Suffer the children theories.

edited September 2018 in The Walking Dead

Anyone want to share their theories or opinions on the second episode?



  • Finally, I was wondering if we had a thread like this or if someone would get the idea to do so.

  • Some are speculating that Clementine dreamt the last twenty minutes of the first episode, so who knows? Maybe Marlon is not actually dead? Maybe it was just an illusion?

  • I think for the children its "better to sleep"

  • Based on the Steam achievements (which I don't even know if we're allowed to discuss so please don't ban) it seems like at first the kids wanna kick us out but we convince them not to somehow. ("We're staying" achievement)
    We still need food so two of the achievements ("Edible / Botanist") suggest we're either gonna have to find something edible in the forest or grow something in the greenhouse.
    After that we're gonna meet the returning character, which is most likely Lilly ("Old Ghost"), she's probably with some bandits who will attack the school and we're gonna have to set up defenses such as traps and whatnot, since they are probably better armed and are adults we'll have to outsmart them ("Defender / Be prepared").
    We'll also most likely have Rosie at our side ("Great Girl"), probably determinant on the choice to bond with her in Episode 1.
    It seems Clem's gonna use a bow against walkers at some point (The achievements "Sureshot and Deadeye").
    The last two achievements (Excluding the collectibles) are "Bonded" and "Moving fast", both probably refer to a relationship with either Louis or Vi.

  • Children will suffer.

  • The suffer children upon us is!
    Thee shall not have fun but a gun!

  • Clem is obviously going to get down and get dirty with Louis.

  • Just going off the way the first episode played out and established certain characters, this is the general rundown

    • Alvin Jr will have to consider the implications of shooting Marlon and deal with how the other students look upon for it & potentially being put on probation, if not being locked up altogether.
    • Louis is gonna have trouble dealing with the fact that his best friend for years just got killed by a six year old with a gun after being outed for giving up Tenn's sisters. His "live in the moment" philosophy will likely have the underlying motivations for it exposed. He may also create something that will help the group deal with upcoming tasks.
    • Violet is gonna wanna find the raider(s) who took Sophie and Minerva away.
    • Tenn may be blue screened in dealing with the revelation that his sisters weren't killed by walkers and how his way of dealing with it has been based on a lie.
    • Rosie will be coping with the fact that Marlon is dead and will be adverse or even afraid of AJ.
    • Assim will likely become the new leader or at least the closest thing to one and direct the group into improving their survival plans by sprucing thing up and preparing for potential attacks now that the biggest obstacle to that has been dealt with.
    • Ruby will take serious issue with AJ's overall behavior and possibly coordinate the backlash in deciding how to handle him for the time being.
    • Mitch will either side with Ruby or defend AJ.
    • Willy's origins are hinted at and/or revealed.
    • Abel may show up again, with how you handled the first encounter with him reflecting in his personal disposition towards Clementeen.
    • Returning character...returns.
    • First major encounter with the raiders and possible wake up call boss will transpire at a key point.
    • At least 3 or 4 distinct characters within the raiders are introduced.
    • Sophie and/or Minerva will be found and/or have some concrete buildup to discovering their current status.

    I know vaguely of some of the achievements and a few certain spoilers and what they imply will happen, but that wasn't exactly voluntary.

  • It’s a shame that a thread like this is difficult with all the leaks, but I’ll give my two cents in speculation.
    I think the intro will be Clem and AJ at the McCaroll ranch just talking (it will be a while after them reuniting) and then all of a sudden, Clint/Joan arrives with some soldiers and announces that they took back Richmond from Javier— and now want Clem’s head, since she aides the Garcia’s.
    Clem says f*** that and gets in a gunfight with Clint/Joan’s army, possibly with everyone else at the McCaroll ranch helping, and then she notices a man menacingly approaching AJ with a knife.
    Clem then shoots the man in the head right in front of AJ, and just as his body hits the ground, we see Clem standing over him with a smoking gun. Then it cuts back to the group staring in horror at AJ.
    Intro=cool southern hick song plays with a cool animation with a different color (i thinn the episode color on the select screen is green, so the animation will be green)
    Then it goes back to either a while later, or moments later, and you have a choice of how to address AJ about what he did, or to not address it at all.

