Thanks for all the thoughtful comments everyone! Feel free to post more here as you think of things, and we'll continue to check in. As poptarts said please refrain from posting ideas for Season 2 and keep to discussion of Season 1.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
I really liked the relationship between Bigby and Nerissa - I thought that Nerissa was a fantastically developed and well-rounded character, and had Wolf not been based off of an existing IP where Bigby ends up with someone else later on, I kind would've wanted Bigby and Nerissa to have more of a chemistry. I especially liked some of her dialogue/characterization with the office scene in Episode 4, and the sidewalk scene in Episode 5.
Moving on from relationships to general characters, I also liked how cool Bigby was as a protagonist in the Telltale choice format, due to the wide range of choices we could make while still being believable and in character. That being said, I definitely wouldn't mind if you guys wanted to dabble in other playable characters if you wanted to try something new - I trust your judgement.
Yeah i liked that Nerissa and Bigby had chemistry (even though it was only a little of it)and I really thought that they could help each other in the first season.
There was so much interesting conversations they were having and I liked it a lot.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
… more
I really liked the relationship between Bigby and Nerissa - I thought that Nerissa was a fantastically developed and well-rounded character, and had Wolf not been based off of an existing IP where Bigby ends up with someone else later on, I kind would've wanted Bigby and Nerissa to have more of a chemistry. I especially liked some of her dialogue/characterization with the office scene in Episode 4, and the sidewalk scene in Episode 5.
Moving on from relationships to general characters, I also liked how cool Bigby was as a protagonist in the Telltale choice format, due to the wide range of choices we could make while still being believable and in character. That being said, I definitely wouldn't mind if you guys wanted to dabble in other playable characters if you wanted to try something new - I trust your judgement.
I know I said that a lot in the past, but I can't stop emphasizing on the fact that TWAU environment art clearly relied and benefited from cell-shading more so than the other games. Which makes me slightly concerned, since most of the new TTG games are relying more on the regular real-time shadow mapping, so I hope they keep the new season as faithful to the S1 artstyle as they possible can. Batman still has some cell-shading altho it is much more subtle, while ANF didn't use it at all I think... so here's hoping that they do right by us!
Oh yeah, something else I wanted to point out - Wolf Among Us was pretty good at having a unique art style among all the Telltale games that… more try to emulate comic art styles, whereas the other post-Walking Dead Telltale series (Batman, Borderlands, etc) with comic art kind of veered more towards emulating Walking Dead.
This isn't so much of a Wolf specific point of feedback as it is a general point of feedback for any other potential future games; I think it would go further towards making each game's presentation unique if the games strive more towards having an art style that tries to emulate the source material - even in the more fine minutiae, instead of taking the Walking Dead approach of having sketch lines on characters and environments. Wolf was the best game about making itself separate and distinct in its art style; it was also good about emulating the source material in the smaller touches, such as hard shadows, saturated ink sty… [view original content]
Which makes me slightly concerned, since most of the new TTG games are relying more on the regular real-time shadow mapping, so I hope they keep the new season as faithful to the S1 artstyle as they possible can.
I agree; that was part of what I was trying to articulate in my earlier post. For example, Batman Season 1 had a lot of real time shadows, realistic textures, etc. Although it can work in more realistic games, I prefer the games with a comic based aesthetic to aim for more of an authentic comic presentation where possible; Wolf did the best job of this.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
I don't like playing favorites, and I'm not going to here, either. Every character in the story who was more than a one-scene character (though some of the one-scene characters, too), seemed real with real problems and concerns, hopes and fears. I think that's the key. Everybody has a back-story and motivations, and a lot of Season One was coaxing it out of them (and wondering about the ones you couldn't coax it out of). That's a lot more interesting to me than just fight-the-characters-and-be-done-with-them.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
It is hard to pick favorites. But I think the one that sticks out in my mind is Colin. But really most characters are memorable in their own right, since they are Fables. I think the reason why I picked Colin, it is because I just found the character interaction between Bigby and Colin quite memorable in Episode 1, the tone and atmosphere was so relaxed yet you almost feel like you are right there in the scene.
The atmosphere was really one of the biggest strength in Season 1. But character interactions are good too. By having Bigby interacting with each Fables, I am actively deciding who my Bigby is, one who is actively trying to redeem himself from his past deeds.
Well the Bigby and Nerissa relationship was good because their chemistry felt like it wasn't forced and that Nerissa had a crush on Bigby and wanted to help him solve the case and Bigby could either choose to return the feelings that Nerissa had or only care about the case. Another good one was The Woodsman, two eternal enemies who decided to put their anger and past aside to try and be friends was pretty cool. I wanted to team up with The Woodsman in episode 5 but he didn't appear in that episode.
Very much yes! I just replayed TWAU and I got into Batman S2 recently, one more thing I noticed is that Batman is using some detail textures for skin and cloth. Honestly, I'd prefer TWAU S2 to be faithful and do not have these details, it may sound weird for a lot of people but that lack of fabric detail is actually what makes it looks like a proper comic book, at least that's my impression. Also, I don't know exactly why but I liked the character eyes on the older engine more, they were deeper and more dynamic while the new engine looks more... plastic for some reason.
I prefer season one Batman to season two Batman in terms of how the game looks. Season two looks more 3Dish... and I don't like it, though I seem to be in the minority on that one. I hope they keep the style the same from season one and two for TWAU. I love the look of TWAU. Everything really - the atmosphere, the music, and the voice acting were superb.
Which makes me slightly concerned, since most of the new TTG games are relying more on the regular real-time shadow mapping, so I hope they … morekeep the new season as faithful to the S1 artstyle as they possible can.
I agree; that was part of what I was trying to articulate in my earlier post. For example, Batman Season 1 had a lot of real time shadows, realistic textures, etc. Although it can work in more realistic games, I prefer the games with a comic based aesthetic to aim for more of an authentic comic presentation where possible; Wolf did the best job of this.
I like Batman S2's art more than Season 1, but I still think that - in general - the games should strive more to emulate comics (or whatever other source material) instead of having realistic shadows, ridges, etc.
I prefer season one Batman to season two Batman in terms of how the game looks. Season two looks more 3Dish... and I don't like it, though I… more seem to be in the minority on that one. I hope they keep the style the same from season one and two for TWAU. I love the look of TWAU. Everything really - the atmosphere, the music, and the voice acting were superb.
Just a minor problem, but after a while in the first game I felt it got kind of samey. Mostly for the reason that we were always in the same locations and they never changed very much. Didn't really take away from my experience all that much, but it's something that could be made better.
I would like to start off with that I loved the game "The Wolf Among Us"! I read most of the comics of "Fables: The Wolf Among Us" and was shocked by the ending. I'm wondering if you can tell me at all if S2 will be canon with the comic book ending? Will Telltale be following the same story or starting a new one? SPOILER: >! At the end of the comic book the Crooked Man not only escapes but abducts "Nerissa" with a "glass baby" and the family ring of Faith's family!? Now I understand that you can possible kill the Crooked Man in S1 but I'm certain Telltale can think something up to work around that.
I would also like to add that when I was reading the comics I really liked the back stories of the Fables in the homelands and it reminded me of when Havier from "The Walking Dead" would have past scenes where he played ball with his brother or played a board game with his family. I think doing something like this for S2 would be not only awesome but epic.. I believe that something S1 could have done better on is referencing the Homelands more. I hardly knew anything about the place after beating S1 but before reading the comics.
Edit: I would like to know if I can flag this with spoilers? If so How?
There's a Spoiler entry in the format dropdown (looks like a paragraph mark, or backwards P). Select what you want to be a spoiler, and use that formatting.
The whole post doesn't have to be a spoiler anymore.
I would like to start off with that I loved the game "The Wolf Among Us"! I read most of the comics of "Fables: The Wolf Among Us" and was s… morehocked by the ending. I'm wondering if you can tell me at all if S2 will be canon with the comic book ending? Will Telltale be following the same story or starting a new one? SPOILER: >! At the end of the comic book the Crooked Man not only escapes but abducts "Nerissa" with a "glass baby" and the family ring of Faith's family!? Now I understand that you can possible kill the Crooked Man in S1 but I'm certain Telltale can think something up to work around that.
