Who didn't see this coming, though? The signs were already there.
You'd had to be a real pessimist to think they couldn't find a way to finish episodes 3 and 4, just constantly thinking of the worst scenario possible.
Right??? XD
"For Kenny so loved the world, he gave his eye, his wife, and his only begotten son, so that the one who would board his boat would not perish, but have eternal life."
You can be super-bros depending on your choices, especially in the vigilante route. And many suspect that he already knows our identity but chooses not to reveal that information to Bruce or anybody else.
Yay for WD, now hopefully we might get some indication whether WAU2 and more Batman is still on the cards... Skybound are great for WD but Warner might be better for those...
Can @mostlypoptarts bak in Season 4? We honestly need a community manager now that it's pretty much back to normal. Still confuzzled over that statement in response to such great news, but at least she can get her job back!
Can @mostlypoptarts bak in Season 4? We honestly need a community manager now that it's pretty much back to normal. Still confuzzled over that statement in response to such great news, but at least she can get her job back!
"Nice unibrow, bitch."
Clem: I lived bitch.
Whooooo!!!!!!! VICTORY
Who didn't see this coming, though? The signs were already there.
You'd had to be a real pessimist to think they couldn't find a way to finish episodes 3 and 4, just constantly thinking of the worst scenario possible.
I'm gonna replay it too.
Playing episode 2 straight after the initial announcement was like an emotional purgatory.
With this, I can finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful community.

That's all well and good till the avengers arrive and screw everything up.
I can now rest easy. I can actually focus on my job and schoolwork instead of obsessively checking the forums and subreddit every ten minutes.
OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GO~~~~D!!! ?❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Haha this popped into my head just as I read the news
Right??? XD
"For Kenny so loved the world, he gave his eye, his wife, and his only begotten son, so that the one who would board his boat would not perish, but have eternal life."
You can be super-bros depending on your choices, especially in the vigilante route. And many suspect that he already knows our identity but chooses not to reveal that information to Bruce or anybody else.
But yeah, RIP any hope for Batman s3.
Happy TFS day...
so happy, hope wolf among us get the same concern :[
Lilly too is happy after this news!
You know what's funny? 5 minutes after I went to sleep Skybound drops these GREAT news
(Europe,you know) The best thing I could have woken up to.
Hehe me too
And it is SKYBOUND doing it. The guys involved with the ttg twd stuff from the start.
I might buy the comics now, as a sign of gratitude.
Its not over
Ayayay, don’t you start, back to the cells with the rest of the non-believers!
Yay for WD, now hopefully we might get some indication whether WAU2 and more Batman is still on the cards... Skybound are great for WD but Warner might be better for those...
I can finally sleep
This is good news. Not unexpected though.
Fuck yes, Skybound, fuck yes

Ahem....never had any doubt.
The comics are, in my opinion, pretty awesome.
but brudda i lost de wae
U no find de wae, ah? U stay der and u think about de wae, lost one, or so help me I will spit on u, ah?
You can go cry in the corner now. You were always wrong.
Awe it's a new day yes it is
Now that it’s been confirmed only thing now need i episode 3 waiting thread
Can @mostlypoptarts bak in Season 4? We honestly need a community manager now that it's pretty much back to normal. Still confuzzled over that statement in response to such great news, but at least she can get her job back!
Telltale is still pretty much dead and these forums will be, too, at some point.
....uh ok, aspies smh...