Cold manipulative bitch?? Could you explain how she's manipulative? She's cold simply because she probably blamed Clem for Omid's death (despite still caring for her for the next 16 or so months). But manipulative? Please explain?
For me it was the opposite. I liked her at first and wanted her to return in the end of season 2. But the more time i play the game, the more i realised what a cold manipulative bitch she was.
Well i am disappointed you don't like her for the reason you stated. She knew Ben put everyone's lives at risk, she loved her boyfriend which was understandable as the longer they took there, the more chance he was to die.
Sorry i don't agree with the hate. By the way, Christa did know what Ben did. After everyone runs into the classroom after Ben removes the axe from the door handle, if you stay silent or wait till the timer runs out this is the dialogue:
Ben: "This is my fault, all my fault!"
Christa: "What the hell's he babbling about"
Lee: "Ben we talked about this!"
Christa: "No wait, i want to know what he meant, what do you mean this is all your fault"
Ben: "Kenny, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry man!"
Kenny: "Kid this ain't the best time, whatever you did save it for later" Ben: "I opened the door, i let them in!"
As you can see by the last line, he DOES confess what he did but most people don't know that because they choose the dialogue choice before the conversation ends. So Christa automatically knowing what Ben did makes sense. If you cut the dialogue off, then sure she shouldn't know but the idea is that she was aware of it.
She voted Ben out of the group without even understanding what he did, bitch never even directly talked to him and blamed Ben for slowing down her reunion with her corny ass boyfriend
Cold manipulative bitch?? Could you explain how she's manipulative? She's cold simply because she probably blamed Clem for Omid's death (despite still caring for her for the next 16 or so months). But manipulative? Please explain?
(When they first meet Lee and Clem on the bridge she say "You not her dad he down there?" Even if she's right that's a pretty bad thing to say to a complete stranger.
That deserves hate??? Christa didn't know Lee from Adam, he had a kid with her and she wanted to know if her dad was down there. I think that's understandable. These strangers could have been dangerous to her. Nothing wrong with that.
If Lee asks what they were arguing about on the bride she gets really defensive and basically tells Lee to fuck of. But when you don't immediately tell her about the radio she gets really angry for keeping secrets.(At that point they know each other for about a day). She's also really fast on integrating Clementine and criticise Lee at several different occasions.
First of all, it was none of Lee's business so you cannot blame her for that. Secondly, the radio was something that should have been mentioned to the entire group for their own safety. As for criticizing Lee with Clementine, that's called being overprotective "i hope you know what you're doing with her" as an example. She cared enough about a kid to make sure she's in good hands, again she didn't know Lee well enough at that point. Not enough to hate her and in my opinion a petty reason for the hate. Sorry.
She's also clear whit that the only thing shes care about is Omid, and are very demanding that we should help them. Realistically what reason does Lee and Kenny have to give a shit about Omid at that point? Specially when Christa sad so much shit about not sticking around.
Christa didn't particularly want to stick around. They offered to help them move the tanker when they didn't have to, when the herd came she and Omid had no choice but to hop on the train with them. She didn't "demand" they help Omid. Everyone agreed to go to Crawford for their own needs. I'd like proof that she "demanded" help for Omid.
I have way more smaller examples but i can't get bored to right it all, and I think you get the point.
No, no please list them. I want to hear the smaller examples.
I know someone gonna say that she cared for Clementine all that time in Season 2, but that was of screen and I didn't see any love coming from Crista. It felt more like a cold and abusive relationship between them. For me Christa was shot dead in the woods and good riddance.)
Wow, just wow! Abusive relationship? No offence but are you high?? Christa had probably not long lost her own baby, that and her boyfriend and you wonder why she acts cold, but abusive??? Fuck's sake man! Also the fact that she cared for Clem offscreen still counts as they had been together for all those months and Clementine still cared about her, it clearly showed after they separated. I hope Christa does come back, just wish i could see your reaction lol.
And they are so many more examples of her just being an unlikable person, literally every scene she's in shis being a bitch in some way.
Disagree 100% with that bullshit. Amazing how different people see things.
I don't care what happened in the 16 month time skip because that was of screen. Also I get a strong feeling that that was an abusive relationship because the way she cats the hole time in season 1.
Again, utter bullshit in my view. So you deem it an abusive relationship because of the way she chats the whole time in Season 1??? Err what?? Could you explain what the hell you mean here? Lol!
In the attic when Lee say she wants Kenny to look after Clem, she ones again speaks out without knowing shit about the situation and can't just respect Lees final wishes.
No, the reason she speaks out is because she is upset and doesn't want to think about Lee dying. She made that clear numerous times. Petty hate again.
In season 2 she asks clementine for help with wat the baby sold be named but if you say Omid is a good name, she ones again can't just accept what Clementine likes and must complain about it. I know that that may not seem like anything but the way she acts in season on prove have abusive she is. Not just to Clem but to Lee and Omid to.
You really need to read up about abuse. Abuse??? Really??? That is bullshit again. She didn't complain about her choosing Omid for a baby's name. All she said was "you always agree with him" and SMILED when she said it so for goodness sake that is so far the most petty thing to criticize Christa for!
TripleKillionare made a good point, she voted Ben out without knowing shit about what has done.
Actually you're both wrong. After everyone runs into the classroom after Ben removes the axe from the door handle, if you stay silent or wait till the timer runs out this is the dialogue:
Ben: "This is my fault, all my fault!"
Christa: "What the hell's he babbling about"
Lee: "Ben we talked about this!"
Christa: "No wait, i want to know what he meant, what do you mean this is all your fault"
Ben: "Kenny, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry man!"
Kenny: "Kid this ain't the best time, whatever you did save it for later" Ben: "I opened the door, i let them in!"
As you can see by the last line, he DOES confess what he did but most people don't know that because they choose the dialogue choice before the conversation ends. So Christa automatically knowing what Ben did makes sense. If you cut the dialogue off, then sure she shouldn't know but the idea is that she was aware of it.
After the boat gets stolen she asks Lee what he thinks is best and if you don't agree with her she gets weary passive aggressive.
You could say the same about Kenny or Lilly over the course of the game. So what?? People are entitled to disagree or show resentment. If everyone kept their mouth shut and agreed with Lee on everything then how fucked up would that be! Honestly that is still petty to hate on her for that.
I already wrote why I think you should hate her at the top of this thread, so I just gonna copy paste it...
(When they first meet Lee and… more Clem on the bridge she say "You not her dad he down there?" Even if she's right that's a pretty bad thing to say to a complete stranger.
If Lee asks what they were arguing about on the bride she gets really defensive and basically tells Lee to fuck of. But when you don't immediately tell her about the radio she gets really angry for keeping secrets.(At that point they know each other for about a day). She's also really fast on integrating Clementine and criticise Lee at several different occasions.
She's also clear whit that the only thing shes care about is Omid, and are very demanding that we should help them. Realistically what reason does Lee and Kenny have to give a shit about Omid at that point? Specially when Christa sad so much shit about not sticking around.
I have way more smaller exam… [view original content]
But you haven't explained what makes her "manipulative", do you know what that actually means? Being cold doesn't make you manipulative. So i would like to see some examples of her "manipulation" please?
That deserves hate??? Christa didn't know Lee from Adam, he had a kid with her and she wanted to know if her dad was down there. I think that's understandable. These strangers could have been dangerous to her. Nothing wrong with that.
