Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • Hopefully we get some news next week and release shouldn't be too far down the road :)

    Chibikid posted: »

    It is rather sad to think today was when the episode was suppose to be released.

  • Hi all, I haven't been following the forums since Season 3 ended so I'm quite out of the loop.
    Does anyone have any info on when the 4th season will be purchasable again on Steam? I didn't have money for it when it came out and now it can't be bought. I really just want to secure my game in my Steam library and wait out what Skybound does.

  • As of now, no. Skybound is still trying to finalize certain legal aspects and can't put the game back up on Steam or anywhere else yet.

    HunBonus posted: »

    Hi all, I haven't been following the forums since Season 3 ended so I'm quite out of the loop. Does anyone have any info on when the 4th se

  • At the end of today’s new issue of the comics, Kirkman didn’t add any new details to Ep3/Ep4. Not that I expected him to I suppose.

  • Eh, doesn't seem any different than the messages they have been sending the past few weeks. Doesn't appear to me that there is any update on the horizon. But I do anticipate an update before December, with Ep 3 release before January.

  • Soon = Forever

  • It's pretty much the same thing they've been saying without saying anything concrete.

  • I honestly don't think they have an idea when EP3 will be released.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Soon = Forever

  • Oh my God, I think I know who Skybound's PR person is.

    Chibikid posted: »

    It's pretty much the same thing they've been saying without saying anything concrete.

  • Soon

    The cycle continues.

  • Soon could mean another month or next year with as vague as its been.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Soon = Forever

  • I understand the frustration, but these things take time. Try to think about something else as the time passes.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Negativity? I'm silent as fuck and I'm not okay with that. The official definition of "soon" is "forever". I wanna know how many employees of the original team they rehired so far.

  • I have a good feeling that we might receive episode 3 the week after Thanksgiving, but I maybe completely off.

  • When is this "Thanksgiving" you are referring to?

    I have a good feeling that we might receive episode 3 the week after Thanksgiving, but I maybe completely off.

  • 2 weeks, if you are in America.

    When is this "Thanksgiving" you are referring to?

  • Haha, sorry. Sometimes I forget that some people aren’t from the U.S. in these forums. Just like what @Sire-Lollipoo123 said, it’s in exactly two weeks.

    When is this "Thanksgiving" you are referring to?

  • edited November 2018

    I don't know why anyone is expecting news considering the shit they are dealing with. Remember last time Telltale gave out news prematurely over some leaks...they had to pay netflix a shit ton of money and they died. I don't want skybound to deal with bad shit like that, so if they going through legal shit and can't disclose anything just let them deal with it in peace. We'll get the episodes just need some patience.

  • Telltale died because of their own failings, not because of a leaked deal with Netflix.

    The thing is with Skybound it seems as if nothing has even really happened. I mean as in actually acquiring TFS dev team to begin development or having an idea of when they may even begin development not even thinking of a release date.

    I don't know why anyone is expecting news considering the shit they are dealing with. Remember last time Telltale gave out news prematurely

  • They may not have crumbled specifically because of the Netflix deal leak, but it sure did play a role.
    And it may seem that way now, but we all know what is going on, they are still at negotiations, if they released a statement that says "Stay Tuned" then they must be very close to making it a done deal. They said during the AMA they expect Episode 3 to release to the public before the end of the year. It may not be a release date but it is a release timeframe, and I am fairly confident that Skybound will release it in that timeframe. We just need patience, if we can wait the majority of the year for The Final Season to actually release, then we are more than capable of waiting a couple of months for the deal to wrap up and for Episode 3 to release.

    Chibikid posted: »

    Telltale died because of their own failings, not because of a leaked deal with Netflix. The thing is with Skybound it seems as if nothing

  • edited November 2018

    How long have they been "negotiating" for now? A month, lol? It feels like they are trying to find a way to deliver the bad news, tbh.

  • edited November 2018

    A month isn’t very long for this sort of thing

    How long have they been "negotiating" for now? A month, lol? It feels like they are trying to find a way to deliver the bad news, tbh.

