Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • Well can’t wait to finally get some answers tomorrow so goodnight gang

  • Where do we watch it from?

  • But then I wouldn't tweet about it this way.

    gta3demon posted: »

    They're there to answer questions and improve PR. Unless we get news before hand of a release date, they won't announce it at an AMA.

  • You don't watch it. You just go the subreddit.

    Where do we watch it from?

  • I decided to finally watch the tv series and I just finished watching episode 1. Man.. that was SO GOOD :D

  • Good look! Have fun! Don't mind season two!

    NexusFire posted: »

    I decided to finally watch the tv series and I just finished watching episode 1. Man.. that was SO GOOD

  • In what way does that imply anything more than an AMA? It says we know you have questions, ask them. It doesn't say "big reveal at the end" or something of the sort. My bet still lies on cookie cutter answers (with maybe hints of interesting stuff we didn't know before) and a release date guarantee "In the near future."

    GSSalvador posted: »

    But then I wouldn't tweet about it this way. https://twitter.com/skyboundgames/status/1051885850143936514

  • Will do! Thanks!

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Good look! Have fun! Don't mind season two!

  • How long until it starts? (Don't give me the exact time, just tell me how many hours, thanks)

  • ...

    NexusFire posted: »

    Countdown to the AMA: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20181017T14&p0=197&msg=Reddit+AMA+with+Ian+Howe,+CEO+of+Skybound+Games&font=cursive&csz=1

  • edited October 2018



  • Fair warning: season 1 is the best season of the entire show. It gradually declines in quality after that but s2 was still very good imo.

    NexusFire posted: »

    I decided to finally watch the tv series and I just finished watching episode 1. Man.. that was SO GOOD

  • Disagree. Season 2 was the weakest. Season 3&4 the strongest.

    Fair warning: season 1 is the best season of the entire show. It gradually declines in quality after that but s2 was still very good imo.

  • So any news apart from the AMA?

  • That's debatable.

    Fair warning: season 1 is the best season of the entire show. It gradually declines in quality after that but s2 was still very good imo.

  • Highly. I know a lot of people who couldn't get through the second season and had given up on the show until I told them to get through it and give the third season a chance.

    iFoRias posted: »

    That's debatable.

  • AMA is in 11 hours, we should get at least some info then. I doubt they'll reveal anything beforehand.

    MrGraffio posted: »

    So any news apart from the AMA?

  • Don't listen to him, Season 2 is extremely underrated. I won't spoil it, but there is a ton of character development (though it moves slowly at times), and overall it just gets a bad rep. Not the greatest season but not the worst. Overall, it's a pretty great series (though some of the plots of the show are just terrible) -- up until Season 7 IMO.

    NexusFire posted: »

    Will do! Thanks!

  • edited October 2018

    On Rotten Tomatoes, it does say that the plot can be slowly moving. I can see that Seasons 6, 7, 8 are not going to be that great..

    But is Season 9 good? From the ratings it seems like it.

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Don't listen to him, Season 2 is extremely underrated. I won't spoil it, but there is a ton of character development (though it moves slowly

  • Isn't that, like, the last Season?

    NexusFire posted: »

    On Rotten Tomatoes, it does say that the plot can be slowly moving. I can see that Seasons 6, 7, 8 are not going to be that great.. But is Season 9 good? From the ratings it seems like it.

  • edited October 2018

    I don't know.

    EDIT: On the wiki, it doesn't say anything about it being the last season so I guess it's not.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Isn't that, like, the last Season?

  • There have only been two episodes in season 9 so far but from what I’ve seen, with Angela Kang as the new show runner it’s shaping up to be a good one!

    NexusFire posted: »

    On Rotten Tomatoes, it does say that the plot can be slowly moving. I can see that Seasons 6, 7, 8 are not going to be that great.. But is Season 9 good? From the ratings it seems like it.

  • edited October 2018

    That's great to know! I've been hearing that the series has been getting a lot worser with every season but it's good to see that it's becoming better now.

    RyanUlysse posted: »

    There have only been two episodes in season 9 so far but from what I’ve seen, with Angela Kang as the new show runner it’s shaping up to be a good one!

  • Season 9 has been really good so far.

