Telltale added a neat blog post about their character art design for Clem this season, if you want some reading to take your mind off the wait until September. It's a pretty neat read.
(It's not the cosplay article - it's another one about the game itself)
Yeah, Pete & the whole of Telltale have been remarkable with their interaction with fans so far.
I know this is kinda off topic, but … moreI'm a huge fan of Namco Bandai localizations & Square-Enix when they were originally Squaresoft and TBH, we'll never get that kind of care from them. I can't speak for other studios but I only follow a few closely: Telltale, DontNod, QuanticDream, Square-Enix, Namco Bandai, Level-5, Rockstar Games, & Naughty Dog. Telltale takes the WHOLE cake and the recipe to make the cake when it comes to listening to their fans, IMHO.
My point is, even though Telltale has experienced some challenges, a lot of other video game studios could stand to learn a lot from their new changes under Pete.
Thank god they got rid of the ANF jacket and haircut, I think this new look works a lot better for her. She looks like a hardened badass, so it suits her well
Telltale added a neat blog post about their charac… moreter art design for Clem this season, if you want some reading to take your mind off the wait until September. It's a pretty neat read.
(It's not the cosplay article - it's another one about the game itself)
Ah yes, Ubisoft too! I haven't really enjoyed as much from them but yes. Prince of Persia, South Park, Watch Dogs, and AC hold a special place near and dear to my heart. Their upcoming Skull & Bones title looks promising...
Nintendo is Nintendo, though. Since they make consumer electronics AND delve in publishing video games, I purposely left them out since they're pockets are a lot deeper than just a standard video game publishing company. For the most part, they've always listened to their fans, outside of delivering us more Chrono Trigger.
Ah yes, Ubisoft too! I haven't really enjoyed as much from them but yes. Prince of Persia, South Park, Watch Dogs, and AC hold a special pla… morece near and dear to my heart. Their upcoming Skull & Bones title looks promising...
Nintendo is Nintendo, though. Since they make consumer electronics AND delve in publishing video games, I purposely left them out since they're pockets are a lot deeper than just a standard video game publishing company. For the most part, they've always listened to their fans, outside of delivering us more Chrono Trigger.
Again, Nintendo making consoles and hand-held devices whereas traditional video gaming studios such as Telltale, Naughty Dog, & etc don't which makes it an unfair comparison. Therefore I chose to leave Nintendo out. If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you, buddy.
It's the same reason I didn't add Sony Interactive Entertainment to my list, they have additional $$$ which can be used to contract studios to produce an exclusive IP for their consoles and slap their name on the publishing credits.
Detroit Become Human is an example of this, the developer is QuanticDream whereas Sony Interactive Entertainment owns the publishing rights because it's they're exclusive IP and theirs alone, Nintendo does the same with a majority of their titles as well.
Prime example: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has Nintendo as the primary publisher & Nintendo EPD as the developer. Do you see Sony Interactive Entertainment or even Nintendo's name on Telltale titles? It's a rhetorical question, but perhaps now you understand why I didn't include them.
Again, Nintendo making consoles and hand-held devices whereas traditional video gaming studios such as Telltale, Naughty Dog, & etc don'… moret which makes it an unfair comparison. Therefore I chose to leave Nintendo out. If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you, buddy.
It's the same reason I didn't add Sony Interactive Entertainment to my list, they have additional $$$ which can be used to contract studios to produce an exclusive IP for their consoles and slap their name on the publishing credits.
Detroit Become Human is an example of this, the developer is QuanticDream whereas Sony Interactive Entertainment owns the publishing rights because it's they're exclusive IP and theirs alone, Nintendo does the same with a majority of their titles as well.
Prime example: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has Nintendo as the primary publisher & Nintendo EPD as the developer. Do you see Sony Interactive Enterta… [view original content]
"In almost every season, there has been a conversation within the team about whether or not to lose the hat. And yet, here it is. There is something magical about that hat and its ability to evade the creative butcher’s block here at the studio."
How dare this even be brought up!
Thank god they got rid of the ANF jacket and haircut, I think this new look works a lot better for her. She looks like a hardened badass, so it suits her well
Man... That first episode! Oh mah goodness!!! TTG, you've done it. I haven't been this hooked since the first half of S2. This game really felt like a game. And the ending of the first episode makes me want to go back and replay it. I hate my ending. I want a do over. Yet, I'm glad I've got a chance to actually feel this way. Good grief! Like... man I can't wait for episode 2! Just, wow! That was something. I'm freaking out. This is a bewildering yet awesome feeling.