Yes. She doesn't ask if Lee is her dad, she's just says it. That nothing you say to a stranger even if you are right, she had no reason to think he wasn't.
First of all, it was none of Lee's business so you cannot blame her for that. Secondly, the radio was something that should have been mentioned to the entire group for their own safety. As for criticizing Lee with Clementine, that's called being overprotective "i hope you know what you're doing with her" as an example. She cared enough about a kid to make sure she's in good hands, again she didn't know Lee well enough at that point. Not enough to hate her and in my opinion a petty reason for the hate. Sorry.
I don't blame her not for telling i blaming her for being so fucking nosy and interrogating Clem within minutes of meeting her without telling anything about herself (I know she said she was from San Francisco but that isn't the point). Christa made it very clear that they weren't a part of the groop, and even if they were she still gave the same bitchy anser.(You tell her that you didn't want to worry her or that you were going to tell her)
She maybe cared for Clem or maybe not (I don't think so) but that doesn't matter. The way she sad "i hope you know what you're doing with her" just sounds threatening and as you sad she didn't know Lee well enough to say something like that, maybe if she was a little bit nice in the way she said it, but she was not.
Christa didn't particularly want to stick around. They offered to help them move the tanker when they didn't have to, when the herd came she and Omid had no choice but to hop on the train with them. She didn't "demand" they help Omid. Everyone agreed to go to Crawford for their own needs. I'd like proof that she "demanded" help for Omid.
First Christa did not to shit with the tanker. Omid offered to help, Christa try talking him out of it.
She sounds demanding in the way she always bitch about helping Omid when she's been clear that she don't want to stick around. At that point Lee and Kenny had no reason to give a shit about them.
No, no please list them. I want to hear the smaller examples.
No i won't. I know it is just going to be nitpicks. But that adds up in her being a bitch.
Wow, just wow! Abusive relationship? No offence but are you high?? Christa had probably not long lost her own baby, that and her boyfriend and you wonder why she acts cold, but abusive??? Fuck's sake man! Also the fact that she cared for Clem offscreen still counts as they had been together for all those months and Clementine still cared about her, it clearly showed after they separated. I hope Christa does come back, just wish i could see your reaction lol.
The way she's demanding and need of control over everything all the time. Her and Omid's relationship can easily be interpreted as abusive maybe not so much but to some degree. Even more so white Clem, for example when Clem tries to bring up Omid Christa immediately shuts Clem down. You can also easy get the feeling that Clem are scared to speak up to her. She threatened Omid in season 2 as joke, but who knows?
We don't know much about Christa but i think she checks out to many boxes just to ignore it. (Link to signs of abuse)
Disagree 100% with that bullshit. Amazing how different people see things.
Yes it is.
No, the reason she speaks out is because she is upset and doesn't want to think about Lee dying. She made that clear numerous times. Petty hate again.
Still pretty bitch move to shut down a dying mans last wishes. Not so petty at all.
Actually you're both wrong. After everyone runs into the classroom after Ben removes the axe from the door handle, if you stay silent or wait till the timer runs out this is the dialogue:
As you can see by the last line, he DOES confess what he did but most people don't know that because they choose the dialogue choice before the conversation ends. So Christa automatically knowing what Ben did makes sense. If you cut the dialogue off, then sure she shouldn't know but the idea is that she was aware of it.
Really doesn't matter if she knows or not, she has nothing to do with what he did with Kenny's family. It make sense for Kenny and Lee to vote him out because they know him, Christa don't.
You could say the same about Kenny or Lilly over the course of the game. So what?? People are entitled to disagree or show resentment. If everyone kept their mouth shut and agreed with Lee on everything then how fucked up would that be! Honestly that is still petty to hate on her for that.
Yes you could, and people do. Kenny and Lilly has always been hated by many people but Christa hasn't. That's why I think Christa is the most underrated shit character and would be a complete waste of a return.
So can you say one likable thing she does ON SCREEN?
(When they first meet Lee and Clem on the bridge she say "You not her dad he down there?" Even if she's right that's a pretty bad thing to s… moreay to a complete stranger.
That deserves hate??? Christa didn't know Lee from Adam, he had a kid with her and she wanted to know if her dad was down there. I think that's understandable. These strangers could have been dangerous to her. Nothing wrong with that.
If Lee asks what they were arguing about on the bride she gets really defensive and basically tells Lee to fuck of. But when you don't immediately tell her about the radio she gets really angry for keeping secrets.(At that point they know each other for about a day). She's also really fast on integrating Clementine and criticise Lee at several different occasions.
First of all, it was none of Lee's business so you cannot blame her for that. Secondly, the radio was something that should have been mentioned to the entire group f… [view original content]
Clearly not because I know that 90% of the people on this forum revear him as a god who can do no wrong.
And compared to the characters on the list beforehand Kenny doesn't get shit, in fact those characters already got so much hate. So he should be on this list.
Plus the way he raised his child left her unable to function without him. Sarah died because he conditioned her to need his help. All the AJ glad he does what he does. The poor kid could have been raised by Dr. Idiot. 6 years old, raised by a kid since she was 10 and he is more functional that a 15 year old raised by a grown ass man. Guy could have made her medic #2...but no.
He has a girl around Clementine's age. He's a trained professional that can't tell the difference between a human bite and a dog … morebite.
So this single father that believes in sheltering children ( at least his own ) locked a starving, cold, wounded child his daughter's age up in front of his house where dead things wander enough to believe she'd been recently bitten. He slaps his own daughter so hard even Carver looked surprised for a second.
90%???? Haha i have been around these forums since 2013 and after the chaos of 2014 with the Kenny/Jane wars i can assure you that this forum no longer has as many Kenny fans as they left not long after. There are a lot more people who dislike him on here these days, most people here hate him which is why I don’t think it is necessary for him to be on the list ok? Plus I disagree that he deserves “hate” anyway but that’s my opinion
Clearly not because I know that 90% of the people on this forum revear him as a god who can do no wrong.
And compared to the characters o… moren the list beforehand Kenny doesn't get shit, in fact those characters already got so much hate. So he should be on this list.
She herself has only been apart of the group for a day and automatically thinks her vote matters? She’s so indecisive over it that when clementine votes for him to stay, christa merely abstains as if she realized how much of a dick she was. Ben helped christa with getting omid upstairs and checking the house with kenny when everyone first got inside. Ben is just a kid and she has little to no reason for putting him on the spot like we do, since we had to put Duck down and witness someone getting shot in the face for his actions.
When Ben took out the axe, the walkers weren’t there at the door anymore, otherwise they would have came in immediately.
Well i am disappointed you don't like her for the reason you stated. She knew Ben put everyone's lives at risk, she lov… moreed her boyfriend which was understandable as the longer they took there, the more chance he was to die.
Sorry i don't agree with the hate. By the way, Christa did know what Ben did. After everyone runs into the classroom after Ben removes the axe from the door handle, if you stay silent or wait till the timer runs out this is the dialogue:
Ben: "This is my fault, all my fault!"
Christa: "What the hell's he babbling about"
Lee: "Ben we talked about this!"
Christa: "No wait, i want to know what he meant, what do you mean this is all your fault"
Ben: "Kenny, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry man!"
Kenny: "Kid this ain't the best time, whatever you did save it for later"
Ben: "I opened the door, i let them in!"
