Telltale, did you forget about this fan favourite character?
I'm talking about none other than Frank, Bruce's biggest pal and in general a cool guy.
After Episode 2 of the first season, our bearded hero disappeared, never to be seen again, disappointing many fans including me.
But with the ongoing second season, there is a chance of his presence once again. Please Telltale, don't waste this oppurtunity and make him appear in such a glorious way that we won't ever forget about it.
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Bring back Frank. We need a Robin.
Yes! Frank!
The man must return!
I hope he shows up...Only to die. He was very rude to me. Nobody touches Bruce Wayne and gets away with it...Unless your Selina.
He'll be telltale bane just you wait
Well, of course he was rude to you, you interrupted him during his game of pool! That's a big no-no.
Haha, yeah. Sur-
Frank, man. Legendary pool player?
I agree, Frank must come back, this game is complete shit without him.
I'm considering asking for a refund. Frank is THE major character in the Batman mythos.
What the hell Telltale.
Yeah, I can't even imagine having a Batman story without Frank! Telltale pls.
Pipas, Telltale might have unfairly put him aside, but Frank lives forever in our hearts.
He shall return one day to reclaim his rightful place.
In Memorium
Frank Best
Lover of fine arts and the manly game of billiards, Frank was a passionate humanitarian except when it came to people from Italy....he was often quoted as saying those pasta loving European rednecks get no love from me...nor do they get any translation of Telltale games.
Frank died while breaking into a Mobile store when Harvey Dent blew up the east side.
Frank is my God, I need him to return
Fellas this was in a new video by Telltale for 2 seconds, we are going back to that bar, FRANK CONFIRMED FOR SEASON TWO!!!
I swear if John ended up killing him in the time I was gone... No Mercy.
If he dies I'm giving up on life.
Bruce needs a bro in his life
People, people you are all obsessed with having Frank in the game but you all must understand we need him in the movies, and comics! Hell they should even make him his own superhero part of the justice league. I will sue DC if they don’t consider this.
I'm begging to wonder how often Telltale questions the sanity of their fans.
But yes, bring Frank back!
What's with the Frank fandom? I mean yeah he's cool but what's the reason behind this? HALLLP ME UNDERSTAND
Its pretty much a joke, although Frank was a cool character in s1e2 and you have a determinate relationship with him based on if you mess up his pool game or not.
Yeah true.
Super important update: Rejoice! Frank has been finally recognized as a worthy addition to the Batman avatars folder, so now you can select him (along with less important characters) in the "Choose an avatar" screen.

If only he was added in the game as well.
But there's still one episode left! Don't disappoint us, Telltale!
Yeah i can't believe we got that Willy guy instead WHERE IS FRANK ?
I've already seen like 4 people with that avatar. This is getting out of control!
Maybe we'll finally get to buy him that beer
i swear to god if my BOI Frank doesnt appear in episode 5 we gonna have PROBLEMS Telltale.
Nah, still not enough Franks. You should join us!
Our boi is back

But is he truly on Joker's side? Our pal wouldn't be influenced so easily, would he? What if he's infiltrating Joker's ranks from within? ?
Later in the trailer we see him behind the agency and the agency dont seem to be attacking...
Our boi Frank undercover OP???
Telltale's Batman truly has the deepest lore
Tellin you, Joker is about to kill Batman, when FRANK comes out blowing his cover, he is an undercover operative who has been following Bruce for the past 2 years and has known his true identity. He will be the one to save Batman and save the day as well as it being revealed that Frank himself assassinated Riddler in order to put his true plan into action.
Frank is the true puppet master.
...and then, Frank becomes the Telltale version of Robin! It all works out!
Well this is in the vigilante route so technically Frank is on our side
Omg it's Frank
I can rest easy until the release date now. There will be Frank.