The perfect antagonist for The Final Season?



  • What if the dog Rosie is the leader of the group and then Clem shows up and Rosie and Clem fight for leadership

  • edited April 2018

    clem gathers the garcias over to help her.


    MaxTheFax posted: »

    Whatever threat it is will probably try to attack the boarding school and when all hope seems lost, clem gathers the garcias over to help her.

  • So, Joan if she was more intimidation, fearsome, and they didn't totally copout?

    Leegendary posted: »

    A female antagonist would be cool Maybe a villain that everyone sees as evil and purely psychotic but we learn about a hard past and see a vulnerable side later on?

  • I think telltale have made too many intelligent villains. I would love it if someone in Clems group starts to grow an obsession over her, until they starts trying to hurt her and starts to hate her. Probably won’t happen but it would be good in my opinion.

  • edited April 2018

    I was thinking about a villain like Negan,someone dangerous but funny as well.

    And then i remember the potential Nate had,seriously i wouldn't mind if he comes back.
    Who cares if it's not realistic at this point i just want to see a good villain like Randall.

    And i was also thinking about Lilly,she has a past with Clementine so it could be interesting.

  • I would hope for Lilly to be the main antagonist for the final season. It is someone who is from season 1 and it could be a interesting way to finish the story with someone from the past.

  • I would like someone who leans towards "bad" but is not necessarily so. Someone with lots of secrets and history. NOT someone like Kenny... but someone that has their heart in the right place but does not make good calls. I never played the Batman game but (from what I have read about it) maybe like a Joker. Someone that can be influenced by you. Then maybe if your Clem is good hearted they become sacrificial because they realized what they did was wrong; but if your Clem was 100% about surviving then you will have to kill him at the end. Someone that is very controversial. Also I want the main focus to be a man v. self and the antagonist be like a side conflict, but something you still have to worry about urgently.

  • That kinda sounds like what I half expected them to do with Sarah..

    Or/and Huckleberry. Either way.

    I think telltale have made too many intelligent villains. I would love it if someone in Clems group starts to grow an obsession over her, un

  • I was thinking about a villain like Negan,someone dangerous but funny as well.

    And then i remember the potential Nate had,seriously i wouldn't mind if he comes back.

    I hope if they do go with that, it'll be a female. Tap into that great Jolene juice.
    Also, get away from "Sick/Evil White Man."

    Who cares if it's not realistic at this point i just want to see a good villain like Randall.

    I can rave to that.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I was thinking about a villain like Negan,someone dangerous but funny as well. And then i remember the potential Nate had,seriously i wou

  • Clearly S4's main antagonist is Javier a year later. He has gone CORRUPT and has brought back the new frontier AGAIN! Now being called the "Brand New Frontier" and in Javi's RAGE, he slaughters Gabe, Kate, AND David. His thirst for revenge on Clem for leaving is STRONG not to mention his jealousy of everyone caring more about her than him >:( He then tracks her down with the rest of the boarding school kids, they hide in a room and try to escape! Javi is smashing the door down with his bat, a small crack comes through the door, he sticks his face through:


  • I meant to mention this to Vengeful's claim about the orignal premise, but this is literally just salty character assassinating fan wankery styled writing right here.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Clearly S4's main antagonist is Javier a year later. He has gone CORRUPT and has brought back the new frontier AGAIN! Now being called the "

  • its a meme my good sir

    DabigRG posted: »

    I meant to mention this to Vengeful's claim about the orignal premise, but this is literally just salty character assassinating fan wankery styled writing right here.

  • It's not quite the 100 face, but okay.

    Also, I know it's practically a meme. I just really felt like finally saying that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    its a meme my good sir

  • I hope if they do go with that, it'll be a female. Tap into that great Jolene juice.

    There's an idea. I'd definitely be down for more female antagonists. Norma was one of the best ones in the series and Joan could've had potential but she was just let down by poor writing.

    Also, get away from "Sick/Evil White Man.

    The ethnicity and gender of a possible antagonist was never really that important to me. So long as the character is compelling. I get what you're saying though. Lot of the villains in the series so far have been crazy white dudes. If Telltale decided to change it up in The Final Season I would have no problem with that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I was thinking about a villain like Negan,someone dangerous but funny as well. And then i remember the potential Nate had,seriously i

  • I hope we get villains like Norma and Randall in The Final Season, they were the best villains.

  • edited April 2018

    Being a greater threat than any of the pathetic villains in this series would be a start. Someone who poses a serious threat or influence on Clementine depending on choices. The opportunity to side with the antagonist with motives that make the player might consider standing beside them. They kind of failed that with Carver in Season 2 and it was kind of disappointing. It would have made for an interesting option

  • 100 billion dollars in sales

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Clearly S4's main antagonist is Javier a year later. He has gone CORRUPT and has brought back the new frontier AGAIN! Now being called the "

  • There should be three sources of conflict for the final season: walkers, the needs of AJ/the group and internal struggle/choices/consequences (make Clem's choices her own worst enemy, perhaps feeling remorse for past actions. I don't think I've ever seen her feel bad about anything she's done).
    If it needs to have a human face make their morals hecka grey to leave us wondering if we're actually being the antagonist by butting heads with them or joining them.

