Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • Not to get into a debate here about ANF in Batman waiting thread, but the 42 different starting points was under the post talking about how saves from S1 and S2 would be transferred to S3, so obviously everyone reading at the time was going to think "42 starting points" was exactly what it was saying, not 42 clusters.

    The "42 points" for ANF was misunderstood - they meant that the Story Generator resulted in 42 different permutations of Clementine's person

  • The entire system and the marketing surrounding it was still incredibly deceptive and misleading. It determined what kind of player you were and what kind of decisions your Clem made and why, yet none of it ended up making any sort of difference? The implication was that it would drastically change how Clem interacted in your game but it absolutely didn't.

    The "42 points" for ANF was misunderstood - they meant that the Story Generator resulted in 42 different permutations of Clementine's person

  • Hope Episode 5 just doesn’t revolve around The Joker.

  • Looks like vigilante John might take Batman to a grey area.

  • I hope u guys do the same for clem and our favorite wolf

    Also, re: shared scenes and stuff ( @Poogers555 ), by my own personal estimate, about 90-95% of the episode is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT dependin

  • And if you play your cards right, there may be one or two recognizable cameos...

    FRANK HYPE!!!!!!!

    I just want to take this time to say that YES the thirty-eight characters include the smaller characters. That said, across both versions of

  • Everyone's hyped for the finale being fairly different depending on our choices, and here I am thinking that unless episode 5 ends the same way for everybody, for example Joker ending in Arkham, the possibility of S3 is going to be extremly low.

  • Wow... I mean, when we got to see that Telltale made ballsy decision to create such a huge divergence with John becoming Vigilante / Villain, I was hoping that we'd get two different plot lines for the finale (going after Joker & Harley / going after Waller)

    I kinda hoped for it, but being a realist I didn't think that would ACTUALLY happen. I mean, bravo Telltale for stepping up your game big time! I guess it won't be a very long episode since developing 2in1 kind of episode would extend the development time significantly, but it's still a welcome surprise IMO. March 27th can't come soon enough.

  • S3 doesn't need to continue S2. S2 has no relationship to S1 villains at all, was Vicki even mentioned this season? You have a lot of choices about Harvey and he doesn't even show up.

    Everyone's hyped for the finale being fairly different depending on our choices, and here I am thinking that unless episode 5 ends the same way for everybody, for example Joker ending in Arkham, the possibility of S3 is going to be extremly low.

  • Harvey is locked up and Vicki is MIA. But if Telltale keeps John as Batman's vigilante friend till the end it would be strange for him not to be in S3. The only options Telltale would have at this point is: 1.Make John Batman's enemy at the end no matter what or 2.Not contuing with S3.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    S3 doesn't need to continue S2. S2 has no relationship to S1 villains at all, was Vicki even mentioned this season? You have a lot of choices about Harvey and he doesn't even show up.

  • Or they could continue with Season 3 with John as a friend,i know you say that because of ANF but there's only two different path we could see John make some appearances in season 3.

    Harvey is locked up and Vicki is MIA. But if Telltale keeps John as Batman's vigilante friend till the end it would be strange for him not t

  • Or 3. Continue with the series knowing that the entire legacy of the series rides on the fulfillment, continuation, and attention to the previous events/choices the individual players have experienced.
    It could be done, if enough work was put into it...

    Harvey is locked up and Vicki is MIA. But if Telltale keeps John as Batman's vigilante friend till the end it would be strange for him not t

  • Does anyone really believe Batman and John will end up as friends? He blew up a bridge killing people, doesn't matter if he wants to help or not, he needs to go to Arkham. Even the screen image for Episode 5 shows Batman fighting John so John would NEVER end up as Robin for future Batman games.

    Harvey is locked up and Vicki is MIA. But if Telltale keeps John as Batman's vigilante friend till the end it would be strange for him not t

  • Maybe not as a friend but as an ally ? I don't know we'll see,i just think John is really interesting maybe he'll try to help us and in exchange we let him free,Arkham is not going to help him at all in fact it's just going to make him a villain.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    Does anyone really believe Batman and John will end up as friends? He blew up a bridge killing people, doesn't matter if he wants to help or

  • They would have to make two different S3's. For those that had John as a friend and those that had him as a foe. Unless you mean that he would just show up for a couple minutes and then just disappear for the rest of the season. I can't picture it happening, not with how much he seemes to be "attached" to Bruce.
    I didn't play ANF, I lost interest in TWD after I found out that we will play as Clementine in S2.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Or they could continue with Season 3 with John as a friend,i know you say that because of ANF but there's only two different path we could see John make some appearances in season 3.