Well, like pretty much everybody else, I loved the art style and the atmosphere it created. The neon colours and the sharp shadows all added to the general mood of the game, and make it by a long shot Telltale's best looking game. I mean that, truly, the game's genuinely beautiful to look at and I'd hate to see it change in any drastic way in the next season. Other obvious aspects that I loved along with the style, was the soundtrack and the opening credits, majority of the characters each having distinctive personalities and roles in the game, the voice actors that excellently captured their respective roles, the variety that was offered in action scenes and dialogue, and character interactions, as well as the little hints at the lore of the comics.
Bigby proved to be a brilliant protagonist, largely due to the ability to shape him either as a reforming monster or as the feared and ruthless Big Bad Wolf the town expects, and the reactions each direction can bring from the supporting cast. The options to really be an asshole were great and often pretty funny, and always satisfying. So, naturally, I'd look forward to seeing more onto that and having fabletown's view of you at the end of the game, whether they feared you or respected you for what you did to the Crooked Man, have an effect on the new game, which would be perfect.
Now, while The Wolf Among Us is my favourite Telltale game and one of my favourite games of all time in general, there were still some flaws. One was that the last episodes, 4 and 5, declined a bit in quality, especially 5, being too short and not offering much with regards to choices, as well as for me, the mystery loosing some of what made it intriguing. From episode 3 onwards, we know essentially that Faith was killed for discovering the corruption of an organised crime figure, The Crooked Man who despite trying to claim otherwise, is very clearly evil and personally, while I didn't mind the story taking that route, I would've preferred if it went in a more complex and less clear cut black and white direction, where the lines of morality got a little more blurred then just baddie gangsters trying to control their prostitutes. That's not an insult to the story, though, it was still very good, but I just would've found it more interesting if things weren't as clear as they were and we had more choice on how to to react to the actions of the villains. And finally, there wasn't really any actual investigating. Everything just gracefully fell together even if Bigby got everything wrong and I think that's something that would definitely need to be improved in season 2, where we'd get the chance to unravel elements of the mystery through searching and choices, and to make our own observations, whether correct or wrong, that'll effect the overall mystery and determine whether we go chasing red herrings or get closer to the truth.
Still, Wolf was a great flipping game and I'm over the moon it's getting it's deserved sequel.
I also want to add something to my previous statement... I forgot to put emphasis on how damn good the writing was. Every episode had a nice twist and jaw-dropping moment - I mean, do you remember how you felt the first time when:
1) You uncovered the decapitated head at the Woodlands doorstep
2) Found the Crane's photo
3) Bigby turned full Werewolf and messed up the Tweedles + Bloody Mary introduction
4) Found out that Johann's shop doesn't carry fillets
5) Obviosuly "You are not as bad as everyone says you are" ending
Its been 4 years and I'm still in love with this game as if it was yesterday.
Just to add some more general thoughts about Telltale that are also sorta applicable to Wolf - I want to encourage Telltale to add more ways to interact with a story to the "Telltale palette" in addition to dialogue selection, freewalks, and purposefully easy QTEs, and to use each part of the "Telltale palette" to varying degrees based on what fits each franchise instead of following the general format of Walking Dead Season 1 for each game.
Even with Telltale's focus on narrative, I feel that there is some underestimation from Telltale of how other forms of gameplay/interactive bits can also act as valid ways to allow players to express themselves and author a tailored interactive story. Players overall like more intensive and "hands-on" involvement in the roleplaying aspect of the story (such as walking around, doing puzzles if it fits the franchise, direct reticle selection instead of button pressing, etc).
Instead of recreating Walking Dead Season 1's success only at surface value, I recommend Telltale also look back at the design process during Season 1 back in 2012 that led to its success, such as how Telltale had more drastically changed their gameplay template and added new gameplay to the "Telltale palette" to fit the Walking Dead material instead of sticking entirely to their current template.
For future games, I think that should be the school of thought that Telltale uses when deciding how to adapt other franchises/IP into a Telltale Series. I want to encourage Telltale to look more into how each IP can allow for a unique take on the tailored story gameplay and how it can allow for unique additions to the "Telltale palette" of narrative expression and story authoring, as opposed to just sticking to a surface-level recreation of Walking Dead Season 1's timed dialogue selection and QTEs/freewalks.
[Sorry - I know it's a bit off topic - I just wanted to speak my mind while I had the ears of Telltale Staff ]
As a huge Fables fan, I really loved how you guys were sticking close to the comics lore/canon in season 1. I do hope same attention is given to season 2 (in terms of being canon to the comics).
As for what I loved about season 1 here goes (though it may be repeat of what several people said before me):
The noir atmosphere/tone: This whole noir atmosphere is a big part of what sets TWAU apart from other Telltale series.
Opening intro: I loved the opening intro music for season 1, with Bigby walking the streets - it's my favorite Telltale games intro.
Relationships: relationships that Bigby has with other characters is one of the reasons I love TWAU most out of all Telltale games (while other games have that too, I think TWAU did it the best). His relationships with Snow, Faith/Nerissa, Colin, Toad, Bufkin, Woody, Jack, Crane, Bluebeard a Fables reader, it made the experience that much more joyful.
Detective skills: my favorite part of Bigby's detective skills was when my Bigby put two and two together (using observation) and caught Toad of his lies. I think the game can benefit from more moments like that. And like some others have mentioned, add abilities such as enhanced smell (which is his kinda his trademark ability in the Fables comics), and enhanced hearing. Also, maybe season 2 can benefit from using Batman season 1's method of looking at crime scene (doesn't have to be copy and paste, but maybe something similar). And rather than simplifying the who-dun-it process (which I sort of felt when it came to Episode 4~5, when narrowing down who actually committed the murders), I think the game would be better if my Bigby was more hands on in determining who did the murders.
Additional skills: I like it that in season 1 (in the extras, Book of Fables , it was mentioned that it is impossible for Bigby to drown (well, it did say he can hold breath for a long time), because that is also shown to be the case in the comics. Perhaps this is another ability (holding breath underwater) that you guys can possibly look into.
The Chase: chasing down the suspects in season 1 was very exciting. Perhaps to give it a bit of change, you guys can possibly give player's Bigby choices in ways/paths to pursue and take down the suspects running away?
Fights: I loved how Bigby uses environments and everything at his disposal, not just his fists and kicks. Also, since this is Bigby, I loved that he sometimes uses brutal fighting tactics. The way the game gives player choices in what Bigby can use was an added delight.
Transformation: Oh boy, I really loved this part. His werewolf transformation, and his Big Bad Wolf (true form) transformation were one of the most loved part of season 1 (And due to that episode 5 steelworks action scene remains my favorite Telltale fight scene out of all your games).
Art style: I actually love the art style of season 1 and actually hope season 2's style remains same or almost same with little to no difference. TWAU I believe is strongest with its current artstyle (looking like a comic book, rather than 3D render like how recent seasons of TWD, GoT, Batman)
Voicing: Adam and Erin are the ones who brought Bigby and Snow to life (brilliantly) in season 1, but to be honest, I loved every character voices in season 1, and I have no complaints regarding voices (I do hope all voice actors come back if there are any returning characters!).
What starts out as "what I love" kinda turned into mix of what I love/ideas/ramble etc. That's all I can think of right now (though if given time, maybe I can think of something else).
If there is any part of my post which gets you guys into trouble with the legal team, please say so, and I'll either edit/delete that part.
The investigation really brought you through the game. It was the main letdowns of Batman Season 1 to know the identity of the villain just on episode 3.
The noir style and sexual tension
The game give you clues but it's you at last who are proposed to say who's the killer. And you've to think about it.
Make timed scenes that allows you to search only for a short amount of time - and if you're good at saving time you'll be right in time for some event instead of being there late.
Make it an investigation game and don't solve it until the very end to keep tension and curiosity till the end.
Let the player use the brain to know what's happening without telling him, and use his choices to try to understand what's he thinking about the investigation so you can branch it better.
Let some sequences/event happen randomly or not happen at all, or without the player making a choice, like the paper scissors rock on 400 Days.
Let dialogues to give you death if you choose wrong.
Don't be afraid of sexual content (like prostitution, nudity, etc)
Don't let every character being "a good guy after all".
I hope you'll keep the menu style that you had in the first game instead of this new "every game has the same bland menu". The soundtrack was also really good. For other feedback, I pretty much agree with what everyone else said.
In regarding relationships, my favorite relationship shown was between Bigby and Snow - while the main comic does address couple of times there has been attraction between these two over the years, it did not go that much into depth. I love how you guys at Telltale used that much unexplored territory (in the comics), and developed something which aligns perfectly with the comics canon.
