I could show you a much better image of Lilly from the spoiler video, she looks fine, they just chose a terrible angle and facial expression for this shot.
Really? Everyone who I’ve had problems with in the past was given “several days of vacay” as they like to put it.
Also, does this really just seem like a coincidence to you?
Really? Everyone who I’ve had problems with in the past was given “several days of vacay” as they like to put it.
Also, does this really just seem like a coincidence to you?
You just love playing pretend, don't you? I have done things that would've gotten the average person banned 100 times over, yet here I am. I have total hegemony over this forum.
Daily reminder that season 3 was a mistake.

Ooooo! Ooooooo!
I had to nerf this meme to keep it a legal meme so please dont delete my legal meme thank u
Guys, I think we found our celebrity survivor
It's Adam Lambert!

I thought it was this fucking guy the first time I watched the trailer.
I did for a moment and I thought I fucked up. But then I noticed the Swoosh was in the opposite direction.
Case and Point, It's still valid.
fuck physics.

What, is he clipping through the fire?
Im gonna edit the meme
enough is enough
Surprisingly Topical

Credit to @Kenny_Is_Love
Link please I want to cringe out of existence
its over for us
o fuck the leaks were real
Don’t play with my heart

Jesus Christ, her head is enormous! She looks like a frickin' Xenomorph, holy shit
Yeah, that model looks kinda stupid/fake.
Please do not misgender Javi, this is his big break to make a comeback and he does no appreciate your rudeness ;(
Lol don't worry the worst is yet to come after episode 2.
Petition to ban TellTale from making any more hairstyles, exist to sign.

I love her new hairstyle. It makes her look rogue
You misspelled "like an idiot"
Bet it was mother fucking Javi who cut her hair.
No, YOU misspelled "like an idiot"
I could show you a much better image of Lilly from the spoiler video, she looks fine, they just chose a terrible angle and facial expression for this shot.
The Thinking Dead
Heels in the sky = Western Spy tho... сука блять

They just gotta reduce her forehead. When I was making that Javi meme like god damn I had to fill in a fuck ton of forehead.
Dear Mr Blind, when are you going to follow the rules and terminate these rule breaking threads?
When I tell him to. Until then, shut your FILTHY cake hole, and bow down before him.
Dex, why do you think you have power over Blind? Dont you know I have all the power here and Im the one pulling all the strings?
Really? Everyone who I’ve had problems with in the past was given “several days of vacay” as they like to put it.

Also, does this really just seem like a coincidence to you?
I'll have you know every time the meme thread gets nuked its because I instructed Blind to do so, and we still have plenty of nukes waiting friendo.
You just love playing pretend, don't you? I have done things that would've gotten the average person banned 100 times over, yet here I am. I have total hegemony over this forum.
Let the shippers and antishippers unite against a common enemy: Lilly looking like garbage
sexy garbage that is???
Golden Lily confirmed?

Can someone edit a pic of lilly with Kenny’s beard and the caption “I got lucky, real lucky” on it? It’s for a science project