  • edited August 2018

    Oh, I was gonna add onto Louis's log concerning his very underlying contentment issues, but I see I already did.

  • edited August 2018

    We can torture AJ for his decision at the end of episode 1, hence the name of the episode

    (Just in case people haven’t figured it out yet, I don’t hate AJ, although he is getting a slap in the next episode, I am just parodying the way that people wouldn’t shut up about the new frontier for well over a year because it didn’t live up to their expectations despite telltale’s words, just like how AJ didn’t live up to mine after being told that he will be shaped by our choices. No matter what, he is a total carver jr.

  • edited August 2018

    We still need food so two of the achievements ("Edible / Botanist") suggest we're either gonna have to find something edible in the forest or grow something in the greenhouse.

    Or Clementine gets high af lol.

    The last two achievements (Excluding the collectibles) are "Bonded" and "Moving fast", both probably refer to a relationship with either Louis or Vi.

    Do you think there will be a ‘save Louis or Violet’ choice that would further the relationship with either Violet or Louis.

    Based on the Steam achievements (which I don't even know if we're allowed to discuss so please don't ban) it seems like at first the kids wa

  • I think it's a bit too soon for one of them to die but you never know I guess.
    But personally I'd say no, I don't think either will die this episode

    We still need food so two of the achievements ("Edible / Botanist") suggest we're either gonna have to find something edible in the forest o

  • I think the name of the episode is because of the book “Suffer the Children” (I forgot who wrote it), where a man abducts children— and I’m guessing it will relate that to Sophie and Minerva.

    Melton23 posted: »

    We can torture AJ for his decision at the end of episode 1, hence the name of the episode (Just in case people haven’t figured it out yet

  • You know, you'd think that'd be an obvious conclusion.

    Good find.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I think the name of the episode is because of the book “Suffer the Children” (I forgot who wrote it), where a man abducts children— and I’m guessing it will relate that to Sophie and Minerva.

  • 100% not going to be a dream

    Some are speculating that Clementine dreamt the last twenty minutes of the first episode, so who knows? Maybe Marlon is not actually dead? Maybe it was just an illusion?

  • Children will be suffering.

  • Oh, sorry for the inaccuracy.

    100% not going to be a dream

  • Don't be sorry if you don't want to. It was someone else's thought process.

    Oh, sorry for the inaccuracy.

  • Thanks!

    DabigRG posted: »

    You know, you'd think that'd be an obvious conclusion. Good find.

  • Except he's not

    Melton23 posted: »

    We can torture AJ for his decision at the end of episode 1, hence the name of the episode (Just in case people haven’t figured it out yet

  • edited September 2018

    These are all based off the achievements.

    • Some of the kids will try to kick AJ and Clem out of the school, our choices during Done Running might effect the outcome. Emphasis on might (illusion of choice like always rip. we'll find a way to stay regardless).

    • Someone from the previous seasons will return. I'm 99.9% sure it's Lilly. Mild shock when we actually see her.

    • School will get attacked by something or someone. Possibly the raiders or Abel or walkers or something else. We'll set up some defenses for the school before it.

    • The greenhouse will be brought back to life and there's probably going to be a scene where we have to plant some flowers or something.

    • We'll have the chance to eat mushrooms? Or smoke? I have no idea.

    • Possible romance scenes with either Vi & Lou. All you thirsty lads and lasses can't wait for this one I bet smh.

    • Walkers will attack the school at some point and we have to defend it once again. What a shocker.

  • I certainly know that the school will get attacked, lead by Abel MAYBE. It's not for certain though that Abel will lead it.