  • I’ve always wanted a cult leader-like villain in TWD universe. Basically someone who believes the apocalypse was God’s plan and God chose him/her to “save” people from the walkers whether they like it or not.

    Simply put, I hope we get a villain like this in the game (or comics):

  • Can't wait to hear Nectarine sing Our Town

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I’ve always wanted a cult leader-like villain in TWD universe. Basically someone who believes the apocalypse was God’s plan and God chose hi

  • AJ

    AJ gets infected or otherwise dies somehow and Clem has to fight walker AJ. Normally a walker of his size would be no problem for her but because she cares about him, the fight drags out as she tries to avoid putting him down.

  • Here is the perfect antagonist:


    Bad writing

  • This is the true antagonist.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Here is the perfect antagonist: (Spoiler)

  • Then we kill the dog. Would like it if that happened.

  • edited April 2018

    The dog from s2 who bite Clem now turned and he seeks for his revenge... beware... MAIN VILLAIN RIGHT THERE!!!

  • Am I the only one who thinks Louis will be an antagonist, if not THE main antagonist?
    Think about it. Telltale described him as wanting to hold onto the traditions of the old world. Maybe in secret, he sees Clem, Marlon, and the other kids as a threat to his ideas, so he's constantly plotting of ways to get them kicked out or killed in secret.

  • How about internal conflict? Clementine struggles with mental health and her past? She finds it difficult to keep going on while everyone dies around her and she has nightmares of past occurrences “blaming her” similar to the cut scene in season 1 after the Carley and Doug choice. Idk just a suggestion

  • Well, to be fair, he does indeed have the depth of motivation to potentially hold a conflict. However, that's very unlikely and improbable to be the case. Not to mention that there's been no villain with that kind of mindset and presentation to my knowledge.

    He seems much more like a Walter or Kate to me, with a similar amount of plot relevance as the former and Omid likely in store for him.

    SonicGX98 posted: »

    Am I the only one who thinks Louis will be an antagonist, if not THE main antagonist? Think about it. Telltale described him as wanting to

  • There's an idea. I'd definitely be down for more female antagonists. Norma was one of the best ones in the series


    Joan had potential but she was just let down by poor writing.


    The ethnicity and gender of a possible antagonist was never really that important to me. So long as the character is compelling.

    That's fair.

    I get what you're saying though. Lot of the villains in the series so far have been crazy white dudes. If Telltale decided to change it up in The Final Season I would have no problem with that.


    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I hope if they do go with that, it'll be a female. Tap into that great Jolene juice. There's an idea. I'd definitely be down for mo

  • edited April 2018

    Many people will probably disagree, but I'd like the idea of Lily coming back, leading a big group of survivors. Not exactly as big as a whole city like in ANF, but big enough to become quite dangerous to smaller groups consisting of 6 - 10 survivors. Clementine's attitude towards her regarding our actions could be bitter and angry or friendly and understandable about what happened in S1. Depending on our choices, Lily will become our enemy or a friend you can side with, who will test our relationships, moral and feelings towards others. The group we are with will be thorn about their thoughts about Lily and will argue if she is someone to be trusted or more of a backstabber, who will cause alot of trouble and pain. That way there would be alot connection to the first season and make things more personal, if the writers do a good job.

  • Like Norma

    Leegendary posted: »

    A female antagonist would be cool Maybe a villain that everyone sees as evil and purely psychotic but we learn about a hard past and see a vulnerable side later on?

  • Mason in the scrapped version of ANF seemed to be pretty similar to a Joseph Seed/Bray Wyatt character

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I’ve always wanted a cult leader-like villain in TWD universe. Basically someone who believes the apocalypse was God’s plan and God chose hi

  • Given Dr. Lingard's initial model in the trailer, I couldn't help but assume he'd be a Dimitri Rascolov type character.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Mason in the scrapped version of ANF seemed to be pretty similar to a Joseph Seed/Bray Wyatt character

  • Humpety Bump!

    So, since we're halfway through this season, I think it's fair to ask: How are the Deltas placing with people?

  • We barely know anything about them,ask this question next episode so i can give you a real answer.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Humpety Bump! So, since we're halfway through this season, I think it's fair to ask: How are the Deltas placing with people?

  • Alright, let's get specific--how are Abel and Lilith specifically?

    iFoRias posted: »

    We barely know anything about them,ask this question next episode so i can give you a real answer.

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