I especially liked that scene in Episode 4 "In Sheep's Clothing", where Snow shows care and tenderness towards Bigby (a side of her which she does not show often), until they were (somewhat hilariously) interrupted by Colin.
Regarding favorite characters - mine has been always been Bigby (he's been and still is my favorite in the comics) , and the way he was written in both the comics and by your writing staff at Telltale, as no-nonsense, hard-boiled detective (who is rough and can be brutal), and Adam's voicing of the character further solidified him as my favorite Telltale protagonist/character.
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments everyone! Feel free to post more here as you think of things, and we'll continue to check in. As popt… morearts said please refrain from posting ideas for Season 2 and keep to discussion of Season 1.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
Hey guys,
I know it was stated before, but just a reminder: Please don't send us suggestions for the new season. This includes ideas on design and gameplay along with story.
We still love to hear about what you loved about season one, but we really want to avoid weird legal business with suggestions. Thanks all!
I really loved the soundtrack and the noir style, bring me to the mood of the story and help me to feel more like bigby because his past haunt him although he tried to redeem himself.
I really liked the moral choices, you can act like the good cop trying to help fables or respect the law.
I don't enjoy the hub because in my opinion they were lack of puzzle and dialogues with characters. For example the hub of TWD S1 were really good.
Obviously the fight scenes were unforgettable but also detective parts had much important. I liked to query the suspects (Woodman, georgie, nerissa, Dee, etc...)
And obviously I loved how the characters were written, especially snow, Colin, woodman and blodyMary.
Yes! I agree with your reasons for liking the game. I really enjoyed the voice acting! Adam Harrington's voice suited Bigby very well since he was able to make it sound really gruff. It's what I expected the voice of Bigby to sound like in the comics. Also I think that some of the characters were unforgettable such as Nerissa, Snow, Faith, Woodsman, Georgie, and many more. With the Noir setting in the 80's it just felt like the perfect match for TellTale to use. The hubs were good but lacked depth to them like you said TWD Season 1 was better because you could pick stuff up and give certain items to characters to increase your relationship with them. The soundtrack was good the theme song is amazing! Thinking about the next season is hyping me up to replay the entire first season again.
I really loved the soundtrack and the noir style, bring me to the mood of the story and help me to feel more like bigby because his past hau… morent him although he tried to redeem himself.
I really liked the moral choices, you can act like the good cop trying to help fables or respect the law.
I don't enjoy the hub because in my opinion they were lack of puzzle and dialogues with characters. For example the hub of TWD S1 were really good.
Obviously the fight scenes were unforgettable but also detective parts had much important. I liked to query the suspects (Woodman, georgie, nerissa, Dee, etc...)
And obviously I loved how the characters were written, especially snow, Colin, woodman and blodyMary.
I like your ideas for the game however, the one that stands out is the Sexual Content. I am not disagreeing with it but they should only allow it when they need to like it made sense to show Nerissa topless because she was working at a strip club. However, it shouldn't be thrown in when not required because than it will make the game feel different from Season 1. I mean in the comics yes it shows lots of topless and naked Fables but I hope that if the game decides to go this route it will only be for story purposes.
* The investigation really brought you through the game. It was the main letdowns of Batman Season 1 to know the identity of the villain jus… moret on episode 3.
* The noir style and sexual tension
* The game give you clues but it's you at last who are proposed to say who's the killer. And you've to think about it.
* Make timed scenes that allows you to search only for a short amount of time - and if you're good at saving time you'll be right in time for some event instead of being there late.
* Make it an investigation game and don't solve it until the very end to keep tension and curiosity till the end.
* Let the player use the brain to know what's happening without telling him, and use his choices to try to understand what's he thinking about the investigation so you can branch it better.
* Let some sequences/event happen randomly or not happen at all, … [view original content]
I preferred the detective scenes in the early episodes more. I felt the later episodes drifted into click-everything territory(Having to do something or move to complete them rather than stand in a room and click everything around you).
I loved the noire setting and how decisions weren't so cut and dry(ie: spam X for a certain type of character).
I do feel that a certain character, which you are strung along to hate, didn't quite get the payoff they deserved("Are they dead?..... I guess they're dead").
I wouldn't mind if the next season thrust us into a totally different situation. I don't feel I necessarily need to keep following Bigby.
The art direction and framing was excellent in season 1 and I hope a similar style follows into the future.
These are just some notes I've come away with after playing the whole game within 24hrs.
I preferred the detective scenes in the early episodes more. I felt the later episodes drifted into click-everything territory(Having to do… more something or move to complete them rather than stand in a room and click everything around you).
I loved the noire setting and how decisions weren't so cut and dry(ie: spam X for a certain type of character).
I do feel that a certain character, which you are strung along to hate, didn't quite get the payoff they deserved("Are they dead?..... I guess they're dead").
I wouldn't mind if the next season thrust us into a totally different situation. I don't feel I necessarily need to keep following Bigby.
The art direction and framing was excellent in season 1 and I hope a similar style follows into the future.
These are just some notes I've come away with after playing the whole game within 24hrs.
Well... Yeah. With that title, you kind of have to go with it. My point was that I found the world interesting enough that they could follow other stories within it. Not everything has to just follow Fables' Bigby and their set story.
I wouldn't mind if the next season thrust us into a totally different situation. I don't feel I necessarily need to keep following Bigby.
The Wolf Among Us... Except there's no wolf.
ANF PTSD kicks back in
I preferred the detective scenes in the early episodes more. I felt the later episodes drifted into click-everything territory(Having to do something or move to complete them rather than stand in a room and click everything around you).
I agree with this feedback. I liked how the puzzles/investigations in Episode 1 played out, such as investigating Toad's house, Faith's crime scene, etc. I feel like later episodes (even including the hotel room investigation in Episode 2) were a bit too easy and basic.
I preferred the detective scenes in the early episodes more. I felt the later episodes drifted into click-everything territory(Having to do… more something or move to complete them rather than stand in a room and click everything around you).
I loved the noire setting and how decisions weren't so cut and dry(ie: spam X for a certain type of character).
I do feel that a certain character, which you are strung along to hate, didn't quite get the payoff they deserved("Are they dead?..... I guess they're dead").
I wouldn't mind if the next season thrust us into a totally different situation. I don't feel I necessarily need to keep following Bigby.
The art direction and framing was excellent in season 1 and I hope a similar style follows into the future.
These are just some notes I've come away with after playing the whole game within 24hrs.
Please can we get an update for the wolf among us season for mobile especially iOS, I’m on an iPhone 7 Plus and it runs terribly. Jerky I can’t even do episode 2 due to responses like (no choice available) or (blank choice) it ruins the atmosphere for me even though I’ve just bought it. It could just be me but it feels broken on mobile. Pc I’m having a blast but i want to take the game on the road. Cheers
I completely agree with your point that they should NOT make the game for new-comers. It should be made for the people who have played S1 to enjoy. Otherwise the character development will be messed up aswell as so many other important factors.
For what I liked in Season 1 and would really like to have continued in Season 2 would be
* Neon Art style and set in the 1980s: These … more2 things need to stay in Season 2, we just want a proper sequel with the same themes and atmosphere, and for that world to look the same (No ANF'ing trying new art styles and different themes, just a proper sequel)
-Noir/Mystery game
-Playing as Bigby
-The Hubs were all really unique and fun to explore
Also for season 2, please make sure returning characters look the same. I really hope Season 2 models are really just more polygon models with sharper textures and not some weird new "remix" (kenny and jane) Also, please dont make season 2 for "New comers" just make a it a sequel that fans will enjoy, and new players can also enjoy, just dont build the game from a perspective of "The vast majority will be new comers" because its simply not true.
Also, it would be pretty cool if Bigby had a "… [view original content]
First of all, thanks for asking!
In general, I liked the way Season 1 went. The "comic" feel is important, as well as the feeling that … moresome characters are keeping secrets from others. It's really interesting to hear how everything appears from different viewpoints.
One thing I think could have been better is that I sometimes felt I was whisked away from what I was doing when I hit a particular hot spot. For example, I remember there's a picture of various characters, with some commentary whenever you select each one. When you find the right one, though, that scene is over, even if there are some characters you didn't have a chance to select. Whenever there is more to discover about a scene, even if it isn't that important to the story, I would like some way to stay at it, until I choose to move forward.
(I'm from the Sam & Max era at Telltale, and I really like the ability to look at everything in all the locations where I end up.)
