How tall is Clementine now?
So...that,how tall is she?
I was curious when she tried to pick the box in the closet and she couldn't reach it,anyone have her height?
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Not sure but if she is much taller than 5'2" I would be surprised, my little girl is extra short.
She is a little woman, but she has strength and is wicked fast...I think @Plan_R is close to the mark.
She was a bit less than 4'11 in season 1,so I don't think so
Probably 5'3 to 5'5,I don't think she could grow more,in season 3 she had her period,and when girls have it they doesn't grow.
Anyways,a small badass girl better than a tall boring girl tbh
She is still wearing her ANF shirt under her jacket so she is basically the same height she was then. I'd say she is somewhere around 5'2.
She's small but she's wiry.
She must be quite short: spending her most developmental years constantly starved will've stunted her growth somewhat
I saw Tenn was almost the same height as her in one scene.
She looks like she'd be about an inch or taller than my very short sister (5'0), so I'd wager 5'1-5'2. For reference, Marlon's probably 5'10-5'11. In most of the cutscenes, Marlon was about a head taller than Clementine. The average male head size is about 9 inches, so if we got with those heights for Marlon, then that'd also suggest she's 5'1 to 5'2. Even still, she's very thin and narrow.
Eh, I think that's too tall, lol. The average-sized female in the U.S. 5'4. She's definitely quite a bit smaller than 5'4 to me. Even if the average female height fell during the apocalypse, she still looks to be smaller than the average female even in that time. So, 5'1 to 5'2 I think is most realistic.
I believe most women eclipse in their growth around 16. That's approximately her age right now, I think. Plus or minus a year. 12-20 is usually considered the time span for puberty, with most women going through it probably 13-16. So it would not be unreasonable for her to grow slightly more, albeit not a lot due to lack of food, lol.
I made a similar thread and estimate based on her height compared to world objects like the doors and the closet that she's about 5 foot even, 5'2 tops.
Lol she's a shorty. No taller than 5'4. If she were a real, normal girl I'd tease her over her height all the time. I love doing that to my so very small female friends.
Though Clem and the rest of them could probably kick my ass up and down the apocalyptic world if I talked too much shit. I'm tall for nothing... 
Are there any confirmed character heights? I read somewhere that Lee was 6'2.
That's fucked up, lol. 5'4's average, lmao. Are you like 5'9 or something?
Ok, so using the assumption that Lee is about 6'2 (According to Wikipedia; I do remember him being pretty tall in the first Season, so I think this is reasonable), I used relative heights from Clementine to him when she was 8, turning 9:

Based on this image, Clem was about 62.8 per cent of Lee's height. This roughly puts her at 3'10.5 when she first turned 9. However, considering she just turned 9, I do not consider that a fair assessment of Clementine's growth, as she just turned that age. So, I used a height percentile calculator for 3'10.5 for an 8-year-old female in the U.S. That calculator roughly puts her in the 7.7 percentile of all heights. Assuming she follows a normal growth pattern, which is highly unlikely considering the lack of food and nutrition, and that she stays in about the same percentile, her height at 16 is 5'0.8. In other words, about 5'1. That is, however, with adequate nutrition. If we take that out, then she should be more like 4'10-4'11.
Another observation I've made: most people tend to overestimate others' height by about 2-4 inches.
According to some of my own calculations, she was about 3'11 in Season 1.
I would say 5'6 max, but even that sounds a bit high. Probably more like 5'2. She has to be at least 5ft.
Lol what? That's ridiculously high. She's always been below the average female height, which is 5'4 in the U.S. I'm 5'7 irl; she'd be fun-sized compared to me :P. Using my own calculations, she's about 5'1.
I'm a few centimeters under 6' so their heads are always at my chest so it just forces me to tease them. Lol I can't help it. It's their reactions.
Holy shit, lol. You a guy or girl? If you're a girl, then you're fucking mega-sized lol.
Why can't america just stop being edgy and use the metric system, smh
I know right! I literally had to convert foot to meters for every number used here.
Shorter than Tenn, semi-surprisingly.
Confirmed, not really, I don't think. There are lists of general estimates out there, though.
Also, Lee is not 6 ft, as far as I can gauge. 5'8, maybe.
I'm 5'7. I have an uncle that's 6'. If Lee existed in real life, I'd imagine him being much closer to my Uncle's height than mine. No way he's 5'8. Mark from Episode 2 of Season 1 was more like 5'8. 6' is plausible for Lee; so is 6'2.
Wasn't Mark, like, pretty short though? With Travis being over him and such?
But how big are her feet?
His proportions made him look short; I think this picture is pretty convincing to me that he's 5'8:

From this picture, he's shorter than Lee and Kenny, but not a complete midget. From this picture, Lee looks about 6'0ish, Kenny looks 5'10-5'11, and Mark looks 5'8ish.
For reference, that's about how tall I look (5'7) (Mark) when I'm standing next to my 6' uncle.
Ah, okay, I guess.
Guy. Full blown male. Though I also know women about my height too. Can't tease them. I'd definitely get my ass whipped.