Is Anyone Else Terrified For Episode 4?
Is anyone else dreading having to say goodbye to all our beloved characters? It's going to be pretty depressing.
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I'll become Batman after completing Take Us Back.
I'm still waiting to finish being Bigby.
I’m dreading it for sure, I don’t want to be emotionally gutted during december of all months
Is this shit even being released anytime soon?
Could be, depending on how many people will be working on this project. Telltale only had 200 employees but Skybound, through contracted workers and their own, might double the amount of people.
As long as Louis lives - I will be happy. Hell, even Clem dying will not be as painful to me knowing the fact that Louis will take care of mr. shitbird. But if he dies. And Clem. And the rest of them... well shit. It's going to be painful as hell.
I dunno what to feel. There is so much that could go right for Clem, but there is an equal amount that can go terribly, terribly wrong. It is the walking dead after all.
My only hope is that the game leave us with a positive spin to what's happening, that Clem has a small piece of 'happily ever after'. If they do decide to kill off Clem... well I hope she dies with the same dignity as Lee did. Anything less would be a slap in the face.
I dont because I can keep playing this game whenever I want in my steam library even after I completed episode 4, just like I did for the other 3 seasons.
Not really dreading the end of the game, no. I am however dreading the content of said ending. I desperately want my Clem and peers to have a satisfyingly happy ending. Obviously it can't go without casualties, but hopefully it's determinant.
No terror, but I'm worried.... I hope that the series will get a GREAT ending. That's deserved.
No, I'll just replay the whole game or play other games I liked or have interest in, like Rainbow 6, Cyberpunk 2077, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and this other one called, Call of Cthulhu.
I’m just glad we are actually getting an ending
I have a horrible feeling that we are not gonna be clemintine in episode 4 based on find clems hat trophy
I have faith everything will come out smoothly.
Dude, get it into the [SPOILER] would ya?
I think that it will be the end of the episode. Like she died and we got to play as AJ for a one scene.
I'll start being terrified once we hit the last roadblock aka waiting for the final ep...and before playing it.......
My greatest fear is that I won't even cry and Telltale would have failed me!!
There may be no redemption arcs for Marlon, but if will ever be a good redemption arc, it'll be when ANF writers manage to make an impressive final episode. I trust you Adam, and everyone else, hopefully your game is good enough to entertain yet depress adults and not be immature.
It's going to be pretty painful during the credits of Ep 4, we'll just sit there thinking about how we had to say goodbye to Clem while depressing music plays in the background. It's going to hurt.
I wanna be wrong!!!
For sure, a lot of us have watched Clem grow up these passed 6 years, and although we want her to be happy it is the walking dead so..
As long as Clem doesn't die it will be a bittersweet feeling. If she dies though... I'll just be totally depressed...
Pretty much
Not terrified, but yeah it's pretty sad. Not even really because of what fate the characters might meet, but because it's the last Telltale game we'll ever play.
The game is no longer telltale it's a skybound game now
My thoughts exactly. Their stories end with the company.
That's what I meant when I said terrified.
That's kinda a weird technicality to dwell on.
Yeah kind of. I am pretty confident that Clementine and AJ will survive The Final Season and Episode 4 will be a great conclusion to Clementine's Story, ideally and possibly ending with her and AJ settling down at a place that they can call home. It will be hard to say goodbye to Clementine one last time but knowing that AJ and her can live relatively happy lives with one another is both satisfying and a great conclusion to the Story in my eyes and it will put a big smile on my face!
I just want to inform people I have no idea how it will end
but I am 110% confident we will see a happy ending. It may not float some people's boat but it will more than certainly float my boat 
I couldn't agree more.
I really hope you’re right
I wish I had that confidence ? Maybe there is a way to trick yourself into feeling that way. At least for a day
I'm more concerned of a EP4 even being made at this point.
Nope, i’ll be glad when it’s over. Telltale had long been a sinking ship. But sure there will be small things i’ll miss i guess