This thread is for discussion of Wolf Season 2, not for submitting technical issues. (The staff here are on the creative teams, such as writers, who would have little to no influence on fixing technical issues).
Please can we get an update for the wolf among us season for mobile especially iOS, I’m on an iPhone 7 Plus and it runs terribly. Jerky I ca… moren’t even do episode 2 due to responses like (no choice available) or (blank choice) it ruins the atmosphere for me even though I’ve just bought it. It could just be me but it feels broken on mobile. Pc I’m having a blast but i want to take the game on the road. Cheers
What I loved about season 1:
Bigby: He's awesome and I really enjoyed trying to redeem him. I'd say this is one of the only games where being the good-guy was more fun than being bad, because you could still have him snap but in a more understandable way and could have him refrain from going overboard.
The atmosphere: I loved everything about it, I don't know if anyone points this out, but I really enjoyed this kind of somber feel the game had to it. It really just helped you understand Bigby's frustrations/motivations in capturing the killer and helped to sympathize with Faith, Lily and Nerissa.
The fables: They were a pain to deal with and I loved it.
Bigby and Snow: I really liked how these two interacted with each other and those moments that they showed where they cared for each other.
The detective game-play: I loved playing detective and loved putting the pieces of a crime scene together. Particularly at Toads apartment and having to catch his lies.
The fights: I loved the fights.
The music: It really just matched the game so completely. Loved it.
(I really like the action ones too though). Investigation in games/movies are truly entertaining, especially if done in a complex way.
What I liked in season 1 is that you could analyze the very details of the clues presented in order to create theories. For example, hypothetically speaking, types of bullet entrances and what they indicate, powder remains and what they point to (where they bought them, etc) , noticing details (Intriguing objects could be discarded as evidence because they show no signs of usage? Can a knife be discarded as evidence because it doesnt have trails/smells of blood - or does it smell like bleach, indicating it had been washed? Can a suspect bathe and blow smoke on himself/use lots of perfume to hide something from Bigby's senses? like in the comics? etc), the possibility to connect evidence and to actually be able to do it even if you connect the dots wrong (Like in Batman, and if you connect the evidence wrong then it has consequences later on).
Action Sequences
While playing Bigby you get the chance to A-be nice or B-rough up. When I choose to rough up, I would also like to have the option to stop. Because, for example, in season 1 when you choose to B-Threaten Todd, it lets you either shake him up or hit him. Now, I would have liked to JUST intimidate him (slowly kneeling in front of him), but I didn't want to shake or punch him. It wouldn't be such a Black or White situation that way. I would have liked to Intimidate him (so Todd will be intimidated of Bigby even later on)(and/or Todd would still have an attitude later on), and then gone back to simple questioning (so maybe Todd now is like "you cant play good cop AND bad cop, Bigby!" or something) BUT its more realistic -in my opinion. -Another example is when you are questioning Dee (or was it Dum?) and you grab the bottle. You get to either Smash his face, or Offer him some. I would have liked the option to Drink myself. Or to just Intimidate him/Threaten him with it (placing the bottle on his head, leaning close, passive-aggressive sentence) and THEN choose to smash him. This example applies to more of the scenarios presented in the game.
-Last example of this: When you are fighting forgot-his-name at the bar, where you get the option to Tear his arm off or Let him Be. Now, I would have liked to be able to Stop while tearing his arm off (therefore bruising it/slight dislocation) -or- get to kick him once more time before letting him be. I know that these "option A or B" moments are important and crucial main character Definers, but I think that adding "grey zones" in these moments have the interesting and innovative potential to end up with a "grey" zone ending.
No Romance Necessary
Me -and surely some others- don't like the idea of Needing the character to fall in love in someone. I get this is very common in most (if not all) hero stories, because it helps you connect with the character. Its not because I dislike Snow. I'm also not saying this because I don't want there to be love in this story at all (especially because its canon and all), but because I want the Choice to be with her or not. It is a game of choices after all, so my hypothetical opinion is that there maybe could be different endings based on your romantic choices?
More Endings
The thing we love about telltale games is that you can have many endings. What adds value and innovation to this company is That very thing (apart the art style, of course). I tend to notice that writers/directors/producers tend to love their game so much that they avoid adding "non-optimal" endings to the game. What do I mean? I mean that players should have choices that could go Completely Against the storyline, not to just "shove it" around, but to completely change its course. You know when people say that "oh there are many choices but the endings are all the same" or that "you end up the same anyways", well, this is what they could mean. Don't be afraid to add more endings that "you personally don't stand for", because that very fear is what can make choice-based games have the Same Ending, at the same final scene location, no matter the choices.
What I felt was missing from season 1 is that maybe there could have been more endings. Endings based on how good of a detective you are, instead of just being good or bad.
In season one, the Crooked Man's Trial scene, is a great example of "non diverse" ending. Because even if you are good, or a prick, people will still side with you and Snow at the end. Sure, people bash you a lot for doing bad things, but after snow's "we will do better" everyone instantly makes up their mind. So it felt like no matter how my actions varied, I still got the same ending. Maybe people could have still sided with Crooked Man, maybe people would have left the room. Maybe having so little support could have triggered a fight scene, or a whole different scenario or location. You know, maybe being a perfect sheriff with a perfect attitude during the whole game would have made the Crooked man throw someone under the bus, triggering a whole different scene too. Because when I was the perfect sheriff for my gameplay, and cornered Crooked Man with my perfect behavior, he still did that speech after his sarcastic clapping and somehow managed to put Bigby in a tight spot again (the exact same thing happened if you are mean). Think of the storyline like a plant's roots. Plus, various endings and a re-playable game gain a lot of attention. I hope I expressed myself correctly.
I rather have Telltale sticking to the same graphic format as the First game. I have peeked at the Guardians of the Galaxy one, and I personally really dislike that style, because it moves away from The Telltale comic-style that we love. What makes Telltale unique is its art style. The moment you go full-3D, is the moment people will complain about the 3D being too unrealistic. People like the Telltale art because its unique, nice, and different. "Less is More" definitely applies here. HOWEVER, they will obviously refine the graphics, so I say they should aim for a "Batman Telltale" rolemodel approach. And for the love of jesus, please consider not going for 'Guardians of the galaxy'/'game of thrones'/'ANF' graphics.
I really like the comic-style graphics. You could obviously refine the brush strokes, refine the character's faces, but please avoid going for a smooth 3d look.
Also. Bigby's ultimate wolf form: his eyes were slightly too big, I think he looked like an adorable puppy. Making animal's eyes smaller and more geometrical gives off a more intimidating look when you are illustrating. Big and round is stereotypically used for young and adorable things.
Don't be afraid to add more characters. I felt this was missing from season 1. even if they aren't important later on, even if they don't re-appear. The more characters there are, the more immersive the game is. A detective is surrounded by all the uncertainties of the world. All these people: who are involved? who knows something? who is hiding something? who have a different agenda? You could use this, and expand this.
Maybe season 1 missed things to the main story's Problem and make the plot much richer. As in more groups of characters that could have had different individual problems, that together formed an even bigger problem.
Hint, Clues
I felt that this was missing from season 1, and it had a great potential for that first season. To e able to look at inventory objects. Have a little notebook with collected evidence. In that notebook you would be able to look at your evidence, and write (or re-write!) down hypotheses. Your connected dots could have according to new evidence, or altogether. And, in season 1, there could have been dots that looked right -but werent. And no one will change those for him. Different Clues or Hints could have been given discreetly and not-so discreetly. Maybe season 1 missed Descriptions of Items, Way ore clues and more evidence, as in more things to interact with, which wouldn't neccessary be useful. This way you don't just "happen to stumble on all the right evidence". For example, when looking at a corpse, maybe you check out it's pockets and nothing there (or inside the mouth, ears, nose, etc; and still nothing -which did happen in season 1). Or when looking around an apartment: you can check all drawers, behind most objects, check under objects, etc without necessarily finding anything (which also happened). This makes it more realistic, detectives don't happen to stumble on all the right evidence, but they do stumble on a lot of things.
In season 1, making good deductions should lead to better theories, I agree! Hooowever, I think that if they added More things to look at/interact with (some useful, some not) it would be more realistic. Therefore, you wouldn't just happen to stumble on all the right evidence, since mostly everything you interact with has a hint at something.
Also, adding senses in order to analyze things furthermore was something season 1 could have used a lot too.