But daggone it, TTG!!! If you all don't stop alluding to Clem and/or AJ dying... Got Melissa Hutchinson on a freaking Thank-You-Fans world tour, talking about the ending of the season being "harrowing", no comments on Clem living or dying... I told Tenn to include me in the drawing, and that felt like some afterlife foreshadowing mess... C'mon y'all. Stop it, fam.
Alright. I'm done. Gonna bring my blood pressure back down. Phew! Looks like I've got a month before it goes up again because of a little afro sportin', Gary Coleman in the face lookin', "What did I do wrong?"-lookin' knuckle head! Gosh, that little boy is getting an old fashion whoopin' next episode...
Trust me, we feel your pain! I know they said they plan to experiment with episodes in the future, but one day, I hope they'll decide to set aside the time and resources to develop a full game rather than an episodic one. I don't foresee Overkill as a viable substitute for future TWD installments.
I really hope we get to know the rest of the group more, first episode we didn't get much about Willy, Mitch or Omar, hopefully they won't just be cannon fodder, please Telltale, let us end the final season with a group.
Thank god they got rid of the ANF jacket and haircut, I think this new look works a lot better for her. She looks like a hardened badass, so it suits her well
You know what's disturbing? I miss GameoverENT doing TWD stuff. He hasn't done a video since the announcement of The Final Season, he was one of the best TWD channels. Why didn't he leave a clue about his inactive job?
You know what's disturbing? I miss GameoverENT doing TWD stuff. He hasn't done a video since the announcement of The Final Season, he was one of the best TWD channels. Why didn't he leave a clue about his inactive job?
According to the comment section in his last video, he probably passed away due to a Hurricane Harvey that happened in Summer 2017. Some say he didn't because he gave a like to one of the tweets posted on his Twitter in November. The Hurricane might have destroyed his stuff for youtube and tries to earn money to rebuild everything. That's all I heard.
It would have been more understandable if he at least made a video about getting a break from youtube. I have a bad feeling that he is not ok.
According to the comment section in his last video, he probably passed away due to a Hurricane Harvey that happened in Summer 2017. Some say… more he didn't because he gave a like to one of the tweets posted on his Twitter in November. The Hurricane might have destroyed his stuff for youtube and tries to earn money to rebuild everything. That's all I heard.
It would have been more understandable if he at least made a video about getting a break from youtube. I have a bad feeling that he is not ok.
You know what's disturbing? I miss GameoverENT doing TWD stuff. He hasn't done a video since the announcement of The Final Season, he was one of the best TWD channels. Why didn't he leave a clue about his inactive job?
Except for Kenny's fucking hat
Telltale I mean come on, HOW hard would it have been to just show her taking the hat out of her pack and letting AJ wear it for a bit
According to the comment section in his last video, he probably passed away due to a Hurricane Harvey that happened in Summer 2017. Some say… more he didn't because he gave a like to one of the tweets posted on his Twitter in November. The Hurricane might have destroyed his stuff for youtube and tries to earn money to rebuild everything. That's all I heard.
It would have been more understandable if he at least made a video about getting a break from youtube. I have a bad feeling that he is not ok.
Honestly, I'll be shocked if Abel comes back in my game. I swear I thought I saw a walker chomp the side of his neck before he was pulled off screen. I'm not sure how someone could cut anything off that part of the body to prevent terminal illness.
Things getting out of hand on these boards, that never happens... well maybe once or twice or every time, oh crap this is going to go real bad isn't it?
Hate to say this...but most of you Y chromosome peeps...this is your QTE: QQQQE 1. How was it for you? 2. Get up and go to the bathroom. 3 Spend an hour apologizing.
Telltale added a neat blog post about their character art design for Clem this season, if you want some reading to take your mind off the wait until September. It's a pretty neat read.
(It's not the cosplay article - it's another one about the game itself)
Don't forget Nintendo and Ubisoft!
Thank god they got rid of the ANF jacket and haircut, I think this new look works a lot better for her. She looks like a hardened badass, so it suits her well
Ah yes, Ubisoft too! I haven't really enjoyed as much from them but yes. Prince of Persia, South Park, Watch Dogs, and AC hold a special place near and dear to my heart. Their upcoming Skull & Bones title looks promising...
Nintendo is Nintendo, though. Since they make consumer electronics AND delve in publishing video games, I purposely left them out since they're pockets are a lot deeper than just a standard video game publishing company. For the most part, they've always listened to their fans, outside of delivering us more Chrono Trigger.
Does Metroid, Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Donkey Kong, etc. not count then? Lol
Again, Nintendo making consoles and hand-held devices whereas traditional video gaming studios such as Telltale, Naughty Dog, & etc don't which makes it an unfair comparison. Therefore I chose to leave Nintendo out. If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you, buddy.