As you can see by the last line, he DOES confess what he did but most people don't know tha… [view original content]
Where is this shit about Christa being manipulative coming from?
I thought one of the complaints was that she barely actually did or mattered much [onscreen]?
What about Mike? He is your bro until Luke and maybe Bonnie dies, and the in the middle of the night he aims to steal away all the food, the truck you and Kenny fixed and the distraught Russian teen that was leading his gang towards you guys to,save his own ass from hiding the meds...and then not only does he try to justify thiz, as soon as Arvo shoots...he bails.
Yes I know he ran from Kenny and Jane, who would have likely fucked him up...but wtf Mike? You were solid up until then. Bonnie. I get. She is weak, her loyalty is somewhat fickle and died with Luke, even if you tried to save him. But Mike? That betrayal hurt.
Kenny always has been popular and you just admitted he used to have a lot of fans back in the day and if you look now he still does hes still got a shit tone of fans and it's still gotten to the point where you can't say anything about him and you prove that.
Also lets have a look at the characters who were named:
They are all hated more than Kenny. Kenny still has more fans than anyone in this forum till this day. He does some questionable shit in season 2. People are allowed to dislike him.
90%???? Haha i have been around these forums since 2013 and after the chaos of 2014 with the Kenny/Jane wars i can assure you that this foru… morem no longer has as many Kenny fans as they left not long after. There are a lot more people who dislike him on here these days, most people here hate him which is why I don’t think it is necessary for him to be on the list ok? Plus I disagree that he deserves “hate” anyway but that’s my opinion
Kenny always has been popular and you just admitted he used to have a lot of fans back in the day and if you look now he still does hes stil… morel got a shit tone of fans and it's still gotten to the point where you can't say anything about him and you prove that.
Also lets have a look at the characters who were named:
* Jane.
* Kate.
* Elenore.
* Gabe.
* Sarah.
They are all hated more than Kenny. Kenny still has more fans than anyone in this forum till this day. He does some questionable shit in season 2. People are allowed to dislike him.
Yes. She doesn't ask if Lee is her dad, she's just says it. That nothing you say to a stranger even if you are right, she had no reason to think he wasn't.
So??? People can make a judgment it doesn’t make her a bad person. She said “your not her dad” as a question which Lee responded “it’s that obvious?” And she says “to me” so she could just tell he wasn’t her dad, there are many reasons. It’s a stupid thing to dislike her for.
I don't blame her not for telling i blaming her for being so fucking nosy and interrogating Clem within minutes of meeting her without telling anything about herself (I know she said she was from San Francisco but that isn't the point).
What are you on about?? When was she ever interrogating Clementine?? When they first met she asked if she could get to know the girl for a minute, how is that interrogating?? No one knows what her and Clem talked about but Clementine or Lee were not bothered by it. Again i really think this is really petty to nitpick over!
Christa made it very clear that they weren't a part of the groop, and even if they were she still gave the same bitchy anser.(You tell her that you didn't want to worry her or that you were going to tell her)
She never said she was or wasn’t part of the group. When they first met she said her and Omid would go if she didn’t like anything that was happening in the group and I don’t think that’s unreasonable. The fact is, she and Omid were with the group at the time and Lee decided not to tell her about the radio which was important if it meant she and Omid could be in danger for not knowing what was going on. Honesty is the most important thing in a zombie apocalypse so i do not blame her at all for being annoyed. Once again, that is very petty to “hate” her for.
She maybe cared for Clem or maybe not (I don't think so) but that doesn't matter.
Of course she cared for her!!! Why the fuck would she stay and look after her for over 2 years if she didn’t???
The way she sad "i hope you know what you're doing with her" just sounds threatening and as you sad she didn't know Lee well enough to say something like that, maybe if she was a little bit nice in the way she said it, but she was not.
Threatening??? Are you for fucking real?? She was showing her concern for Clementine being put in a dangerous situation by Lee where she nearly got killed because Lee took her into a dark train station. Can you blame her? Besides, she wasn’t horrible about it, you are obviously extremely sensitive by the way people speak but she said “i hope you know what you’re doing with her”, that was not threatening at all. Later on she actually PRAISED Lee for it afterwards when you talk to her again. She says something along the lines of “it’s good that you worked together but always make sure you find more than one way out, don’t be looking in the same place, that’s a waste” stuff like that which was good constructive advice.
First Christa did not to shit with the tanker. Omid offered to help, Christa try talking him out of it.
She didn’t try to talk him out of it, she was wary of being round strangers which naturally is very sensible. She never once said she wouldn’t help, show me proof where she said “no we aren’t helping”. She didn’t do shit because that is why the people playing the game have Lee to always do everything like getting the train started, feeding the group etc. Omid helped enough said.
She sounds demanding in the way she always bitch about helping Omid when she's been clear that she don't want to stick around. At that point Lee and Kenny had no reason to give a shit about them
She doesn’t sound demanding at all, i just think you have a sensitive thing about yourself where you think someone is being horrible when they aren’t. You are in a very small minority.
No i won't. I know it is just going to be nitpicks. But that adds up in her being a bitch.
That’s because you can’t think of anything else and because even if you did yes they would be petty nitpicks that are most likely extremely harsh/pathetic.
The way she's demanding and need of control over everything all the time.
Explain? How is she controlling?? You still haven’t proven how she is manipulative which i know is absolute bullshit dude. Your hate for her is clouding your judgment of what real emotional abuse is.
Even more so white Clem, for example when Clem tries to bring up Omid Christa immediately shuts Clem down.
That is NOT abuse! If you didn’t want to talk about something or someone it is your right to say to that person that you don’t want to talk about it. Omid was the love of her life, he died, she partially blamed Clem for it so you can’t blame her for being cold in that moment. What i implore you to do is stop being 100% negative about her and look at the good things she did for Clem like looking after her for 2 years (offscreen DOES matter because it still happened), or when she taught Clem how to stitch up wounds or cook in the forest.
You can also easy get the feeling that Clem are scared to speak up to her.
Scared? Again show me proof? She was reluctant to speak up if you like but scared is the wrong word and again that is most likely due to Omid’s death and how Christa’s grief affected her. It is completely understandable so i do not think it’s fair to say Christa is in the wrong.
She threatened Omid in season 2 as joke, but who knows?
If you are talking about the line “you’ll be sleeping in the rain tonight” then quite frankly i am done speaking with you because that would sum up how completely idiotic you feel towards her. I am sorry, i am not intending to offend you but i can’t not lie about it. She did not threaten Omid at all.
None of those things come close to Christa. I doubt anyone else on these forums will agree with you on that.
Still pretty bitch move to shut down a dying mans last wishes. Not so petty at all.
Stop being sensitive man! When Lee said he wanted Kenny or Omid/Christa to look after her, she said emotionally “stop it” like she was upset to hear it. She wasn’t being horrible or intending to shut down a dying man’s wish. Stop labelling her out to be a monster when you know that’s not true. It really is petty hate i wish you could see it.
Really doesn't matter if she knows or not, she has nothing to do with what he did with Kenny's family. It make sense for Kenny and Lee to vote him out because they know him, Christa don't.
She didn’t vote him out due to what he did to Kenny’s family, it is because of how he put everyone in danger by letting the walkers get inside the building. Please read what i said. You criticised her for wanting Ben out because you thought she didn’t know what Ben did to fuck up but i just proved that she did know. I was not once referring to what he did to Kenny’s family, it has nothing to do with my point.