Bigby's Past
I would have loved to see more of Bigby's past in season 1. I felt like it was something his was missing. I would have loved, if for example, we could have had the chance to actually have flashback sequences that affected the present. I felt like I didn't get to know him too well, or his past, which makes a great part of falling in love with a character.
In the comics we know that Bigby smokes a lot to dull his senses. And going without smoking would drive him mad and angry, even if it would probably make his detective work better. I think this is a comic-canon feature that could have been used with way more advantages. Not just smell, but hearing too. He is a wolf after all. Btw I would have loved to see an interaction between Bigby and a dog in season 1.
In most if not all instances of season 1, whenever you are in a new map, you get many things to interact with, which is awesome. Now, the problem is that I would really like to interact with all of them without accidentally interacting with something that will trigger a cutscene, therefore disabling all the other objects instantly and forever, without a chance of going back. In this game you get trophies for interacting with everything, so imagine how frustrating it can be when you accidentally miss the chance to interact with some things forever. I can think of the Prince's house, Holly's bar, and Lily's corpse. I wanted to see everything, but I was irreversibly interrupted by interacting with something crucial, when I wanted to see everything before moving on.
Last but not least:
Season 1 seemed to have many plot holes, which is why it never really added up to people if you were to read some of the posts about this topic. I mentioned this in another post here
My point is, the more that the creative group can really plan out to the smallest detail, the more chances we have to make this game a masterpiece. Plots in choice-based games are complex, we know, but we still feel that the hurried re-writing of season 1 (due to time problems, we understand) were probably the main problem that unchained a reaction of unanswered questions and plot holes.
Also, I know many people say "don't make the game for newcomers", I personally disagree. There are always going to be newcomers. I don't mean as in "use a whole episode just to cover the basis", because that would be an extreme I think, but I understand that gaming companies always have to re-introduce a minimum for newcomers.
Update Finally, in the first game I did a whole save with Bigby saying absolutely nothing whenever it was possible. Nothing. And I just wish there had been real consequences for Bigby being so aggressively silent all the time.
We love Bigby, and we love the game, we love the characters and we love the universe; so lets love the creating process too! So I am very excited and happy that the staff is asking questions in this forum, awesome PR!
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments everyone! Feel free to post more here as you think of things, and we'll continue to check in. As popt… morearts said please refrain from posting ideas for Season 2 and keep to discussion of Season 1.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
So @blindsniper out here redirecting people out here to comment on this thread, doe she have insider knowledge Telltale is gonna peek this place out again soon
To say something I liked about Season 1 it would be just Bigby as a character. When I think of Telltale protagonist, I always think of Bigby and Lee as the 2 best playable characters Telltale has done. However, I find Bigby extremely interesting due to just who he is as a "person" as well as his character. One thing I actually loved about Wolf S1 and Bigby as a character was that everyone in Fabletown just doesnt like Bigby because what he did back in the Homelands. Its a really interesting story perspective because we as the player relate to Bigby and almost feel a connection to him because we feel bad for him. We all know Bigby isnt truly the Big Bad Wolf, atleast not anymore. We as a player want to root for him, but no one else does. I think that really helped Bigby stand out and connect to the player even though he wasnt a blank slate like Lee was but instead a pre-established character.
So thats something Id like to carry over into Season 2, the continue of mistrust of Fabletown towards Bigby. Story wise playing as a protagonist who just wants to do the right thing, but is always seen as doing the wrong thing because everyone around him already has a vendetta against him made him a character I found very fun to play as, as well as help build the theme and atmosphere of the story.
I wanted to add another little thing that I had been thinking about.
It is about season 1, where Bigby always ends up finding what he was looking for wether he made all the right steps or not. For example, at the Open Arms, wether you connect evidence or not at all you always end up knowing it was crane all along anyways
And that very scenareo repeats itself in various different situations throughout the game, and it tends to be frustrating. Because I like messing up, it's a game of choices after all, messing up is what makes it unique, especially being a detective game. I want to mess up and I want to go back, I want to try and analyze what I did wrong in order to get different results.
I think that the Open Arms scene also needed an option to just Leave without investigating everything, as well as Toad's house at the beginning. Because otherwise you just 100% stumble on evidence that you could have missed otherwise, and it's just too much of a lucky coincidence. I wish that the game could have gave us more chances to screw up and miss very important clues, therefore affecting our detective work later on like a domino effect.
Finally, I am currently playing the game like a silent and mean Bigby, and I wish the game gave us a bigger reaction for being completely silent whenever possible, plus it could have been better yet if there had been bigger reactions for being completely silent and being mean at the same time.
Options man, its all about more options.
So @Blind Sniper out here redirecting people out here to comment on this thread, does he have insider knowledge Telltale is gonna peek this place out again soon
Sorry to burst your bubble, but not to my knowledge.
As I previously said at surface value, staff just said they would check back whenever they saw new posts. So, don't be discouraged from reviving threads like these even if the last post was a while ago.
...However - I think I can say that the forums might start to matter a bit more in general for stuff like AMAs, Feedback threads such as these, and other general fan/staff interactions going into the future. You probably noticed we've been adding tags for "Staff AMAs" and "Talk with Telltale." I think you might see Caroline (mostlypoptarts) try to organize more stuff like this, or see more staff trying to reach out for feedback/etc.
So @blindsniper out here redirecting people out here to comment on this thread, doe she have insider knowledge Telltale is gonna peek this p… morelace out again soon
To say something I liked about Season 1 it would be just Bigby as a character. When I think of Telltale protagonist, I always think of Bigby and Lee as the 2 best playable characters Telltale has done. However, I find Bigby extremely interesting due to just who he is as a "person" as well as his character. One thing I actually loved about Wolf S1 and Bigby as a character was that everyone in Fabletown just doesnt like Bigby because what he did back in the Homelands. Its a really interesting story perspective because we as the player relate to Bigby and almost feel a connection to him because we feel bad for him. We all know Bigby isnt truly the Big Bad Wolf, atleast not anymore. We as a player want to root for him, but no one else does. I think that really helped Bigby stand out an… [view original content]
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments everyone! Feel free to post more here as you think of things, and we'll continue to check in. As poptarts said please refrain from posting ideas for Season 2 and keep to discussion of Season 1.
A lot of you mentioned character relationships, so I'm curious to know who your favorite characters were. What did you like about them?
I really liked the relationship between Bigby and Nerissa - I thought that Nerissa was a fantastically developed and well-rounded character, and had Wolf not been based off of an existing IP where Bigby ends up with someone else later on, I kind would've wanted Bigby and Nerissa to have more of a chemistry. I especially liked some of her dialogue/characterization with the office scene in Episode 4, and the sidewalk scene in Episode 5.
Moving on from relationships to general characters, I also liked how cool Bigby was as a protagonist in the Telltale choice format, due to the wide range of choices we could make while still being believable and in character. That being said, I definitely wouldn't mind if you guys wanted to dabble in other playable characters if you wanted to try something new - I trust your judgement.
Yeah i liked that Nerissa and Bigby had chemistry (even though it was only a little of it)and I really thought that they could help each other in the first season.
There was so much interesting conversations they were having and I liked it a lot.
I know I said that a lot in the past, but I can't stop emphasizing on the fact that TWAU environment art clearly relied and benefited from cell-shading more so than the other games. Which makes me slightly concerned, since most of the new TTG games are relying more on the regular real-time shadow mapping, so I hope they keep the new season as faithful to the S1 artstyle as they possible can. Batman still has some cell-shading altho it is much more subtle, while ANF didn't use it at all I think... so here's hoping that they do right by us!
I agree; that was part of what I was trying to articulate in my earlier post. For example, Batman Season 1 had a lot of real time shadows, realistic textures, etc. Although it can work in more realistic games, I prefer the games with a comic based aesthetic to aim for more of an authentic comic presentation where possible; Wolf did the best job of this.
I don't like playing favorites, and I'm not going to here, either.
Every character in the story who was more than a one-scene character (though some of the one-scene characters, too), seemed real with real problems and concerns, hopes and fears. I think that's the key. Everybody has a back-story and motivations, and a lot of Season One was coaxing it out of them (and wondering about the ones you couldn't coax it out of). That's a lot more interesting to me than just fight-the-characters-and-be-done-with-them.
It is hard to pick favorites. But I think the one that sticks out in my mind is Colin. But really most characters are memorable in their own right, since they are Fables. I think the reason why I picked Colin, it is because I just found the character interaction between Bigby and Colin quite memorable in Episode 1, the tone and atmosphere was so relaxed yet you almost feel like you are right there in the scene.
