Even though Violetine fans recently made a meme in which Clem has a **** and is about to **** Violet, but apparently good old Blind Sniper didn't find that meme creepy and didn't delete it.
My goodness. I didn't realize it was this bad. We go such a far way with just a small hint. The second episode is supposed to build more on this, adding fuel to the ships. In ten days. We must pray to Blind every night to keep us safe.
He's a pretty capable guy, however not even he will be able to protect you all from the impending DOOM. There may be an influx in.......well, we'll see more outspoken people like LeafOnAStick
My goodness. I didn't realize it was this bad. We go such a far way with just a small hint. The second episode is supposed to build more on this, adding fuel to the ships. In ten days. We must pray to Blind every night to keep us safe.
...Oh, are you talking about the "Too disgusted to date rape" comic strip?
Yes. Since blind sniper mentioned he would delete such creepy posts I found it weird that he didn't delete it
I guess it's because it really is just a general meme and the date rape aspect is honestly a very small part of the comic compared to the actual joke.
seeing violet and louis dying after getting real tired of fanboys shipping them with clem

Point me to this strip. FOR RESEARCH!
Disco Broccoli spin-off gem when?
I knew it.
Lol boy you are fast
Gotta respect that level of bravado he had. Never have I seen some shit like that ?
this is sick
Shit, he kept going with it too lmao. He wasn’t going to let it go anytime soon ?
Ikr? had to screenshot it before it got taken down
Justice For My Urban Christa
They forgot the by.
I would've liked that... But the face was too creepy.
What the fuck?
get ready everyone
Me @ all the shipping and anti-shipping posts:
Poogers... Get ready.
Clementine + Romance = A bad time to be on the telltale forums.
My goodness. I didn't realize it was this bad. We go such a far way with just a small hint. The second episode is supposed to build more on this, adding fuel to the ships. In ten days. We must pray to Blind every night to keep us safe.
a new era of S4 memes has begun
When you've seen all the spoilers and you pretty much already know what's about to happen.
Me seeing all the fucked up shit in 10 days
...Do it.
0:34 Pretty much. It "helps" that AJ initially backs away
I was bored.

He's a pretty capable guy, however not even he will be able to protect you all from the impending DOOM. There may be an influx in.......well, we'll see more outspoken people like LeafOnAStick

"I'll be your Mari if you be my Uncle Kenny..."
Credit to @Jayroen
2 types of people right now:

Only 1 of them is correct
I vote the 2nd one
I’m the second one
Is it just me or is Clem slightly crosseyed there?

Wtf is this..?