Clementine's New Look...Your Thoughts?
So, I just finished playing the first episode of the new season. What a great turn around from Walking Dead: A New Frontier. Anyway, maybe it's just me, but it seems like Clementine aged backwards:
Here she is, somewhere between 15 and 17:
And here she was, supposedly 13:
If you switched them around, it'd be believable.
To be clear, I'm not hating on new Clementine's appearance, but shouldn't she look older compared to her previous game's appearance? Putting down a few more scratches and some dirt doesn't count. I know she looked like she was 16 in her previous game, even though she was supposed to be 13, but shouldn't she then look like she's a young adult in her 20s, at least in terms of the facial structure if her ageing timeline's going to be consistent? I know there aren't an abundance of nutrients to fuel facial bone growth, but still.
Another thing: did she get a tone or three lighter? lol. That's a hell of an anti-tan. I know she's always been a lighter brown colour, but still. Her skin tone would suggest more half white and half black, in contrast to AJ, who's much darker. I think that also confirms AJ really is Alvin's baby.,
I don't see any problems in her face, I think it fits the natural progression pretty well
ugh...I did not like that face model in ANF. She looks like a doll.
No I really like her s4 appearance, I think she looks older than in ANF
If I was comparing this season to just season 2 and season 1, I'd agree. ANF just accelerated her facial development like crazy, lol. Didn't say her face was wrong, just not a natural progression from ANF.
I did, lol. Admittedly, she did not look 13 at all in ANF. I thought she was 16 the whole time. Her new model is more realistic in that sense, but ANF just throws a disconnect with her facial development. I like her new look too, but I actually liked her ANF model, lol. Guess I'm a sucker for unrealistic and pretty doll faces?
In terms of dirt and scratches on the face, I'd agree. In terms of purely just her facial structure, I couldn't disagree more. I still like her new look; I'd just argue that her newer look should have been in ANF and her ANF look should've been in this one.
Well,she looks like Clementine again,a lot closer to what she used to look like in S2,i didnt like her ANF model,and yeah she does look younger than in ANF this time
Agreed. She definitely looks much more like her Season 2 version, and definitely younger compared to ANF. Still, am I the only guy here who actually liked the ANF model? I know the game sucked, but I thought her model was pretty. This current one still is, but it's not nearly as refined. I suppose walking dolls aren't very realistic in the apocalypse though?
I didn't like her ANF model simply because she didnt look like clementine,it wasnt ugly or anything but you know clementine has her own unique strange face that she had in S2 and that i feel fits the character much better than her ANF model,still ANF wasnt that bad tho if u dont consider it as S3 but more like a spin off or some s**t (can u say shit? i didnt read the rules before i started posting)
Probably it's because the new model is more detailed than the ANF version, yes she looks younger but I like it more because of the details. However, I like Clem's skin to be more "brown-coloured" so she will resemble more of her parents (and Lee)...
Well shes supposed to b black after all so its strange how dey made er so lightskinned in ANF and TFS,she was pretty dark in S2 when u compared her with characters like Kenny and Luke in some scenes
Yeah, her skin tone's gone from pale white, to yellow, to lighter brown, back to yellow again. That's also in clear contrast to AJ, who's basically just solid brown. Seems like Telltale can't decide if they want to make her distinctly black or more half black half white. I mean, her skin tone in the first game was kind of odd: very pale, almost completely white. Her parents were both clearly black from the photo, and I believed Telltale themselves have settled on her being technically black. Still, her skin tone suggests more half white half black.
Compare all that to her Season 1 skin tone:
She was basically pale, almost white. No wonder fans fiercely debated her race when the first season came out.
LOL, I remember some time ago that someone theorizes she is adopted or one of her parents is not her biological parent because of it
yeah but they made her a lot darker in S2 so that it would make sense,so why tf did they made her lighter again for ANF and even TFS? i dont understand that decision
She's an Eskimo.
Now if THIS doesn't look like a grown up 17 year old teen, then I can't understand. I mean look at her eyes and facial expression, it looks just like a 17/18 year old

Now compare it to s3 Clem, she definitely looks like a young 13 year old
EDIT: sorry for different size pictures i suck at it xd
I prefer ANF Clementine's look. She looks way better with darker skin.
Well she does look a lot more like her S2 version so idk
it does look younger than this but maybe just because shes more similar to the younger Clem this time
That's certainly true. Still, I'd argue that stronger sexual dimorphism is needed in her face so that she would look definitely older in the new game, rather than making it such that either me or a poster could take two pics from either game and show how she's older in ANF or TFS.
@LaFlameSaurus fIn the s4 Clem picture you showed she still looks like an adult teen. And it's not just scratches and dirt. Something is really about the facial expression and especially the eyes that gives me that impression. I think telltale did fantastic job
I think the S2 version is the best one (as well as bein da best season in my opinion)

In S1 she just looked strange but thats normal for a girl her age
In S2 she looked like this just like Carver said
ANF (i dont like calling it S3 since its ass and doesnt deserve it) well,wtf it that?
And in TFS she kinda just looks like an older S2 Clem
I suppose one can much with camera angles and lighting all day to prove their point. I think all of the pictures of Clementine from the new season can either look older or younger to her ANF look, depending on which you choose. For instance:

She looks obviously older than her S2 look, but then if I pull this picture from ANF:
Her face is a bit more fleshed out in terms of its structure. I can also do this in reverse:
A picture from TFS:
And a picture from ANF:
Maybe the takeaway from all this is that Telltale messed up ANF so much that they made Clementine change her age with every frame!
Well i said she looks more like the S2 version and thats true,i also said that she looks much older than she did in S2 and that the ANF one doesnt really look like her at all,so it feels like she looks younger because she looks more similar to what she looked like when she was younger even if shes obviously older
I'm half black and half white, I look just like her except I'm a guy.
She supposed to b half black and half black tho
I know, that's the weird thing.
Her new boots are dope af
I thought her bio said she was African American?
While I understand not all African Americans are the same darkness and colour, she looks more like she would have one white parent and one black parent rather than two black parents, at least based on her skin colouration in the new season.
well who cares its a game,they created her and they say she black then she f***in black,issa game so it doesnt have to make complete sense
ppl already talked about this for years now,we all know shes black at this point and most likely the people who designed her new character model in TFS didnt really pay that much attention at perfectly matching skin tones to what its supposed to look like in reality,they were probably like man she lighskinned lets make her lightskinned and that was the end of it
Thread wasnt even about this tho
Lol. Well, it's relevant.
Regardless, can't say she ain't pretty to look at

Well they did a really good job on her design this time,since well,u know,she actually looks like her this time,the overall visual style is so much better than ANF too
Yeah, I like the overall new visual more comic book style they took. Unfortunately, it's a resource hog on my system XD.
Thought her ANF appearance was fine. That being said, she definitely looks more like her S2 version, the last Telltale Walking Dead game that was any good.
This moment beat just about everything in ANF:

For you all that have read the posts, I tried to photoshop a picture from one of the previews of the new season to what I think Clem should've looked like if her ageing progression was logical from ANF. I know it's not that great; I rarely if ever use photoshop, so try to tolerate my bad editing; I'm not a pro lol:
Photoshopped Version:

Original Version:
So, basically:
-More developed cheekbones
-More developed jawline
-More developed brow bone; slightly lower eyebrows
-Proportionally smaller eyes
-Thicker lips
PS: I think I messed up the eyes, lol.
What do you all think? Is the first (photoshopped) picture a more natural and developed progression or the second (original) picture?