The atmosphere was really one of the biggest strength in Season 1. But character interactions are good too. By having Bigby interacting with each Fables, I am actively deciding who my Bigby is, one who is actively trying to redeem himself from his past deeds.
Well the Bigby and Nerissa relationship was good because their chemistry felt like it wasn't forced and that Nerissa had a crush on Bigby and wanted to help him solve the case and Bigby could either choose to return the feelings that Nerissa had or only care about the case. Another good one was The Woodsman, two eternal enemies who decided to put their anger and past aside to try and be friends was pretty cool. I wanted to team up with The Woodsman in episode 5 but he didn't appear in that episode.
Very much yes! I just replayed TWAU and I got into Batman S2 recently, one more thing I noticed is that Batman is using some detail textures for skin and cloth. Honestly, I'd prefer TWAU S2 to be faithful and do not have these details, it may sound weird for a lot of people but that lack of fabric detail is actually what makes it looks like a proper comic book, at least that's my impression. Also, I don't know exactly why but I liked the character eyes on the older engine more, they were deeper and more dynamic while the new engine looks more... plastic for some reason.
I prefer season one Batman to season two Batman in terms of how the game looks. Season two looks more 3Dish... and I don't like it, though I seem to be in the minority on that one. I hope they keep the style the same from season one and two for TWAU. I love the look of TWAU. Everything really - the atmosphere, the music, and the voice acting were superb.
I like Batman S2's art more than Season 1, but I still think that - in general - the games should strive more to emulate comics (or whatever other source material) instead of having realistic shadows, ridges, etc.
Just a minor problem, but after a while in the first game I felt it got kind of samey. Mostly for the reason that we were always in the same locations and they never changed very much. Didn't really take away from my experience all that much, but it's something that could be made better.
I would like to start off with that I loved the game "The Wolf Among Us"! I read most of the comics of "Fables: The Wolf Among Us" and was shocked by the ending. I'm wondering if you can tell me at all if S2 will be canon with the comic book ending? Will Telltale be following the same story or starting a new one? SPOILER: >! At the end of the comic book the Crooked Man not only escapes but abducts "Nerissa" with a "glass baby" and the family ring of Faith's family!? Now I understand that you can possible kill the Crooked Man in S1 but I'm certain Telltale can think something up to work around that.
I would also like to add that when I was reading the comics I really liked the back stories of the Fables in the homelands and it reminded me of when Havier from "The Walking Dead" would have past scenes where he played ball with his brother or played a board game with his family. I think doing something like this for S2 would be not only awesome but epic.. I believe that something S1 could have done better on is referencing the Homelands more. I hardly knew anything about the place after beating S1 but before reading the comics.
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Well, like pretty much everybody else, I loved the art style and the atmosphere it created. The neon colours and the sharp shadows all added to the general mood of the game, and make it by a long shot Telltale's best looking game. I mean that, truly, the game's genuinely beautiful to look at and I'd hate to see it change in any drastic way in the next season. Other obvious aspects that I loved along with the style, was the soundtrack and the opening credits, majority of the characters each having distinctive personalities and roles in the game, the voice actors that excellently captured their respective roles, the variety that was offered in action scenes and dialogue, and character interactions, as well as the little hints at the lore of the comics.
Bigby proved to be a brilliant protagonist, largely due to the ability to shape him either as a reforming monster or as the feared and ruthless Big Bad Wolf the town expects, and the reactions each direction can bring from the supporting cast. The options to really be an asshole were great and often pretty funny, and always satisfying. So, naturally, I'd look forward to seeing more onto that and having fabletown's view of you at the end of the game, whether they feared you or respected you for what you did to the Crooked Man, have an effect on the new game, which would be perfect.
Now, while The Wolf Among Us is my favourite Telltale game and one of my favourite games of all time in general, there were still some flaws. One was that the last episodes, 4 and 5, declined a bit in quality, especially 5, being too short and not offering much with regards to choices, as well as for me, the mystery loosing some of what made it intriguing. From episode 3 onwards, we know essentially that Faith was killed for discovering the corruption of an organised crime figure, The Crooked Man who despite trying to claim otherwise, is very clearly evil and personally, while I didn't mind the story taking that route, I would've preferred if it went in a more complex and less clear cut black and white direction, where the lines of morality got a little more blurred then just baddie gangsters trying to control their prostitutes. That's not an insult to the story, though, it was still very good, but I just would've found it more interesting if things weren't as clear as they were and we had more choice on how to to react to the actions of the villains. And finally, there wasn't really any actual investigating. Everything just gracefully fell together even if Bigby got everything wrong and I think that's something that would definitely need to be improved in season 2, where we'd get the chance to unravel elements of the mystery through searching and choices, and to make our own observations, whether correct or wrong, that'll effect the overall mystery and determine whether we go chasing red herrings or get closer to the truth.
Still, Wolf was a great flipping game and I'm over the moon it's getting it's deserved sequel.
I also want to add something to my previous statement... I forgot to put emphasis on how damn good the writing was. Every episode had a nice twist and jaw-dropping moment - I mean, do you remember how you felt the first time when:
1) You uncovered the decapitated head at the Woodlands doorstep
2) Found the Crane's photo
3) Bigby turned full Werewolf and messed up the Tweedles + Bloody Mary introduction
4) Found out that Johann's shop doesn't carry fillets
5) Obviosuly "You are not as bad as everyone says you are" ending
Its been 4 years and I'm still in love with this game as if it was yesterday.
Just to add some more general thoughts about Telltale that are also sorta applicable to Wolf - I want to encourage Telltale to add more ways to interact with a story to the "Telltale palette" in addition to dialogue selection, freewalks, and purposefully easy QTEs, and to use each part of the "Telltale palette" to varying degrees based on what fits each franchise instead of following the general format of Walking Dead Season 1 for each game.
Even with Telltale's focus on narrative, I feel that there is some underestimation from Telltale of how other forms of gameplay/interactive bits can also act as valid ways to allow players to express themselves and author a tailored interactive story. Players overall like more intensive and "hands-on" involvement in the roleplaying aspect of the story (such as walking around, doing puzzles if it fits the franchise, direct reticle selection instead of button pressing, etc).
Instead of recreating Walking Dead Season 1's success only at surface value, I recommend Telltale also look back at the design process during Season 1 back in 2012 that led to its success, such as how Telltale had more drastically changed their gameplay template and added new gameplay to the "Telltale palette" to fit the Walking Dead material instead of sticking entirely to their current template.
For future games, I think that should be the school of thought that Telltale uses when deciding how to adapt other franchises/IP into a Telltale Series. I want to encourage Telltale to look more into how each IP can allow for a unique take on the tailored story gameplay and how it can allow for unique additions to the "Telltale palette" of narrative expression and story authoring, as opposed to just sticking to a surface-level recreation of Walking Dead Season 1's timed dialogue selection and QTEs/freewalks.
[Sorry - I know it's a bit off topic - I just wanted to speak my mind while I had the ears of Telltale Staff
As a huge Fables fan, I really loved how you guys were sticking close to the comics lore/canon in season 1. I do hope same attention is given to season 2 (in terms of being canon to the comics).
As for what I loved about season 1 here goes (though it may be repeat of what several people said before me):
What starts out as "what I love" kinda turned into mix of what I love/ideas/ramble etc. That's all I can think of right now (though if given time, maybe I can think of something else).
If there is any part of my post which gets you guys into trouble with the legal team, please say so, and I'll either edit/delete that part.
I tried and failed.. Sorry for the spoilers everyone..
I hope you'll keep the menu style that you had in the first game instead of this new "every game has the same bland menu". The soundtrack was also really good. For other feedback, I pretty much agree with what everyone else said.
In regarding relationships, my favorite relationship shown was between Bigby and Snow - while the main comic does address couple of times there has been attraction between these two over the years, it did not go that much into depth. I love how you guys at Telltale used that much unexplored territory (in the comics), and developed something which aligns perfectly with the comics canon.
I especially liked that scene in Episode 4 "In Sheep's Clothing", where Snow shows care and tenderness towards Bigby (a side of her which she does not show often), until they were (somewhat hilariously) interrupted by Colin.
