Clem doesn't need a relationship.
Considering the current circumstances, a relationship should be the very last on her list of priorities. There are way more important things to worry about than romance(like, I don't know, making sure you keep having a roof above your head, food, water, the war with Delta etc. You know, survival) . A relationship is completely unnecessary.
Singletine all the way.
Change my mind.
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Are you trying to say Clem is a independent feminist icon? Bitch she needs a man to support her.
Well, I can't deny that survival is important and should be taken seriously. But are those moments off hard work really worthy if Clem can't enjoy living. I'd say not. Cause whats the point off survival then?
You need to have something stable first.You work to build it. The way things are right now, a relationship is completely unnecessary.
Survival is not just about physical health, fighting walkers, finding good, keeping oneself fit, etc, it's also about mental health. What keeps you going is your will. If you have lost all hope for your life, what's the point of surviving? I'd say friendship and love are still very important in a world full of zombies. We need them before the zombie Apocalypse. We still do after it.
I wasn't talking about friendships, just the romance part
I generally don't care personally, but I will say that there was a little much in Episode 2.
Why should I change your mind? I don't give a damn what you think.
I'm not denying that survival is the most important thing in Apocalypse. It's also the most important thing in real life. It's just that most of us live in societies where survival isn't a big problem, so we pay more attention to other things that matter the most to us. These things include friendship and love. In the world of zombie Apocalypse, survival becomes our greatest concern, but that doesn't mean love becomes unnecessary.
I want Clem to live, but love and crap like that are going to kill one of my favourite characters and this pisses me off a bit.
Clementine does not need a relationship, she definitely needs a battleship.
Kenny would agree.
I'm starting to think this choose who u romance options is a big mistake just because of the fact that she's now bi no matter what out in the blue like wtf where's my damn choice here?
YES! Finally, something everyone here can agree on.
The whole shipping thing is forced and pretty distracting in itself imo.
Wait...are you saying the shipping threads...are forced and a waste of time and forum space? I am shocked...and yet agree.
Why do so many people think humanity should die off during the zombie apocalypse?
You notice that humans are at the end of their thinking capacities when they want to complain about the existance of something purely optional that can be avoided and its rejection brings literally no conflict in the game.
Or when they're fighting to decide who's the best romance even when it doesn't matter because both options are friends and it's totally up to you to choose between one of them without creating any conflict about it.
I swear to God I'm gonna open a brain restoration clinic soon. Seriously tho, that's one of the biggest problems with the world: People can't choose something without wanting everyone to decide that too, too selfish to notice that people have free will to choose whatever the fuck they want just like you do.
I have seen time after time in so many threads a ridiculous amount of people who think relationships and children are a terrible idea in the zombie apocalypse. That is literally rejecting the survivability of humanity as a whole. If you think people shouldn't have kids because it makes it harder for them to survive you are saying humanity should die out.
She can't become the world's greatest fighter if she's distracted by relationship stuff.
Really? The world's greatest fighters have almost always been husbands. And the few that weren't were almost always obsessed with some woman. The amount of world's greatest fighters who weren't obsessed with relationship stuff is minuscule.
She will be the world's greatest fighter, who at the same time, is single and uninterested in relationships
Way to move the goalpost.
You said being obsessed with "relationship stuff" prevents her from being the worlds greatest fighters. It doesn't. Admit you were wrong.
it does though, and I'm never wrong.
Then prove me wrong. Prove Lu Bu wasn't a family man. Prove Zhang Fei and Guan Yu weren't either. Prove Achilles wasn't obsessed with a woman. The best fighters are relationship types. Caring about people doesn't diminish clem. Like it didn't diminish them.
To say “become” is implying she isn’t greatest already
Can she perform the hundred hand slap?

Can she pull off the hyakurestsukyaku?
Can she execute the hadouken?
Does she even power up???
Excactly. Until they reach S9 Alexandria levels of safety, no relationships.
''But Goku!''
She can't just rip away the natural human emotions of love just because the world she's placed in? Doesn't work that way. Their is absolutely nothing hindering her life or being problematic with either love route so far. Their is nothing wrong with having a healthy relationship in any trial or tribulation you're placed in.
If anything taking on the role of supporting AJ was the real suicide mission here. But die doing something good rather then living a lie, just like Lee. Lilly is a fucking coward and has the nerve to say "he shoulda ditched you". Spineless people throw away morallity for the sake of "surviving". I'm glad Clem has feelings and puruses them. If anything it probably lifts her morale and makes the world feel at least an 8th normal for once. She is actively focusing on all the things you listed. Sprinkling some love in there never hurt nobody. She does need time to be a human at the end of the day. Her whole life is death and suffering. She should get a chance to smile and love at the very least.
The winner is right here.
Fictional character is the best you can do. Shocker.
Mate, you're just making yourself look bad. This whole time Dex was mainly referring to Goku, hence wife. It's not a serious or debatable topic, but if it were, then I'd agree with you.
As much as I campaigned for Clem having a determinant relationship back then, I sort of regret doing it because of stuff like this. I feared people would be focused on only the relationships rather than the story and the characters themselves. Seriously, about 80% of the fanbase is either having a shipping war or gloating on how their ship is the best. Not to mention fellow fans will burn other fans for stating their opinion on their ship (being called homophobic for not supporting Violetine or being called racist for not supporting Louistine).
Now with the whole drama about Clem being bisexual and all that...
What happened to us?
I've always known it wil come to this the moment I saw the setting for TFS and how the entire cast consists of teenagers.
The only thing I dislike are those that moan about the discussions other individuals engage in. The shipping threads have not stopped others from having traffic, in fact they are still a minority of topics on the board even if those threads are very active, just scroll through for yourself.
This immature picking on people that enjoy the possible romantic aspects of a game always gets on my nerves.
She IS a fictional character, so yea its befitting... And you are making yourself look bad by taking this as serious as you are..