Kenny can back in final season?
Can Kenny be immune of the virus? Or for a somehow he still alive? He a fucking badass character how if he still alive can get a good ending for The Walking Dead, Like Kenny meet Clem and AJ in last chapter..
I miss Kenny..
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...Okay, I love Kenny too, but we've been through this, like, a hundred times. We've passed the five stages, time to accept reality - he died a shitty death and let's just let it go.
I know bro.. but still been so sad.
Thanks for the answer
Can Kenny immortal?
Say me no.
A Bullet? maybe would hurt him ,a car wreck nope, a zombie bite ? nah immune!!!
Wishful thinking, at best. We feel you, broh! Let's just be happy to see Clem back with AJ and leave Kenny for our replays. Like many of the other great characters, he'll always live on in our memories.
Let him rest!!!
He’s dead no matter what
I still think the wellington ending should mean something.
I'm almost certain someone said they didn't forget the hat.
I think it's time to move on.
Of course he can. Kenny IS Jesus Christ. Who else can walk through an entire hospital full of walkers and come out unscathed? NOBODY, that's who!!! He can still be very much alive. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. If they say he can't, just respond with "That's fine. It's obvious you're incapable of thinking properly" and proceed amicably.
I don't think so, everybody would die in Kenny's situation.
It did mean something... Kenny sacrificed his own safety so that the kids could have a safe and normal childhood for a while. Plus you have his hat as a way to remember him.
Bringing him back would only take meaning away from his noble sacrifice. Before ANF, nobody made that decision because they expected him to return later and they wanted to keep him alive. The people who wanted to keep him around were the people who actually stayed with him and that's the way it should stay.
I once made a noble sacrifice... I gave my sister my pudding. Thank the Lord I didn't disappear, never to be heard from again because of such an action.
Why not?
Hell yeah, Kenny is life.
Thanks for the awnser bro!
Shit no..
That's a bit complicated xD
He's a God, he can't be dead xD
Me too bro.
Maybe man.
lol :v
Lol, so funny bro.
Thanks for the great answer man.
He's the best character in the series, hands down IMO. Never time to move on! My Clem left Kenny at wanna tell me he died via some random walker off screen? BULL, he's still out there!!!
Lol bro, that's not how these things works
That's the thing that is tragic about the Wellington ending. He's still out there somewhere and you'll never see him again. It was a miracle to reunite with Kenny in season 2, Clem won't have such luck again.
Well, you heard it here, folks.Kenny will be back by popular demand, soon to make a triumphant return.

Agree with you man.
Maybe yeah.. But I don't think so.
Hell yeah, That's it.
dont you mean a triumphant return?? ??
ill see myself out
. . . .
Don't I wish though. But,
Please no.
You CANNOT deny that god-level stache. Just give in to it.

picture cred. to @Cocoa2736
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