Stupid question, but how do you get photos to appear in comments? I tried to enter a link in the photo icon but there doesn't seem to be any sort of submit button?
Stupid question, but how do you get photos to appear in comments? I tried to enter a link in the photo icon but there doesn't seem to be any sort of submit button?
Also, clicking the picture button in the text editor lets you put in a link for the image and have it automatically be converted into this code. But look at how BIG it is.
Stupid question, but how do you get photos to appear in comments? I tried to enter a link in the photo icon but there doesn't seem to be any sort of submit button?
Also, clicking the picture button in the text editor lets you put in a link for the image and have it automatically be converted into this code.
But look at how BIG it is.
Also, clicking the picture button in the text editor lets you put in a link for the image and have it automatically be converted into this code.
But look at how BIG it is.
Well, since you were not horrified of my mad drawing skills, here some old stuff with Carley. And, taking the opportunity, here is link to m… morey page on deviantart
it's supposed to be an alternative start of S2
S2 and S1 appearance sketches
Yeah, that's part of the reason I've doddled about drawing things.
I mean, a cartoon/anime-esque artstyle can be the best types of fanart. It's just a tad odd to see a character like Violet in that style.
I love how Clem is clearly the shortest one. Like no matter the fan art, Clem is always a whopping 5 foot nothing. It's kind of funny. If she and AJ survive TFS, I hope he ends up taller than her.
I love how Clem is clearly the shortest one. Like no matter the fan art, Clem is always a whopping 5 foot nothing. It's kind of funny. If she and AJ survive TFS, I hope he ends up taller than her.
Uh, is that Anime or Hartman-esque?
I did say Anime at the top of the post.
Oh, I know, I saw it. I was just pointing out the similarity to something like Danny Phantom.
I get the image looks aesthetically better this way, but I'd like to remind you she's not a lefty...
Just kidding it looks cool mate!
Here's a little something I've been cooking up.

Muh thinks, muh is getting better at this! dev-art link
Hahaha! Will keep that in mind for future projects.
And, thank you!
I've really got to just buckle down and finally do some stuff myself.
Stupid question, but how do you get photos to appear in comments? I tried to enter a link in the photo icon but there doesn't seem to be any sort of submit button?
Use this code close together and put the URL of the image in the parentheses.
! [ ] ( )
Also, clicking the picture button in the text editor lets you put in a link for the image and have it automatically be converted into this code.
But look at how BIG it is.
Doesn't work that way for me. I think the picture needs to be in .Png code for it to work.
It worked! Thanks
Here is a drawing I did of Clementine yesterday.
Might as well, for ironies sake.

Credit to @TheMPerson
My latest TWD drawing.

Deviant art link:
Been a while.
I would venture to say that Carley won that slap eye after Lilly's shot. Oh, and she's holding the stack ..
Great arts.
Not helping my point about the design, dear artist.
Credit to @jaded_artbook
Gonna share this just because
Credit to Eddebrah
The NEW Frontier CREW
Also, that is a dang cool-lookin Tripp.
Credit to ClementineMarsh
I drew violet! (Also how do I just show the image instead of pasting a url?)
Post this code close altogether.
EDIT: Looks awfully cute for Violet, but whatever. Nice picture anyway!
Thanks! I'll repost my drawing using that this time
Yeah I know, my style is too cartoon-y for this game lmao
What, no love for Ava?
Yeah, the black people got left out of this.
Yeah, that's part of the reason I've doddled about drawing things.
I mean, a cartoon/anime-esque artstyle can be the best types of fanart. It's just a tad odd to see a character like Violet in that style.
I thought that too when I finished it. I'm not very good at making my drawings fit the tone of character
Eh, at that point, you either adjust the drawing a bit to fit better or just say "fuck it," at least I did it.
Hm, good point
Nice. And to post the image, click the little picture icon, paste the url inside, and boom. it'll show the picture instead
It doesn't matter. The game itself is cartoony
I love how Clem is clearly the shortest one. Like no matter the fan art, Clem is always a whopping 5 foot nothing. It's kind of funny. If she and AJ survive TFS, I hope he ends up taller than her.
Well, considering his namesake, that's a pretty decent bet.
I call this one, "American Weed!"

Credit to quinxsquad
Are you trying to ruin it?
Ruin what?