  • ...Buh-huh.... :neutral:

    Louche posted: »

    you know why I asked that

  • Lol, the situations are a little bit different. Lee died way back in s1, Kenny died in s3. Lee got a great sendoff that left fans emotional, Kenny was killed due to Telltale's incompetency and left fans outraged.

    Plus Lee got a ton of references in s2 (The season right after his death) and even appeared in a flashback. I fully expect to be able to talk about Kenny and even see him in a flashback.

    Louche posted: »

    ah yes, just like Lee was mentioned so much in season 3. Don't worry, I'm sure your wish will come true.

  • Kenny was killed due to Telltale's incompetency and left fans outraged.

    Kenny also got a lot of screentime and focus across two seasons, died like a total of 7 times, got at least 3 heavy sendoffs, and even got an extra totally not pointless and redundant flashback in Thicker than Water.

    I think the balance is more tipped in the other direction than you think/put-on.

    Lol, the situations are a little bit different. Lee died way back in s1, Kenny died in s3. Lee got a great sendoff that left fans emotional,

  • Telltale fucked up the season 2 endings so badly that I expect Clementine to elaborate on them significantly no matter what ending you chose, so I'm not speaking about Kenny exclusively. They know how poorly it was handled which is the main reason i expect to hear/see a little bit more from them.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Kenny was killed due to Telltale's incompetency and left fans outraged. Kenny also got a lot of screentime and focus across two seas

  • edited January 2018

    Telltale fucked up the season 2 endings so badly that I expect Clementine to elaborate on them significantly no matter what ending you chose.

    You DO?! :lol:

    EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean.

    Telltale fucked up the season 2 endings so badly that I expect Clementine to elaborate on them significantly no matter what ending you chose

  • Maybe i shouldn't have such high expectations for Telltale at this point but ya ?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Telltale fucked up the season 2 endings so badly that I expect Clementine to elaborate on them significantly no matter what ending you chose. You DO?! EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean.

  • I just got your second sentence.

    And yes, I don't really expect them to be able to responsibly incorporate that, much less pull it off.

    Maybe i shouldn't have such high expectations for Telltale at this point but ya ?

  • I basically expect them to do anything they can to redeem themselves for ANF. We will see

    DabigRG posted: »

    I just got your second sentence. And yes, I don't really expect them to be able to responsibly incorporate that, much less pull it off.

  • I'll take on this topic elsewhere.
    At some point.

    I basically expect them to do anything they can to redeem themselves for ANF. We will see

  • edited January 2018

    Go Joan-- There's two right choices and the other's a good default

    And here's a fun little gun for ya'll cold-bloods, Shoula: Spam 7. You're welcome.

    Gotta love how this technically switches the bullet trajectory

  • edited January 2018

    enter image description here
    Dang, I wish I found this 6 days beforehand.

  • edited January 2018
  • edited January 2018

    got a great send-off

    Lee died like a dork locked inside a jewelry store, not even knowing if clem made it to safety or to omid and christa, all because of an easily avoided accident.

    yeah, great "send-off." I like season 1 a lot, but man there is a nostalgia bias.

    They should have had it rain when they walked through the herd and have Lee sacrifice himself to distract the walkers from Clem when the guts wash off. Now THAT would be a great send-off. Or my old idea about the field.

    lee got a ton of references

    not by clementine. She only says she misses him once, and that's optional. Kenny talks about Lee more than clem does.
    She only brings up Lee to explain where she's been and that she's got people killed. It feels kinda shallow.

    Lol, the situations are a little bit different. Lee died way back in s1, Kenny died in s3. Lee got a great sendoff that left fans emotional,

  • Well, why else would someone make that image?

    DabigRG posted: »


  • ...To make that screenshot?

    Louche posted: »

    Well, why else would someone make that image?

  • I was just thinking about tearing an asshole for that scene last night.

    bruzdaa posted: »


  • Why is this thread so empty? Where did all the memers go? Why is my favourite thread on the edge of death?

  • I'm sorry, but I don't understand the context of your sentence. Can you please explain what you mean?

    DabigRG posted: »

    I was just thinking about tearing an asshole for that scene last night.

  • The whole business with the bad bullets was one of the worst scenes in ANF.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand the context of your sentence. Can you please explain what you mean?

  • Oh, that's what you mean. Sorry...

    Yeah it was and still is.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The whole business with the bad bullets was one of the worst scenes in ANF.

  • why would someone make that screenshot?

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...To make that screenshot?

  • Because Jem is excitement, Jem is adventure.

    Louche posted: »

    why would someone make that screenshot?

  • Oh my goodness, what the FUCK?!

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Haven’t seen you around in a while ?

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • The forum update really killed my motivation to come here sadly

    Melton23 posted: »

    Haven’t seen you around in a while ?

  • Don'chu disrespect Bigby! :rage:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh my goodness, what the FUCK?!

  • You should stay and keep fighting for those Rhys socks

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The forum update really killed my motivation to come here sadly

  • I got a job as a pizza delivery guy so I'm busy with that and avoiding used car salesmen wielding baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire. I've got enough memes stockpiled for the next 2 or 3 days though.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Why is this thread so empty? Where did all the memers go? Why is my favourite thread on the edge of death?

  • This is probably one of my favorite memes I've ever made.

  • Okay, this is legit a great meme, whether it actually made me laugh or not.

    So all those guys are LGBT, huh?

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    This is probably one of my favorite memes I've ever made.

  • edited January 2018

    I'm skeptical about Zachary, but that's because I don't remember him well. Time to go on a wiki-hunt.

    Edit: Yep. He is a legit member of the Homo Parade

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, this is legit a great meme, whether it actually made me laugh or not. So all those guys are LGBT, huh?

  • Yeah, he was gay. Randall's jealous, disapproving comments towards him weren't just put downs.

    I'm skeptical about Zachary, but that's because I don't remember him well. Time to go on a wiki-hunt. Edit: Yep. He is a legit member of the Homo Parade

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here
    An Unlucky Number of Explanations

    Credit to @Zumoshiteki

  • Telltale killed the forums so they would kill my will for Rhys socks ;(

    Melton23 posted: »

    You should stay and keep fighting for those Rhys socks

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