It's the same reason I didn't add Sony Interactive Entertainment to my list, they have additional $$$ which can be used to contract studios to produce an exclusive IP for their consoles and slap their name on the publishing credits.
Detroit Become Human is an example of this, the developer is QuanticDream whereas Sony Interactive Entertainment owns the publishing rights because it's they're exclusive IP and theirs alone, Nintendo does the same with a majority of their titles as well.
Prime example: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has Nintendo as the primary publisher & Nintendo EPD as the developer. Do you see Sony Interactive Entertainment or even Nintendo's name on Telltale titles? It's a rhetorical question, but perhaps now you understand why I didn't include them.
Because all they do is win?
Thanks for sharing this!
"In almost every season, there has been a conversation within the team about whether or not to lose the hat. And yet, here it is. There is something magical about that hat and its ability to evade the creative butcher’s block here at the studio."

How dare this even be brought up!
Man... That first episode! Oh mah goodness!!! TTG, you've done it. I haven't been this hooked since the first half of S2. This game really felt like a game. And the ending of the first episode makes me want to go back and replay it. I hate my ending. I want a do over. Yet, I'm glad I've got a chance to actually feel this way. Good grief! Like... man I can't wait for episode 2! Just, wow! That was something. I'm freaking out. This is a bewildering yet awesome feeling.
But daggone it, TTG!!! If you all don't stop alluding to Clem and/or AJ dying... Got Melissa Hutchinson on a freaking Thank-You-Fans world tour, talking about the ending of the season being "harrowing", no comments on Clem living or dying... I told Tenn to include me in the drawing, and that felt like some afterlife foreshadowing mess... C'mon y'all. Stop it, fam.
Alright. I'm done. Gonna bring my blood pressure back down. Phew! Looks like I've got a month before it goes up again because of a little afro sportin', Gary Coleman in the face lookin', "What did I do wrong?"-lookin' knuckle head! Gosh, that little boy is getting an old fashion whoopin' next episode...
They sure didn't forget about Kenny's hat... oh, wait...
Figured this would be worth mentioning to give people something to speculate on, since this is the EP2 waiting thread after all.
Here's to hoping it's the rival faction and not most of the kids.
Too bad they're not all out at once
Trust me, we feel your pain! I know they said they plan to experiment with episodes in the future, but one day, I hope they'll decide to set aside the time and resources to develop a full game rather than an episodic one. I don't foresee Overkill as a viable substitute for future TWD installments.
Define personality?
Yeah, give us more of all the cast,
Chances are the walkers will have more of them than we ever will.
lol 1 month rip
You know what's disturbing? I miss GameoverENT doing TWD stuff. He hasn't done a video since the announcement of The Final Season, he was one of the best TWD channels. Why didn't he leave a clue about his inactive job?
Wait... what happened to him?
According to the comment section in his last video, he probably passed away due to a Hurricane Harvey that happened in Summer 2017. Some say he didn't because he gave a like to one of the tweets posted on his Twitter in November. The Hurricane might have destroyed his stuff for youtube and tries to earn money to rebuild everything. That's all I heard.
It would have been more understandable if he at least made a video about getting a break from youtube. I have a bad feeling that he is not ok.
I hope he's ok I miss seeing his videos as well
I miss his videos too
Except for Kenny's fucking hat
Telltale I mean come on, HOW hard would it have been to just show her taking the hat out of her pack and letting AJ wear it for a bit
Episode 2 has been Rated by Australia
The moderate impact for Sex certainly is...interesting. Amid the Ruins had a lower rating for the Jane/Luke scene if I recall correctly?
It did? I honestly can’t remember the ratings
Moderate sex impact? my boy louis bout to get laid!

Moderate sex impact.... I wonder what that means tbh
I assume you don't share the same opinion
that's fair
Fuck, I really hope he's ok, I used to love watching his videos and his playthroughs.
That many Qs, huh? Looks like Louis has some stamina.
Just think about the sex....yes sex is the most important thing to think about!!!! There's no nudity tho so sucks for u excited potatoes.
Eh you know what they say, a little bit of skin is just enough skin baby!

He got bit but I bet he will tell his group before he dies
Things getting out of hand on these boards, that never happens... well maybe once or twice or every time, oh crap this is going to go real bad isn't it?
Hate to say this...but most of you Y chromosome peeps...this is your QTE: QQQQE 1. How was it for you? 2. Get up and go to the bathroom. 3 Spend an hour apologizing.
What is he a wood pecker, that man needs to get some rhythm.
motion of the ocean and all