Yes you could, and people do. Kenny and Lilly has always been hated by many people but Christa hasn't. That's why I think Christa is the most underrated shit character and would be a complete waste of a return.
Well lucky for you i doubt she will come back but wish she did just to see your reaction lol.
So can you say one likable thing she does ON SCREEN?
Yes i can:
She gives constructive advice to Lee about surviving which i said earlier about making sure you always have more than one exit, look in different places, not the same spot.
She makes sure Clementine stays away from the dead dog when Lee has dug it up in case it’s dangerous. Not a huge thing but likeable to me.
She goes with you to find Clementine once she realises Lee is bit. She also cuts Lee’s arm off when no one else had the guts to do it for him, she probably did the patching up job too.
Her and Lee had a nice conversation on the hospital roof. Likeable.
She saved Lee’s life by shooting a walker when they were escaping to the top of the Crawford bell tower.
As a joint effort to help everyone she put her life on the line by going to Crawford with everyone which was still a likeable and good deed.
She determinately kills the boy in the attic for you if you or Kenny decide not to do it yourself.
Season 2 she tells Clem the importance of making fires and cooking food for herself that it was something she needed to learn to survive. Good constructive advice and likeable.
All onscreen.
I am not trying to offend you or tell you that you’re wrong for disliking Christa but when you don’t acknowledge the good things about her then that’s where i have to say my piece because she isn’t as bad as you make out to be that’s all.
That deserves hate??? Christa didn't know Lee from Adam, he had a kid with her and she wanted to know if her dad was down there. I think tha… moret's understandable. These strangers could have been dangerous to her. Nothing wrong with that.
Yes. She doesn't ask if Lee is her dad, she's just says it. That nothing you say to a stranger even if you are right, she had no reason to think he wasn't.
First of all, it was none of Lee's business so you cannot blame her for that. Secondly, the radio was something that should have been mentioned to the entire group for their own safety. As for criticizing Lee with Clementine, that's called being overprotective "i hope you know what you're doing with her" as an example. She cared enough about a kid to make sure she's in good hands, again she didn't know Lee well enough at that point. Not enough to hate her and in my opinion a petty reason for the hate. Sorry.
I don't blame her not for tel… [view original content]
First of all, the whole scene with Ben taking the axe out of the door was ridiculous even for Ben’s stupidity and the walkers god knows why they weren’t there then just burst through. You can hate Christa for that but I don’t blame her and being there a day in the group matters for shit. If someone puts your life in danger multiple times then something has to give. It wasn’t the first time Ben fucked up. Hell i liked Ben, i didn’t hate him because i knew he was a dumb kid who made mistakes and maybe Christa was hasty in what she said but i still don’t blame her. My point is that I’m not going to hold a grudge and hate her for that one thing like i am guessing you and the other guy do but sure whatever.
She herself has only been apart of the group for a day and automatically thinks her vote matters? She’s so indecisive over it that when clem… moreentine votes for him to stay, christa merely abstains as if she realized how much of a dick she was. Ben helped christa with getting omid upstairs and checking the house with kenny when everyone first got inside. Ben is just a kid and she has little to no reason for putting him on the spot like we do, since we had to put Duck down and witness someone getting shot in the face for his actions.
When Ben took out the axe, the walkers weren’t there at the door anymore, otherwise they would have came in immediately.
Well from what i have seen there are more haters on this forum for Kenny than those that like him nowadays. Maybe i just haven’t visited the right threads but whatever. It’s my opinion that he doesn’t deserve the amount of hate he does get. There are so many extremely hateful sensitive people around here anyway.
By the way, i never said you can’t dislike him but it won’t stop me from saying i don’t agree lol
Kenny always has been popular and you just admitted he used to have a lot of fans back in the day and if you look now he still does hes stil… morel got a shit tone of fans and it's still gotten to the point where you can't say anything about him and you prove that.
Also lets have a look at the characters who were named:
* Jane.
* Kate.
* Elenore.
* Gabe.
* Sarah.
They are all hated more than Kenny. Kenny still has more fans than anyone in this forum till this day. He does some questionable shit in season 2. People are allowed to dislike him.
Where is this shit about Christa being manipulative coming from?
I thought one of the complaints was that she barely actually did or mattered much [onscreen]?
Fine, but there are many other reasons to hold a grudge against her.
She never wanted to join Lee’s group but after Omid busted his leg she wants to force everyone to slow down for them. She never had a reason to join them to the heart of savannah, and when Ben was supposed to be watching out for a little girl, christa made him abandon his duty.
Christa gets herself into a situation where she needs to gets saved by someone, that person being Kenny. She didn’t have to jump down in a rush, not knowing if there would be walkers or not.
When Lee dies to keep Clementine safe, she and her boyfriend have a quickie or something in a bathroom leaving a 9 year old to go in alone in the next room.
I don’t like her character at all, I’m glad she was only in the first 10 minutes of Season 2 and nothing else.
First of all, the whole scene with Ben taking the axe out of the door was ridiculous even for Ben’s stupidity and the walkers god knows why … morethey weren’t there then just burst through. You can hate Christa for that but I don’t blame her and being there a day in the group matters for shit. If someone puts your life in danger multiple times then something has to give. It wasn’t the first time Ben fucked up. Hell i liked Ben, i didn’t hate him because i knew he was a dumb kid who made mistakes and maybe Christa was hasty in what she said but i still don’t blame her. My point is that I’m not going to hold a grudge and hate her for that one thing like i am guessing you and the other guy do but sure whatever.
She never wanted to join Lee’s group but after Omid busted his leg she wants to force everyone to slow down for them
Except that she was there with them at the moment and the humane thing to would be to help someone in need. She didn’t force the group to stop. She said he needed to rest and that was it.
when Ben was supposed to be watching out for a little girl, christa made him abandon his duty.
Yeah because a pregnant lady was going to lift her boyfriend all by herself? That was no excuse to dislike her. Petty dude. Ben could have grabbed Clem by the hand and gone up together so it was still Ben’s fault that he didn’t stick to his responsibilities.
She didn’t have to jump down in a rush, not knowing if there would be walkers or not.
But they were in a rush to get to the hotel where Clem was. Sure it was hasty but how you can honestly dislike her for that is ridiculous unless it is of course because it resulted in Kenny being lost from the group even though he caused the radio to drop in the first place.
When Lee dies to keep Clementine safe, she and her boyfriend have a quickie or something in a bathroom leaving a 9 year old to go in alone in the next room.
That is the fault of both her and Omid, not just Christa but it must be hard for a couple to get the chance to have sex when a 9 year old is always around them lol. Again, petty hate as far as i am concerned and yet people make mistakes. I don’t agree that people should continuously hold grudges for the smallest of things. But whatever man, i am not going to change your mind but i disagree with what you say and don’t feel her dislike is justified
Fine, but there are many other reasons to hold a grudge against her.
She never wanted to join Lee’s group but after Omid busted his leg sh… moree wants to force everyone to slow down for them. She never had a reason to join them to the heart of savannah, and when Ben was supposed to be watching out for a little girl, christa made him abandon his duty.
Christa gets herself into a situation where she needs to gets saved by someone, that person being Kenny. She didn’t have to jump down in a rush, not knowing if there would be walkers or not.