Regarding favorite characters - mine has been always been Bigby (he's been and still is my favorite in the comics) , and the way he was written in both the comics and by your writing staff at Telltale, as no-nonsense, hard-boiled detective (who is rough and can be brutal), and Adam's voicing of the character further solidified him as my favorite Telltale protagonist/character.
Hey guys,
I know it was stated before, but just a reminder: Please don't send us suggestions for the new season. This includes ideas on design and gameplay along with story.
We still love to hear about what you loved about season one, but we really want to avoid weird legal business with suggestions. Thanks all!
I really loved the soundtrack and the noir style, bring me to the mood of the story and help me to feel more like bigby because his past haunt him although he tried to redeem himself.
I really liked the moral choices, you can act like the good cop trying to help fables or respect the law.
I don't enjoy the hub because in my opinion they were lack of puzzle and dialogues with characters. For example the hub of TWD S1 were really good.
Obviously the fight scenes were unforgettable but also detective parts had much important. I liked to query the suspects (Woodman, georgie, nerissa, Dee, etc...)
And obviously I loved how the characters were written, especially snow, Colin, woodman and blodyMary.
Yes! I agree with your reasons for liking the game. I really enjoyed the voice acting! Adam Harrington's voice suited Bigby very well since he was able to make it sound really gruff. It's what I expected the voice of Bigby to sound like in the comics. Also I think that some of the characters were unforgettable such as Nerissa, Snow, Faith, Woodsman, Georgie, and many more. With the Noir setting in the 80's it just felt like the perfect match for TellTale to use. The hubs were good but lacked depth to them like you said TWD Season 1 was better because you could pick stuff up and give certain items to characters to increase your relationship with them. The soundtrack was good the theme song is amazing! Thinking about the next season is hyping me up to replay the entire first season again.
I like your ideas for the game however, the one that stands out is the Sexual Content. I am not disagreeing with it but they should only allow it when they need to like it made sense to show Nerissa topless because she was working at a strip club. However, it shouldn't be thrown in when not required because than it will make the game feel different from Season 1. I mean in the comics yes it shows lots of topless and naked Fables but I hope that if the game decides to go this route it will only be for story purposes.
I preferred the detective scenes in the early episodes more. I felt the later episodes drifted into click-everything territory(Having to do something or move to complete them rather than stand in a room and click everything around you).
I loved the noire setting and how decisions weren't so cut and dry(ie: spam X for a certain type of character).
I do feel that a certain character, which you are strung along to hate, didn't quite get the payoff they deserved("Are they dead?..... I guess they're dead").
I wouldn't mind if the next season thrust us into a totally different situation. I don't feel I necessarily need to keep following Bigby.
The art direction and framing was excellent in season 1 and I hope a similar style follows into the future.
These are just some notes I've come away with after playing the whole game within 24hrs.
The Wolf Among Us... Except there's no wolf.
ANF PTSD kicks back in
Well... Yeah. With that title, you kind of have to go with it. My point was that I found the world interesting enough that they could follow other stories within it. Not everything has to just follow Fables' Bigby and their set story.
I agree with this feedback. I liked how the puzzles/investigations in Episode 1 played out, such as investigating Toad's house, Faith's crime scene, etc. I feel like later episodes (even including the hotel room investigation in Episode 2) were a bit too easy and basic.
Please can we get an update for the wolf among us season for mobile especially iOS, I’m on an iPhone 7 Plus and it runs terribly. Jerky I can’t even do episode 2 due to responses like (no choice available) or (blank choice) it ruins the atmosphere for me even though I’ve just bought it. It could just be me but it feels broken on mobile. Pc I’m having a blast but i want to take the game on the road. Cheers
I completely agree with your point that they should NOT make the game for new-comers. It should be made for the people who have played S1 to enjoy. Otherwise the character development will be messed up aswell as so many other important factors.
Yes! The point you made about finding the right selectable commentary is so relatable. They should definitely consider to solve that problem.
This thread is for discussion of Wolf Season 2, not for submitting technical issues. (The staff here are on the creative teams, such as writers, who would have little to no influence on fixing technical issues).
I'll instead direct you to the Telltale Support Center for help.
If you don't find your problem/solution on the default Support pages, you may also try the following:
What I loved about season 1:
Bigby: He's awesome and I really enjoyed trying to redeem him. I'd say this is one of the only games where being the good-guy was more fun than being bad, because you could still have him snap but in a more understandable way and could have him refrain from going overboard.
The atmosphere: I loved everything about it, I don't know if anyone points this out, but I really enjoyed this kind of somber feel the game had to it. It really just helped you understand Bigby's frustrations/motivations in capturing the killer and helped to sympathize with Faith, Lily and Nerissa.
The fables: They were a pain to deal with and I loved it.
Bigby and Snow: I really liked how these two interacted with each other and those moments that they showed where they cared for each other.
The detective game-play: I loved playing detective and loved putting the pieces of a crime scene together. Particularly at Toads apartment and having to catch his lies.
The fights: I loved the fights.
The music: It really just matched the game so completely. Loved it.
cracks knuckles oh boi.
More Investigation sequences!
(I really like the action ones too though). Investigation in games/movies are truly entertaining, especially if done in a complex way.
What I liked in season 1 is that you could analyze the very details of the clues presented in order to create theories.
For example, hypothetically speaking, types of bullet entrances and what they indicate, powder remains and what they point to (where they bought them, etc) , noticing details (Intriguing objects could be discarded as evidence because they show no signs of usage? Can a knife be discarded as evidence because it doesnt have trails/smells of blood - or does it smell like bleach, indicating it had been washed? Can a suspect bathe and blow smoke on himself/use lots of perfume to hide something from Bigby's senses? like in the comics? etc), the possibility to connect evidence and to actually be able to do it even if you connect the dots wrong (Like in Batman, and if you connect the evidence wrong then it has consequences later on).
Action Sequences
While playing Bigby you get the chance to A-be nice or B-rough up. When I choose to rough up, I would also like to have the option to stop. Because, for example, in season 1 when you choose to B-Threaten Todd, it lets you either shake him up or hit him. Now, I would have liked to JUST intimidate him (slowly kneeling in front of him), but I didn't want to shake or punch him. It wouldn't be such a Black or White situation that way. I would have liked to Intimidate him (so Todd will be intimidated of Bigby even later on)(and/or Todd would still have an attitude later on), and then gone back to simple questioning (so maybe Todd now is like "you cant play good cop AND bad cop, Bigby!" or something) BUT its more realistic -in my opinion.
-Another example is when you are questioning Dee (or was it Dum?) and you grab the bottle. You get to either Smash his face, or Offer him some. I would have liked the option to Drink myself. Or to just Intimidate him/Threaten him with it (placing the bottle on his head, leaning close, passive-aggressive sentence) and THEN choose to smash him. This example applies to more of the scenarios presented in the game.
-Last example of this: When you are fighting forgot-his-name at the bar, where you get the option to Tear his arm off or Let him Be. Now, I would have liked to be able to Stop while tearing his arm off (therefore bruising it/slight dislocation) -or- get to kick him once more time before letting him be. I know that these "option A or B" moments are important and crucial main character Definers, but I think that adding "grey zones" in these moments have the interesting and innovative potential to end up with a "grey" zone ending.
No Romance Necessary
Me -and surely some others- don't like the idea of Needing the character to fall in love in someone. I get this is very common in most (if not all) hero stories, because it helps you connect with the character. Its not because I dislike Snow. I'm also not saying this because I don't want there to be love in this story at all (especially because its canon and all), but because I want the Choice to be with her or not. It is a game of choices after all, so my hypothetical opinion is that there maybe could be different endings based on your romantic choices?
More Endings
The thing we love about telltale games is that you can have many endings. What adds value and innovation to this company is That very thing (apart the art style, of course). I tend to notice that writers/directors/producers tend to love their game so much that they avoid adding "non-optimal" endings to the game. What do I mean? I mean that players should have choices that could go Completely Against the storyline, not to just "shove it" around, but to completely change its course. You know when people say that "oh there are many choices but the endings are all the same" or that "you end up the same anyways", well, this is what they could mean. Don't be afraid to add more endings that "you personally don't stand for", because that very fear is what can make choice-based games have the Same Ending, at the same final scene location, no matter the choices.
What I felt was missing from season 1 is that maybe there could have been more endings. Endings based on how good of a detective you are, instead of just being good or bad.
