Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • I have to ask...

    Who do y'all think the publisher is?

  • It's really a good news if 3+4 will be finished by original devs.
    I hope and wait.

  • Overkill is overkill

  • My comment needs to be approved. @Jennifer help?

  • I love Kenny but whoever picked up this game is our new awesome god :smile:

  • It might just be Skybound Games. I know TWD is a Skybound property, but I'm not sure the head of it's gaming division would be tweeting stuff like that out if it didn't directly involve him or his company.

    EbiManami posted: »

    I have to ask... Who do y'all think the publisher is?

  • edited October 2018

    It could be anyone. Skybound Games is probably most likely.

    But good contenders are Warner Bros., Devolver Digital or even Square Enix.

    Thinking about it: it's either Skybound or Devolver Digital. I'm sure of it,

    EbiManami posted: »

    I have to ask... Who do y'all think the publisher is?

  • @VengefulKenny What company do you think will finish the walking dead the final season. If you had to guess. I am guessing it might be Ubisoft or gearbox Software.

    Thank you @EbiManami it's nice seeing my efforts being appreciated I love this series and community and it's my pleasure to be able to give back

  • Not happening...Skybound is going to announce a game based off Invincible to coincide with the amazon series.

  • Did we make it?

  • It's obvious that Skybound Games will finish it.

  • I'm really feeling Square if its not Skybound. They seem to really like to grab a hold of a large variety including narrative driven games

    GSSalvador posted: »

    It could be anyone. Skybound Games is probably most likely. But good contenders are Warner Bros., Devolver Digital or even Square Enix. Thinking about it: it's either Skybound or Devolver Digital. I'm sure of it,

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Ah, I didn’t notice he was with Skybound games only as normal Skybound does sometimes tweet about the show. I guess an announcement of some sort does seem more plausible then.

    It’s by the head of Skybound games though, I doubt it would be related to that. That sounds more like another TV show.

  • edited October 2018

    I'd cry.

    Not happening...Skybound is going to announce a game based off Invincible to coincide with the amazon series.

  • When it happens...you have my permission to die.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I'd cry.

  • Notice the head of Skybound GAMES. Unless new walking dead ga- nah, no way.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It could be related to this news about the TV show. https://screenrant.com/walking-dead-amc-announcement-tease/ Appearing during la


    When it happens...you have my permission to die.

  • This is very very promising, but reserving judgement till Monday. We've been burnt a lot these past 2 weeks. This one would really sting if it was really just smoke and mirrors.

  • The timing is way too coincidental to that Reddit post for this to not be about TFS.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Notice the head of Skybound GAMES. Unless new walking dead ga- nah, no way.

  • I truly have no idea on that one. Square, dontnod, Ubisoft? Any company who reached out to help the ex staff I guess

    xcapa2 posted: »

    @VengefulKenny What company do you think will finish the walking dead the final season. If you had to guess. I am guessing it might be Ubisoft or gearbox Software.

  • I'll honestly be shocked if it's Square, they don't seem the type to be interested in games like these.

    I truly have no idea on that one. Square, dontnod, Ubisoft? Any company who reached out to help the ex staff I guess

  • But they are involved with Life is Strange correct?

    EbiManami posted: »

    I'll honestly be shocked if it's Square, they don't seem the type to be interested in games like these.

  • But they have Life is Strange?

    EbiManami posted: »

    I'll honestly be shocked if it's Square, they don't seem the type to be interested in games like these.

  • edited October 2018

    Yeah, true, I forgot they're the publisher for that. My bad. I'm so used to their JRPG titles.

    But they are involved with Life is Strange correct?


  • edited October 2018

    Could it be about the show returning and this whole thing about Rick's 'final episodes'??
    edit: Nevermind!

    Yep, I was the moderator who talked to the OP and received proof of their sources. Also a Skybound employee tweeted that big news was coming soon. Looks like we should be receiving an official confirmation this coming week

  • I'm pretty sure that tweet was by someone from Skybound games.

    Could it be about the show returning and this whole thing about Rick's 'final episodes'?? edit: Nevermind!

  • Yep my bad, I didn't thoroughly go through the thread. I just seen Vengeful's comment.

    EbiManami posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that tweet was by someone from Skybound games.

  • https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1048267230280990720

    Please do not try and guilt former TTG staff for info...they are already suffering.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just looked at his twitter username "@IanSkybound" in the embedded tweet and then remembered the news about "big news" i saw a few days ago so just assumed, there was no "games" in his username :p

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Notice the head of Skybound GAMES. Unless new walking dead ga- nah, no way.

  • I knew that we had a big chance that TWD would be finished. If it's going to be delayed, to heck with that!
    Lets hope that the ending will be a good one.

  • I can see the news now
    "We can proudly announce that The Walking Dead The Final Season will now be completed in novel form being released this January 2019!"

  • Emily's tweets were heartbreaking to read. Tragic hearing about someone actually relocating a week before from another country. At first I thought this whole "Telltale is dead" stuff was about ppl hating on tfs so I ignored it. Then I seen 10+ vids a day about it and was like shit. I could care less about a refund, I'm actually glad I got the season pass, hopefully it helped in some way. Then again, probably didn't make a difference anyway.

    https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1048267230280990720 Please do not try and guilt former TTG staff for info...they are already suffering.

  • edited October 2018

    Did you see the tweets where someone vandalized the google spreadsheet with all the Kofi links and started putting James and Clem stuff on it? It's honestly sad to see how awful some people can be.

    Emily's tweets were heartbreaking to read. Tragic hearing about someone actually relocating a week before from another country. At first I t

  • I'll take it, I will gladly fucking take it, I just need to know what happens to my Sweet Pea.

    I can see the news now "We can proudly announce that The Walking Dead The Final Season will now be completed in novel form being released this January 2019!"

  • edited October 2018

    This is important.

    Also don't attack devs who wish to NOT continue working on the game for reasons. A lot of devs suffered and still suffer pretty severely, both physically and psychologically, because of the work conditions and the sudden mass-layoffs.

    Don't expect them to just hop back in like nothing happened.

    https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1048267230280990720 Please do not try and guilt former TTG staff for info...they are already suffering.

  • You're right.
    To go back or not, should be a personal choice of everyone of them.
    Because we are players, "we want our game completed", right? ... but life has more serious things to be worried about.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This is important. Also don't attack devs who wish to NOT continue working on the game for reasons. A lot of devs suffered and still suff

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