When Lee dies to keep Clementine safe, she and her boyfriend have a quickie or something in a bathroom leaving a 9 year old to go in alone in the next room.
I don’t like her character at all, I’m glad she was only in the first 10 minutes of Season 2 and nothing else.
You really are a Christa fanboy. I am gonna try to make this short.
"your not her dad" as a question
that's not a question, look it up.
Omid helped enough said.
Christa didn't do shit enough said.
What i implore you to do is stop being 100% negative about her
I'm not.
Stop being sensitive man! When Lee said he wanted Kenny or Omid/Christa to look after her, she said emotionally “stop it” like she was upset to hear it. She wasn’t being horrible or intending to shut down a dying man’s wish. Stop labelling her out to be a monster when you know that’s not true. It really is petty hate i wish you could see it.
What i implore you to do is stop being 100% positive about her.
None of those things come close to Christa.
Yes they do, you just refuse to see it because you are a Christa fanboy.
Please read what i said.
How about you do the same.
Yes i can
Fair enough, but some of the are just bullshit. Like...
She goes with you to find Clementine once she realises Lee is bit. She also cuts Lee’s arm off when no one else had the guts to do it for him, she probably did the patching up job too.
That's determinant, if you don't show your bite and don't bend over to everything shes say, she can almost be a big of a dick as Kenny in that situation.
As a joint effort to help everyone she put her life on the line by going to Crawford with everyone which was still a likeable and good deed.
Only for Omid, she said it herself.
She determinately kills the boy in the attic for you if you or Kenny decide not to do it yourself.
Ok but she couldn't bury him herself, she made Lee do it.
Season 2 she tells Clem the importance of making fires and cooking food for herself that it was something she needed to learn to survive. Good constructive advice and likeable.
It had been 16 month she should have told her that a long time ago. But for the other point, fair enough.
All the points about the abuse and the manipulation are most speculations that I se can be a possibility but I completely understand a Christa fanboy like you cant see it.
Yes. She doesn't ask if Lee is her dad, she's just says it. That nothing you say to a stranger even if you are right, she had no reason to t… morehink he wasn't.
So??? People can make a judgment it doesn’t make her a bad person. She said “your not her dad” as a question which Lee responded “it’s that obvious?” And she says “to me” so she could just tell he wasn’t her dad, there are many reasons. It’s a stupid thing to dislike her for.
I don't blame her not for telling i blaming her for being so fucking nosy and interrogating Clem within minutes of meeting her without telling anything about herself (I know she said she was from San Francisco but that isn't the point).
What are you on about?? When was she ever interrogating Clementine?? When they first met she asked if she could get to know the girl for a minute, how is that interrogating?? No one knows what her and Clem talked about but Clementine or Lee were not bothered by it… [view original content]
You see people like you end up resorting to insults. Calling me a Christa fanboy, just because i defend her bad points doesn't make me her biggest fan. I see the good in every character, even some of the worst out there. I do not look at myself as a negative person, only when i am disagreeing with people like you. But when people don't acknowledge the good things about someone then that's when i step in. You can hate Christa as much as you want, that's up to you but i am giving you another insight instead of the constant negativity you are giving this character. Also i noticed you still haven't given a proper answer as to how Christa is manipulative because none of your posts have actually given evidence as to how she is, only that you say so.
It's getting late where i live and i have work in the morning so i won't discuss this further. I just think you need to lighten up a bit, maybe we both do but all i know is that i would rather talk positively about people than negative.
You really are a Christa fanboy. I am gonna try to make this short.
"your not her dad" as a question
that's not a question, lo… moreok it up.
Omid helped enough said.
Christa didn't do shit enough said.
What i implore you to do is stop being 100% negative about her
I'm not.
Stop being sensitive man! When Lee said he wanted Kenny or Omid/Christa to look after her, she said emotionally “stop it” like she was upset to hear it. She wasn’t being horrible or intending to shut down a dying man’s wish. Stop labelling her out to be a monster when you know that’s not true. It really is petty hate i wish you could see it.
What i implore you to do is stop being 100% positive about her.
None of those things come close to Christa.
Yes they do, you just refuse to see it because you are a Christa fanboy.
Please read what i said.
How about you do the same.
Yes i can
Fa… [view original content]
You see people like you end up resorting to insults. Calling me a Christa fanboy
I call you a Christa fanboy because you defend every shity thing she does.
constant negativity
Seriously? This is a thread about characters that deserve more hate.
Also i noticed you still haven't given a proper answer as to how Christa is manipulative because none of your posts have actually given evidence as to how she is, only that you say so.
Yes I answered that it is most speculations and fanboys like you couldn't see the connection.
And stop being a hypocrite by saying:
That I resorting to insults.
That I being sensitive.
That I not having evidence.
That I not reading or understanding your points.
When you clearly do the same.
It is clear that you are just a troll so I am not gonna respond with a new post, or anything more than this for that matter. Have a good day.
You see people like you end up resorting to insults. Calling me a Christa fanboy, just because i defend her bad points doesn't make me her b… moreiggest fan. I see the good in every character, even some of the worst out there. I do not look at myself as a negative person, only when i am disagreeing with people like you. But when people don't acknowledge the good things about someone then that's when i step in. You can hate Christa as much as you want, that's up to you but i am giving you another insight instead of the constant negativity you are giving this character. Also i noticed you still haven't given a proper answer as to how Christa is manipulative because none of your posts have actually given evidence as to how she is, only that you say so.
It's getting late where i live and i have work in the morning so i won't discuss this further. I just think you need to lighten up a bit, maybe we both do but all i know is that i would rather talk positively about people than negative.
Lol i touched a nerve then. Don’t be upset little boy! It’s ok to be wrong about Christa ?
Also you still haven’t said why she is manipulative lol. You continue to say yes you have but you haven’t lol. There is no connection to what you have said. Even @DabigRG thinks its bullshit that’s she’s manipulative.
Have a good day Sebby! You are very entertaining kid ?
You see people like you end up resorting to insults. Calling me a Christa fanboy
I call you a Christa fanboy because you defend ever… morey shity thing she does.
constant negativity
Seriously? This is a thread about characters that deserve more hate.
Also i noticed you still haven't given a proper answer as to how Christa is manipulative because none of your posts have actually given evidence as to how she is, only that you say so.
Yes I answered that it is most speculations and fanboys like you couldn't see the connection.
And stop being a hypocrite by saying:
That I resorting to insults.
That I being sensitive.
That I not having evidence.
That I not reading or understanding your points.
When you clearly do the same.
It is clear that you are just a troll so I am not gonna respond with a new post, or anything more than this for that matter. Have a good day.
To be fair her pregnancy wasn’t that big of a hinderance for her at the time, given she was able to handle herself at crawford and is bigger than Omid. My dislike for her is petty, I’ll admit that. She did have a strong attitude early on and didn’t really have much to do besides being worried for Omid and then being salty after he died.
She never wanted to join Lee’s group but after Omid busted his leg she wants to force everyone to slow down for them
Except that she… more was there with them at the moment and the humane thing to would be to help someone in need. She didn’t force the group to stop. She said he needed to rest and that was it.
when Ben was supposed to be watching out for a little girl, christa made him abandon his duty.
Yeah because a pregnant lady was going to lift her boyfriend all by herself? That was no excuse to dislike her. Petty dude. Ben could have grabbed Clem by the hand and gone up together so it was still Ben’s fault that he didn’t stick to his responsibilities.