In season one, the Crooked Man's Trial scene, is a great example of "non diverse" ending. Because even if you are good, or a prick, people will still side with you and Snow at the end. Sure, people bash you a lot for doing bad things, but after snow's "we will do better" everyone instantly makes up their mind. So it felt like no matter how my actions varied, I still got the same ending. Maybe people could have still sided with Crooked Man, maybe people would have left the room. Maybe having so little support could have triggered a fight scene, or a whole different scenario or location. You know, maybe being a perfect sheriff with a perfect attitude during the whole game would have made the Crooked man throw someone under the bus, triggering a whole different scene too.
Because when I was the perfect sheriff for my gameplay, and cornered Crooked Man with my perfect behavior, he still did that speech after his sarcastic clapping and somehow managed to put Bigby in a tight spot again (the exact same thing happened if you are mean). Think of the storyline like a plant's roots. Plus, various endings and a re-playable game gain a lot of attention. I hope I expressed myself correctly.
I rather have Telltale sticking to the same graphic format as the First game. I have peeked at the Guardians of the Galaxy one, and I personally really dislike that style, because it moves away from The Telltale comic-style that we love. What makes Telltale unique is its art style. The moment you go full-3D, is the moment people will complain about the 3D being too unrealistic. People like the Telltale art because its unique, nice, and different. "Less is More" definitely applies here. HOWEVER, they will obviously refine the graphics, so I say they should aim for a "Batman Telltale" rolemodel approach. And for the love of jesus, please consider not going for 'Guardians of the galaxy'/'game of thrones'/'ANF' graphics.
I really like the comic-style graphics. You could obviously refine the brush strokes, refine the character's faces, but please avoid going for a smooth 3d look.
Also. Bigby's ultimate wolf form: his eyes were slightly too big, I think he looked like an adorable puppy. Making animal's eyes smaller and more geometrical gives off a more intimidating look when you are illustrating. Big and round is stereotypically used for young and adorable things.
Don't be afraid to add more characters. I felt this was missing from season 1. even if they aren't important later on, even if they don't re-appear. The more characters there are, the more immersive the game is. A detective is surrounded by all the uncertainties of the world. All these people: who are involved? who knows something? who is hiding something? who have a different agenda? You could use this, and expand this.
Maybe season 1 missed things to the main story's Problem and make the plot much richer. As in more groups of characters that could have had different individual problems, that together formed an even bigger problem.
Hint, Clues
I felt that this was missing from season 1, and it had a great potential for that first season. To e able to look at inventory objects. Have a little notebook with collected evidence. In that notebook you would be able to look at your evidence, and write (or re-write!) down hypotheses. Your connected dots could have according to new evidence, or altogether. And, in season 1, there could have been dots that looked right -but werent. And no one will change those for him. Different Clues or Hints could have been given discreetly and not-so discreetly. Maybe season 1 missed Descriptions of Items, Way ore clues and more evidence, as in more things to interact with, which wouldn't neccessary be useful. This way you don't just "happen to stumble on all the right evidence". For example, when looking at a corpse, maybe you check out it's pockets and nothing there (or inside the mouth, ears, nose, etc; and still nothing -which did happen in season 1). Or when looking around an apartment: you can check all drawers, behind most objects, check under objects, etc without necessarily finding anything (which also happened). This makes it more realistic, detectives don't happen to stumble on all the right evidence, but they do stumble on a lot of things.
In season 1, making good deductions should lead to better theories, I agree! Hooowever, I think that if they added More things to look at/interact with (some useful, some not) it would be more realistic. Therefore, you wouldn't just happen to stumble on all the right evidence, since mostly everything you interact with has a hint at something.
Also, adding senses in order to analyze things furthermore was something season 1 could have used a lot too.
Bigby's Past
I would have loved to see more of Bigby's past in season 1. I felt like it was something his was missing. I would have loved, if for example, we could have had the chance to actually have flashback sequences that affected the present. I felt like I didn't get to know him too well, or his past, which makes a great part of falling in love with a character.
In the comics we know that Bigby smokes a lot to dull his senses. And going without smoking would drive him mad and angry, even if it would probably make his detective work better. I think this is a comic-canon feature that could have been used with way more advantages. Not just smell, but hearing too. He is a wolf after all. Btw I would have loved to see an interaction between Bigby and a dog in season 1.
In most if not all instances of season 1, whenever you are in a new map, you get many things to interact with, which is awesome. Now, the problem is that I would really like to interact with all of them without accidentally interacting with something that will trigger a cutscene, therefore disabling all the other objects instantly and forever, without a chance of going back. In this game you get trophies for interacting with everything, so imagine how frustrating it can be when you accidentally miss the chance to interact with some things forever. I can think of the Prince's house, Holly's bar, and Lily's corpse. I wanted to see everything, but I was irreversibly interrupted by interacting with something crucial, when I wanted to see everything before moving on.
Last but not least:
Season 1 seemed to have many plot holes, which is why it never really added up to people if you were to read some of the posts about this topic. I mentioned this in another post here
My point is, the more that the creative group can really plan out to the smallest detail, the more chances we have to make this game a masterpiece. Plots in choice-based games are complex, we know, but we still feel that the hurried re-writing of season 1 (due to time problems, we understand) were probably the main problem that unchained a reaction of unanswered questions and plot holes.
Also, I know many people say "don't make the game for newcomers", I personally disagree. There are always going to be newcomers. I don't mean as in "use a whole episode just to cover the basis", because that would be an extreme I think, but I understand that gaming companies always have to re-introduce a minimum for newcomers.
Update Finally, in the first game I did a whole save with Bigby saying absolutely nothing whenever it was possible. Nothing. And I just wish there had been real consequences for Bigby being so aggressively silent all the time.
We love Bigby, and we love the game, we love the characters and we love the universe; so lets love the creating process too! So I am very excited and happy that the staff is asking questions in this forum, awesome PR!
So @blindsniper out here redirecting people out here to comment on this thread, doe she have insider knowledge Telltale is gonna peek this place out again soon
To say something I liked about Season 1 it would be just Bigby as a character. When I think of Telltale protagonist, I always think of Bigby and Lee as the 2 best playable characters Telltale has done. However, I find Bigby extremely interesting due to just who he is as a "person" as well as his character. One thing I actually loved about Wolf S1 and Bigby as a character was that everyone in Fabletown just doesnt like Bigby because what he did back in the Homelands. Its a really interesting story perspective because we as the player relate to Bigby and almost feel a connection to him because we feel bad for him. We all know Bigby isnt truly the Big Bad Wolf, atleast not anymore. We as a player want to root for him, but no one else does. I think that really helped Bigby stand out and connect to the player even though he wasnt a blank slate like Lee was but instead a pre-established character.
So thats something Id like to carry over into Season 2, the continue of mistrust of Fabletown towards Bigby. Story wise playing as a protagonist who just wants to do the right thing, but is always seen as doing the wrong thing because everyone around him already has a vendetta against him made him a character I found very fun to play as, as well as help build the theme and atmosphere of the story.
I wanted to add another little thing that I had been thinking about.
It is about season 1, where Bigby always ends up finding what he was looking for wether he made all the right steps or not. For example, at the Open Arms, wether you connect evidence or not at all you always end up knowing it was crane all along anyways
And that very scenareo repeats itself in various different situations throughout the game, and it tends to be frustrating. Because I like messing up, it's a game of choices after all, messing up is what makes it unique, especially being a detective game. I want to mess up and I want to go back, I want to try and analyze what I did wrong in order to get different results.
I think that the Open Arms scene also needed an option to just Leave without investigating everything, as well as Toad's house at the beginning. Because otherwise you just 100% stumble on evidence that you could have missed otherwise, and it's just too much of a lucky coincidence. I wish that the game could have gave us more chances to screw up and miss very important clues, therefore affecting our detective work later on like a domino effect.
Finally, I am currently playing the game like a silent and mean Bigby, and I wish the game gave us a bigger reaction for being completely silent whenever possible, plus it could have been better yet if there had been bigger reactions for being completely silent and being mean at the same time.
Options man, its all about more options.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but not to my knowledge.
As I previously said at surface value, staff just said they would check back whenever they saw new posts. So, don't be discouraged from reviving threads like these even if the last post was a while ago.
...However - I think I can say that the forums might start to matter a bit more in general for stuff like AMAs, Feedback threads such as these, and other general fan/staff interactions going into the future. You probably noticed we've been adding tags for "Staff AMAs" and "Talk with Telltale." I think you might see Caroline (mostlypoptarts) try to organize more stuff like this, or see more staff trying to reach out for feedback/etc.