What songs or tracks would you like to hear re-used in the next two episodes?
I was listening to "In the Water" when this discussion idea popped in my head. Are there any songs you'd like to hear reused, either for credits songs, or for general background music? Feel free to share your thoughts below.
I have an obvious one: Take Us Back should definitely be the credits song for episode four.
Also, it would be nice to hear Clementine's Theme for the episode four trailer.
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I wouldn't mind "In the Water" for Episode 3's ending credits or "Salty Seas".
For Episode 4 definitely "Take Us Back"
I'd like "Salty Seas" for episode 3 and "Take Us Back" for episode 4
Lungs and Limbs - Grim Ranger, ANF ending.
"Take Us Back", "Salty Seas" and "Grim Ranger"
This was never used but it was supposed to be the track that played during the “No Going Back” episode slide. I feel like it would perfectly fit the “Take Us Back” slide.
I would love Take Us Back to be played at least once, multiple times would be good too, in the final episode. In The Water and Salty Seas would be good too. Where I want them depends on the content. Take Us Back just seems kind of obvious and I will be VERY disappointed if we don't get that song in ep 4 considering the title of said episode.
Definitely "A Traitor Within", it's been used in every season so far. In Season 1, it was used when Lee and Kenny came back to the Motor Inn, only to find out Lilly discovered that somebody was stealing supplies. It plays in Season 2 when you have to decide whether to sit with Kenny or Luke. And finally, in Season 3 it plays While Clem, Kenny, and AJ are driving down to Florida before the car crash. It'd mean so much if it were to return one last time.

Grim ranger
When shit starts going to to hell, we need as some Country Roads.
I'd really like to hear "Armed with Death" one more time. It's awesome.
Take Us Back, and on a side note, that song seems to get taken down quite a bit off of youtube.
Armed with Death, Take Us Back, Salty Seas, and In the Water
Salty Seas.
Take us Back will definitely be the track used in Episode 4's credit scene, of that there's no doubt.
Unlike others, I don't want to hear Armed With Death again. It's an awesome song no doubt, but that's Lee's song, it will always be associated with Lee. If they want a track for some badass Clem moment, then they should come up with something original.
Both Goodbye and Alive Inside will probably be used again at some point.
And for Episode 3's credit song, I'd love to hear In The Water, either the original or the Clementine remix.
Wye Oak's Civilian. Had it stuck in my head all week. It was such a powerful song at the end of "18 Miles Out", especially when Shane's starring at the walker in the distance.
I think it could be good to have at the end of the next episode, as there is no doubt some tough choices are ahead.
Obviously "Salty Seas"
"Alive Inside" is too depressing to even handle
It's good now
I think it would be cool and kinda fitting