She didn’t have to jump down in a rush, not knowing if there would be walkers or not.
But they were in a rush to get to the hotel where Clem was. Sure it was hasty but how you can honestly dislike her for that is ridiculous unless it is of course because it res… [view original content]
To be fair her pregnancy wasn’t that big of a hinderance for her at the time, given she was able to handle herself at crawford and is bigger… more than Omid. My dislike for her is petty, I’ll admit that. She did have a strong attitude early on and didn’t really have much to do besides being worried for Omid and then being salty after he died.
Aside from being obnoxious, she got Chuck killed, fer crying out loud.
And when she cracks wise about Lee's group being unstable when Kenny is ranting at Ben about his family's death, I wanted to slug her.
I guess i'm kinda sick of people treating him like a god,and i'm not gonna lie a part of me wish that they went with his original death instead in S3 just to see how triggered the fans would be
I guess i'm kinda sick of people treating him like a god,and i'm not gonna lie a part of me wish that they went with his original death instead in S3 just to see how triggered the fans would be
If i knew his S3 outcome i would have happily accepted his S2 death over that.
Triggered? No. If he had died in S1 then there wouldn’t be as many haters as there are these days for him
Maybe ask yourself...what was it about Kenny that made suicide the preferred option. Honestly look at it like this...her whole world was in shambles...and then her son is bitten...and worse...Kenny was in self pity not spending time with Katjaa nor Duck...harkening back to Kenny's own admitted guilt of preferring to be away from his family. Yeah...the choice was easy.
Katjaa, even though she was a well recieved character by most.
She killed herself, leaving her husband and dying son behind. Did she just a… moressume her son’s father, already a sobbing wreck, could handle putting Duck down? What about clementine? There’s no other woman in the group to be motherly towards her.
And don’t even get me started about how she’s the closest thing to a doctor anymore, she never bothered to show the others what to do for wounds or illnesses or whatever?
Um are you new? Kenny gets hate all the time, he shouldn't be on this list
Kenny already gets enough hate (which i disagree with of course) so he shouldn't be on the list
He already gets enough hate so i don't think he should be on the list
Why hate Christa?
Cold manipulative bitch?? Could you explain how she's manipulative? She's cold simply because she probably blamed Clem for Omid's death (despite still caring for her for the next 16 or so months). But manipulative? Please explain?
Well i am disappointed you don't like her for the reason you stated. She knew Ben put everyone's lives at risk, she loved her boyfriend which was understandable as the longer they took there, the more chance he was to die.
Sorry i don't agree with the hate. By the way, Christa did know what Ben did. After everyone runs into the classroom after Ben removes the axe from the door handle, if you stay silent or wait till the timer runs out this is the dialogue:
Ben: "This is my fault, all my fault!"
Christa: "What the hell's he babbling about"
Lee: "Ben we talked about this!"
Christa: "No wait, i want to know what he meant, what do you mean this is all your fault"
Ben: "Kenny, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry man!"
Kenny: "Kid this ain't the best time, whatever you did save it for later"
Ben: "I opened the door, i let them in!"
As you can see by the last line, he DOES confess what he did but most people don't know that because they choose the dialogue choice before the conversation ends. So Christa automatically knowing what Ben did makes sense. If you cut the dialogue off, then sure she shouldn't know but the idea is that she was aware of it.
I have already explained, just look at my other posts.
That deserves hate??? Christa didn't know Lee from Adam, he had a kid with her and she wanted to know if her dad was down there. I think that's understandable. These strangers could have been dangerous to her. Nothing wrong with that.
First of all, it was none of Lee's business so you cannot blame her for that. Secondly, the radio was something that should have been mentioned to the entire group for their own safety. As for criticizing Lee with Clementine, that's called being overprotective "i hope you know what you're doing with her" as an example. She cared enough about a kid to make sure she's in good hands, again she didn't know Lee well enough at that point. Not enough to hate her and in my opinion a petty reason for the hate. Sorry.
Christa didn't particularly want to stick around. They offered to help them move the tanker when they didn't have to, when the herd came she and Omid had no choice but to hop on the train with them. She didn't "demand" they help Omid. Everyone agreed to go to Crawford for their own needs. I'd like proof that she "demanded" help for Omid.
No, no please list them. I want to hear the smaller examples.
Wow, just wow! Abusive relationship? No offence but are you high?? Christa had probably not long lost her own baby, that and her boyfriend and you wonder why she acts cold, but abusive??? Fuck's sake man! Also the fact that she cared for Clem offscreen still counts as they had been together for all those months and Clementine still cared about her, it clearly showed after they separated. I hope Christa does come back, just wish i could see your reaction lol.
Disagree 100% with that bullshit. Amazing how different people see things.
Again, utter bullshit in my view. So you deem it an abusive relationship because of the way she chats the whole time in Season 1??? Err what?? Could you explain what the hell you mean here? Lol!
No, the reason she speaks out is because she is upset and doesn't want to think about Lee dying. She made that clear numerous times. Petty hate again.
You really need to read up about abuse. Abuse??? Really??? That is bullshit again. She didn't complain about her choosing Omid for a baby's name. All she said was "you always agree with him" and SMILED when she said it so for goodness sake that is so far the most petty thing to criticize Christa for!
Actually you're both wrong. After everyone runs into the classroom after Ben removes the axe from the door handle, if you stay silent or wait till the timer runs out this is the dialogue:
Ben: "This is my fault, all my fault!"
Christa: "What the hell's he babbling about"
Lee: "Ben we talked about this!"
Christa: "No wait, i want to know what he meant, what do you mean this is all your fault"
Ben: "Kenny, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry man!"
Kenny: "Kid this ain't the best time, whatever you did save it for later"
Ben: "I opened the door, i let them in!"
As you can see by the last line, he DOES confess what he did but most people don't know that because they choose the dialogue choice before the conversation ends. So Christa automatically knowing what Ben did makes sense. If you cut the dialogue off, then sure she shouldn't know but the idea is that she was aware of it.
You could say the same about Kenny or Lilly over the course of the game. So what?? People are entitled to disagree or show resentment. If everyone kept their mouth shut and agreed with Lee on everything then how fucked up would that be! Honestly that is still petty to hate on her for that.
But you haven't explained what makes her "manipulative", do you know what that actually means? Being cold doesn't make you manipulative. So i would like to see some examples of her "manipulation" please?
Yes. She doesn't ask if Lee is her dad, she's just says it. That nothing you say to a stranger even if you are right, she had no reason to think he wasn't.
I don't blame her not for telling i blaming her for being so fucking nosy and interrogating Clem within minutes of meeting her without telling anything about herself (I know she said she was from San Francisco but that isn't the point). Christa made it very clear that they weren't a part of the groop, and even if they were she still gave the same bitchy anser.(You tell her that you didn't want to worry her or that you were going to tell her)
She maybe cared for Clem or maybe not (I don't think so) but that doesn't matter. The way she sad "i hope you know what you're doing with her" just sounds threatening and as you sad she didn't know Lee well enough to say something like that, maybe if she was a little bit nice in the way she said it, but she was not.
First Christa did not to shit with the tanker. Omid offered to help, Christa try talking him out of it.
She sounds demanding in the way she always bitch about helping Omid when she's been clear that she don't want to stick around. At that point Lee and Kenny had no reason to give a shit about them.