  • Haha, that’s a good one XD cos normal people shoot unarmed kids in the backs of their heads after they have admitted their failure and have surrendered, I wonder who else murders those who fail in their duties and has a cold outlook on life? Hmmm...

    Nah, it can’t be ??

    Except he's not

  • That kid thing is rather irrelevant considering the age difference between them.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Haha, that’s a good one XD cos normal people shoot unarmed kids in the backs of their heads after they have admitted their failure and have

  • As a man named Bill Cosby would say to the police... age is just a number

    DabigRG posted: »

    That kid thing is rather irrelevant considering the age difference between them.

  • Hush.

    Melton23 posted: »

    As a man named Bill Cosby would say to the police... age is just a number

  • I think these bandit's or raiders might be the same ones in season one save lot bandit's at least seven shot and one eaten by a walker but it still says several bandit's are not dead and maybe Lilly could of joined them.

    Based on the Steam achievements (which I don't even know if we're allowed to discuss so please don't ban) it seems like at first the kids wa

  • Why would Lily join the people who repeatedly attacked her group, picked off almost all of Ben's classmates, had their supplies syphoned from the inside, and got both her dad and Kenny's son killed, among others?

    I won't say it's completely impossible, but there'd certainly be some serious overhauls and cullings if she did.

    davesackett posted: »

    I think these bandit's or raiders might be the same ones in season one save lot bandit's at least seven shot and one eaten by a walker but it still says several bandit's are not dead and maybe Lilly could of joined them.

  • Why would Lily join the people who repeatedly attacked her group, picked off almost all of Ben's classmates, had their supplies syphoned from the inside, and got both her dad and Kenny's son killed, among others?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why would Lily join the people who repeatedly attacked her group, picked off almost all of Ben's classmates, had their supplies syphoned fro

  • Yes but her dad died or maybe to her killed by Kenny and maybe Lee she had nothing left but it could go another way they could of took her as a prisoner maybe still is or later joined them but it's likely not the same Bandit's but they seem the same to me.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why would Lily join the people who repeatedly attacked her group, picked off almost all of Ben's classmates, had their supplies syphoned fro

  • I think Lilly only cared about her dad's death I know in my play through Lilly was going to let the diary farm brother kill Lee she shrugged and watched as the brother tried to push Lee's Head into the electric fence.

  • I mean, true, some people will accept anything at their lowest, but I can't say Lilly ever struck me as that type of person. Much less in that context in particular.

    davesackett posted: »

    Yes but her dad died or maybe to her killed by Kenny and maybe Lee she had nothing left but it could go another way they could of took her a

  • I assume you helped kill Larry then cause that's the only way I've seen that happen.
    Granted, I also didn't know Kenny could help you in the first instance, but that just reinforces my point.

    davesackett posted: »

    I think Lilly only cared about her dad's death I know in my play through Lilly was going to let the diary farm brother kill Lee she shrugged and watched as the brother tried to push Lee's Head into the electric fence.

  • Okay, to entertain the immediate assumption most have about the villains,


    they may be trying to repopulate the world with redneck genes

  • Ruby and/or Wily may be related.


    to Abel and the Raiders

  • edited September 2018

    Someone will take AJ’s gun away from him, probably clementine. Once he proves himself, she’ll give it back.

  • Clementeen, AJ, Louis, and Violet will travel into the woods together during the evening to get...something. Somewhat tense feelings will be starting a bit of a brew here, depending both on your interactions with the latter two and what happened with Marlon.
    There may be a choice to split up at a certain point where you can choose/get either Violet or Louis to go with you while the other goes with AJ.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    Great hellfire and ash shall rain upon Ericson's, scorching all as the raging flame that is Lily's wrath grows tempestuously without end.

  • edited September 2018

    Nicely and artistically said, make sure to replace the "will" with "shall" to give it an extra spice ;)

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Great hellfire and ash shall rain upon Ericson's, scorching all as the raging flame that is Lily's wrath grows tempestuously without end.

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