  • For those that had John as a friend and those that had him as a foe. Unless you mean that he would just show up for a couple minutes and then just disappear for the rest of the season. I can't picture it happening, not with how much he seemes to be "attached" to Bruce

    Batman is one of their best series right now if they put enough work they could do it.

    Oh and don't play ANF it's not really worth it..

    They would have to make two different S3's. For those that had John as a friend and those that had him as a foe. Unless you mean that he wou

  • edited March 2018

    I agree with you. Yet a lot of people on this forum seem to believe that John and Bruce can remain best friends. Why, I do not know but I remember the same thing happened with Handsome Jack in TfTB. I couldn't understand that either.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    Does anyone really believe Batman and John will end up as friends? He blew up a bridge killing people, doesn't matter if he wants to help or

  • How can Batman let the unstable man, who is able to kill people without remorse, run free on the streets, even IF he would do that for a noble cause (which I doubt honestly)? If Bruce will be cooperating with John, this will be only because it will be his best chance to secure the safety of Gotham's citizens, but after that John needs to be taken care of.

    Just look at how Bruce reacted to the crimes which his father commited... Even when Bruce himself had no option to prevent what happened then, he still feels responsible only because he is the son of Thomas. What if John will kill innocent people when he would try to 'help' Batman? How Bruce would react to that?

    I think in the vigilante path John will start as a hero wannabe, just to end up as a bigger thread to the people than anyone else (including the Agency and Waller).

  • Well I just replayed episode 4 to get the villain route as well so I can play both on the 27th. I gotta say the vigilante route feels much more natural and compelling given the friendship and admiration John has shown Bruce throughout the season. It was a pretty extreme shift for him to go full Joker just because Bruce said he couldn't trust him. But hey I guess we will see how it plays out soon.

  • Oh I do understand why they like him. They see John as an innocent puppy who they want to protect and just forget they are playing as the protector of Gotham. But not because players want it it needs to happen.

    I'm starting to doubt that last thing though since they are going to add Frank to Ep 5 just because of some wackos around here saying they love him. AHH BUT WHEN I ASK FOR SELINA CAT NO MODERATOR COMES RUNNING TO ME SAYING "LET'S ADD A KITTEN AVATAR".

    I agree with you. Yet a lot of people on this forum seem to believe that John and Bruce can remain best friends. Why, I do not know but I remember the same thing happened with Handsome Jack in TfTB. I couldn't understand that either.

  • I mean, that didn't stop A New Frontier...

    Everyone's hyped for the finale being fairly different depending on our choices, and here I am thinking that unless episode 5 ends the same way for everybody, for example Joker ending in Arkham, the possibility of S3 is going to be extremly low.

  • It is always good to have a backup plan (like the alternative playtrough) ;)

    In my case I am betting everything on the villain John. Stakes will be higher, because if I will 'lose' because of this decision then I do not have an alternate playtrough ready to load.

    I couldn’t go with the vigilante path because I fear that this batarang which Batman may let John keep to himself may in the end be thrown at the back of someone important to Bruce... Of course villain route may became worse scenario than that, but we will see... ;)

    Well I just replayed episode 4 to get the villain route as well so I can play both on the 27th. I gotta say the vigilante route feels much m

  • edited March 2018

    What do you mean?

    Edit: Is it about TWD S2 having different endings and the fact that despite that it was continued in ANF.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I mean, that didn't stop A New Frontier...


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2018

    So, Telltale was playing the long game with the misdirection, making us think that John Doe/Joker was gonna be the main focus of the Season, when the whole time, it was teasing a Frank/Robin origin story all along.

    Talk about a curveball!

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited March 2018

    You guys think Eli or Mori will have an appearance? If telltale hasnt forgotten about them, of course. Another thing I wonder is what would Selina look like with her hair down

  • "He's the hero Gotham deserves. but not the one it needs right now..."