  • Telltale died because of their own failings, not because of a leaked deal with Netflix.

    They could've survived longer, if they didn't had to pay Netflix because of the leaks. So, that leak actually killed it much sooner.

    Chibikid posted: »

    Telltale died because of their own failings, not because of a leaked deal with Netflix. The thing is with Skybound it seems as if nothing

  • I contend they would have died out just the same. This is has been years of poor management and stagnate growth of their products. Not to mention that their sales have been consistently declining receiving less commercial success as they had.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Telltale died because of their own failings, not because of a leaked deal with Netflix. They could've survived longer, if they didn't had to pay Netflix because of the leaks. So, that leak actually killed it much sooner.

  • Saw a video that said there was a recent update to the game on Steam. Is this true?

  • I havent saw that video but the last update as of this moment was 7 days ago and it was just store tags so likely nothing to do with the game. The last update that looked like it had to do with the game was on Sept. 25th 2018.


    gta3demon posted: »

    Saw a video that said there was a recent update to the game on Steam. Is this true?

  • This! Why don't they update us on how many employees they've rehired, how successful they've been so far, if development has even started, if employees are being paid right now but work hasn't started (wouldn't it be wierd if you had a job but not development hadn't started yet, and you just had to wait until that happened but at the same time you had to pay all your bills) this kind of stuff. ASAP isn't gonna cut it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Negativity? I'm silent as fuck and I'm not okay with that. The official definition of "soon" is "forever". I wanna know how many employees of the original team they rehired so far.

  • I'm pretty sure that's not how this works they just can't tell us all that,they're probably dealing with all the legal issues and shit,they're trying to do their best and hire as many people as they can from the original team,there's also the people who already found a job so it's complicated.

    Seriously people need to stop freaking out it's only been what,a month ? Just chill these things takes time,they said they're going to finish the game and they will.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    This! Why don't they update us on how many employees they've rehired, how successful they've been so far, if development has even started, i

  • This whole forum right now.

  • Huh, is that the Berserker armor in your avatar, Aron?

    AronDracula posted: »

    This whole forum right now.

  • I'm a hoonter.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Huh, is that the Berserker armor in your avatar, Aron?

  • edited November 2018

    Nah fam lets not forget when he ran the PR on Telltale's twitter, their account wouldnt tweet shit for months lmao

    Oh my God, I think I know who Skybound's PR person is.

  • I never want to hear the word soon ever again :)

  • Ah, Dark Souls, I always forget it was heavily inspired by Berserk.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm a hoonter.

  • Close. It's actually Bloodborne.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Ah, Dark Souls, I always forget it was heavily inspired by Berserk.

  • On the bright side, even though we won’t get Episode 3 for a while, we can at least get our stats for Episode 2. Every little bit helps, Skybound.

  • edited November 2018

    Such a shame. We were meant to be looking forward to Ep.3 right now in this very week and instead we get more confusion on when the next episode will come out.

    Please come out and give us something soon, Skybound. I miss Clem :'(

  • The stats are up?

    On the bright side, even though we won’t get Episode 3 for a while, we can at least get our stats for Episode 2. Every little bit helps, Skybound.

  • No, but when they do, something assimple as that would be delightful

    Archielan posted: »

    The stats are up?

  • People who are expecting things to happen relatively soon need to realize that Skybound isn't a traditional company that 'makes' video games. They as of this point have just been a company that gives other companies the right to make a game within the universe of one of their products. They have an incredible amount of work to do without even getting into all the legal issues that are going on and it is going to take far more time than some of you are saying. When the guy said he was thinking ep 3 would be out before the end of the year he likely was just trying to keep people optimistic about the situation.

    Don't be surprised if we don't see Ep. 3 until after March of 2019 and Ep. 4 doesn't come out until 2020 sometime (if it ever comes out).

  • 2020 is pushing it, don’t you think?

    sony12 posted: »

    People who are expecting things to happen relatively soon need to realize that Skybound isn't a traditional company that 'makes' video games

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