    It's really weird, Scott Gimple, when he took over as show runner for Season 4, really saved the show, Seasons 4 and 5 were great seasons. After that, I don't know what the hell happened to him because he almost killed it again. Season 6 had some great moments, but each half really fizzled out towards the end, especially the finale, and Seasons 7 and 8, which should have been the best seasons considering what's in the comics, were awful.

    NexusFire posted: »

    I don't know. EDIT: On the wiki, it doesn't say anything about it being the last season so I guess it's not.

  • I liked season 4 to 6 the most, I just skipped all the innapropriate content because that was spammed and we're good.

    Jimayo posted: »

    Disagree. Season 2 was the weakest. Season 3&4 the strongest.

  • No, the series has no signs of stopping.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Isn't that, like, the last Season?

  • He killed Andrea as a character, and, well, he killed her. That's fine, but Carl dying took it one step too far. I liked his death scene, but in the long run the show really has nothing left. Villains don't count when your characters are mediocre at best. With Carl in the whisperer storyline (Carl plays a big role in the whisperer storyline, 'Romeo and Juliet' -esque plot) the show would be so much better. Morgan should've died instead, one of Rick's best friends. read this article it's really good https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/10/06/the-one-death-in-the-walking-dead-that-still-makes-me-mad/#b29d474fcbbb

    Season 9 has been really good so far. It's really weird, Scott Gimple, when he took over as show runner for Season 4, really saved the sh

  • Last half of Season 4 and first half of Season 5 were really good, they should have been meshed together as just one.

    Fair warning: season 1 is the best season of the entire show. It gradually declines in quality after that but s2 was still very good imo.

  • Season 3 Episode 10 - Season 5 Episode 10.

  • First: don't trust Rotten Tomatoes for anything tv show related.

    Second: S7 & S8 are MUCH MUCH worse than that.

    Third: S9 has been great so far. New Showrunner and it shows.

    NexusFire posted: »

    On Rotten Tomatoes, it does say that the plot can be slowly moving. I can see that Seasons 6, 7, 8 are not going to be that great.. But is Season 9 good? From the ratings it seems like it.

  • Wait what "dodgy AMA"? What happened?

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Yea, I honestly feel like Bruner and Job saw Telltale as a business purely for their own personal gain, hence the dodgy AMA and Bruner's law

  • Just finished watching episode 2. That ending tho :D Gotta love Glenn.

  • Maybe he burned himself out? Maybe he enjoyed being showrunner in the beginning, but quickly grew tired of it. Maybe being the showrunner of one of the most successful tv shows of all time is not the healthiest thing in the world and he developed some mental problems due to that stress, which could've impacted his work quality with each season, since each season after season 5 got worse than the last one. He also did the fourth season of Fear and it was as good as you would expect: not at all.

    He probably stayed showrunner for so long because of contractual obligations. He's now the overseer of the tv franchise, which seems to be a much more theoretical position than a practical one.

    Angela Kang does already a good job making S9 HER seasons. It feels significantly different from everything that came before. Can't wait for the rest of the season.

    Season 9 has been really good so far. It's really weird, Scott Gimple, when he took over as show runner for Season 4, really saved the sh

  • Lol no u shut up

    lol ur not getting wolf 2 shut up

  • Good luck catching up :P

    NexusFire posted: »

    I decided to finally watch the tv series and I just finished watching episode 1. Man.. that was SO GOOD

  • Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun so far!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good luck catching up :P

  • S1 is great, S2 is BORING!

    Every season after then has it's ups and downs...

    Fair warning: season 1 is the best season of the entire show. It gradually declines in quality after that but s2 was still very good imo.

  • Agreed. The shift in tone is so sudden and very little happens over the course of the season... But yeah, the following seasons are good.

    Similar thing with Fear The Walking Dead. First season is good, second season is dull as shit, then S3 onward is pretty good

    Jimayo posted: »

    Highly. I know a lot of people who couldn't get through the second season and had given up on the show until I told them to get through it and give the third season a chance.

  • Episode 1 of Season 5 is a brilliant episode. So much action and Carol turns into an action movie hero with all the kills and stunts she pulls off (like blowing up that fuel tank with a firework)

    For anyone who has given up on TWD tv series because Season 8 wasn't very good. I HIGHLY recommend giving Season 9 a chance, 2 episodes in and already we have a lot going on, lots of character developments, doesn't feel like filler, the new show-runner has really made a difference.

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