    Oh wait, actually it needs him especially now, when the hype train has just started...

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • I dont think Eli would really matter, but Im disappointed Mori seemingly disappeared after ep 1. Like we stole his usb and he was all "I DONT FORGET WAYNE! ILL GET YOU!"

    I guess he forgot ;'(

    ANXXX7 posted: »

    You guys think Eli or Mori will have an appearance? If telltale hasnt forgotten about them, of course. Another thing I wonder is what would Selina look like with her hair down

  • Guys, I just walked into a spoiler for episode 5. I won’t say what it is, but it involves Frank and it looks like it might start another Kenny vs Jane forum war.

  • They need to kill Frank off. He is not a important character.

    J-Master posted: »

    Guys, I just walked into a spoiler for episode 5. I won’t say what it is, but it involves Frank and it looks like it might start another Kenny vs Jane forum war.

  • Hope I'm not the only one who expects the words "one or two cameos" to be characters from previous seasons that were relevant. Like maybe seeing Harvey after John gets sent to Arkham or something like that.

    To be fair, Frank is always a good option. We need his backstory, after all. But I really think it's something else.
    The vagueness of the comment throws me off too. What would be considered a "cameo"? Someone not yet introduced? A returning character of a previous season? Someone who hasn't appeared in a while (Gordon)? :/

  • So basically Telltale made the entire Episode 5... and when they heard of this suddenly rise of love for Frank they threw the script to the trash and started writing everything again to involve Frank?

  • ...We aren't gonna have to choose between our two pals Frank and John Doe, are we...? :'(

    J-Master posted: »

    Guys, I just walked into a spoiler for episode 5. I won’t say what it is, but it involves Frank and it looks like it might start another Kenny vs Jane forum war.

  • edited March 2018

    I hope they don’t forget about Riddler's death. It was probably Waller though.

  • Cameo could be a character not introduced yet but from Batman universe, like I don't know, Huntress, Deathstroke, etc.

    If is someone from last season it has to be Harvey or Oswald. Frank would be a shitty cameo, people are all "yay praise the meme Frank" but then you will see Poogers making 500 post about how full of plot holes Season 2 is because they spend more time putting Frank in Ep 5 instead of explaining those plotholes.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hope I'm not the only one who expects the words "one or two cameos" to be characters from previous seasons that were relevant. Like maybe se

  • Horrifically though they'll probably throw Frank in somewhere as a joke if they do a season 3. As for more realistic cameo predictions I reckon it could be someone we haven't seen before to hint at things to come similar to what they did last season with Joker.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hope I'm not the only one who expects the words "one or two cameos" to be characters from previous seasons that were relevant. Like maybe se

  • Anything goes! :D

    ...We aren't gonna have to choose between our two pals Frank and John Doe, are we...?

  • Yeah all my stakes are in the vigilante route because that's my actual canon game. I'm not trying to see which is better and stick to that one, I'll always consider vigilante my canon story. Just want to play through both after reading the blog post, seems like there will be some insane differences ala Rodrik vs Asher in episode 5 of Game of Thrones.

    That being said I can practically guarantee that the villain route is more dangerous. The game says that John has vowed to be your mortal enemy and Telltale said that John is committed to destroying your life and making you suffer. Villain Joker is going to be one scary mofo. At least if he's a vigilante he still respects Bruce and can possibly be reasoned with, plus his attention will be focused on Waller and the Suicide Squad as opposed to Bruce's loved ones.

    Gartives posted: »

    It is always good to have a backup plan (like the alternative playtrough) In my case I am betting everything on the villain John. Stake

  • If you threatened Mori in episode 1 then no matter what ending you get he pops out at the very end and shoots Bruce in the eyeball and says "take that!" and then the credits roll.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont think Eli would really matter, but Im disappointed Mori seemingly disappeared after ep 1. Like we stole his usb and he was all "I DONT FORGET WAYNE! ILL GET YOU!" I guess he forgot ;'(

  • They mentioned the possibility of Frank returning way back before episode 2 released.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    So basically Telltale made the entire Episode 5... and when they heard of this suddenly rise of love for Frank they threw the script to the trash and started writing everything again to involve Frank?

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