Why does everyone have good teeth (not rotten)?
Throughout all of the games, everyone seems to have had at the very least acceptable teeth. It's been several years in the apocalypse at this point. Now unless there are giant stockpiles of toothpaste lying around, why doesn't everyones' teeth look like this, other than just "it looks gross, so we didn't put it in the game":
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Maybe they brush their teeth with Jack Daniels, like Ke$ha :P
Wouldn't that just wither them away faster?
Finally some good questions.
Seriously though, if Telltale took stuff like that into account, Clementine would have teeth like that, full of cavities, I mean she didn't brush them for like 9 years. She should also smell really bad as she hasn't used shampoo, soap, deodorants and such for 9 years. She'd also have all kinds of diseases including disgusting ones like nail fungus.
Same as the tv show, hollywood actors who have perfect teeth, the show never tried to make them look more realistic, they still look white and clean several seasons later
LMFAO, your profile picture perfectly captures what I mean:

That being said, she looks cute af in this moment.
Still, no one in any of these games is an actor or a model or looks even close to one :P.
Oh i know i just used the tv show as another example
You really think your teeth will rot out of your mouth if you don't use toothpaste for a few years, oh boy...
Agree, that Clementine burp was uniquely cute. And yeah, she has very pretty and healthy teeth.
Maybe they wouldn't become black, but they'd certainly be full of cavities and would be grossly yellow all over, not just at the very roots.
They take shower with rain water, they brush their teeth with plants maybe or toothpastes found in destroyed shops
What plants can you brush your teeth with? lol.
Even if they miraculously found a clean toothbrush and a lot of toothpaste in destroyed shops, there's no way it would be consistent enough for them to maintain their teeth :P.
It's acidity in drinks like coffee that destroys the enamel layer, thus makes them more yellow and more likely to get cavities, also sugar, which they would have a lot less off, their teeth would be much better off than ours without toothpaste.
Actually something I just thought of. Did you guys notice that basically everyone has clean skin, especially AJ, except Clementine who has dirty, kinda muddy skin(face and especially hands)
Yeah, I'd expect some acne or some acne scarring on almost everyone. If not that severe, at least full of dirt. At the very least, Clem has some scratches and dirt, with a few very, very early indentations in her face.
Still, she was practically an untouched doll that sweated all the time in ANF. So, at least a step up from that:
Not everyone. Marlon does have acne on his cheeks.
Even if they consumed less acidic food and drinks consistently, as well as less sugar, there would still be an accumulation of bacteria in the mouth that would begin to eat away at the gums the teeth sit in. Part of the mechanical action of brushing your teeth is literally brushing out the bacteria that are on the gums. Thus, gum disease would be inevitable, and then there would be a more direct route for the bacteria to begin chipping away at the actual tooth. It would also cause the teeth to become extremely crooked due to a lack of support structures. So, perhaps the cavity route would be less likely, but the gum disease route would just become a matter of time.
Pretty sure Marlon is lying face down in the dirt at the moment.
Where did little AJ find a working computer and type that?
Nice headshot by the way. At least I don't have to look at that stupid mullet anymore.
I don't know about the game but in comics and show they brush their teeth for sure.
People don't need toothpaste to have good teeth.

Western diets are full of really bad sugary foods and acidic drinks. We sometimes create our own problems.
But you have to realise that what they would be eating is still western food. Usually the stuff that is more preserved also has a lot of sugar in it.
This also isn't taking into account the number of times they have been hit or have fallen. Teeth can fall out, chip and move around from all that kind of stuff.
People don't need to care about these simple stuff....cuz why did the zombies rise from the dead huh?
There's a bit of confusion in this thread; the survivors could obviously find toothbrushes to brush their teeth easily every day, even if its just dry scrubbing/with a bit of water. The OP's question was about toothpaste, which probably isn't as important as the mechanical action of brushing.
Those are all professionally taken photos. You can easily fix yellow teeth with a very basic filter. I've done it several times before. It's not that hard. If not that, you can play around with lighting.
Show me a non-professionally taken photo or video of these people. I'm not suggesting that the Western diet isn't full of corrosive and sugary foods. It very much is. I drink several cups of coffee a day. Though I don't drink any sodas at all. Stuff tastes awful, all of it. It's just that I've done a good amount of retouch work before, and whitening teeth can be done extremely easily. Most professional photos you've seen have had light photoshop work done. If not that, just some lighting tricks. You don't always do crazy contour work with light and shadows unless the subject absolutely wants that or it's for a company or organization's advertising.
Bobshaw also brought up a good point about the food that the survivors do get their hands on is fundamentally Western food. Maybe less of it, but still Western. In fact, it's probably the worst of it: canned food (also possible metal leaching), rotten food, etc.
I mean, to be fair, we got Abel and Willy.
Their teeth are mostly just crooked; not yellow and rotting. I would attribute their teeth more to a lack of dental work done on them and bad natural teeth genetics.
Abel's teeth look pretty gnarly.
Yeah, they do. But everyone's teeth should look like that, though maybe not to the same extent.
It's not unreasonable to think people are brushing their teeth. Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. We've never seen Clementine take a shit but we know she does, like everyone in that universe does.
No watermarks, not popping up in google searches for professional publications. Seems like you're arguing from ambiguity and pretending that you have evidence.
It's almost like I could post any photo, no matter how poorly lit, candid, or spontaneous, and you could just call it professionally taken, edited, and recolored no matter what.
Unless they grow it in one of their many gardens like Prescott and Richmond. Or it's canned vegetables, beans, rice, crackers, meat, or just about anything where it's preserved in water.
Also, just because your parents say "sugar rots your teeth" doesn't mean rotten food actually makes your teeth rot...
im sure there's still ways to keep good hygiene like before modern society or whatever. people weren't constantly gross, they just found other ways to clean themselves. probably.
bc theyre not british
im jst jokin, im british lol
i guess bc ppl would conplain ? in dragon age origins they had slightly yellow teeth and a lot of ppl narked about it
Abel's grill didn't look the best. XD
Because dentist cannot die in TWD universe duh
Ya & every doctor in the apocalypse comes with some minor dentistry training, too.
Or the classic veterinarian that can perform open heart surgery on a human without anestetic
Oh! You mean the same veterinarian that was invited into the St. John home long enough to not even offer her renowned skills to Mark's shoulder wound, but gladly rushed to assist a malnourished cow?
Yeah, that vet is totes one of the best!