The Final Season - Dead Characters From Previous Seasons Dream
Telltale's Walking Dead is my favorite video game of all time, throughout my life, I had never played a game that I admired as much as I admired Telltale's Walking Dead.
With every season that I played, whenever a character dies, well, they're gone forever(Except that they get mentioned sometimes of course), and I had always wished I would get to interact with them once more in some sort of dream since I know it wouldn't be realistic to hope to meet some of the characters that are confirmed dead in anything other than a dream... Now, I know that in season 2 when Clementine passes out she dreams of when she was in the RV in season 1 and we get to talk to Lee (Which was awesome ), but I kind of wanted to see and interact with the other characters too, and I think (since the coming season is going to be the final one) that the idea of having some kind of dream where we get to interact once again with ALL the characters that had died in the previous season at some point in the final episode of the final season is awesome!
Just think about it, wouldn't it be awesome to see everyone you've met on your long journey once again (From all seasons) before the game ends? Or maybe even at the end of the game as some sort of goodbye.
I don't know... I think the idea is awesome
I've been wanting something like this as well.
A flashback would be nice. Maybe a flashback with Christa during that 2 year gap between S1 & 2, perhaps with it having consequences if/when she returns in the present day
Or if they absolutely insist on having Clementine get bit, they could have her dream or hallucinate about all her dead friends.
Ok but not Bonnie, unless we get to tell her to fuck off in the dream.
A flashback would be nice too, but there's no flashback that includes all characters together, like most characters from season 1 never encounter those from season 2 (With a few exceptions of course), like a flashback with Christa during the 2 year gap like you said isn't gonna include Lee, which is going to be a bummer. Unless, of course, there's multiple flashbacks, but I still think a dream that includes everyone is way cooler
Like I said before about the dream dinner party thing.they need to make this for triggering emotions and ur idea ? is what I'm hoping to I agree ?
The idea of a dinner party where all of the characters are present sounds great! I think it would fit perfectly to trigger emotions. Y'know? Seeing all of the dead characters alive again and happy(For once) sounds beautiful.
They could basically give her something akin to Tyrese's death from the television show then enabling her to hallucinate or recall past events as sort of her "life flashing before her eyes" type of deal before the end.
hell no. i dont want clem to die.
If they do the dinner party thing, I hope it's with Clementine at her current age, mainly because I'd want to see how they'd react to 17 year old Clementine.
That'd be interesting in theory.
I wanna see Kenny or Lee reacting to 17 year old Clem!! And maybe AJ with his parents but that wouldn’t happen lmao
I think the idea of clem dying will dissatisfy a lot of players and will bring hate to the season, perhaps like a moment where she's on the edge of dying and she remembers(Through a dream) all of the characters she had met on her journey would motivate her to keep going (Similar to to the flashback in season 2 but it involves all of the characters and it's not a flashback).
I think a dream with all the dead characters would be very cool if done right
"What? But I thought...."
Oh fuck, gettin straight Zatch Bell up in this.
Yeah, that could potentially be neat, if narmily out of genre.
That's... old. You old? Nah kidding that was a great manga, anime from pre-2006 are unbearable. Ah, the memories. My school library had all the volumes.
I think this is a great idea, but not ALL characters like you said: that would be too much. Only the most important ones. And of course, the last character Clem would get to talk to would be Lee.
I think that the characters that had the most impact on Clementine should be in a dream. Kenny, Lee, Christa and maybe some others I can't come up with right now.
I would add Luke to that list. Luke taught Clem the importance of family.
Oh shit, I forgot about him. Thanks
I watched the English Dub back in Middle School before it awkwardly fazed out before Toonami did and skimmed information on later events from wikipedia.
I think that's how the manga ends anyway.
In terms of who would show up the most prominent, as I see being mentioned, I would think Lee, Diana & Ed, Kenny & his family, Omid & possibly Christa, Luke, Sarah, Rebecca & Alvin, and determinately Gabe would likely be the big ones.
However, what I had in mind just generally had a bunch of the characters either surrounding Clementine or waiting together in a bisected crowd, with Lee (and behind him, a few of the bigger connections) waiting up front and in/towards the middle when she manifests wherever.
Gigano Nyushield!
I think that the characters that should be in the dream are Lee (ofc), Kenny with Katjaa and Duck, Her Parents (Ed & Diana), Luke & Nick, Omid, Christa (If she isn't a returning character), Lilly (Also if she also isn't a returning character), Larry (Honestly I would love to see Larry not being a jerk for once), and Ben (Since he was a close friend to Clem). And maybe Jane (I didn't rly like Jane but I think a lot of peeps would like to see her in the dream if it were to happen).
Uh, why Nick?
You're right, Only the remarkable ones, I listed who I think should be in the dream in my previous reply to someone else. (I think it's the comment before the one before this one if u would like to check it out ?)
Idk, I just kinda like him and would like to meet him once more?♂ (Honestly though, I think he isn't nearly as important as the other characters).
I mean, Larry also seems like a weird choice, but he was at least part of the original group and may have had interactions with her beyond the dinner table.
While I believe Larry isn't the most liked character in the game, I think it would be a nice treat for the players to see him finally interact with the player nicely (And to Lee in the dream too).
If that's all it takes to bring massive hate to the game in spite of how well crafted the story is.. Then folks like that ought to occupy their time with another game. Clementine cannot be immortal or (so we thought).
I'm just saying that Clem dying will make a lot of peeps feel hate towards the game (I saw tons and tons of comments of people saying that if Clementine dies, they'll hate the season).
Personally, even if Clem dies, I'll always love the series
when i saw the new trailer you maybe going to have lee flashbang
Someone mentioned that Luke teached her about family! He also was the first person to actually mention how many people died in so little time, I think that's also important.
Also Sarah, you know, friendship and broken promises, and she teached her to never fucking trust in Jane.
that would be really weird and funny clem dreaming about telling bonnie to fuck off