No i won't. I know it is just going to be nitpicks. But that adds up in her being a bitch.
The way she's demanding and need of control over everything all the time. Her and Omid's relationship can easily be interpreted as abusive maybe not so much but to some degree. Even more so white Clem, for example when Clem tries to bring up Omid Christa immediately shuts Clem down. You can also easy get the feeling that Clem are scared to speak up to her. She threatened Omid in season 2 as joke, but who knows?
We don't know much about Christa but i think she checks out to many boxes just to ignore it. (Link to signs of abuse)
Yes it is.
Still pretty bitch move to shut down a dying mans last wishes. Not so petty at all.
Really doesn't matter if she knows or not, she has nothing to do with what he did with Kenny's family. It make sense for Kenny and Lee to vote him out because they know him, Christa don't.
Yes you could, and people do. Kenny and Lilly has always been hated by many people but Christa hasn't. That's why I think Christa is the most underrated shit character and would be a complete waste of a return.
So can you say one likable thing she does ON SCREEN?
Clearly not because I know that 90% of the people on this forum revear him as a god who can do no wrong.
And compared to the characters on the list beforehand Kenny doesn't get shit, in fact those characters already got so much hate. So he should be on this list.
THANK YOU!!! Someome else sees this.
Plus the way he raised his child left her unable to function without him. Sarah died because he conditioned her to need his help. All the AJ glad he does what he does. The poor kid could have been raised by Dr. Idiot. 6 years old, raised by a kid since she was 10 and he is more functional that a 15 year old raised by a grown ass man. Guy could have made her medic #2...but no.
90%???? Haha i have been around these forums since 2013 and after the chaos of 2014 with the Kenny/Jane wars i can assure you that this forum no longer has as many Kenny fans as they left not long after. There are a lot more people who dislike him on here these days, most people here hate him which is why I don’t think it is necessary for him to be on the list ok? Plus I disagree that he deserves “hate” anyway but that’s my opinion
She herself has only been apart of the group for a day and automatically thinks her vote matters? She’s so indecisive over it that when clementine votes for him to stay, christa merely abstains as if she realized how much of a dick she was. Ben helped christa with getting omid upstairs and checking the house with kenny when everyone first got inside. Ben is just a kid and she has little to no reason for putting him on the spot like we do, since we had to put Duck down and witness someone getting shot in the face for his actions.
When Ben took out the axe, the walkers weren’t there at the door anymore, otherwise they would have came in immediately.
Where is this shit about Christa being manipulative coming from?
I thought one of the complaints was that she barely actually did or mattered much [onscreen]?
What about Mike? He is your bro until Luke and maybe Bonnie dies, and the in the middle of the night he aims to steal away all the food, the truck you and Kenny fixed and the distraught Russian teen that was leading his gang towards you guys to,save his own ass from hiding the meds...and then not only does he try to justify thiz, as soon as Arvo shoots...he bails.
Yes I know he ran from Kenny and Jane, who would have likely fucked him up...but wtf Mike? You were solid up until then. Bonnie. I get. She is weak, her loyalty is somewhat fickle and died with Luke, even if you tried to save him. But Mike? That betrayal hurt.
Kenny always has been popular and you just admitted he used to have a lot of fans back in the day and if you look now he still does hes still got a shit tone of fans and it's still gotten to the point where you can't say anything about him and you prove that.
Also lets have a look at the characters who were named:
They are all hated more than Kenny. Kenny still has more fans than anyone in this forum till this day. He does some questionable shit in season 2. People are allowed to dislike him.
That was Carlos.
So??? People can make a judgment it doesn’t make her a bad person. She said “your not her dad” as a question which Lee responded “it’s that obvious?” And she says “to me” so she could just tell he wasn’t her dad, there are many reasons. It’s a stupid thing to dislike her for.
What are you on about?? When was she ever interrogating Clementine?? When they first met she asked if she could get to know the girl for a minute, how is that interrogating?? No one knows what her and Clem talked about but Clementine or Lee were not bothered by it. Again i really think this is really petty to nitpick over!
She never said she was or wasn’t part of the group. When they first met she said her and Omid would go if she didn’t like anything that was happening in the group and I don’t think that’s unreasonable. The fact is, she and Omid were with the group at the time and Lee decided not to tell her about the radio which was important if it meant she and Omid could be in danger for not knowing what was going on. Honesty is the most important thing in a zombie apocalypse so i do not blame her at all for being annoyed. Once again, that is very petty to “hate” her for.
Of course she cared for her!!! Why the fuck would she stay and look after her for over 2 years if she didn’t???
Threatening??? Are you for fucking real?? She was showing her concern for Clementine being put in a dangerous situation by Lee where she nearly got killed because Lee took her into a dark train station. Can you blame her? Besides, she wasn’t horrible about it, you are obviously extremely sensitive by the way people speak but she said “i hope you know what you’re doing with her”, that was not threatening at all. Later on she actually PRAISED Lee for it afterwards when you talk to her again. She says something along the lines of “it’s good that you worked together but always make sure you find more than one way out, don’t be looking in the same place, that’s a waste” stuff like that which was good constructive advice.
She didn’t try to talk him out of it, she was wary of being round strangers which naturally is very sensible. She never once said she wouldn’t help, show me proof where she said “no we aren’t helping”. She didn’t do shit because that is why the people playing the game have Lee to always do everything like getting the train started, feeding the group etc. Omid helped enough said.
She doesn’t sound demanding at all, i just think you have a sensitive thing about yourself where you think someone is being horrible when they aren’t. You are in a very small minority.
That’s because you can’t think of anything else and because even if you did yes they would be petty nitpicks that are most likely extremely harsh/pathetic.
Explain? How is she controlling?? You still haven’t proven how she is manipulative which i know is absolute bullshit dude. Your hate for her is clouding your judgment of what real emotional abuse is.
That is NOT abuse! If you didn’t want to talk about something or someone it is your right to say to that person that you don’t want to talk about it. Omid was the love of her life, he died, she partially blamed Clem for it so you can’t blame her for being cold in that moment. What i implore you to do is stop being 100% negative about her and look at the good things she did for Clem like looking after her for 2 years (offscreen DOES matter because it still happened), or when she taught Clem how to stitch up wounds or cook in the forest.
Scared? Again show me proof? She was reluctant to speak up if you like but scared is the wrong word and again that is most likely due to Omid’s death and how Christa’s grief affected her. It is completely understandable so i do not think it’s fair to say Christa is in the wrong.
If you are talking about the line “you’ll be sleeping in the rain tonight” then quite frankly i am done speaking with you because that would sum up how completely idiotic you feel towards her. I am sorry, i am not intending to offend you but i can’t not lie about it. She did not threaten Omid at all.
None of those things come close to Christa. I doubt anyone else on these forums will agree with you on that.
Stop being sensitive man! When Lee said he wanted Kenny or Omid/Christa to look after her, she said emotionally “stop it” like she was upset to hear it. She wasn’t being horrible or intending to shut down a dying man’s wish. Stop labelling her out to be a monster when you know that’s not true. It really is petty hate i wish you could see it.
She didn’t vote him out due to what he did to Kenny’s family, it is because of how he put everyone in danger by letting the walkers get inside the building. Please read what i said. You criticised her for wanting Ben out because you thought she didn’t know what Ben did to fuck up but i just proved that she did know. I was not once referring to what he did to Kenny’s family, it has nothing to do with my point.
Well lucky for you i doubt she will come back but wish she did just to see your reaction lol.
Yes i can:
She gives constructive advice to Lee about surviving which i said earlier about making sure you always have more than one exit, look in different places, not the same spot.
She makes sure Clementine stays away from the dead dog when Lee has dug it up in case it’s dangerous. Not a huge thing but likeable to me.
She goes with you to find Clementine once she realises Lee is bit. She also cuts Lee’s arm off when no one else had the guts to do it for him, she probably did the patching up job too.
Her and Lee had a nice conversation on the hospital roof. Likeable.
She saved Lee’s life by shooting a walker when they were escaping to the top of the Crawford bell tower.
As a joint effort to help everyone she put her life on the line by going to Crawford with everyone which was still a likeable and good deed.
She determinately kills the boy in the attic for you if you or Kenny decide not to do it yourself.
Season 2 she tells Clem the importance of making fires and cooking food for herself that it was something she needed to learn to survive. Good constructive advice and likeable.
All onscreen.
I am not trying to offend you or tell you that you’re wrong for disliking Christa but when you don’t acknowledge the good things about her then that’s where i have to say my piece because she isn’t as bad as you make out to be that’s all.
First of all, the whole scene with Ben taking the axe out of the door was ridiculous even for Ben’s stupidity and the walkers god knows why they weren’t there then just burst through. You can hate Christa for that but I don’t blame her and being there a day in the group matters for shit. If someone puts your life in danger multiple times then something has to give. It wasn’t the first time Ben fucked up. Hell i liked Ben, i didn’t hate him because i knew he was a dumb kid who made mistakes and maybe Christa was hasty in what she said but i still don’t blame her. My point is that I’m not going to hold a grudge and hate her for that one thing like i am guessing you and the other guy do but sure whatever.
Well from what i have seen there are more haters on this forum for Kenny than those that like him nowadays. Maybe i just haven’t visited the right threads but whatever. It’s my opinion that he doesn’t deserve the amount of hate he does get. There are so many extremely hateful sensitive people around here anyway.
By the way, i never said you can’t dislike him but it won’t stop me from saying i don’t agree lol
Thank you! Calling Christa manipulative is like saying Larry is a lovely person
Kenny already gets enough of everything.
Fine, but there are many other reasons to hold a grudge against her.
She never wanted to join Lee’s group but after Omid busted his leg she wants to force everyone to slow down for them. She never had a reason to join them to the heart of savannah, and when Ben was supposed to be watching out for a little girl, christa made him abandon his duty.
Christa gets herself into a situation where she needs to gets saved by someone, that person being Kenny. She didn’t have to jump down in a rush, not knowing if there would be walkers or not.
When Lee dies to keep Clementine safe, she and her boyfriend have a quickie or something in a bathroom leaving a 9 year old to go in alone in the next room.
I don’t like her character at all, I’m glad she was only in the first 10 minutes of Season 2 and nothing else.
Except that she was there with them at the moment and the humane thing to would be to help someone in need. She didn’t force the group to stop. She said he needed to rest and that was it.
Yeah because a pregnant lady was going to lift her boyfriend all by herself? That was no excuse to dislike her. Petty dude. Ben could have grabbed Clem by the hand and gone up together so it was still Ben’s fault that he didn’t stick to his responsibilities.
But they were in a rush to get to the hotel where Clem was. Sure it was hasty but how you can honestly dislike her for that is ridiculous unless it is of course because it resulted in Kenny being lost from the group even though he caused the radio to drop in the first place.
That is the fault of both her and Omid, not just Christa but it must be hard for a couple to get the chance to have sex when a 9 year old is always around them lol. Again, petty hate as far as i am concerned and yet people make mistakes. I don’t agree that people should continuously hold grudges for the smallest of things. But whatever man, i am not going to change your mind but i disagree with what you say and don’t feel her dislike is justified
You really are a Christa fanboy. I am gonna try to make this short.
that's not a question, look it up.
Christa didn't do shit enough said.
I'm not.
What i implore you to do is stop being 100% positive about her.
Yes they do, you just refuse to see it because you are a Christa fanboy.
How about you do the same.
Fair enough, but some of the are just bullshit. Like...
That's determinant, if you don't show your bite and don't bend over to everything shes say, she can almost be a big of a dick as Kenny in that situation.
Only for Omid, she said it herself.
Ok but she couldn't bury him herself, she made Lee do it.
It had been 16 month she should have told her that a long time ago. But for the other point, fair enough.
All the points about the abuse and the manipulation are most speculations that I se can be a possibility but I completely understand a Christa fanboy like you cant see it.
You see people like you end up resorting to insults. Calling me a Christa fanboy, just because i defend her bad points doesn't make me her biggest fan. I see the good in every character, even some of the worst out there. I do not look at myself as a negative person, only when i am disagreeing with people like you. But when people don't acknowledge the good things about someone then that's when i step in. You can hate Christa as much as you want, that's up to you but i am giving you another insight instead of the constant negativity you are giving this character. Also i noticed you still haven't given a proper answer as to how Christa is manipulative because none of your posts have actually given evidence as to how she is, only that you say so.
It's getting late where i live and i have work in the morning so i won't discuss this further. I just think you need to lighten up a bit, maybe we both do but all i know is that i would rather talk positively about people than negative.
Stop with the arguments people. You just.. argue and argue and argue..

I call you a Christa fanboy because you defend every shity thing she does.
Seriously? This is a thread about characters that deserve more hate.
Yes I answered that it is most speculations and fanboys like you couldn't see the connection.
And stop being a hypocrite by saying:
When you clearly do the same.
It is clear that you are just a troll so I am not gonna respond with a new post, or anything more than this for that matter. Have a good day.
Christa is literally the most "meh" character in twdg. Why are we even having this discussion lol xdddd?
Lol i touched a nerve then. Don’t be upset little boy! It’s ok to be wrong about Christa ?
Also you still haven’t said why she is manipulative lol. You continue to say yes you have but you haven’t lol. There is no connection to what you have said. Even @DabigRG thinks its bullshit that’s she’s manipulative.
Have a good day Sebby! You are very entertaining kid ?
To be fair her pregnancy wasn’t that big of a hinderance for her at the time, given she was able to handle herself at crawford and is bigger than Omid. My dislike for her is petty, I’ll admit that. She did have a strong attitude early on and didn’t really have much to do besides being worried for Omid and then being salty after he died.
It’s ok. If we all liked the same person it would be a boring world
Aside from being obnoxious, she got Chuck killed, fer crying out loud.
And when she cracks wise about Lee's group being unstable when Kenny is ranting at Ben about his family's death, I wanted to slug her.
I guess i'm kinda sick of people treating him like a god,and i'm not gonna lie a part of me wish that they went with his original death instead in S3 just to see how triggered the fans would be
If i knew his S3 outcome i would have happily accepted his S2 death over that.
Triggered? No. If he had died in S1 then there wouldn’t be as many haters as there are these days for him
Maybe ask yourself...what was it about Kenny that made suicide the preferred option. Honestly look at it like this...her whole world was in shambles...and then her son is bitten...and worse...Kenny was in self pity not spending time with Katjaa nor Duck...harkening back to Kenny's own admitted guilt of preferring to be away from his family. Yeah...the choice was easy.